I am aware, I just thought maybe the thought could have passed a devs mind like "this is a great idea I just wouldn't know where to begin with it" I know i've had those thoughts myself many times, and just back burned an idea. I was just throwing this out there because I also a very modified vB3 (localhost wise, not my sig) although this was developed for vb3 vanilla it would still be a stepping stone for the devs here to go from. If the idea did intrigue PC that is.
- A small part of the settings
there are also logs, pending mod requests, and more
- User Test's Thread he moderates
- Same forum different thread showing he is not the moderator
- Request to be a mod of a thread
- And pending applications for that thread
For the features requested in this thread originally, you would only allow edit permissions. Although the options are extensive and give users practically full admin rights over their threads. Allowing them to ban, edit other posts, etc. but only in their thread or only if a mod or admin allows them to become a topic moderator of that thread.
Again I understand the whole 3rd party scripts, but I also know how good the developers here are, and they would have something to start with. As I sit and wait for an opening to apply after speaking to HS. I was just offering a highly demanded product that doesn't exist elsewhere (unless privately coded) packaged and ready to be altered to the use of this site. So if this is something that staff wants implemented before PC 3.0 and any one of the devs would like somewhere to start, dont be afraid to reach out to me.