- 1,152
- Posts
- 18
- Years
- Age 33
- Melbourne, Australia
- Seen Feb 3, 2015
Here are some hacks that I have made for people. I hope you enjoy them. I have attempted to explain how they work as well, for those who want to learn. :)
Remove the "Previously on your quest..." scene from game load.
Run a script from an items "Use" command or from registering it from select...
More to come as I can be bothered.
EDIT: Also feel free to ask about/request stuff here. I may not do all requests, but I'll try my best. :)
Remove the "Previously on your quest..." scene from game load.
Change bytes at 110F44 to 00 20
Change bytes at 110F50 to C0 46
Basically, this code counts the amount of important events that have occured. Once it reaches 3 (CMP R2, #3), it stops counting and continues the game as normal. What we want to do is make it so it always returns zero. We do this by setting R0 to 0 instead of incrementing as normal, and then removing the loop with the NOP (which literally does nothing) command.
08110F32 loc_08110F32: @ CODE XREF: sub_08110F14+3Cj
08110F32 MOVS R0, R2
08110F34 MULS R0, R7
08110F36 ADDS R0, R5, R0
08110F38 ADDS R0, R0, R6
08110F3A LDRB R0, [R0]
08110F3C LDR R3, =unk_0203ADF9
08110F3E CMP R0, #0
08110F40 BEQ loc_08110F48
08110F42 LDRB R0, [R1]
08110F46 STRB R0, [R1]
08110F48 loc_08110F48: @ CODE XREF: sub_08110F14+2Cj
08110F48 ADDS R0, R2, #1
08110F4A LSLS R0, R0, #0x18
08110F4C LSRS R2, R0, #0x18
08110F4E CMP R2, #3
[S-HIGHLIGHT]08110F50 BLS loc_08110F32[/S-HIGHLIGHT]
08110F32 loc_08110F32: @ CODE XREF: sub_08110F14+3Cj
08110F32 MOVS R0, R2
08110F34 MULS R0, R7
08110F36 ADDS R0, R5, R0
08110F38 ADDS R0, R0, R6
08110F3A LDRB R0, [R0]
08110F3C LDR R3, =unk_0203ADF9
08110F3E CMP R0, #0
08110F40 BEQ loc_08110F48
08110F42 LDRB R0, [R1]
08110F46 STRB R0, [R1]
08110F48 loc_08110F48: @ CODE XREF: sub_08110F14+2Cj
08110F48 ADDS R0, R2, #1
08110F4A LSLS R0, R0, #0x18
08110F4C LSRS R2, R0, #0x18
08110F4E CMP R2, #3
Run a script from an items "Use" command or from registering it from select...
First of all, follow DavidJCobb's Item Creation Tutorial, until the part where it attempts to add scripts, to actually create a new item. But change the "Type" combobox to #2 in the Item Manager. JPANs engine is not required!
Next step is to put this (assmelbed) code somewhere:
Where XXXXXX is the location of your script reversed. 800300 would be 00 03 80, for example.
By entering this hex somewhere in the ROM and putting it's offset+1 in the "Field Usage" box in the Item Manager, you can call any script by using the item from the bag or by select. :) Say I put the routine at 800000 in the ROM, the Field Usage box would be 08800001.
Here's the unassembled code:
Next step is to put this (assmelbed) code somewhere:
10 B5 04 1C 78 46 13 30 0C 49 08 60 20 1C 0C 49 00 F0 10 F8 10 BC 01 BC 00 47 10 B5 04 1C 0A 48 05 49 00 F0 07 F8 20 1C 06 49 00 F0 03 F8 10 BC 01 BC 00 47 08 47 C0 46 E5 9A 06 08 98 99 03 02 3D 10 0A 08 09 75 07 08 XX XX XX 08
By entering this hex somewhere in the ROM and putting it's offset+1 in the "Field Usage" box in the Item Manager, you can call any script by using the item from the bag or by select. :) Say I put the routine at 800000 in the ROM, the Field Usage box would be 08800001.
Here's the unassembled code:
.align 2
.global Hax
push {r4, lr}
mov r4, r0
mov r0, pc
add r0, #0x13
ldr r1, .unk_02039998
str r0, [r1]
mov r0, r4
ldr r1, .sub_080A103C
bl bx_r1
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
push {r4, lr}
mov r4, r0
ldr r0, .ScriptToCall
ldr r1, .CallScript
bl bx_r1
mov r0, r4
ldr r1, .del_c3_from_linked_list
bl bx_r1
pop {r4}
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2
bx r1
.align 2
.word 0x08069AE4+1
.word 0x02039998
.word 0x080A103C+1
.word 0x08077508+1
.word 0x08800300
More to come as I can be bothered.
EDIT: Also feel free to ask about/request stuff here. I may not do all requests, but I'll try my best. :)
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