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FF&W Rules (Please read if you are new) [Updated 2-15-14]

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Aspiring something
  • 5,724
    The Fan Fiction & Writing Rules, Guidelines, and Regulations
    Learn them, Live them, Love them

    First of all, welcome to Fan Fiction & Writing! If this is your first time here, please take a few moments to look at each of the rules below so your time here can be fun and enjoyable. Do you want to write? How about read and review? Don't worry, all these topics will be covered so you know exactly was is and isn't allowed in this wonderful section.

    All Pokecommunity rules are in effect here. If you're unfamiliar with the rules, they can be found here.

    General Rules

    Respect Everyone:
    This means no flaming. Writers of all skill levels are free here to post their work, if I catch you disrespecting other members, your post will deleted and an infraction will be given out. No exceptions will be made. I will not tolerate bullying here. If someone acts disrespectfully towards you, that is NOT a green light to be disrespectful back. Simply report the offending post, and a moderator will come and sort things out accordingly.

    4/25 Still Applies:
    All posts must be at least four words and twenty-five characters long. No filler text (Stupid word count) is allowed.

    No SPAM:
    SPAM (Stupid, Pointless, Annoying, Messages) are posts that hold little relevance to the thread and will be deleted. Make sure that your posts add to the topic at hand.

    Posting Your Story:
    So you've decided to upload your story here. Awesome, and we encourage you to do so, but please read through the rules first. This way, no complications will occur. Failure to comply by these rules will result in a closed thread.

    Everything Belongs in One Thread:
    Do not create a separate thread for each chapter. Simply post your update as a reply in your thread, and you're good to go. This place would get messy, fast, if everyone was posting individual chapters. So, to keep everything nice and organized, please post all chapters and updates in one, convenient, thread.

    Make Your Story Readable:
    This means to follow the English grammar rules to the best of your ability. No one expects you to have a perfect story, but if the story is filled with tons of mistakes that clearly shows you didn't proofread or put any real thought into it, your story will be closed. Let your story or chapter sit for a day before you proofread it and upload it.

    Only Well Written Script Fics Are Allowed:
    Script fics are commonly seen as an easier way to write a story. Unless you script fic is more than just dialogue, it will be closed. It's okay if you use the script format for dialogue, but please include narration and description.

    Your First Post Must Contain Part of Your Story:
    This means that part of your story (be it a chapter, prologue, or poetry if you're doing a poetry thread) must be in the first post. If you're really picky and like things to be really organized, you may post the first part of your story in a response within ten minutes of opening the thread up. If the thread has been up for more than ten minutes with no story, then the thread will be locked. In case you were wondering, author's notes won't cut it.

    All Updates Must be Finished Works:
    You may not post a halfway incomplete chapter and ask for feedback. If your chapter is incomplete, there is no reason to post it. The only exception to this rule is if your new chapter goes over the character limit. Then you may post part of your chapter in one post and then the rest immediately in another reply.

    Give Proper Warnings:
    Warnings will protect readers against anything that they will not want to read. Warn against excessive violence, romance, and things like that. Warnings may be at the top of the story, or at the beginning of the chapter in which they are present.

    Posting a New Chapter:
    Authors, you may bump threads past the two month limit only if you are posting a new chapter. You may also bypass the double posting limit this way. We realize that for some people, writing new chapters might take more than a month. This only goes for posting a new chapter, any other reason for bumping your thread will result in the post being deleted and the thread closed until you have an update ready.

    NO Plagiarizing:
    Do not steal someone else's work and claim it as your own. If you are caught doing this, a permanent four-point infraction will be dealt out. No exceptions.

    Post on the Forum:
    Your story must be present on this site. No linking to another site as this could technically count as advertising. This also goes against the "First post must include some of your story" rule. People mostly prefer to read stories that are here anyways, so posting the story here is really in your best interest.

    Do not Create Threads for One Kind of Poetry:
    The section could get a little messy if there were a thread for each individual poem. Instead, create a single thread to post all your poetry in for all to enjoy. This way, all your poems will be in one place and the section stays nice and organized.

    Use Prefixes:
    The prefixes are there for a reason. Please use this to indicate whether or not your story will be a [Pokemon] story, [Other Fanfic] or [Other Original]. Poetry now has its own prefix, so if your thread is a poetry thread, please use the [Poetry] prefix.

    The Use of Language and Sexual Content:
    Since this is literature, the use of minor language can be used. However, try to use it sparingly. Remember that a younger audience can access your fic, so keep that in mind. As far as sexual content goes, that is a very touchy subject. You may hint in your story that something happens, but for all of our sakes, please don't go into detail. If you're on the fence about putting something in, don't. If you're really not sure, PM a moderator and they'll tell you whether or not it's allowed. Excessive amounts of these will result in the thread being locked with possible infraction(s) depending on the severity.

    The 1,000 Word Rule:
    This is more of a suggestion than anything, but I will warn you to work on one of your chapters if I deem it to be too short. If you're worried about the length of your chapter, have it be around 1,000 words. It's about one and a half pages in Microsoft Word, and it's a pretty good length that's not too hard to reach. Just to be clear, this only goes for chaptered fics. Drabble threads, poetry threads, and things of that nature are exempt from this rule.

    Reading and Reviewing:
    So you want to read and possibly review some stories? That's really awesome, but before you go headfirst into the first story that catches your eye, please read a quick summary of what's acceptable. If you're worried about leaving a good review, please take a look at this guide. If you're not into long, lengthy reviews, short comments are now acceptable. So, be sure to tell the author what you thought of their work!

    Be constructive:
    No putting the writer down in any way. You can still point out negative things within the story, but please keep all negative things to the story. Never attack the writer directly. Try to include what the writer is doing right, as well as wrong. This will help leave a constructive review.

    Don't pester when the story will be updated:
    Don't ask the author when the next update will come. Writing takes time and it's something that can't be forced, so pestering for an update isn't the best idea. It usually involves a backlash from the author, and if I catch it first, your post will be deleted. If you're dying to know when the author will update next, send the writer a polite VM asking about the progress on the next section.

    Don't Post in Stories Over Two Months Old:
    Since it does take a while for some writers to write out chapters, the one month rule has been bumped to two months. Any story that hasn't been commented in for two months is more likely than not to be abandoned. This doesn't apply to writers bumping up their own stories with an update. If you're looking at an old story, please check to make sure that your post is not breaking this rule. If it's an old story and you want to comment on it, why not send the writer a VM about it? I'm sure they would love to hear from you.

    The Writer's Lounge:
    This section is where you can kick back and discuss various writing topics with your fellow writers. You can also get some help developing your story and various characters. One thing I would like to encourage is discussion. Lately, The Writer's Lounge has had an unsightly "post and go" atmosphere that I don't like. Feel free to discuss about the topics and interact with your fellow writers or readers. Only good things can come of it.

    Fan Fiction Archive:
    Once you have completed your story and you're done with the edits, send the moderator a VM/PM and your story will be added to the collection. This is also here for the readers who want to read through some completed stories. Please remember that many of the stories in this section are fairly old and the author might not be checking up on it, so I would refrain from commenting on the story directly. Instead, try sending the author a VM explaining what you thought of it, I'm sure they would love to hear from you.

    These rules are subject to change at any moment as the moderator sees fit. All updates will be announced in the title of the thread. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the current moderator. No question is too small.

    Current Moderator:
    Bay Alexison [PM]
    Last edited:
    Hello, I have a question to ask; is it acceptable if I create a detailed guide on how to create a FanFiction for beginners?

    - The Paradigmatic Guardian of Ideals
    Hello, I have a question to ask; is it acceptable if I create a detailed guide on how to create a FanFiction for beginners?

    - The Paradigmatic Guardian of Ideals

    It is! However, guides go in the Writers' Lounge area instead of the main section because the lounge is the area for getting tips and the like. So, it's the perfect place for a guide.
    Am I allowed to post up my OC Profiles on the fanfiction board? Or do they go elsewhere?
    I'd say that any additional info on characters should go in the thread the fic belongs to in the main section, and that the first post would need to be a prologue at least.

    Mind you, some would debate the benefit of having character profiles; after all, what the character looks/how they act, their personality, etc should all be in the story itself (or at least enough to flesh out their character but not being irrelevant details), rather than be external information.
    I was wanting to know if you were allowed to put all of your chapters into the main thread post. Just put "Chapter 1" and then a spoiler with the chapter. And maybe add a reply saying that chapter ??? is up.
    I was wanting to know if you were allowed to put all of your chapters into the main thread post. Just put "Chapter 1" and then a spoiler with the chapter. And maybe add a reply saying that chapter ??? is up.
    You can! The only issue is that the first post may reach the character limit, and it might be a little confusing for updates, as people will click on the last post, only to have to scroll back up. Still, there's nothing against the rules. I did this for a while on my first fic, and there were thousands of words in the first post without me ever hitting the character limit, so that may or may not be a problem.
    Alright, here's a question: can pictures be included in our stories? Because there are lots of books that include them between some pages and others might like throwing then in to add some descriptive detail or style.
    Alright, here's a question: can pictures be included in our stories? Because there are lots of books that include them between some pages and others might like throwing then in to add some descriptive detail or style.
    I see nothing wrong with it, so go right ahead! The only thing I would ask to keep in mind is if it's a story with pictures or a picture with a story. It sounds like the former to me, so feel free to do so.
    The rules really should give a rating on what the highest rating is you can go up to. Like can I go up to R rated? Or do I need to keep it PG-13? I know I'm reviving an old thread but I need to know this.
    The rules really should give a rating on what the highest rating is you can go up to. Like can I go up to R rated? Or do I need to keep it PG-13? I know I'm reviving an old thread but I need to know this.

    I remember a while back we used to do a ratings system but apparently that's been gone as different countries have different rules on which ratings certain films get. That and usually literature doesn't do ratings same way as films.

    For the most part I would give warnings to overall story/chapters if there's going to be violence, sexual content, and other things that might cause triggers to some people (like references to drugs and such). Do keep in mind because this is a Pokemon forum and some younger members come to this site the violence and sexual content will probably need to be toned down a bit. If you're unsure if you have too much violence in certain parts, for instance, you can PM me and we can discuss about that!
    Wow... That's a lot a heavy stuff doc... Welp, let's hope I can follow the rules. Besides, I don't think I'm gonna be including any extreme romance, since it's a Pokemon story, and I hope the other thing I intend to do is okay (secret until the first part is released, none of the nasties though). I'll PM Mr.Moderator whenever I start getting started on the story. *yawns* This'll probably be my best series yet! Oh, the knowledge I've acquired. A friend even asked me for help on a book he's writing. <3 Well, enough about me, I guess I'll toss myself into the fray, and check out the other fics. I'll toss mine in whenever I get started, but, y'know, school, social life etc. gets in the way of these things. Also, please don't ask me when the story is being made >~< because idk.
    Wow... That's a lot a heavy stuff doc... Welp, let's hope I can follow the rules. Besides, I don't think I'm gonna be including any extreme romance, since it's a Pokemon story, and I hope the other thing I intend to do is okay (secret until the first part is released, none of the nasties though). I'll PM Mr.Moderator whenever I start getting started on the story. *yawns* This'll probably be my best series yet! Oh, the knowledge I've acquired. A friend even asked me for help on a book he's writing. <3 Well, enough about me, I guess I'll toss myself into the fray, and check out the other fics. I'll toss mine in whenever I get started, but, y'know, school, social life etc. gets in the way of these things. Also, please don't ask me when the story is being made >~< because idk.

    Hm, I don't think the rules are that heavy. They're more or less the same as other forums' fic sections. Mostly use your common sense and give proper warnings when posting a story. Posting a review same deal (at least mention a couple things that interest you, don't post in a story that hasn't updated in a couple months). But yeah, as I mention to Konekodemon, if there's anything you're unsure shoot me a PM!

    Also, I'm female (I have even female as my gender next to my username, lol). :P Don't know if it's the avatar, my username, or both. :x
    Can I write something about PC? The reason why I'm asking is because I might unintentionally offend some users by writing them wrong or something.
    Can I write something about PC? The reason why I'm asking is because I might unintentionally offend some users by writing them wrong or something.

    Hm, I'm going to assume this PC story of yours you have good intentions to at least write the users the best of your ability and not as a way to make fun of them? If that's the case, there's nothing stopping you from doing that. However, do keep in mind the readers here might not know all of the PC users so some jokes/references the readers won't get.
    And also, would I be allowed to post Pokemon Rap Battles (with full credit to ERBH, since that's the reason they're a thing), and would I tag it Pokemon (it's PKMN related!) or Poetry (that's what it essentially is, what with the rhymes, and it's not a fanfic)?
    And also, would I be allowed to post Pokemon Rap Battles (with full credit to ERBH, since that's the reason they're a thing), and would I tag it Pokemon (it's PKMN related!) or Poetry (that's what it essentially is, what with the rhymes, and it's not a fanfic)?

    You mean your own song lyrics? If so that's fine! I know bobandbill did some song parodies a while back. Hm, I guess I would tag it as Poetry since as you said it's essentially has rhyming and songs tend to be structured as poetry.
    Hmm. It's been ages since I've had time for forums, so I do have a question - while an earlier post said that a writing guide would belong in the Lounge, I took a look and there were no topics older than two months. Are they culled often? (Asking because I'm a pre-med student now and updates on any projects are usually slow.)
    No, they aren't culled. The reason you're not seeing any older threads is because that's a default forum setting there. At the bottom of the section you'll see 'Display Options' which you can toggle to let older threads show up.

    While there is a rule against bumping older threads across the forum (that is, posting in old threads), there's exceptions to fic threads when say you have a new chapter to post, and that can extend to adding new content to a writing guide as well.

    There's also this thread sticky here for a list of external-to-PC guides.
    Well, I feel like a bit of a dork. ^_^"

    And, yeah, bumper car wars with threads generally isn't allowed anywhere, so I figured that rule hadn't changed. I'll be sure to take a look at the link to see if there's anything I haven't thought of putting in my guide, too. (I currently have about three sections done, but it may easily be twenty plus.)
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