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Last One to Post Wins! v4


I so should've just Admin flexed and closed it on my post >:(
How bout this, Counter BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ok, I got it out of my system.

also, who won the last thread? I guess it was Tsutarja?
You all are thinking too hard about it. It's called "Last One to Post Wins" and not "Last One to Post Wins, except when the last post happens to be the mod who closes the thread in which case it's the post before the last post." :P

The only sad thing is that now you'll never know whom I was going to let to be the winner of the last thread. I guess now you'll have to see if they'll end up winning this new thread!
Closing thread posts for a game like this one are still the last post to me.
On the plus side, I never cared about winning anyway and I'm just here to horse around :fufu:
I can win whenever I want. :3
ReKoil joined the HFWLOTPW (the Hall of Fame of Winners of the Last One To Post Wins)!
I didn't really do much this Sunday.