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Ruby hack: [HotM Feb] POKéMON NEVER BLACK&WHITE [Beta 1 available]

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  • 84
    • Seen Sep 1, 2010
    [PokeCommunity.com] [HotM Feb] POKéMON NEVER BLACK&WHITE [Beta 1 available]

    Hack Name:

    POKéMON NEVER Black & White
    A little of basic information:
    Base ROM: Ruby
    Hack creator: SkOria (Joel Ricci)
    Language: Engilish
    [PokeCommunity.com] [HotM Feb] POKéMON NEVER BLACK&WHITE [Beta 1 available]

    New graphics (3D style)
    New world... NEVERMIND
    New characters (Some friends, some rivals, and unknown people behind of you)
    New events
    Mysteries and riddles
    A developed story before the first generation (POKéMON R/B) around 1980

    Did you like Ruby version?. I hate this version, well now I hate it, so... why not a new Region?, with a new story line, new graphics, new things, events and scripts, missions, with mystery towns... Anyways, I've an objetive... give you a bit of fun!!

    STORY: (No, you haven't to rescue your girlfriend of Dalkiamon, or something like that...)
    Well, basically everything in the story is a big mystery. Then so, Ican't tell you more...
    Just donwload the first beta, remember your past and make your own destiny

    Well maybe in the future I will explain more of the argument...

    [PokeCommunity.com] [HotM Feb] POKéMON NEVER BLACK&WHITE [Beta 1 available]


    Wah for tile of the big tree
    Xiros for his help and teaching
    To KODER, Pey, and i don't know, to everybody in the hacksworld

    [PokeCommunity.com] [HotM Feb] POKéMON NEVER BLACK&WHITE [Beta 1 available]

    Do this if you have a white screen in the emulator:

    DOWNLOAD BETA 1 ENGLISH (search for a clean rom)
    Last edited:
    Wow!! This hack is incredible!! Everything about it is amazing. The tiles and palletes are beautiful and so original. I can't wait to see more progress on this.
    indeed, there are a lot of spanish hackers who are truly amazing!
    This hack is awesome!

    wishing for great luck with this awesome project! ;)
    Finally! Here it is the only reason why I still go to SP nowadays. Your game is really wonderful, I have been following it for months. I absolutely love your tiles, and your scripts are really good. Keep it that way!

    PD: Nice to see that you unedited the O's, it was annoying ;)
    Those tiles are amazing! They compete with shiny gold as my favorite tiles. It looks amazing and even though I'm in a Spanish class, I hope you find someone to translate it (our teacher isn't very good at teaching us anything). Good luck on this, I hope you can finish it.

    Oh if you need any D/P sprites let me know and I can send you some of the ones I've done. Just saying if you want to include them, good luck!
    Dont want to sound racist or mean but woow the spanish really do make great hacks. I always thought it was the chinese who only did so wow
    Wow, hey! Can't believe it's up! I really loved this hack, I've seen movies on Youtube and have seen some ads on WAH and have seen the thread on SP! It looks great! You're SkOria, right? That explains the big "O" on your font.

    Anyway, I can help with sprites if you want.

    - Edit -
    Everyone likes Spanish hackers... :D (glad I'm Spanish xD)

    - EDIT AGAIN -
    Yeah, I see that the hack is in Spanish. I'll gladly translate it to English for you!
    why are all the great hacks in spanish XD?

    Your graphics are breathtaking... very pleasing to the eyes.
    I like the trees and the fences. The do have a 3d feel..
    So ya the palettes and the tiles are very well done.

    The overworlds and backpics are ok. I like the female better since she seems original while the male seems like an edited version of the ruby hero.

    Looks like you won't be having problems with scripting :)

    Anyway, love this, best of luck! :)
    Hey man!
    Well, as u know ur hack is amazing, i love the storyline, the graphics and the scripts.
    Well, good luck!
    These visuals are nothing sort of astounding. Easily my favorite set on any hack I know of, and obviously, this is the first I've seen of B&W. The story is also very mysterious. This looks like a hack I would honestly go out and purchase.
    Hehe, Skoria, great Graphix amigo!
    Your Scripts are very cool.
    You are the Best Romhacker of Chiapas, Mexico. Hehe :D
    Well, only 1 word i have to say.
    This hack has future. Much future.
    I wish the best of lucks, frend.
    Ahi la vemos wei!
    I'm happy that you brought it here, as everyone else (now you'll get more frequent comments from me ;P)
    Welcome to PC, hope you have good luck with the hack here! :D

    And to the rest of the people... Time to pay a bit more of attention to Spanish classes! :laugh:
    I hope it will come out in English, i'm still learning Spanish as my third language. Great tiles and great story.
    I hope it will come out in English, i'm still learning Spanish as my third language. Great tiles and great story.

    G.K.S, this hack will be in english since Keryin(Esmas) will be translating it.
    Please don't say anything like' I hope to see the hack to be out in English soon...'.
    I will say this again to everyone in the community' Keryin will be tranlating this Hack to english!!'
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