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PC: Get-Together 2023

  • 25,778

    Get-Together 2023

    Arceus, having thoroughly enjoyed its misadventures tossing Lucas and Dawn into the past of Hisui, started wondering what might come of doing the same thing in reverse. It set its eyes on the quirkiest and most intriguing individual it could find in the past, one Professor Laventon, grabbing the researcher away from his studies and depositing him not only in a different timeline, but a geographical location. Thus, Professor Laventon of Hisui found himself in Paldea's Area 0.

    Meanwhile, in a future timeline the rarely remembered scientist, Grand Oak, was hard at work on the extra spatial Pokemon Home system that would allow for unprecedented interregional and interdimensional trading of Pokemon. Unfortunately, he was a little too ambitious and a malfunction in his experiment launched him back in time. Grand Oak awoke in Area 0, having caused great delays in his progress with no way to get back home and fix the problem.

    It was shortly after that these two professors from different timelines met each other for the first time... and very quickly fell into a dispute about whose fault everything was and whose timeline was superior. Arceus could have intervened and explained or decided to help the confused and frightened scientists. Instead, Arceus decided to turn this into a competition. The professors would gather teams in the time-bending Area 0 and compete for the chance to return to their own timelines.

    What could go wrong?

    What's this?

    The Get-Together (GT) is a big annual event we host here on PC each year. Everyone comes together on the forum and the Discord over a period of a couple of weeks to participate in an assortment of games and competitions and to just generally hang out. Typically, this is paired with some sort of theme or lore - like this year's battle between the professors - that split the participants into two or more teams to compete for points. At the end, one team earns those sweet, sweet bragging rights.

    This year's Get-Together will run from August 12 until August 27. However, we will need to have our events decided and prepared by Event Organisers before then.

    Events and Event Organisers

    With the Get-Together being made of a bunch of smaller events and games, every year we ask you guys to help put those together and run them. The people who create and run events are what we call Event Organisers and will be given access to a planning section to put their events together. To volunteer to be an Event Organiser, just comment below that you're interested and what kind of event you'd like to host and we'll review your suggestion. As with every other year, we're looking to have a good mix of daily/near-daily games and long term events that will run for the duration of the GT.

    If you'd like to be an EO, we need to know by July 28 so we can make sure everything is ready in time.

    Events and Volunteers List

    Jackbox - Fafrir and Arcaneum
    Gartic Phone - Fafrir
    Mind Read the Room - Devalue
    Gym Leader Castle - Devalue
    Pokemon Challenge - Eleanor and Janp
    Animal Crossing Event - Confused Piplup
    VG Trivia - Arcaneum
    VGM Trivia - Arcaneum
    E&M Trivia - Arcaneum and Starlight
    Mapping Contest - Arcaneum
    Create a Pokemon Form - Arcaneum, gimmepie and Kitty
    PMD&D - gimmepie and Lycanthropy
    Fortune Cup - gimmepie
    Random Battles Tournament - gimmepie
    Small Writing Contest - gimmepie, bobandbill and Bay
    Art Swap - gimmepie and Kitty
    Escape the Lab - Juno
    Speed Art Contest - Chr. Draco
    Arcade - Mewtwolover
    Amiibo Casino - TwentyExEx
    Pokemon Unite - Chr. Draco
    Animal Crossing - Confused Piplup and AlexAmongFoxes
    Pokemon VGM Ranking - 5qwerty

    If you have any questions, feel free to message gimmepie, Arcaneum, Hiroshi Sotomura or Tsutarja.

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    cannot believe get together has n64 graphics. that's crazy.

    i host jack bock again. maybe gar tick fone too.
    Plans to run Mind Read the Room again. Hopes to split it into two separate rounds (10/10 questions?), rather than three cumulative rounds (6/6/3 questions). Hinges on the generating enough questions.

    Pitches an additional event to run also: PokeCommunity Stadium 2 PvE Autobattle. Asks participants to create a team of six using rental Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium 2 (with items and max DVs). Pits them against four trainers from Gym Leader Castle. Selects all the moves during the battle randomly without any direct input from the participants, however. Scores teams based on damage dealt and remaining health.

    Still needs to iron out some things.
    • Conducts the battles in Pokemon Showdown. Went a little slow in the test battle. (Does not know how to make a bot or anything. Never even tried a match in Showdown before the test battle. Ran it manually, on top of recording all damage done.)
    • Did not decide how much agency to give the participants yet. Might allow general commands per Pokemon (as in, use a status move 50% of the time).
    • Set scoring at 1 point per damage dealt, 1.4 points per damage for not fully evolved Pokemon, and 0.25 points for each remaining HP. Might tweak that. Adds a decent amount of time recording damage. May not be necessary due to better moves (generally) on unevolved Pokemon. Lessened the impact of Chansey, Snorlax, and Blissey by dropping the points for remaining HP.
    Likely did not need this many details or possible concerns yet. Provides a better idea of what the event will be like, however. Wanted to make something that would not step on the toes of whatever player versus player competitive event would be running. Feels accessible to participants, due to them not needing to use Showdown (or Pokemon Stadium 2) themselves.
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    Well, this resident challenge mod is aiming for a resident challenge event (despite everything)! I admit I currently don't have much to start from, but we'll get there 😊
    Of course this would be a long form event~
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    I'd like to be an event organiser this year and do something music and/or Animal Crossing related, but I still have to work on the details!
    If anybody wants to help, I'd appreciate that <3
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    VG Trivia (co-hosts always appreciated!)
    VGM Trivia (co-hosts always appreciated!)
    E&M Trivia (Most likely with Starlight as usual)
    Pokémon Trivia (unsure fully on this rn, will need to iron out exactly how I want to do this)
    Jackbox w/ Faffy (if Faffy will allow it <3)
    Mapping Contest (fellow judges needed please!)
    Some form of Make-a-Mega/Regional/Paradox Pokémon (judges needed please!)

    PMD&D with Lycanthropy will be back again this year
    Also planning to run both Fortune Cup and a Random Battle event of some kind (open to co-hosts, although Dragon gets first dibs on the former event).
    Small Writing Contest with bobandbill and probably Bay
    Art Swap with Kitty

    Some form of Make-a-Mega/Regional/Paradox Pokémon (judges needed please!)

    I'm down.
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    Pitches an additional event to run also: PokeCommunity Stadium 2 PvE Autobattle. Asks participants to create a team of six using rental Pokemon from Pokemon Stadium 2 (with items and max DVs). Pits them against four trainers from Gym Leader Castle. Selects all the moves during the battle randomly without any direct input from the participants, however. Scores teams based on damage dealt and remaining health.

    Just to clarify, people submit hypothetical teams for you to test?
    VG Trivia (co-hosts always appreciated!)
    VGM Trivia (co-hosts always appreciated!)
    E&M Trivia (Most likely with Starlight as usual)
    Pokémon Trivia (unsure fully on this rn, will need to iron out exactly how I want to do this)
    Jackbox w/ Faffy (if Faffy will allow it <3)
    Mapping Contest (fellow judges needed please!)
    Some form of Make-a-Mega/Regional/Paradox Pokémon (judges needed please!)


    Also down to judge if ur still looking (make a mega/regional/paradox) 👀
    Just to clarify, people submit hypothetical teams for you to test?

    Yes. Could select this Bulbasaur (currently without an item) for your team, for example:
    Bulbasaur @
    Level: 50
    IVs: 30 HP
    - Razor Leaf
    - Headbutt
    - Toxic
    - Growth

    Creates a team of six for the whole event. Picks three Pokemon to send against an opponent. Will know the enemy trainer's team, but not which three they will use (or the order).

    Saved the replay of the test game, actually. Chose three Pokemon randomly, in place of what someone would actually submit. Went against Whitney's team of Clefable, Dodrio, and Gloom (in that order). Set both sides on a 75% chance of attacking moves. Cannot switch.

    View attachment Gen2NintendoCup2000-2023-07-13-devalue-stadium2tester.html

    Magby: (201 - 92) damage * 1.3 = 141.7 points
    Ampharos: 92 damage to Clefable (fainted). 166 damage to Dodrio (fainted). (166 - 74) to Gloom. 92 + 166 + (166 - 74) = 350 points.
    Nidorino: 74 damage. 141 health remaining. (74 * 1.3) + (141 * 0.25) = 131.45 points.

    Total: 141.7 + 350 + 131.45 = 623.15 points

    Maybe a x1.1 overall multiplier for an unevolved Pokemon on the active team? Saves recording individual damage.
    Planning to host Paint & Describe, Daily Puzzles and Forum games & Pokémon Trivia Spotlight again
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    Hosting two event ideas:

    - Daily Doodle: a (hopefully) lax, chill event - 1 theme a day, points for each complete drawing (will put a cap on number you can submit a day to prevent low effort farming) and extra points for adherence to the day's theme

    - Escape the Lab: I'm drawing up a few rooms with clues and stuff where you need to investigate and work together with your team to combine clues to solve, sort of like an escape room game - I have never done this before and hopefully it doesn't completely flop but I am cooking something up

    edit: think I'll drop one 'cause I want to focus on just the one event + also being able to participate and maintain a life in those 2 weeks, plus there's a few art events already!
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    I'd potentially be up for hosting the Egg Swap again. Maybe it will pick up with Scarlet & Violet.

    I'd also be interested in hosting a movie night again, though I would only be available to host that 12th-15th, since I'm on vacation for the rest of the GT. We could do some classic Pokémon movies for the weekend, since I have the Blu-rays.
    Hi, I think I'll be hosting Speed Art Challenge again.

    edit: question. can we have someone host a pokemon unite event this year please?
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    Just letting everyone know that as some people already have access to the EO section, I (hopefully) have given everyone perms to now access it so you can get a headstart on your events. For anyone reading this after it was posted, I'll do the same so you have as much time as possible!

    Section be here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?fn=eo_23

    Please let me know if it doesn't work as I am not very good at this ^^;;