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Fanfiction Lounge

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Yawn...I hate school. No time to write, even in English. Astinus, we had to read Dracula recently, and I never finished it. It's awfully slow and thick, and the epistolary style throws one right off. I hated it.

On a side not, my FLASH DRIVE got WIPED. AGAIN. *cries* All fanfics, gooooone. *cries*
/me cries deeply of aforementioned insubordination.

In other news little to no progress has been made on my front.

Hmmm was Bay referring to the 7k/7 day thing?

No, I mean the fanfiction index idea Jax mentioned earilier. Speaking of which...

Ladies and gents, I bring you The PC Fanfiction Index. Hopefully I'm doing okay. ^^;

And Kenji, that sucks. I remember when I lost my flashdrive and many of my fanfics were in there. >.> Luckily I had some drafts of NE saved in my email, but I had to write the entirety of both Chapters Five and Six. -_-
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Ah okay, well I added to it ;)

Hmmm I was looking for 'Thriller' Genre, but went with Horror anyway ;) (yes there is a difference :P)
Guys, we have ten stickies in the Writer's Lounge.






My laptop's dying, so it's probably going to overheat and explode soon. So I know how you feel about technology, Kenji. It's horrible when it doesn't work in your favor. But it makes life easier in so many ways, while making life suck in so many ways.

Also, you get another glomp for also reading Dracula. *glomp*

Also also also also also also also also also also also.

And and and and and and and and and and and.

txteclipse, I Youtubed the song (Daft Punk is after my time), but...well, my laptop is almost on fire. Daft Punk also isn't the kind of music I listen to, so I don't know how I'll fit it into the musical, but I'll give them another better chance when there's no chance of fire.

Also, I feel really proud as punch about myself for writing four pages today.

Hmmm I was looking for 'Thriller' Genre
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Well, I stuck my oneshot in there. ;D

Gotta go, sorry!

EDIT: Ten stickies! Yay! Or...nay? That's good, right?
Jeeze Asti, you need a laptop cooling system thingy :P

I got one for mine, and it has come in useful, though because it is a bit off the ground, I've used it less, because the ventilation is better.
Guys, we have ten stickies in the Writer's Lounge.






If it's a problem, dear, maybe the index should go in the main forum. XD

*bricked for mini-modding and generally being self-righteous tonight, what with that new post in Reviewing and You*

Also also also also also also also also also also also.

And and and and and and and and and and and.

Also, sorry to hear about your flash drive, Kenji. O_x So soon after it happened the first time, too. At that point, and I mean this seriously, maybe Bay's idea is probably better, especially if you've got GMail.

Edit: Incidentally, guys, I found a new way to occupy myself: start on my own last visitors listing (that little thing in the corner of my profile) and keep going until I hit a regular to this thread.

Man, I need a life.
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lol I like how midnight for me, is like active hour here atm. Though I usually don't go to bed until 2-3am work day or not >.>
Guys, we have ten stickies in the Writer's Lounge.






It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

....IT'S OVER 9!
*shot for very lame joke*

...that Thriller bit right there...reminds me that I need to get started on my Thriller spoof- Filler xD


And also...that sucks about you flash drive, Kenji o_o
lol I like how midnight for me, is like active hour here atm. Though I usually don't go to bed until 2-3am work day or not >.>

Haha. It's two in the morning over here.

Which probably explains a lot for me.

...The hell are you people doing still awake?

Also, as a follow up to this:

Edit: Incidentally, guys, I found a new way to occupy myself: start on my own last visitors listing (that little thing in the corner of my profile) and keep going until I hit a regular to this thread.

The first profile I come to had .Swift as a recent visitor. :( *starts over*
Hey... ten stickies. Go Lounge!!!!

feign said:
Hmmm I was looking for 'Thriller' Genre, but went with Horror anyway (yes there is a difference )

Yes there is! At least I think so. I was looking for Thriller too, but since it is not available I'm using Suspense (which is how my work reads up till now anyways). Correct me if I'm wrong, but the core components of thriller are the "lone hero against evil army" idea and the particularly fast-paced unfolding of the plot, right? In that case, I guess doing "screaming thriller" would be like doing Horror, whereas doing "hush-hush Thriller" would be like doing Mistery, both with changes mostly in pace and motive, maybe?

Yay almost 200 posts! Most of them useless! (I've been exposed to this select group of people for so long... thanks, everyone! :classic: I SO MUCH enjoy being here)

Uh, Kenji, sorry about your flashdrive. You know, Bay's got hit the nail with the e-mail storage there. I'm doing collateral backup in a floppy disk --- yes a floppy disk stop laughing! --- just because I feel I need to use the poor little floppy bay for something after four years. ODF rules for story storage! But now that I think about it, I should go with personal storage too. And optical, just in case the pharmaceutics cabal here decided to nuke country in pre-retaliation for the next ten lawuits and more with H1N1 making them look even more guilty. I wouldn't use email for backups purely for privacy reasons (GMail, NSA and stuff), but, hey, I'm only paranoid because they're after me. :knockedou

On another note, yay! Almost 200 posts! Did I mention that already?

EDIT: ninjaed for a change. It's 02:13 am here, I should be sleeping and recovering over 16 hours of sleep debt but I know I wont so why do I worry...
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Haha yeah... those genres and subgenres can be confusing (don't even get me started with music, or someone will have to be hurt).

From your description of 'thriller' it would seem that 'horror' befits my fic the best, of the two.
Yah, I used to have my fics backed up on my hard drive, but... I don't trust Mum and Dad not to snoop. My login is password-protected, but no code is uncrackable. I don't trust internet storage thingies either, for similar reasons. And my PC is too new to have a floppy drive. One thing I never got is why they call them floppies. They're possibly the un-floppiest things on the planet. Except CDs, which are actually bigger than floppy disks and therefore, not compact.
[PokeCommunity.com] Fanfiction Lounge

These were akin to the original floppy disks, they were basically bendable.

As for a storage source, I'd recommend a USB flash drive (I have one somewhere). Though I also have 2 portable hard drives, with 500gb on each, they're somewhat smaller than a DS.
Is this...what...I don't even...

WHAT THE FRAK HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU PEOPLE, GOD! I mean, after a brief period of silence, it just takes the span of two days to add as many new pages? It's almost like you guys don't have a life or anything!

Well, even if it's late it's never a bad time to shamelessly self-promote in reference to other people's comments! <_< Namely, this one:

Valentine said:
Or, alternatively, I want another good sci-fi fic, but I'd like to read one that's been recced or needs reviews.
Ooh, ooh! I have one! TRINITY, probably the only futuristic, cyberpunk-ish Pokemon fanfic. Yes, there are other Pokemon fanfics that can be classified sci-fi (such as AEM) but ones set somewhere around the year 2515 and which feature such technologies and concepts as cybernetics and spaceshape battles (eventually, at least; until the main story gets there there's always the Waves sidestory though) which have been shamelessly copied from a variety of other sources, notably Ghost in the Shell and Battlestar Galactica? I think not.

Oh, and as with all my writing it has a lack of reviewers. If I hadn't undergone this epiphany a couple months back and realized that reviews are overrated, I'd probably have lost my will to live write by now.

Kenji Sasaki said:
Yah, I used to have my fics backed up on my hard drive, but... I don't trust Mum and Dad not to snoop. My login is password-protected, but no code is uncrackable.
So long as the password isn't something obvious like a birthday or your pet, it's unlikely a parent would be able to get in. Unless your parents are elite hackers or something, that's not a concern. What is is if they manage to figure out how to access your files through the file system. Depending on their level of computer competency, the possibility of that varies from impossible to already-has-happened. I could swear I remember a setting in XP to lock your profile folder so that other users can't access it, though, so that may be something to look into. There's then also the option to encrypt your files or to just throw them into a password protected zip or rar file. Again, unless your parents are elite hackers or you used an easily guessed password, no chance they'd get through that.

Protip: If you don't want to use a random password, use one that's not a real word. I myself use fictional words from fanfics I've read and written, which in your case would create a catch-22 of your parents needing to get to the fic to know the password but needing the password to get to the fic. If used for your account with the locked user folders that I swear I remember using before, or in some sort of archive with a password on it I can guarentee no normal parent would be seeing those fics.

Alternatively, you could just not worry about your parents seeing what you write. I mean, in my case I do want to keep my parents from seeing half of what I write, but the half that's actually posted here I wouldn't mind too much if they saw. They probably wouldn't get it, but I doubt they'd think less of me or anything. My mom's actually pressured me before to let her read my writing...
Feign, the fics are on a USB, but somehow I keep wiping it.

txteclipse, I...never knew that.

Shrike, don't worry, my password is the title of an unpublished fic, plus a random full stop in the middle, so no worries there. What were you saying about accessing files through the file system? That kinda worries me.

And I think M & D would mind. They think Pokemon is the dumbest thing on the face of the earth, they don't know these forums exist, and they get grumpy because I bought Platinum.
Yes, there are other Pokemon fanfics that can be classified sci-fi (such as AEM) but ones set somewhere around the year 2515 and which feature such technologies and concepts as cybernetics and spaceshape battles (eventually, at least; until the main story gets there there's always the Waves sidestory though) which have been shamelessly copied from a variety of other sources, notably Ghost in the Shell and Battlestar Galactica? I think not.

Although Mastermind is only three chapters, so if you get into it you'll probably be pretty bummed.

My mom's actually pressured me before to let her read my writing...

Same here. It's kind of bizarre.

In other news, Project Trico. This trailer alone may be enough inspiration to finish my chapter.
Yeah. The active hour in here ir pretty much the time I'm either asleep or at school, around 5 to 9 AM. Thanks a lot, guys ;_;

I back up my text files (they're all in rtf form) to my MP3 player. I don't really need lots and lots of back-up storage space, because I practically only ever back up my texts and nothing more. I did have a fancy USB flash drive, but it kind of 'sploded. It just completely ceased to respond to anything I tried to do to it, including moving the files stored in it. So, uh, yeah, that kind of destroyed my trust for that kind of devices. Not that MP3 players don't break, but...

That aside, I loved to break floppy disks to pieces when I was a kid. I'd break the plastic cover and play with the actual floppy inside it... Oh, those were good times. I would break only already broken ones, though. We had tons of them lying around, both broken and working ones. They're called "korppu" in Finnish. Essentially, that means a dry, thick bisquit. Kind of the opposite of "floppy", wouldn't you say?

Shrike Flamestar said:
Alternatively, you could just not worry about your parents seeing what you write. I mean, in my case I do want to keep my parents from seeing half of what I write, but the half that's actually posted here I wouldn't mind too much if they saw. They probably wouldn't get it, but I doubt they'd think less of me or anything. My mom's actually pressured me before to let her read my writing...

Yeah... It's not that bad if they see what you write, right? I wouldn't mind even if my parents read everything I've ever written. Sometimes I force them to read some of my work so that I can get opinions on it, but they're terrible when it comes to criticizing. They have no problems with criticizing me if I get a bad grade in math, but when I ask for their opinions on my writing, they go "Ooh! I like it!" and that's it. They both write themselves, so you'd think they'd have even a few words to share... But no, all the suggestions they ever give me are related to my bedtimes and school grades. Super.

When it comes to fanfiction, though, they simply wouldn't get it. So, I don't bother making them read it. They know I write it, though, and think I'm weird for it :laugh: Well, everyone in our family is weird, one way or another. Maybe that's why I don't think it's a bad thing for my parents to see what I write. Also, I can always be sure they approve of my stories...

If I hadn't undergone this epiphany a couple months back and realized that reviews are overrated, I'd probably have lost my will to live write by now.

Reviews ARE overrated. At least the "ur good keep writin" ones. I don't know if I'm a masochist or something, but I seriously prefer reviews that are half negative and half positive. I enjoy being criticized, because that makes me think. Those reviews are rare, though, so overall, reviews are humongously overrated! And this has nothing to do with me being rarely reviewed. Noo, nope, nuh-uh!

I have lost my will to write, though. It has nothing to do with reviews. I'm hoping it'll come back to me soon-ish. What should I do?
Can I just say that I'm heavily amused by the pun in the phrase "reviews are overrated"?

Seriously, though, it was an example for those times I'm drunk and bored at three in the morning in college, but sure, I'll poke your fics too. XD
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