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Spinoff/Mobile GO Chat

  • 11,780
    • Seen Feb 9, 2024
    Just a chat area to talk about how you're doing during Community Day. I'll change the Pokemon in the title every month.

    So how did everyone do for the Gastly Community Day? How many shinies? Your best Pokemon?
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    I had 2 before already, and got 5 more for Comm day! 7 total is plenty for me. One of my original two was 15/13/15, so that's the one I evolved into Gengar. uuughh wish he had a better color scheme...
    I got 23 shinies and a few good ones. I always try to play as much as I can and hope I get good ones.
    Looks like we are getting Magikarp on August 8th for our next Community Day!

    How does everyone feel about this? How many shinies are you looking to get?
    I'm actually excited about it! I don't have a shiny magikarp in go and with it being such a high candy evolution this will be a great opportunity to farm candies for my high iv karps while also getting some shinies!
    I don't really care about Shinies, but I hope to God that I actually can put a dent towards evolving my stupid freakin' Magikarp.

    200 down, 200 more to go.
    People keep saying a lot of players already have this shiny but I don't and neither does my bf, who has played almost daily since day one and lived near water biomes lol. happy to finally get some!!
    I played the whole time and ended up with 26 which is a new record for me. I got a few good ones that aren't shiny.
    I had a couple walks and got 9 of them, decent haul imo. I had a very luck streak coming home from the shops on the first walk - 3 Shiny in 4 encounters!

    One turned out to have quite good PVP stats too. Meanwhile, I evolved a Magikarp I caught a while back which had perfect IVs.
    I know my friend has 2 perfects that he had had and my perfect from earlier this month was okay. I maxed out at least the best one I got.
    Looks like we're getting Porygon for September. I'm not gonna lie but I'm really excited about this and can't wait for it.
    Eh, the up-grades and the sinnoh stones required to evolve will be a pain (i only have about 5 of each), since I usually evolve a bunch (xp is good), but otherwise it's a good comm day pokemon.
    What's everyone doing to prepare for trouble Porygon? If anything. I know you'll need trade cables to evolve it.
    Ive been battling friends a bunch. Now I have about 20 sinnoh stones, and pokestops+gyms+gifts have given me around 3 up-grades