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[Other FULL] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Alright I'm usually not fond of joining started roleplays and I haven't read through the IC thread yet but I wanna get my western on. What you be so kind as to reserve me? My current idea is a bounty hunter character, young adult, lesbo with a Southern Belle theme. Curls and everything. You're gonna love it.
Whenever fox comes back from the dead or I have some free time to bunny him I'll see about getting two or three posts up.
Alright I'm usually not fond of joining started roleplays and I haven't read through the IC thread yet but I wanna get my western on. What you be so kind as to reserve me? My current idea is a bounty hunter character, young adult, lesbo with a Southern Belle theme. Curls and everything. You're gonna love it.

{D:} First female bounty hunter!!!!
Maybe all women in Jaimes aren't evil after all
[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)
Name:Evian Tannahill
"Evian means "The Lord is gracious", and God sure was gracious when it comes to my beauty."
Age: 18
"I'm finally legal! I've always had a thing for older guys."
Gender: Female
"Im obviously a woman. Who writes these questions?"
Status: Bounty Hunter
"Yes, I am a Bounty Hunter, maybe even one of the best. My father Evan Tannahill was one of Janet's star pupils and I strive to be a great as he was!"
When first meeting Evian you get the sense that she is a total bitch. She is beautiful, rich, and a complete snob. As her father was one of Janet's star pupils, Evian walks around with an air of superiority over her other bounty hunters. Her strive to be the best bounty hunter stems from her family expecting her to be as good of a hunter as her father was, which often puts a lot of pressure on her. When angry, Evian is manipulative and conceited and will use anyone and anything in her power to get what she wants. However, the more you get to know her, Evian's bitchy demeanor fades and she shows a nice, kind side. She likes to have fun, joke around with people. She smiles alot more and becomes a nicer and nicer person the more she trusts you. She does not trust very many people but she does trust her older sister Desi. Desi is in no way the responsible one however she is always there to help Evian out if she needs anything. Since Desi is the only one who has to put up with her bullshit, Desi is her one of her only friends. The only other friend she has is Dalex Surand who is her boyfriend. Evian likes him but is not a fan of being tied town, so she would likely dump him at the next sight of another hot male. The reason she is dating him is because their dads were old friends, and hearing that he shot a man made Evian very interested. However she does enjoy spending time with Dalex as he helps her relax.

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

"Wow I really am gorgeous."
Element: Water
"Water is so amazing. It brings life to everything. It can be strong enough to cut through steel or gentle enough to calm a busy mind. Water is nothing to mess with."
Weaponry: Evian has a magical staff, At the top there is a blue gem, inside the gem there is water from every lake,river,stream,and ocean. It shines a beautiful blue and helps her with her water attacks.

3 Stock Spells:

Water Burst
Water Shield
Summon Weak Familiar

2 Custom Spells:

Sparkling Statues- Evian freezes the opponent temporarily.

Aqua Bullet - Evian creates bullet like rain sending it pounding down on only the opponent.

Roleplay Sample:

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"He"? You tryin' ta say somethin'? And I still count as the first female bounty hunter! I reserved first!

[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Name: Priscilla Varnett
Age: Twenty-three
Gender: Female
Status: Bounty Hunter

~ * ~ * ~ * ~​

Personality: "Southern belle livin' like a thug." 'tis the words of 'Cilla's good sister, companion and only remaining family member, Perri. Fate seems to have a prejudice against Priscilla and hasn't exactly made her life an easy one to live. All the tribulations and violence has driven her sociability away. Once a princess of the rolling northern fields, she now lives a peasant's life in a petite little cottage on the outskirts of Spider's Valley.

Things have changed a lot. Periwinkle was a spunky, fun-loving girl with a twinkle in her eye until her dad turned to alcoholism and it all tumbled downhill from then on. Nowadays, everything she does is pointed inwards. Her feelings and earnest thoughts are locked up and away in the deepest crevices of her mind. Even her strongest opinions she is unwilling to share with anyone but Perri. To acquaintances, she comes across as passive and soft, and how could she not? From dawn to dusk, she's donned in lace, never really looking the part as a bounty hunter with her high, floor-sweeping gowns. Her eyes are soft and full of pity. Does she want to spill blood? Does she want to kill? Heavens, no! It's almost pitiful.

Of course, Priscilla is well-aware of how docile she is with her sweet-as-honey Southern accent and blinking blue eyes. She knows how submissive she can be, how... anti-bounty hunter. But, unexpected to her, there seems to be pros nestled amongst all the cons. She seems to have mastered the art of charm. Not to mention, who would ever anticipate lil' ol' 'Cilla to be a newly-hired bounty hunter? It's almost a secret identity, one she can hardly remember taking on as her own. It was a suggestion taken into account so long ago, perhaps a few months back. Typically, she paid rents and the like with money from odd jobs scattered about Spider's Valley. Bounty-hunting full-time was something she'd never considered. Yet, Priscilla found herself a position. She must have been sick in the head that day. What had driven her to such lengths? Her flightiness is unforgivable at times.

At the very least, Priscilla is proficient. She is never wasteful and puts needs before her wants and what she finds comfortable. She's very chaste, modest and soft-spoken. " Not weak in the least bit", Perri hotly says, but Priscilla is uncertain if her sister is right. Of course, anyone other than Perri she never trusts on any circumstance, knowing full well they could soon be responsible for her demise if she does. No matter how charismatic and faltering, Priscilla will always stay wary and observant. Perhaps it does make her powerful, at heart, but she'll never be the one to admit it.

Appearance: Priscilla is a belle at heart. Her gowns are thick with glossy pink and white fabric, layered like a wedding cake. Her hair is made up of spilling golden ringlets, ends tied with ribbons. Her skin is smooth like a newborns, her face caked in powder to hide her tanned complexion. She always applies thick coatings of cherry red lipstick and mascara. A dragging scarf is draped over her delicate arms and her spider-like, gloved fingers clutch the broad rim of her elegant broad-rimmed hat. Everything about her is so feminine and sweet, she almost seems...



Element: Earth
Weaponry: The small white parasol of hers is not solely decoration. Its end is needle-sharp. In desperate situations, she starts stabbing. Not a very efficient weapon, if one at all, but it has its uses.
Three Stock Spells: Earth Shield / Minor Healing / Blink
Two Custom Spells:

Crown of Thorns: With some complex finger movements along the ground, Priscilla can rise a clump of tree roots and thorns to rise the earth beneath her feet. Once summoned, the roots typically shift by their own merit with only the summoner, Priscilla herself, being able to control them simplistically (I.E. Having them move slowly in a single direction, sinking them back into the ground, etc.). If she is distracted drastically at any point, her concentration over the fauna will be lost, leaving a thick, thorny mess.

Beguiling Bud: When performed correctly, a small, seed-like bundle of life forms itself in Priscilla's palm. When contact with soil is made, a tall lavender flower erects itself from the bundle in a minute or so. This flower is incredibly toxic, especially when left unattended. If any part is eaten, it can be fatal. Otherwise, being around it causes dizziness and migraines. Priscilla is less prone to extreme symptoms, being the spell's castor, but eventually will succumb to similar spouts of nausea and head pain if the spell isn't canceled. What's worse, the flower grows continually, even it separated from the patch of earth that triggered its growth. If not outright destroyed or wilted at Priscilla's command, it can grow to massive proportions , its power and toxicity rising all the while.

Roleplay Sample: (From "Hoenn Hard-Mode!")

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[PokeCommunity.com] Gunpowder (M) (OOC)

Name: Desirée Tannahill
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Status: Bounty Hunter

Personality: Cunning and decisive, Desirée retains a thoughtful mind even in the grittiest of jobs. She doesn't let her heart dictate over what is needed for success.

One of her many weaknesses include the protective - sometimes overbearing - need to guide her half-sister, Evian. The less obvious ones include a bad left knee and her awful eye sight; don't ask her to read a sign more than fifteen feet away, seriously, don't - she also has a temper, but Desirée considers it more of a strength.

Through their father, Desirée has learned the hard way not to trust anyone - and that means anyone.


Element: Fire

Weaponry: Revolver that can hold four shots, hidden under her right sleeve.

3 Stock Spells:
  • Elemental Shield - Fire
  • Minor Repulsion
  • Elemental Burst – Fire
2 Custom Spells:
  • Heat Control Desirée can cause the veins inside the opponents body feel as if it's incinerating. This attack doesn't last very long.
  • Elemental Bullet With the bullets in her revolver, Desirée can elementally affect them - on impact, it sets the entry point aflame.
Roleplay Sample: Excerpt from The Race
Couldn't resist the roleplay and the idea Zatanna came up with for our characters being sisters!
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Alright, you're mostly good to go there but you need to fix a few things. Firstly, your appearance image is broken so I can't see it. Other then that your custom spells are a bit OP. The first is essentially an insta-kill which is unfair on player characters whilst the other should probably be a bit more limited than being a series of actions each strong in its own right. After that you'll be good to go :)

You're in :)

You are also in :)
Can you res a spot for me please. I saw your note that you will be accepting players until you feel their is too many. So I figured I should go head and res a spot if you are still accepting. I have mostly gotten my SU completed. I should have it up later today though. I am working on balancing at the moment and still need to find a photo.
Can you res a spot for me please. I saw your note that you will be accepting players until you feel their is too many. So I figured I should go head and res a spot if you are still accepting. I have mostly gotten my SU completed. I should have it up later today though. I am working on balancing at the moment and still need to find a photo.

Sure thing, I'm looking forward to it :)
Alright, sweet! And it seems a lot of people liked my application, which is fantastic~

Is there anything major I need to know, plot-wise? Any suggestions on where to start Priscilla off, and any other helpful advice that'll go towards my first post? I'll make sure to at least skim through all the IC business beforehand as well.
Alright, sweet! And it seems a lot of people liked my application, which is fantastic~

Is there anything major I need to know, plot-wise? Any suggestions on where to start Priscilla off, and any other helpful advice that'll go towards my first post? I'll make sure to at least skim through all the IC business beforehand as well.

It's from a month ago, but here are is an overview of the current storylines going on, although a lot of them are a bit further a long by now.


As a bounty hunter, just going on some bounty hunts is of course a good way to go too, although I don't know how up to date the bounty list is.
Alright, you're mostly good to go there but you need to fix a few things. Firstly, your appearance image is broken so I can't see it. Other then that your custom spells are a bit OP. The first is essentially an insta-kill which is unfair on player characters whilst the other should probably be a bit more limited than being a series of actions each strong in its own right. After that you'll be good to go :)

Oh no! Okay well I think I fixed that.
Yeah... Sometimes I get a little bit too excited.
But I fixed both of those! Am I all good now?