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News: CoroCoro reveals identity of the legendary forms


  • 21,057
    This month's issue of CoroCoro has started to leak and has revealed the names of the forms on the boxarts. The Solgaleo form is called "Necrozma Mane of Twilight". Lunala's form is called "Necrozma Wings of Dawn". They both have the signature moves of Solagelo & Lunala respectively.

    Scan #1

    Scan #2

    Updating as more news/scans come through.
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    Hmm i saw the box arts, but I thought they had already been out. Nice to finally have some info about the forms.... Let me see if I can get and post a picture of box arts.

    Ok both of these are from Amazon. Ok resized. Should be smaller now.

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    Looks like I was right with my theory that they were indeed fusions! Definitely reminds me of Black and White Kyurem.

    Kinda annoyed that it's another minor piece, and it seems likely the Direct may only cover the English names of these forms.
    hmm "definitely not related to necrozma" amirite

    sounds pretty cool, but what I'm really hoping for is an explanation as to why they're fusing in the first place... I don't expect this from CoroCoro obvs but in-game there better be one >.>

    I think it's interesting that Solgaleo's name has Twilight and not Dusk in it.. "twilight" can mean both dawn and dusk while "dusk" refers to the day -> night change only. they should have switched the words for this form and Lycanroc's cause I would assume they meant half-light (not specifically day -> night) for Lycanroc but I'm sure they meant true dusk to apply to Solgaleo.

    edit: so dumb of course this is the japanese transliteration so i hope the english one gets this right
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    Looks like I was right with my theory that they were indeed fusions! Definitely reminds me of Black and White Kyurem.

    Kinda annoyed that it's another minor piece, and it seems likely the Direct may only cover the English names of these forms.

    Well remember, we have like 3 blank spaces on that one site that said merchandise would be raveled on the 29th. They said it didn't say anything about Solgaleo and Lunala, but since these are considered Necrozma, that might be what we get, but we still have that 1 space... I think there was 3 spaces left.

    I am glad we got confirmation about it being similar to BW2. Hopefully that means the storyline will be a type of alternative continuation or something.
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    Finally some info..
    if solgaleo is twilight and lunala is dawn maybe we still can get a dawn lycanroc.
    So we now have confirmation of those two being Necrozma forms, and we even have names for them. That's something until next month, at least.

    i hope we will get english names in the direct.
    If we get USM news in the direct.
    I don't like that the designs for both have more Lunala/Solgaleo in them than they do Necrozma, if they are actually forms of Necrozma.

    Regardless, I like the names. Gamefreak always tries to mix stuff up to keep it fresh, so the longer names don't bother me.
    Looks like I was right with my theory that they were indeed fusions! Definitely reminds me of Black and White Kyurem.

    Kinda annoyed that it's another minor piece, and it seems likely the Direct may only cover the English names of these forms.
    There's going to be a Nintendo Direct soon?
    So all we got names and confirmation of the necrozma forms? Sorry but that is not good enough. I am not satisfied by this small news. We might as well have gotten nothing. When are we actually gonna get proper news? I doubt direct have anything interesting. Corocoro is a let down.
    Yes. This one's going to be around 45 minutes long, so there'll be a lot of games covered.

    Awesome :D!

    Well, my expectations for new Pokemon SM news are small. Usually Nintendo Directs that aren't Pokemon Directs tend to have very little new main game Pokemon news, if any at all.
    I've lost hope for new Alola forms, but give us something! BW2 had more info revealed around the same time. Stuff like old pokemon returning, new gyms and gym leaders, facilities and areas, new protagonists, new enemies and a new rival were all talked about.