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Lot's WiP comic and general talk

I absolutely love the way all the colors work on the rest of your family's drawings! Something about the way they look as Meowstics just works really well with the colors!
thanks! :D
so, if i wanted to change to espurr, i could :D
And how is that toe problem going? You haven't mentioned it in a while, so I was wondering if you had it treated.
not yet...

mum thinks it's getting better, but when mum gets a appointment to go back, we'll go :>
I'm also glad that it's next year. I have a lot of games I still have yet to go through including the original Legends game, so knowing I actually have time to do them makes me more excited for the chance to play it right when it comes out!
actually..... for real, actually....

i think i will stick with being a pikachu....
i like having apposable thumbs 😅
also cause i'm used to it now & I love it :love:
i'm not changing it after all :woop:

I'm glad you've come to your final decision. ^^ That doesn't mean you can't do a one-off story where you turn into an Espurr though if you still want to play around with that.

edit at 7:29 pm: i drew this today :D

Lot (me), waving
View attachment 155814

:mareepwave: *Me waving back haha* It turned out really good!
I'm glad you've come to your final decision. ^^
That doesn't mean you can't do a one-off story where you turn into an Espurr though if you still want to play around with that.
i guess so... i might, but i don't think i will :3

there's a espurr in super pmd, after all :>
:mareepwave: *Me waving back haha* It turned out really good!
:D thanks! :woop:

by the way, i right-clicked on the ''view attachment'' for the drawing... it just gave me ''Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found.''

i know updated the drawing a little bit a little while ago.... but

could that be why, i wonder? :hattremhuh:
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i guess so... i might, but i don't think i will :3

there's a espurr in super pmd, after all :>

Okay then. ^^

by the way, i right-clicked on the ''view attachment'' for the drawing... it just gave me ''Oops! We ran into some problems. The requested page could not be found.''

i know updated the drawing a little bit a little while ago.... but

could that be why, i wonder? :hattremhuh:

I'm honestly not sure. I don't really handle technical issues on the site, so if it remains an issue, maybe contact support staff about it?
Okay then. ^^
i drew this just now :D

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
charlotte (me) the pikachu riding on fen the phanpy

edit at 6:07 pm: as for my lucky ribbon, if i'm going to crochet one, i think it'd have to be like a scarf, wouldn't it :hattremhuh:

i just have to make it as long as it needs to be :D

i found better yarn for it :3

also.... i feel like i shouldn't have me, human-me get taken to the pmd world....

it's not that easy to ''recruit'' a pikachu from lightning field in either rrt or dx :o :I
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i drew this just now :D

View attachment 155847
charlotte (me) the pikachu riding on fen the phanpy

Looks really nice! You drew their front profile really well!

edit at 6:07 pm: as for my lucky ribbon, if i'm going to crochet one, i think it'd have to be like a scarf, wouldn't it :hattremhuh:

i just have make it as long as it needs to be :D

That would probably be easier, though I still don't know much about crocheting haha. 😅

also.... i feel like i shouldn't have me, human-me get taken to the pmd world....

Oh, what makes you feel that way?

it's not that easy to ''recruit'' a pikachu from lightning field in either rrt or dx :o :I

It's not easy to find shiny Pokemon either, but people still do! Just because it's not easy, doen't mean it can't happen. (or the story to be modified in such a way as to allow it to)
Looks really nice! You drew their front profile really well!
thanks! :D

& i tested the right-click on the attachment... it showed up for me... :3
so i think it was only the other one that did it :>

edit at 10:49 pm: i just updated the drawing in the main post that it came from...never mind what i said
it really was because i updated the other one... 😅
That would probably be easier, though I still don't know much about crocheting haha. 😅
Oh, what makes you feel that way?
the below, about ''recruiting'' pikachu :>
It's not easy to find shiny Pokemon either, but people still do! Just because it's not easy, doen't mean it can't happen. (or the story to be modified in such a way as to allow it to)
that's true :>
but the red/blue rescue team wonder code generator doesn't let you recruit pokemon by mail... & again, there's no rrt/brt rom editor :o

but what you said is true :3
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That would probably be easier, though I still don't know much about crocheting haha. 😅
do you know about neopets, i wonder? :3

i drew this today :D the main doglefox, i drew, the other items are the items she has & plays with

she belongs to keomi the zafara, who she is yet to be drawn, but she's a red zafara :3

i love how it came out that looks like Inori *that's her name* is playing with her Orange Fungus Petpet Ball :love:
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

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do you know about neopets, i wonder? :3

I know nothing about Neopets unfortunately.

i drew this today :D the main doglefox, i drew, the other items are the items she has & plays with

she belongs to keomi the zafara, who she is yet to be drawn, but she's a red zafara :3
i love how it came out that looks like Inori *that's her name* is playing with her Orange Fungus Petpet Ball :love:
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk


Even though I'm unfamiliar with the series, you still drew this creature nicely!

i drew keomi :D

she's wearing her favourite Handkerchief :3

i don't own her, though..... yet? :>

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

i can't believe how cute she came out :love:

I was actually just about to say that she looks cuter in your drawing that in the official artwork haha, you did a great job with her face!

i made this today :D

keomi and Inori
Inori's walking over keomi's feet :love:
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

That's really cute too! ^^
I know nothing about Neopets unfortunately.
i thought you would've known about neopets... i guess not, haha 😯 I thought i'd ask first :3

well.... in a couple of sentances: Neopets is an immersive, online virtual pet game where players can adopt, customise, and interact with Neopets in the vast world of Neopia.

Known for its multi-generational, passionate community, Neopets offers players an expansive realm of storytelling, collecting, pet care, and exciting social gaming experiences.

Since its launch in 1999, Neopets has galvanised unique adventures, games, stories, and challenges for over 150 million players worldwide.


since the close of flash, some of the stuff that work off of flash aren't really working...
but a lot still are :> i ''think'' they're working on converting those ones :>

better yet, here, have a neopet history lesson :D https://bookofages.jellyneo.net/history/
my first time finding this page myself :3
Even though I'm unfamiliar with the series, you still drew this creature nicely!
thanks! ^^

she is a petpet called a doglefox :3
I was actually just about to say that she looks cuter in your drawing then in the official artwork haha, you did a great job with her face!
i'm glad you like her :D
That's really cute too! ^^

i was thinking about making a potential comic, either big or small,*i'm starting to think it's gonna be big* about her....
unless that's too much of a task.... as i think i want to use all of neopia ... *if it wasn't for the missing flash for most of the stuff on the site*

& everything that happens to her.... :3

also.... she has a little sister, named 'rui' :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

pastel colour, baby
keomi's little, not so baby, little girl, kindergarten age sister, 5 years old
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i thought you would've known about neopets... i guess not, haha 😯 I thought i'd ask first :3

Nope. I've heard the name and that's it.

well.... in a couple of sentances: Neopets is an immersive, online virtual pet game where players can adopt, customise, and interact with Neopets in the vast world of Neopia.

Known for its multi-generational, passionate community, Neopets offers players an expansive realm of storytelling, collecting, pet care, and exciting social gaming experiences.

Since its launch in 1999, Neopets has galvanised unique adventures, games, stories, and challenges for over 150 million players worldwide.


since the close of flash, some of the stuff that work off of flash aren't really working...
but a lot still are :> i ''think'' they're working on converting those ones :>

So it's like an mmo then? That sort of explains why I don't know it. I've never really been interested in mmo's.

better yet, here, have a neopet history lesson :D https://bookofages.jellyneo.net/history/
my first time finding this page myself :3

Wow, that's... A whole lot of information haha. It's impressive that so much was catalogued like that!

So your pet character can have pets, and those pets can also have pets? :huh:

i was thinking about making a potential comic, either big or small,*i'm starting to think it's gonna be big* about her....

unless that's too much of a task.... as i think i want to use all of neopia ... *if it wasn't for the missing flash for most of the stuff on the site*

& everything that happens to her.... :3

You certainly can if you want to, and I know that people are working on alturnitives to flash even these days, so the game may very well be restored to perfect order at some point.
But do know that I won't really be able to help with it much beyond just checking out the drawings you do of the characters.

also.... she has a little sister, named 'rui' :3
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk

pastel colour, baby
keomi's little, not so baby, little girl, kindergarten age sister, 5 years old

Neat colors!
Nope. I've heard the name and that's it.
So it's like an mmo then? That sort of explains why I don't know it.
i think it is..maybe? 😯 i just found on reddit that someone says that ''It has RPG elemets (random events, plots, battledome) as well as casual game elements (short flash games, customization).''
I've never really been interested in mmo's.

that's fine :>
Wow, that's... A whole lot of information haha. It's impressive that so much was catalogued like that!
yeah, i know! 😯
So your pet character can have pets, and those pets can also have pets?
that's right : D

my kacheek, evelyn's pet Carmariller, mari, for example, she has never had a petpetpet... the petpetpet's are sort of like insects
mari - https://pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php?title=Carmariller
evelyn: https://pinkpt.com//neodex/index.php?title=Kacheek / https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/gallery/67997250/neopets
You certainly can if you want to, and I know that people are working on alternatives to flash even these days, so the game may very well be restored to perfect order at some point.
:D tnt is just really behind on adding the replacement for the other stuff on neopets :3

i saw that on a couple of games that i've played today, that used flash has the flash expansion, ruffle now... that was apparently added in on 25th of june last year :D

edit at 11:26 pm: i just found out that ''
The following Flash features have already been converted to be Flash-free:

  • Advent Calendar animations (since 2017)
  • NC Archives Wheel (May 2019)
  • Customisation (May 2020, with site redesign beta)
  • Selection of Flash games (May 2020, with site redesign beta)
  • The Wheels (August 2021, with site redesign beta)
  • All world maps (since April and December 2022)
  • Old Flash games, via Ruffle (July 2023) *this one i've already found out previously :> *
Plus, much of Neopia was already Flash-free to begin with! Restocking, "PHP games" such as Food Club, NeoQuest and Scarab 21, the Money Tree, the Battledome, and many more features don't use Flash to begin with and are already future proof.''

But do know that I won't really be able to help with it much beyond just checking out the drawings you do of the characters.

that's fine :love:

Neat colors!
she's a pastal colour :3

she's adorable, isn't she :love:
It's not easy to find shiny Pokemon either, but people still do! Just because it's not easy, doen't mean it can't happen. (or the story to be modified in such a way as to allow it to)
i edited/drew this today :D
[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk
*in order of speech... from the 2nd line onwards: charlotte ''ummm... never mind ... what about you? i know about phanpys & you're adorable!! do you have a name?''
fen ''ummm.... thankyou... & my name is fen''

charlotte ''nice to meet you, fen''
fen: ''nice to meet you, charlotte'' ''by the way, who's that hiding behind you?''

charlotte ''oh... this is my friend, na... she was born from a egg''
fen: ''oh, really?''

charlotte ''that's right... come on, na, say hello...''

na ''...

fen ''...
she's not saying anything....''

charlotte ''yeah... she doesn't know where she is... do you, na?''

na *nods* ''i'm scared, charlotte~''

charlotte ''it's ok, na... i'm sorry, fen.... she's young & shy around new pokemon & new places as well''

fen ''... it's ok''

na ''w-where are we?''

i decided not to have my human-sona get sent to the rrt/dx pmd world after all :>

i'll still do the eos pmd with her (me), though :D

this is how i think i imagine it to go when i meet fen, when i do it/make it:3
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You certainly can if you want to, and I know that people are working on alturnitives to flash even these days, so the game may very well be restored to perfect order at some point.
But do know that I won't really be able to help with it much beyond just checking out the drawings you do of the characters.
i made another neopet comic character :3

[PokeCommunity.com] Lot's WiP comic and general talk