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Last One to Post Wins! v4

PE is weird. Sure, having a subject that doesn't require you to sit around all the time is nice. But then it also gets graded and suddenly you have to do all those different activities and if you're just not good at those you may get a lot of bad grades. <_<
I was working in a hotel for 3 hours a day during high school. I almost completely got out of taking gym class. (I was generally very busy).

They finally caught up to me during my senior year. I had to take it with 95% of the class being younger than me.
I hated changing in the gym locker room. Made me self conscious and we weren't allowed to use the bathroom stalls for changing. (stupid rule).

I just started showing up to school in my gym clothes.

Yeah I never really thought about it but changing rooms in school are weird. Like "hey kids, time to go to your PE class! Go change in this one room where you have to be naked in front of each other but it's fine because you're all of the same sex! Screw your privacy!", like ??????? Why??

I also remembered that there was this period of two years where my class wasn't even ALLOWED to go to the changing room for some reason se we just changed in our actual classroom.
I was weirdly decent at anything PE. Didn't really matter which sport or activity it was... I'd always score above average and be pretty decent at it.
Never excelled at any of them aside from basketball though which was the sport I was playing as a hobby at the time =3

Yeah I never really thought about it but changing rooms in school are weird. Like "hey kids, time to go to your PE class! Go change in this one room where you have to be naked in front of each other but it's fine because you're all of the same sex! Screw your privacy!", like ??????? Why??

naked ? 0.0

We also had shared changing rooms for PE, but like... nobody took off their underwear @_@
naked ? 0.0
nobody took off their underwear @_@
People going to school without wearing underwear :eek::eek: ?

I should say that our schedule was well organized in this regard, at least. There were fixed days in week when there used to be PE classes, rather than being daily. Hence on those days, we were asked to wear the PE dress and come to school. And there were color-coded divisions as well, which were made randomly. So by that sports teams were made for each colors, and for each color there were different teacher(s). And sadly, my team got changed every year, and hence I was needed to buy different color T-shirts every time when I changed the class !!
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[PokeCommunity.com] Last One to Post Wins! v4

Just checking in.~
I am not a winner, rather I am the champion, hence I dictate the outcomes which I get on my own terms. Plus there is some reason why I am called "Crowned" !!

*Snatches the win using a black hole, then pulls it out with anti-gravity powers!*

Black Hole destroys anything which goes inside it, I guess it was called Event Horizon or something like that. Hence the win which you were supposed snatch with the help of Black Hole was destroyed.
(Plus gravity doesn't works in space 🙃🙂)
I am not a winner, rather I am the champion, hence I dictate the outcomes which I get on my own terms. Plus there is some reason why I am called "Crowned" !!

Black Hole destroys anything which goes inside it, I guess it was called Event Horizon or something like that. Hence the win which you were supposed snatch with the help of Black Hole was destroyed.
(Plus gravity doesn't works in space 🙃🙂)

But some recently called me a goddess, so I am the one who decide how everything goes! ^^
So, if I say I pull the win from a black hole, I win!