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[PKMN FULL] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

I'm reading over the posts already made, trying to catch up with everything that's going on. So...I don't know how soon I'll be posting IC. There's a lot of already posted things to read. Like, 30 pages, and I only have so much free time every day, so...yeah.

Alek; Team Rocket

Name: Alek Zhao

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Team Rocket - he knows where his loyalties lie and right now, that remains with Team Rocket. His demeanour around his fellow co-workers is that of a cold, distant person that cares for nothing but getting the task at hand complete.

Arryn - her shocking reveal of what she truly is left a bitter taste in his mouth since the day she fled. More so, that he cannot erase the feelings he harboured for the Hybrid, as much as he would love to just forget her and move on. Caring for her leaves him indecisive in his role at Team Rocket.


Pokemon team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

Hybrid Trainer typing: Steel
Hybrid Trainer Ability: Heavy Metal
Hybrid Trainer Moveset: Bullet Punch, Gyro Ball, Metal Claw, Iron Defense

Attack execution:
Bullet Punch - self explanatory
Gyro Ball - also self explanatory
Metal Claw - Alek has fingerless gauntlets with three, sharp steel blades that are retractable

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I'm reading over the posts already made, trying to catch up with everything that's going on. So...I don't know how soon I'll be posting IC. There's a lot of already posted things to read. Like, 30 pages, and I only have so much free time every day, so...yeah.

I would just read the last 3 or 4 pages. Really no need to read all.
Hey guys, sorry about being inactive for the past week or two. Not really sure how long I've been gone since the past few weeks have just blended together for me. But now that the 4th has passed and I'm no longer working 14-16 hours a day I can start posting more often again.
You're both in. Imma spoil something for yall, Garchomp will be my main Pokemon. ;)

Ooh, interesting...

Anyway guys, I just wanted to let you guys know I'm going to be on vacation starting tomorrow till Sunday, and I won't be back online till Monday. I am going to New Orleans since I've never been there before and wanted to go shopping and go do some walks and events that they have there. I won't be able to post in the Roleplay IC thread until Monday as such since I won't have my laptop with me or internet connection. See you guys in 4 days from now! :)
Villain idea if you wanted someone who was powerful and could challenge the group in ways that does not revolve around a straight up fight (which he is good at as well, but would be outmatched by the Hybrids).

Being a Mercenary if need be he is not invested in either side, and can be made to switch things up at a moments notice. I realize this is far out there, but felt kind of bad for Rain T. being solo against a small army, but didn't want to go anything close to a traditional route for a character. If he is rejected I have no problems with it.

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Time for my Team Rocket hybrid character:

Name - Jack Frost
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Personality - Jack Frost is a very cold person. He's always wondering why people are nice in the world. He doesn't let anyone or anything stand in his way when he wants to get a job done. He is even cold enough to let other people get killed in the process of doing his missions and letting things get destroyed. Long ago he did have a caring for people and Pokemon, but that caring is long gone. The only thing he harbors now within his soul is hate. And the second thing, only other thing you need to know about him is that he does not stop until the job is done. He will even go so far as to put himself in danger or at risk to complete his mission. He envies others, and as such he tends to read people before fighting them and taunt them about their inaccuracies and flaws. He is a very cold person now and can not be changed. His only mission now is to serve Giovanni and complete any mission Giovanni sees fit for him to do.

[PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

Pokemon: All of Jack Frost's Pokemon are strong, toughened through many battles. His main partner Pokemon, Abomasnow, is the only one that can mega evolve though. It's the one he's spent the most time training out of all of his Pokemon.

Pokemon on team: Abomasnow (Holding Abomasite), Snorunt, Riolu, Gallade, Meditite, and Heracross

Hybrid typing: Ice and Fighting

Moves Jack Frost can use: Bulk Up, Ice Beam, Close Combat, and Glaciate

Attack Execution: First thing Jack Frost will do when he engages an opponent in battle is use Glaciate, turning everything within a two mile radius into ice and snow in the matter of seconds. This will also slightly damage everyone in the area, as well as boost Jack Frost's power and speed. Then he will follow up with Bulk Up three times in succession in which he is most vulnerable during this time. After he has Bulked up three times he will be bigger and stronger than before. After that he will put his hands in the form of a Ka-me-ha-me-ha looking stance, and then shoot a giant Ice Beam at the opponent, launching them into the air and freezing them. Then he will quickly dash into the air and use Close Combat on the frozen sculpture of a person breaking the ice and seriously damaging the opponent, sending them to the ground.

Weapons: Jack Frost carries a sword in a sheath that is made of the toughest ice on the planet, meaning it can't be broken, and it IS sharp. He only pulls it out and fights with it when he is out of all other options, and he is adept at the art of the sword, so that he is able to use it. He even dubbed the name "Icy Excalibur" to his sword. While the main part of it is solid ice, the hilt and bottom of it are very much just made of a gripping material, so if that part is ever cut off along with Jack Frost's hands the rest of the sword just becomes a hunk of useless ice.

It just got pretty chilly in this roleplay, didn't it? Hehe... (Pun intended)
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I understand that you are a bad guy and bad guys tend to be strong from the start, but your can is extremely overpowered to me.

We also decided not to allow hybrids to mega evolve even though we were going to do it later on. Also, do you really need all of your pokemon to mega evolve? 1 or 2 may be ok, but all 6?

I also think bazookas and all that other stuff is a bit much. There wouldn't really be a need for pokemon if you had those.

I'll let Gray look at it though, I am just giving my opinion.
I understand that you are a bad guy and bad guys tend to be strong from the start, but your can is extremely overpowered to me.

We also decided not to allow hybrids to mega evolve even though we were going to do it later on. Also, do you really need all of your pokemon to mega evolve? 1 or 2 may be ok, but all 6?

I also think bazookas and all that other stuff is a bit much. There wouldn't really be a need for pokemon if you had those.

I'll let Gray look at it though, I am just giving my opinion.

I will edit some stuff out. He does seem a bit OP now that I think about it.

EDIT: I took some stuff out so that he's not OP. Also, I redid his Pokemon team so some of them aren't fully evolved yet. He should be good now when Gray looks it over.
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I will edit some stuff out. He does seem a bit OP now that I think about it.

EDIT: I took some stuff out so that he's not OP. Also, I redid his Pokemon team so some of them aren't fully evolved yet. He should be good now when Gray looks it over.


There's nothing wrong with being mechanical and all that, However, Your character is essentially unbeatable. It's not that he's OP, its just he's indestructible. He has no known weakness. Read this:

"If he is shot or stabbed, or even punched hard enough, part of his body will be launched off him onto the ground. It will recollect afterwards into a snow-looking substance and then climb back onto his body and form back into him, turning back to the human way he looks with skin and everything. He looks human enough, but under his skin tissue that was applied to him, he is all highly advanced mechanical, and under that is the snow-like substance that forms his body and helps him live. Because of this state of the art technology he can take tons of hits before getting weakened."

How do you expect a character like this to be taken down? Impossible.
You'll have to come up with a weakness for this character. One that is accessible and can subject him to DEATH.

Also, If Giovanni could create things like him, He would have already invented something in order to take down the Hybrids no problem. He would have made ALL grunts like you. But he didn't, Meaning he can't. The technology is way beyond the realism of the current state of the RP, if I'm making any sense.

As for the mega evolution, It was my fault for not stating it, But If you want a mega evolution, You'll have to work for it.

Sorry if it seems like I'm coming off hard on you. :\ But I've been getting complaints which is irritating to deal with. How about you get rid of all that bionic stuff and give him a mechanical arm or something. Maybe both his arms, Make him a steel type and a fighting or something like that. Add an elemental ability and save your mega ideas for a time later in the RP. I dunno, but I'm just coming up with Ideas in order to help you understand. I love you're creative Idea, and I like how you did apply aspects that make sense, With tissue and such, but this RP isn't at a point where bionic humans/Hybrids/robot things can be made.

There's nothing wrong with being mechanical and all that, However, Your character is essentially unbeatable. It's not that he's OP, its just he's indestructible. He has no known weakness. Read this:

"If he is shot or stabbed, or even punched hard enough, part of his body will be launched off him onto the ground. It will recollect afterwards into a snow-looking substance and then climb back onto his body and form back into him, turning back to the human way he looks with skin and everything. He looks human enough, but under his skin tissue that was applied to him, he is all highly advanced mechanical, and under that is the snow-like substance that forms his body and helps him live. Because of this state of the art technology he can take tons of hits before getting weakened."

How do you expect a character like this to be taken down? Impossible.
You'll have to come up with a weakness for this character. One that is accessible and can subject him to DEATH.

Also, If Giovanni could create things like him, He would have already invented something in order to take down the Hybrids no problem. He would have made ALL grunts like you. But he didn't, Meaning he can't. The technology is way beyond the realism of the current state of the RP, if I'm making any sense.

As for the mega evolution, It was my fault for not stating it, But If you want a mega evolution, You'll have to work for it.

Sorry if it seems like I'm coming off hard on you. :\ But I've been getting complaints which is irritating to deal with. How about you get rid of all that bionic stuff and give him a mechanical arm or something. Maybe both his arms, Make him a steel type and a fighting or something like that. Add an elemental ability and save your mega ideas for a time later in the RP. I dunno, but I'm just coming up with Ideas in order to help you understand. I love you're creative Idea, and I like how you did apply aspects that make sense, With tissue and such, but this RP isn't at a point where bionic humans/Hybrids/robot things can be made.

I was considering wiping him and making a Team Rocket Hybrid character from scratch, but I figured I could edit some stuff out and change some things so that he seems more realistic and not OP. I edited him now based on your advice. How does he look now?
Time for my Team Rocket hybrid character:

Name - Jack Frost
Age - 25
Gender - Male
Personality - Jack Frost is a very cold person. He's always wondering why people are nice in the world. He doesn't let anyone or anything stand in his way when he wants to get a job done. He is even cold enough to let other people get killed in the process of doing his missions and letting things get destroyed. Long ago he did have a caring for people and Pokemon, but that caring is long gone. The only thing he harbors now within his soul is hate. And the second thing, only other thing you need to know about him is that he does not stop until the job is done. He will even go so far as to put himself in danger or at risk to complete his mission. He envies others, and as such he tends to read people before fighting them and taunt them about their inaccuracies and flaws. He is a very cold person now and can not be changed. His only mission now is to serve Giovanni and complete any mission Giovanni sees fit for him to do.

[PokeCommunity.com] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

Pokemon: All of Jack Frost's Pokemon are strong, toughened through many battles. His main partner Pokemon, Abomasnow, is the only one that can mega evolve though. It's the one he's spent the most time training out of all of his Pokemon.

Pokemon on team: Abomasnow (Holding Abomasite), Snorunt, Riolu, Gallade, Meditite, and Heracross

Hybrid typing: Ice and Fighting

Moves Jack Frost can use: Bulk Up, Ice Beam, Close Combat, and Glaciate

Attack Execution: First thing Jack Frost will do when he engages an opponent in battle is use Glaciate, turning everything within a two mile radius into ice and snow in the matter of seconds. This will also slightly damage everyone in the area, as well as boost Jack Frost's power and speed. Then he will follow up with Bulk Up three times in succession in which he is most vulnerable during this time. After he has Bulked up three times he will be bigger and stronger than before. After that he will put his hands in the form of a Ka-me-ha-me-ha looking stance, and then shoot a giant Ice Beam at the opponent, launching them into the air and freezing them. Then he will quickly dash into the air and use Close Combat on the frozen sculpture of a person breaking the ice and seriously damaging the opponent, sending them to the ground.

Weapons: Jack Frost carries a sword in a sheath that is made of the toughest ice on the planet, meaning it can't be broken, and it IS sharp. He only pulls it out and fights with it when he is out of all other options, and he is adept at the art of the sword, so that he is able to use it. He even dubbed the name "Icy Excalibur" to his sword. While the main part of it is solid ice, the hilt and bottom of it are very much just made of a gripping material, so if that part is ever cut off along with Jack Frost's hands the rest of the sword just becomes a hunk of useless ice.

It just got pretty chilly in this roleplay, didn't it? Hehe... (Pun intended)

I could work, But that attack execution is a combo,meaning Not everything will play out the way you may want it to. The weapon is perfect.
I could work, But that attack execution is a combo,meaning Not everything will play out the way you may want it to. The weapon is perfect.

I understand that, which is why I know people will be able to escape it somehow. He's a very methodical character which means he is willing to take risks. :P

Thanks! I just thought of the weapon on the spot.

Anything else I need to change for him?
I'd like to submit my own Rocket Hybrid. I did help come up with the idea, after all.

We have a nice list of Team Rocket Hybrids now:

Alek Zhao
Jack Frost
Melody Hendricks
Valkyrie (Val)

And don't forget we may have a Mercernary now that can work for either side by switching it up

Harvey Scott

Things should be getting pretty balanced now between the number of good hybrids and the number of Team Rocket Hybrids

EDIT: I know a new day has started, but I am kind of following ElBurrito in the story, and it would seem odd if I just ran ahead of him to the house and went inside to introduce myself, seeing as my character doesn't know which exact house it is, so I'm going to wait for ElBurrito to post and respond to my character before posting. ;)
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Just some notes:

As a Mini GM, as given to me by Gray, I would like to list somethings that cannot be used in the RP, if you have broken any of these, do not threat and please just edit things out.

~ Lysandre is not part of the criminal tag team. This is because he wanted to destroy the world other than himself and team flare members.

~ If you are in control or RP some of the bigger characters of the teams, such as Archie, Gio, Maxxi, ect, please try to keep their personalities consistent. But also please do not go overboard with acting with these characters, if it is something big, please let Gray no so that he can act as Gio or the others.

~ Please try to keep in mind that we are in a pokemon world still, although it is rated M, try to remember that this still is a pokemon world. Otherwise meaning, please do not go totally overboard with technology and such. A few things like pistols. swords, ect. are ok. But don't suddenly drive a tank or something of that nature. If you wish for something like this, please ask Gray, Arryn, or me so we can talk together and talk to the rest of the members if it is ok.

~ If something seems overpowered to you, please ask people in the RP on their opinion.

~ If you are making a Team Rocket based hybrid and something is possibly RP changing, please ask Gray to see if something is ok.

~ Mega Evolution must be worked for or toward.

~ Although there is a lot of romance in the RP currently, please remember the Pokecommunity rules. Remember that there is still kids who read this site. So keep all the very deep stuff behind the scenes. However, there is nothing against the rules to have a little comedy or suggestiveness. Just says to keep in-bed moments behind the scenes, obviously, must should know what this means.

~ And of course, follow all the other RP rules already stated and the Pokecommunity rule

I think those are all for now, Gray let me know if this list is ok. Let me know otherwise.
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Just some notes:

As a Mini GM, as given to me by Gray, I would like to list somethings that cannot be used in the RP, if you have broken any of these, do not threat and please just edit things out.

~ Lysandre is not part of the criminal tag team. This is because he wanted to destroy the world other than himself and team flare members.

~ If you are in control or RP some of the bigger characters of the teams, such as Archie, Gio, Maxxi, ect, please try to keep their personalities consistent. But also please do not go overboard with acting with these characters, if it is something big, please let Gray no so that he can act as Gio or the others.

~ Please try to keep in mind that we are in a pokemon world still, although it is rated M, try to remember that this still is a pokemon world. Otherwise meaning, please do not go totally overboard with technology and such. A few things like pistols. swords, ect. are ok. In other words, don't suddenly drive a tank or something. If you wish for something like this, please ask Gray, Arryn, or me so we can talk together and talk to the rest of the members if it is ok.

~ If something seems overpowered to you, please ask people in the RP on their opinion.

~ If you are making a Team Rocket based hybrid and something is possibly RP changing, please ask Gray to see if something is ok.

~ Mega Evolution must be worked for or toward.

~ Although there is a lot of romance in the RP currently, please remember the Pokecommunity rules. Remember that there is still kids who read this site. So keep all the very deep stuff behind the scenes.

~ And of course, follow all the other RP rules already stated and the Pokecommunity rule

I think those are all for now, Gray let me know if this list is ok. Let me know otherwise.

I'll edit my post, but should I ask Gray first which sort of villain it would be okay to use for my post (One that Jack meets up with)? Otherwise I may have to redo the whole thing rather than just editing Lysandre out.