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News: CoroCoro reveals Rockruff's evolutions & new Ultra Beasts for Sun and Moon!


  • 21,057
    The latest issue of CoroCoro brings us the latest new Pokemon and more!

    Rockruff's evolution forms

    New Ultra Beasts

    • Rockruff's evolution is called Rugarugan and has two different appearances depending on the time of day
    • Two new Ultra Beasts have been revealed: UB-02 Beauty and UB-02 Expansion
    • UB-02 Expansion appears in Pokémon Sun whilst UB-02 Beauty appears in Pokémon Moon
    • Midday Rugarugan's signature move is Accelerock/Accel Rock whilst Midnight Rugarugan's signature move is Counter

    Check out the daily article here!
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    Those Rockruff evolutions are very sick indeed! Definitely not surprised it has day and night forms there, considering the general theme of the game.

    The new Ultra Beats look a bit weird, but it'll take time to grow on me. The real disappointment here is we didn't get anything regarding starter evolutions, since the starters were tied to the Rockruff "secret" that's been floating around.
    This most likely confirms that starters evolutions have different forms! I'M SO HYPED!!!

    In today's CoroCoro leaks, we learn that Rockruff's evolution has two forms, depending on if it evolves during the day or the night.
    Do you think this is the secret shared with the starters?

    I personally think so, it would be amazing!! It would also mean that the leaks we've seen of the final stages are not the only form!
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    This most likely confirms that starters evolutions have different forms! I'M SO HYPED!!!

    I don't think that would be the reason they're trying to keep them under wraps for so long. Guess we'll have to wait until October at the earliest before we know for real, unless if the middle evolutions really are being kept secret until release which I don't has happened with a starter trio's middle stages since Sinnoh, where Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup weren't revealed in CoroCoro until close to Diamond & Pearl's release.
    Maybe it happens at the final stage only?

    But they've been teasing a secret shared by the starters and Rockruff.
    And we've just learnt that Rockruff's secret is that it has an evolution with two different forms. It seems logical to me that this is the shared secret with the starters...
    Maybe I'm just a purist when it comes to the starters. I don't like the idea of the starter evolutions having different forms, especially if this ends up being the "secret".
    It's kinda strange that last month Corocoro seems to make a big fuss about Rockruff's secret, where in the end it's just a day/night difference. Both looks awesome! But I prefer the day version Lugalugan as night Lugalugan looks like good dog gone wild XD. Now Ultra Beasts have their name (not quite near a standard Pokemon name but it's okay for me I guess).

    In Serebii it says UB Beauty appears in Moon and UB Expansion appears in Sun, where they attack Tapu Koko. Technically this means UB should somewhat has their own attacks and we might be able to use them in battle?
    Thanks for mentioning the new Ultra Beats are version exclusives. I liked UB-02 Beauty better than Expansion so I'm glad I'm picking Moon as my main version. Plus, who thinks UB-02 Beauty reminds me of Lusamine, like how UB-01 is Lillie?
    I'm loving how alien and creepy the Ultra Beasts look. It's making me excited just thinking about how they're going to factor into the story.

    It seems Expansion might be exclusive to Sun and Beauty is exclusive to Moon. According to Serebii. There's pictures of them fighting Tapu Koko....although it's hard to see if that's in an actual battle or a cutscene.

    Rockruffs evolutions look interesting. I feel like there's a certain group of fans who're going to go bonkers over the day evolution. Personally I'm a bit more interested in it's night evolution. It looks really cool.

    (and yeah the second I saw UB-02 Beauty I thought of Lusamine, seems pretty obvious)
    I don't mind anything else in the games (excited about everything else) but I absolutely despise the idea of Ultra Beasts. They're creepy and just don't seem like Pokemon. I see the backlash that Pokemon Go is getting just for not adding a tracker back in... now a game where every single formula has practically changed? I think Pokemon is going to lose a lot of fans. Mega Evolution doesn't seem as crazy compared to UB's. Mega Evolution was enhancing Pokemon we already knew for ages, that's cool. This is adding a fifth move, removing the standard eight gym leaders, reversing the time in one game, adding in these barely Pokemon creatures, Type: Null...which barely sounds like a Pokemon... etc.

    I just don't like the chances of these games being as successful as Kalos and Unova were. I mean Unova was absolutely HATED for only having the new Pokemon. And now you've got a game that changes basically everything. I think unless we have a remake in this generation I don't think the cool new region/everything is going to save Pokemon... and it's going to get accused of becoming like Yo-Kai Watch (look at the UB's... they look more like YW characters than Pokemon).

    Like seriously, imagine Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Go. It probably won't get that far but... yeah. Just imagine. And think about how backlash occurs so easily. I'm really concerned for the future of Pokemon. Unova and Kalos were still really good because they changed the formula slightly and kept everything else the same but better. This just changes everything. Like I mean I'm still gonna play the games and love the region etc and the basic Pokemon but... when you think back 20 years did you really think that Pokemon would look a lot more Yokai Watch than Pokemon of the past?

    (The released Pokemon are fine but Type: Null, Tapu Koko and the Ultra Beasts just... are so different to what we're used to and I feel like it's losing the innocence of simplistic designs and going into the odd y'know).
    I think Nica does have a point - Game Freak have literally been taking inspirations from Yo-Kai Watch which has been threatening Pokemon's fanbase as of late, since loads of young kids in Japan preferred Yo-Kai over Pokemon so Game Freak were like "if we're losing our fans to a rival franchise, we need to copy them".
    Thanks for mentioning the new Ultra Beats are version exclusives. I liked UB-02 Beauty better than Expansion so I'm glad I'm picking Moon as my main version. Plus, who thinks UB-02 Beauty reminds me of Lusamine, like how UB-01 is Lillie?

    Seems most people expecting UB-02 Beauty to be Lusamine. I'm still not convinced yet, UB-01 just screams the name Lillie from its appearance, but UB-02 Beauty doesn't 100% let u scream out Lusamine. UB-02 Beauty has a different hairstyle, and she doesn't has the crystal Lusamine wears. The scans are not high resolution enough to see UB-02 Beauty's eyes though. If UB-02 Beauty has the same shading of eyes as Lusamine... then I'll be totally convinced! But, UB-02 Beauty being Lusamine means that the story will be much fun in Moon than Sun, it'll be not fair for Pokemon Sun gamers. So I doubt it, for now.

    Then again, if UB-01 is Lillie, UB-02 is Lusamine, UB-02 Expansion is... Faba? ._________.
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    Pokemon takes ideas from Yo-Kai, just as Yo-Kai takes ideas from Pokemon I think.
    They're both really popular in Japan, while Pokemon is still more popular in the rest of the world, and they want it to remain this way I think.

    It would explain some of the changes, but I also think that Pokemon has been using the same formula for 20 years now, and Gamefreak knew they had to change Pokemon for people not to grow bored of the game. They're taking risks, I like it :)
    Wow I like these Ultra Beasts designs. So alien, so quirky. UB-02 Beauty resembling Lusamine is so avant-garde glamour, if there was a pokemon runway, it'd kill the show. UB-02 Expansion looks like something out of a mecha novel and really sinister, with that metal mosquito-like proboscis. I wonder which human it is meant to mimic; Lillie's father??

    I love the different time-based evolutionary forms and if the starters share that, wow wow wow that is a treat. I love the Night Rugarugan, probably because I like those Zoroark-esque pelts. Don't want to be some Capt. Obvious here, but they're probably gonna localize the form names to Sun and Moon forms LOL.
    It's possible a lot of these big changes are also because the games have a new director in Shigeru Ohmori.

    Isn't this the first brand new generation he's directed? He was in charge of ORAS too but since that was a remake I guess his influence could only go so far.
    Pokemon takes ideas from Yo-Kai, just as Yo-Kai takes ideas from Pokemon I think.
    They're both really popular in Japan, while Pokemon is still more popular in the rest of the world, and they want it to remain this way I think.

    It would explain some of the changes, but I also think that Pokemon has been using the same formula for 20 years now, and Gamefreak knew they had to change Pokemon for people not to grow bored of the game. They're taking risks, I like it :)

    Considering what you mentioned about Yo-Kai Watch being so popular to the point it's stealing fans away from Pokemon, it made sense for Game Freak to take a drastic measure to make Pokemon fresh again so that it doesn't lose to the Yo-Kai fans.

    It's possible a lot of these big changes are also because the games have a new director in Shigeru Ohmori.

    Isn't this the first brand new generation he's directed? He was in charge of ORAS too but since that was a remake I guess his influence could only go so far.

    Yes this is the first new generation that Ohmori directed. OR/AS was his first game though, and considering the timeline in OR/AS was known to be a parallel universe, it is making sense that he's going down the route of weird and out-of-the-ordinary for sure.
    I don't mind anything else in the games (excited about everything else) but I absolutely despise the idea of Ultra Beasts. They're creepy and just don't seem like Pokemon. I see the backlash that Pokemon Go is getting just for not adding a tracker back in... now a game where every single formula has practically changed? I think Pokemon is going to lose a lot of fans. Mega Evolution doesn't seem as crazy compared to UB's. Mega Evolution was enhancing Pokemon we already knew for ages, that's cool. This is adding a fifth move, removing the standard eight gym leaders, reversing the time in one game, adding in these barely Pokemon creatures, Type: Null...which barely sounds like a Pokemon... etc.

    I just don't like the chances of these games being as successful as Kalos and Unova were. I mean Unova was absolutely HATED for only having the new Pokemon. And now you've got a game that changes basically everything. I think unless we have a remake in this generation I don't think the cool new region/everything is going to save Pokemon... and it's going to get accused of becoming like Yo-Kai Watch (look at the UB's... they look more like YW characters than Pokemon).

    Like seriously, imagine Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Go. It probably won't get that far but... yeah. Just imagine. And think about how backlash occurs so easily. I'm really concerned for the future of Pokemon. Unova and Kalos were still really good because they changed the formula slightly and kept everything else the same but better. This just changes everything. Like I mean I'm still gonna play the games and love the region etc and the basic Pokemon but... when you think back 20 years did you really think that Pokemon would look a lot more Yokai Watch than Pokemon of the past?

    (The released Pokemon are fine but Type: Null, Tapu Koko and the Ultra Beasts just... are so different to what we're used to and I feel like it's losing the innocence of simplistic designs and going into the odd y'know).
    There won't be as big of backlash as you think. In fact a lot of people are loving Sun and Moon because of all the changes. A lot of people are excited about Ultra Beasts, they don't look like Pokemon simply because they aren't Pokemon. For the first time in Pokemon we are finally getting boss battles!!!!! I'm so hyped. Yea 8 gyms are cool but seriously the last time a gym gave me trouble was in gen 2 so they were never challenging anymore. Black and White wasn't hated because it was changed it was hated because it didn't change enough.