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PokéCommunity Daily: Make-a-Mega 6: Vote for stat changes for Mega Arcanine NOW!

Which stat spread should we use for Mega Arcanine?

  • [url="http://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=9449026&postcount=57"]5qwerty[/url]

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • [url="http://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=9449074&postcount=58"]Nick Wilde[/url]

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • [url="http://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=9449258&postcount=59"]Comme des Garcons[/url]

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • [url="http://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=9451686&postcount=60"]gimmepie[/url]

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • [url="http://www.pokecommunity.com/showpost.php?p=9451716&postcount=61"]tzujm33[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • 25,778

    We all know that there's a lot of Pokemon that just plain suck competitively. However, the introduction of mega-evolution as a mechanic allowed many Pokemon that would otherwise be very weak to suddenly become very usable. In the case of some Pokemon (ie. Lucario or Mawile), their mega-evolutions give them such a boost that they jump from lower tiers into Ubers.

    So, for the Daily series Make-a-Mega, we're going to take a Pokemon that is ordinarily quite weak and create a mega-evolution that will render it usable in a higher tier. In the last Make-a-Mega we turned Castform from a really gimmicky and useless Pokemon to a Pokemon that's equally gimmicky but can actually do some damage. Now it's time to again submit ideas for a Pokemon to create a Mega Evolution for. Once we have our chosen Pokemon, we'll develop its type, ability and stats here whilst over in A&D a design to match our changes is created.

    Week-by-week breakdown

    Week One: Pokemon is determined
    Week Two: A&D work begins, type change (if any) is determined.
    Week Three: Ability change (if any) is determined.
    Week Four: Stat changes are determined. Featured design is selected.

    Each week (excluding the artwork) is broken down into three days where ideas are suggested and then a four day poll to determine which idea we apply. The article is then written and published as the next polling process begins.


    1. The chosen Pokemon must be fully-evolved or have no evolutions.
    2. It should not already possess a mega-evolution.
    3. It must be from a tier below OU.

    Previous Selections
    1. Roserade
    2. Luxray
    3. Lapras
    4. Weezing
    5. Castform

    I'd like to suggest Masquerain!

    I think it's kind of a forgotten Pokemon, but it could get a more unique typing (cough bug/water) instead of keeping that boring bug/flying combo. Plus I like it's current design - so I'm sure it could look really good if it had a mega as well. :)
    Mmmmkay so I feel like Arcanine is way past due for this. It's an "okay" Pokemon that has potential to be great if given a mega evo. There are so many possibilities for it design wise and functionality wise, I'm still shocked that it hasn't been picked yet.
    Raichu. With Pikachu always getting more love and Raichu still being better than it, combined with the fact that we need more good Electric types, I feel like it would be a good candidate for a Mega.
    Ledian would be so cool. The others are all at least remotely viable in some kind of way. Ledian is horrid which sucks because it's so horribly cool. Giving it a better typing and better stats would be excellent.

    Right, so I suggest that we keep it pure Fire. I can't really think of any other type combinations right now, but I would not be opposed to voting for something else if it makes sense.
    I would suggest Fire / Fighting.

    - Stealth Rock neutrality
    - STAB on Close Combat
    - Quad resists U-turn
    - Now resists Knock Off
    - Crunch and Wild Charge can cover the new weaknesses