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News: Double update on Sinnoh games reveals Hidden Moves, Kleavor

Double update on Sinnoh games reveals Hidden Moves, Kleavor

Double update on Sinnoh games reveals Hidden Moves, Kleavor

The Pokétch is back too, and makes Hidden Moves (HMs) easier to use. Phones exist in ancient Sinnoh as well – perfect for taking photos of Scyther’s new evolution.
Whole party in overworld/interactable in Amity Square? Pokétch in the top right corner looking good, and includes Memo Pad? HMs don't require your party members to know the moves? Awesome remixes? sign me up
I can summon infinite Bidoofs with all the HMs I need? I want this feature in every new game, please and thank you.
Wow, actually looking really good! I am getting even closer to wanting to get these for sure.
BDSP look really fun! Love that HM's are incorporated into the Poketch - it'll allow for more team variety now that we don't need an HM slave with us for a majority of our traveling. Not digging the location of the Poketch, but I guess there really is nowhere else to put it lol. Overall really excited for BDSP!

Legends is still eh to me. I'll still end up picking it up though.
me quietly chuckling at people who argued hms were coming back in the original way... haha.

death to hms circa gen 6
No (traditional) HMs means I'm sold on these games now. Thank fucking god, we don't have to waste a move slot on a our Pokemon anymore. I'm so happy they're implementing HMs this way in the way it was with Pokeride in Gen 7. Thank you, ILCA.
I love that bidoof is the in canon hm slave now lol

Something random but something I still can't wrap my head around are kleavor and the rest of the regional evolutions are they considered Gen 4, Gen 8 or Gen 9 Pokémon
I love that bidoof is the in canon hm slave now lol

Something random but something I still can't wrap my head around are kleavor and the rest of the regional evolutions are they considered Gen 4, Gen 8 or Gen 9 Pokémon

They're gen 8 Pokemon because they debuted in generation 8, but I understand the confusion. Like people being confused as to whether remakes are considered games from the gen they're remaking or the gen they're made in.
omg the remakes look so cute holy crap lol. I can't get over the chibi people overworld models. I like how true they are staying to the old game, with the HM animations and stuff like that. And the visual style and everything. It really goes to show how far ahead of its time DP was. I just don't think the first gen 3DS was equipped to handle it. I'm glad to see it's getting its moment to shine 15 years later.

Meanwhile... L:A's graphics continue to disappoint. I'm having a hard time deciding which I want to get now.
omg the remakes look so cute holy crap lol. I can't get over the chibi people overworld models. I like how true they are staying to the old game, with the HM animations and stuff like that. And the visual style and everything. It really goes to show how far ahead of its time DP was. I just don't think the first gen 3DS was equipped to handle it. I'm glad to see it's getting its moment to shine 15 years later.

Meanwhile... L:A's graphics continue to disappoint. I'm having a hard time deciding which I want to get now.
I think it's cute and wholesome too. I am getting used to the chibi look, and honestly think I'll adjust.

No (traditional) HMs means I'm sold on these games now. Thank fucking god, we don't have to waste a move slot on a our Pokemon anymore. I'm so happy they're implementing HMs this way in the way it was with Pokeride in Gen 7. Thank you, ILCA.

Yeeep, so happy. I had a feeling they'd go the way of not needing an HM Slave.
I'm glad they went back to Pokérides instead of just ... removing the field obstacles and putting in silly blockades like they usually do.

I hope this continues into Gen 9.

Lot of neat little features - looks like BDSP might exceed my expectations.
I think the HMS change was really smart, I would see a lot of people saying the removal of HMS was the "downfall of Pokémon" but I always thought that was silly especially when a Gen 1 remake had come out with HMS not being a thing.