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Event: E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

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    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    Welcome to the
    E&M Winter Olympics!

    Summer is history... now we're hosting a Winter Olympic celebration and we want you to join in!

    In this Olympic competition, you can take part in a series of Entertainment, Media & Olympic themed events that will put even the best PCathlete to the test!

    There will be 5 standalone events, as well as 2 competitions that span the entire event! The standalone events will be revealed every day or so, and none are alike! All are themed to this section in some way.

    Standalone events will be open for two days. Users who join after the games have started, have until the end of the current event to hand-in your answers for all previous events - even if you missed them! (Example: joining during Event 3 means you can still participate in Events 1 and 2, but you must hand in the answers before the deadline of Event 3).

    On top of that, we will be running a competition for most posts in this section during the event. New threads will be worth several posts. Threads and posts must be within the spirit of the section rules, and any deemed to be spam will lead to disqualification from the event! We will also be running a last.fm leader-board competition on the PC Discord server!

    The E&M Olympics sign up form is below, simply fill it in and reply to this thread! If you are taking part in the last.fm leader-board event, please make sure to also enter your Discord details.

    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up):
    Discord Username:
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord:

    If you are a returning Olympian then you can request your previous flag bearer to cheer for you in our Parade of Nations. If you would like your previous mascot, then be sure to let us know when you sign up! You can find all details about our Parade of Nations in the following post!

    Also - we're pairing up with the VPP team to dish out prizes for all involved! We'll confirm the specifics later, but competing could potentially net you a new Pokémon, new Items and who knows what else!

    For all events, please message your answers to BOTH:
    Arcaneum & Starlight

    Let the games begin!
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    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    E&M Winter Olympics Parade of Nations!

    Every PC Olympian has been assigned a flag bearer at random to cheer them on throughout the competition! All flag bearers will take part in the parade of nations right here! (We can also supply a small signature badge code if that is desired!)

    The nations taking part in our games aren't necessarily the same as in Beijing, we like to mix it up a bit!

    Join in the fun, celebrate and wave your flags!

    If you are a returning Olympian then you can either request your previous flag bearer to cheer for you, or let us roll you a random one. This is on a first come, first serve basis - if someone else rolls your previous flag bearer before your request, then you will be randomly assigned a new mascot to cheer you on!

    All flag bearer designs are © world-flags.org. You can read more about our flag bearers, including their character bios here!!!

    George (Germany) is cheering for host Arcaneum!

    Lewis (Panama) is cheering for host Starlight!

    Dorj (Mongolia) is cheering for PC Winter Olympian Devalue (Mongolia)!

    Haji (Romania) is cheering for PC Winter Olympian Roni (Ronistan)!

    Miguel (Guatemala) is cheering for PC Winter Olympian tenfrogs (The Pond)!

    Erki (Estonia) is cheering for PC Winter Olympian Pikaboo (Halloweentown)!

    Mboma (Cameroon) is cheering for PC Winter Olympian InsaneBlathers (Britain)!
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    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    E&M Winter Olympics Event Schedule

    Long Events

    These events will run throughout the duration of the Winter Olympics, some scoring points throughout and some scoring points at the end.

    Event 1 - last.fm Leaderboard

    All other events only require you to post in this thread and then message the answers to our hosts. This event is a bit different, but taking part is optional. If you do decide to go for gold in this event, then you will need to register with the Chuu bot on our PokéCommunity Discord Server. Make sure to also post your Discord username in your sign-up post here, so that we can check your stats at the end of the event. Medals will be won across a multitude of categories, so there's lots to play for here!

    Event 2 - Posting Competition

    The second long event involves none other than this section! This event is simple - posts and threads made by users in the Entertainment & Media section will earn you points throughout the duration of the event. Posts are worth 3 points, whereas threads are worth 10! Of course, threads and posts that seem to be outside the spirit of the rules won't count and could lead to disqualification!! Olympians taking part in this event will need to make a post in this thread, logging all of their posts/threads and a running total. The best way to do that is to copy the post or thread link (post links can be found by clicking here on your post first). Posts and threads not linked will not count.

    Short Events

    These events will run every couple of days throughout the PC Olympics. Standalone events will be open for two days. Users who join after the games have started, have until the end of the current event to hand-in your answers for all previous events - even if you missed them! (Example: joining during Event 3 means you can still participate in Events 1 and 2, but you must hand in the answers before the deadline of Event 3).

    Event 1 - 06/02 to 08/02 - TV-Boxing

    Your goal is to unscramble an assortment of TV shows. They cover a wide range of eras, genres and franchises, so make sure to keep an open mind!

    *** This event is now up! You can take part right here! ***

    Event 2 - 09/02 to 11/02 - Olympia

    This time we want you to take the 12 tests of Olympia! We have selected 12 questions that are all related to winter or the Olympics in some way. Can you answer them all?

    *** This event is now up! You can take part right here! ***

    Event 3 - 12/02 to 14/02 - Book Beatdown

    In this round, your goal is to complete a challenging crossword inspired by the works of Stephen King & William Shakespeare! You can either write your answers, or get creative and edit them in with an image editor, either is absolutely fine!

    *** This event is now up! You can take part right here! ***

    Event 4 - 15/02 to 17/02 - Filmograph

    In this event, we have selected 12 stills from various winter or sports related movies... all you need to do is identify the 12 films featured!

    *** This event is now up! You can take part right here! ***

    Event 5 - 18/02 to 20/02 - Genre Escapade

    In our final round, the hosts have selected 20 songs in which you must identify both what the song is and who performed it!

    *** This event is now up! You can take part right here! ***
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    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    Individual Event Medals Leaderboard

    Long Events

    Last.fm Leader-board Competition

    Gold - Roni (2/4 categories)
    Gold - tenfrogs (2/4 categories)
    Silver - N/A

    Posting Competition

    Gold - Roni (175 points)
    Silver - Devalue (75 points)
    Bronze - tenfrogs (60 points)

    Short Events

    Short Event 1 - TV-Boxing

    Gold - tenfrogs (12/12)
    Silver - Devalue (8/12)
    Silver - Roni (8/12)

    Short Event 2 - Olympia

    Gold - Ettenmoor (11/12)
    Silver - Roni (9/12)
    Bronze - tenfrogs (7/12)

    Short Event 3 - Book Beatdown

    Gold - Roni (12/12)
    Silver - tenfrogs (10/12)
    Bronze - Pikaboo (9/12)

    Short Event 4 - Filmograph

    Gold - Roni (9/12)
    Gold - Ettenmoor (9/12)
    Silver - tenfrogs (7/12)

    Short Event 5 - Genre Escapade

    Gold - tenfrogs (10/20)
    Silver - Roni (5/20)
    Bronze - Pikaboo (4.5/20)​
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    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    Winter Olympic 2022 Overall Results

    First Place - Roni (4G 3S)
    Second Place - tenfrogs (3G 2S 2B)
    Third Place - Ettenmoor (2G) (2B)
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    Sorry for the ping everyone, but as competitors in our summer games, I wanted to give you all a heads-up in case you would like to take part again and also give you the opportunity to claim the same flag bearer as last time before anyone rolls them. Don't worry if you can't remember exactly who you had, we have them saved to a list :)

    Estimates very low odds of winning.

    Also, as our defending overall Olympic champion, it's evident you are better at competing than making predictions! 😉

    The first event in this year's competition will go live in 4 or 5 days. Any new or returning competitors, are more than welcome to sign up from now on!
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    Username: Devalue
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Mongolia
    Discord Username: Deva #6675
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: No

    Rides with Dorj once again.

    Issues some advice to newcomers: Do not be afraid of not knowing. Answered incorrectly a lot, probably hilariously so several times. Do not expect a percentage of correct answers anywhere near grades you receive in school (American schools, at least). Just sit back, relax, and confuse Avengers: Endgame with Ender's Game. Easy.
    Username: Devalue
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Mongolia
    Discord Username: Deva #6675
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: No

    Rides with Dorj once again.

    Issues some advice to newcomers: Do not be afraid of not knowing. Answered incorrectly a lot, probably hilariously so several times. Do not expect a percentage of correct answers anywhere near grades you receive in school (American schools, at least). Just sit back, relax, and confuse Avengers: Endgame with Ender's Game. Easy.

    Welcome back to the games!!! I hope you enjoy them this time round too!

    Here is your optional signature badge with your faithful flag bearer :)
    Can't believe I missed this yesterday D: Interested in joining!

    Username: Roni
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Ronistan :3 (was my irl country, but I just changed my mind :3)
    Discord Username: Aarön#0008
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Yea
    Can't believe I missed this yesterday D: Interested in joining!

    Username: Roni
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Ronistan :3 (was my irl country, but I just changed my mind :3)
    Discord Username: Aarön#0008
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Yea

    Welcome to the Olympics Roni!

    Haji will be cheering you along during the competition!
    Username: tenfrogs
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): The Pond
    Discord Username: tenfrogs!
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Yes :3
    Username: tenfrogs
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): The Pond
    Discord Username: tenfrogs!
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Yes :3

    Welcome tenfrogs!!!

    You will be cheered along by Miguel!

    Here is your optional signature badge code :)
    Let's go

    Username: Pikaboo
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Halloweentown
    Discord Username: Radio#8910
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Nope
    Let's go

    Username: Pikaboo
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): Halloweentown
    Discord Username: Radio#8910
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: Nope

    Welcome back to the games!!!

    Would you like your previous flag bearer again, or would you like us to roll you a new random one?
    Can be a new one, I suppose.

    Then Erki will be your companion and cheerleader for the 2022 games! 😊
    Username: InsaneBlathers, though I go by Ettenmoor nowadays (have yet to fix that lol)
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): People's Republic of Sugondia (PRoS)
    Discord Username: Ettenmoor#Idon'trememberthenumberrightnow
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: I don't think so
    Username: InsaneBlathers, though I go by Ettenmoor nowadays (have yet to fix that lol)
    'Country' Name (can be entirely made up): PRoS
    Discord Username: Ettenmoor#Idon'trememberthenumberrightnow
    Registered to Chuu bot on PC Discord: I don't think so

    Welcome to the games Ettenmoor! I will list your country simply as PRoS, let me know if you want to change it - I'm not sure your full country name was quite within the Olympic spirit ;)

    Mboma will be in your corner for the games, good luck!

    Here is your profile code:
    Welcome to the games Ettenmoor! I will list your country simply as PRoS, let me know if you want to change it - I'm not sure your full country name was quite within the Olympic spirit ;)

    Mboma will be in your corner for the games, good luck!

    Here is your profile code:

    Oops, sorry for that entry for my country- I was using a VPN.
    My country of origin is actually Britain.

    [PokeCommunity.com] E&M Winter Olympics 2022!

    Olympians... on your marks... ready... GO!!!

    Our two long events - forum posting competition & last.fm leader-board battle - are now live!!!

    Get posting, start listening, and good luck!!!

    Our first short form event also begins today:​

    Event 1 - TV-Boxing

    Your goal is to unscramble an assortment of TV shows. They cover a wide range of eras, genres and franchises, so make sure to keep an open mind!

    Please message your answers to BOTH:

    Arcaneum & Starlight

    by Wed 9th Feb at 06:59 AM (UTC).

    We will accept your first submission only, so make sure you are happy before submitting your answers!

    Good luck Olympians, here are your anagrams!!!

    ● Anagram 1: VIGIL KNEEL - KILLING EVE



    ● Anagram 4: CHI TOFFEE - THE OFFICE


    ● Anagram 6: KING VIS - VIKINGS


    ● Anagram 8: DIG MASQUE - SQUID GAME


    ● Anagram 10: FINS RED - FRIENDS


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