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If the next Pokemon games are based off the very thing you don’t want, what would you do?


No money puns. They just don’t make cents.
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 12,779
    So basically if, and hopefully it isn't truly the case, the next games are what you don't want. You state what kind of game you do not want, and if it happens, how you are gonna deal with it.

    This is gonna be a massive surprise as I'm a massive gen5 fan but right now the games I most hope to not happen are overly faithful BW remakes. BDSP, I gave that one a chance. At least many aspects of the original DP did not age well. But not only are BW1 still good, those games I can still play to this day and if it's just going to be largely similar, I won't be impressed. But if that happens, then:

    - I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm gonna be picking the Whites. I have always preferred the Blacks graphically and for many other reasons but I've used the Black exclusives a gazillion times.

    - Snivy would be the starter I'd most likely pick for those games. The Water starter was my first for BW1, and the Fire starter was my first for BW2, so that means I picked each starter first for each game.
    I think the simplest answer to this entire conundrum is to not want anything specific. With Pokemon, you know exactly what you're getting: more Pokemon. It never changes. It never has and it never will, because it doesn't need to. It's the highest grossing media franchise in the world, and even if that is primarily due to merchandise, the games are a huge driving factor behind that success. The core gameplay will always be the same. So I think finding whatever enjoyment you can in and around that gameplay is the key to enjoying the main series titles. Just focus on what you like and ignore what you don't, it's not particularly difficult.

    If the next Pokemon game have a less palatable presentation wrapped around the gameplay, I'll just ignore it, the same way that I've been ignoring it since Generation V started pushing badly-written one-dimensional NPCs and the exact same story onto me with increasing frequency. I can still pick my own teams, explore at my own pace, and choose not to actively engage with elements I find distasteful.
    The worse case scenario for me would be another Sw/Sh style linear game with terrible graphics and little polish. I don't mind the linear games at all, I love B2W2, SM and HGSS; but I expect a $60 Switch game to look like it's running on a Switch and not on a GameCube. It's ridiculous to me that they've cranked up the price from $40 to $60 while not even including all the Pokemon and having less content then 10+yo DS/3DS games.

    If that came to pass; I'd just skip on Gen 10. I've already mostly lost interest with the series after my hype for SV wore off and I saw it for the shoddy, rushed game it actually is. I'll come back when GF pulls it together and starts making genuinely good and content rich games again.
    Not buy, presumably. Passed on Legends: Arceus, Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, the Mystery Dungeon remake, and other spinoffs. Why not again?

    Imagines an overly faithful remake or another Let's Go for this. Might apply to a new Generation 10 game with forced action commands too. (Feels down on action commands at the moment.) Goes without saying on several spinoffs as well.
    I'm not big on the increasing focus on making NPC trainers have 'competitive-like' teams. Idc about the fights and idc about the story. I just want to explore with my team of randomly grabbed together Pokemon without having to potentially worry or look up what some random NPC idc about is gonna throw at me. I just wanna carry on with the story so I can unlock all the areas for exploration, pretty much.

    I'll probably stop buying new Pokemon games if they keep increasing the focus on that stuff.
    I don't own a Switch anymore, so the next game catering to the opposite of my tastes (i.e. another Legends game that has only a handful of trainer battles) wouldn't make a difference at all. I'd just keep playing the stuff I have and various romhacks and fangames.
    It already happened. It was BDSP. I didn't buy it and I have no intention too. However, i guess you might argue that's a remake and you mean am actual new generation game. I personally have really low expectations now, so i guess I would just go with it. If it really had to be something that I truly don't like, I Simply wouldn't buy it.
    the one thing i would not want is for them to continue just not giving themselves proper time to finish these games
    or if that one statement about them doing 2 gens a year ends up happening
    i mean id SAY i wouldnt buy the games as a message, but like that ever works for the multi billion dollar ip called POKEMON
    It's already happened, and unfortunately it seems to be happening with increasing frequency.

    I will not buy a Pokemon game if it doesn't meet my standards. I skipped OR/AS. I skipped all of 7th gen. I skipped Let's Go, Legends Arceus, and S/V. And I'll do it again if necessary.

    The beauty of Let's Plays on Youtube and Twitch is that (if you don't mind spoilers) you can watch the first few sessions/episodes and make a judgment call on whether any game, Pokemon or otherwise, is worth your money. Of course, sometimes I knew from watching the trailers that certain Pokemon games would not get my money.

    What do I look for? A game that runs smoothly. A region that looks interesting. Rivals and other characters who aren't annoying tools. The final forms of the starters since they'll be spending the bulk of the game as that final evolutionary form. Good protagonist design, preferably with good outfit customization options. We're all familiar with the battle system that's at the core of these games, so it's these smaller things that separate a good Pokemon game from a mediocre or bad one.
    I actually feel it's impossible for anything bad enough to happen that I will be really upset and not buy the game anyway? Which just shows how big a fan I am of this series. Even some of my least favorite games (BDSP) are fun enough to play and I'd still consider a replay.

    So yeah. I'll probably complain and then buy it regardless (classic fan haha). I just enjoy the creature designs and collection aspect too much for anything to ruin it, unless they somehow really bomb that - and I can't think of how they would.
    I can't think of anything serious enough that would cause me to avoid purchasing.

    The closest that could happen is if they made Gen 5 remakes and didn't polish them. Ending up with performance issues like Scarlet/Violet. Up until now the remakes have always been mostly decent in quality.

    Yet I like the formula of Pokemon and I'd still have fun anyways.
    So basically if, and hopefully it isn't truly the case, the next games are what you don't want. You state what kind of game you do not want, and if it happens, how you are gonna deal with it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] If the next Pokemon games are based off the very thing you don’t want, what would you do?

    What I don't want? I guess that's kind of already happened. I was incredibly uninterested in Pokemon Unite. I didn't agree with the idea of it, the people making it, the idea it could be pay to win, the way the game would end up during its life, and the kind of community that would form around it. It's not my kind of thing and I practically avoided it like the plague. A few of my friends played it and I pretty much just lost interest in their conversations about it, but I'm not going to be the person who goes up to them and says they're not allowed to like it or that it's not a good game or anything. People are allowed to like things you don't and as a culture on the internet we need to accept that. If for some reason the next Pokemon game announced ends up being like, Unite 2 or something? I'm just going to continue to sit here being uninterested about it, and I think that's probably the best response for something that makes me feel that way. No uproars or vitriol, just... meh, whatever.

    [PokeCommunity.com] If the next Pokemon games are based off the very thing you don’t want, what would you do?

    Though if we're just talking main series, I do like Scarlet and Violet more than Sword and Shield (though I don't dislike either of them) and am optimistic we can get something that's at least good for next generation. I can't think of things I wouldn't want in those games besides removing things like quality of life features (since I thought Indigo Disk was great at giving us new options) and in general I'm just not super interested in being pessimistic about the series. If Gen X ends up being bad then I'll play it to get my proper first-hand experience with it, defend the parts of the games I liked, critique and listen to other people's criticism about the parts I didn't like, and if I think they're bad then they'll just be games I won't be actively following and maybe I'll only play them once or twice. I probably wouldn't be doing things like raiding or shiny hunting and just put them away once I finish the main story and complete the Pokedex. All of the generations have good and bad qualities, that's just how creating things works. Over the past 5 generations I've pretty much decided that I'll play every generation whether it's out of curiosity or genuine hype because I want to see for myself just what happens on this rollercoaster and I'm not gonna abandon it just because I saw a couple bumps in the road.