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5th Gen Join Avenue

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 5,731
    In Black 2 and White 2, at one point in the story, you get a building called Join Avenue under your wings. This building is a hub you can customize to include various shops and other activities. There are raffle shops, cafés, beauty salons, flower shops and much more to visit. You could get pretty rare or otherwise unobtainable items in there, if you leveled up your avenue enough. Did you use this feature?

    I personally never bothered with it and I don't think I ever returned to it on my initial playthrough. It never gave me much motivation to level up and get new shops.
    I used it a lot on my first playthrough of B2W2, but I don't think I used it much after that. Usually in subsequent playthroughs of a Pokemon game I'm just doing the main story and am not too concerned with anything outside of that, with certain exceptions.
    I used it and bought stuff from the shops every so often; but I don't think I really understood how it worked so I wasn't able to use it's full potential.
    I USED THIS ALL THE TIME IT WAS SO COOL! Being able to essentially name your own route! Access to tons of useful utilities for training! And having some pretty decent shops as well! Man i miss when pokemon had cool side things like that...

    so yes i used it alot lol
    I used Join Avenue on my initial playthrough when the story introduced the feature. I always forgot to return back to it post-game. Thanks for the reminder...
    Yes, I used it and I quite liked it. It's not comparable with other similar staff in the other games like secret bases in gen 3 or the Pokemon Platinum villa.
    I've been to Join Avenue once or twice, but I don't recall making any real use of it.
    It probably seemed pointless to me at the time.
    Never used it because I didn't have consistent Wi-Fi. But I heard so many good things and it honestly saddens me a bit that I'll never be able to experience it at its peak. :sadwick:
    I played B2/W2 late, so only ever had NPCs in my Join Avenue unless I traded with myself. It's still possible to build up the shops to level 10 with NPC customers and shop owners.