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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 3 - Crystal}

My first steps out of Newbark since defeating the Elite Four lead to an encounter with Entei. I was caught off guard by the sight of the volcanic dog as I was expecting a lvl 3 Sentret or Pidgey. Seeing as an encounter with a legendary beast is a very special once in a lifetime chance, I had no choice but to kill it. A simple earthquake from Masmavi did the job.

Since I lack a flying pokémon, I had to ride my bike all across the Johto region again just to get to the frickin boat in Olivine because I guess surfing to Kanto is illegal these days. After finding a rogue child on board the S.S. Whatsername, we finally docked at Vermillion City where I instantly started chopping down trees. I barged into the gym, crushed Lt. Surge with Masmavi's mud attacks, then moved north to Saffron where Kyanos bit all of the pokémon in the gym.

Following that, I passed through Cerulean on my way to the Power Plant where I interrogated a cop until he told me everything, he knew about a generator part being stolen. I then followed the trail of evidence back to Cerulean where I found the criminal relaxing in the pool. After obtaining the stolen part and returning it, I passed through Cerulean one more time to attempt to be a third wheel on Misty's date with some rando. For some reason she didn't approve of this, but I did a badge from her. I'm not entirely sure if it was the winning the battle with Kyanos or if it was just to get me to leave, but nonetheless I now had three Kanto badges.

Next came Lavender Town where I snagged a radio expansion card for my pokegear before running south to Fuchsia City where Masmavi swept through another gym. I followed that up by riding uphill both ways across Cycling Road to take on Erika in Celadon. I leveled up Masmavi against that trainers, surprisingly she didn't take much damage from the grass types. Azzurra and Sifa then tag teamed Erika's team using Megahorn and Icy Wind respectively. I finally returned to Vermillion to wakeup Snorlax so that I could knock him out before crawling into a cave full of enraged moles.

Surfacing from the cave, and discovering that Viridian Forest no longer exists, I made my way north to Pewter City where Bleu singlehandedly destroyed the gym, giving me Kanto badge number six. I quickly made my way to the ruins of Cinnabar to face off against Blaine and Indiko easily deflected all of his fire attacks. Lastly, came the battle against Blue which was the only Kanto battle that provided any sort of "challenge".

Masmavi took down Pidgeot with multiple Headbutts. Azzurra one shot Exeggutor with Megahorn. Sifa almost took out Arcanine with a single Waterfall, but Blue used a Full Restore so I had launch Swift once then strike with a second Waterfall. Bleu used Defense Curl, took a hit from Hyper Beam, then took Gyarados out with three Rollouts as Gyarados had to recharge then Blue wasted another turn using a Full Restore. Kyanos stepped in the chomp down on Alakazam, but unfortunately wasn't fast enough to finish off the psychic so Sifa came back in to deliver the final hit with Dragonbreath, landing a critical hit that countered Alakazam's use of Recover. I contemplated letting Indiko get some action in this gym battle, but opted to leave Sifa in to get a OHKO on Rhydon with Waterfall. Blue was now defeated and I finally had all eight Kanto Badges.

I made one quick stop by Professor Oak's lab before heading to Mt. Silver. There I got to listen to him mock me for only having registered 14 pokémon in my pokédex, saying "At least you under stand how to use Poké Balls". Now, having had my ego destroyed by the elderly, it was time to venture to Mt. Silver to defeat one of the greatest trainers in this world, second only to me.

After stumbling around in the dark for an eternity, dodging massive beasts and collecting vitamins for some last-minute stat boosting, I finally found my way to the summit of Mt. Silver. The time had finally come to battle Red.

The battle began with Pikachu vs Masmavi. Thanks to Masmavi's immunity to electric attacks, Pikachu had to resort to Charm and Quick Attack. Earthquake wasn't quite strong enough to take Pikachu down in a single hit, thanks to Charm, however it did enough damage that Red wasted two Full Restores on the electric mouse. After avoiding a Quick Attack, Masmavi took Pikachu down with a Mud-Slap followed by another Earthquake. Sifa came out to counter Venusaur, but only got two uses of Icy Wind and one Dragonbreath before falling to a Solar Beam boosted by Sunny Day. Fortunately, Azzurra was able to step in and take Venusaur down before it could strike, thanks to Sifa's Icy Wind. Red sent Charizard to counter Azzurra who I swapped with Bleu to use Rollout. Bleu landed two strikes with Rollout before fainting to fire damage. I sent out Masmavi to finish off Charizard, but two missed Whirlpools and a single landed Headbutt weren't enough and Masmavi fell as well. Kyanos stepped in and finished with a Water Gun.

Red then sent out Espeon who I countered with Indiko. I wasn't expecting him to use Psychic so I failed the first attempt of Counter, however two follow-ups with Mirror Coat took Espeon down. I then sent Azzurra back out to counter Snorlax. Striking first with a Rock Smash to lower defense, then hitting with Reversal after taking some damage. Sadly it wasn't enough and Azzurra went down. I thought Indiko could do the job, but unfortunately, she fainted as well. Leaving me with just Kyanos. I sacrificed Kyanos to use Max Revives on Azzurra and Indiko. R.I.P. water gator. After Kyanos fainted, I sent Azzurra back out for the smash-reverse strategy again, which finally took Snorlax down and left Red with just one more Pokémon, Blastoise. I left Azzurra in to land a Megahorn on Blastoise, which took down about a third of its health. It then fainted, leaving me with just Indiko. Indiko deflected whirlpool for another third of Blastoise's health. Blastoise followed that with Rain Dance, which had me a little worried about the next attack. Blastoised launched a Surf attack which dropped Indiko from 298 HP to 77. Luckily to survive the hit, Indiko used Mirror Coat to use Blastoise's massive damage against itself to defeat the blue turtle and claim victory for the team. Having now been defeated, Red spoke the famous words "….. ….." before leaving me alone on the summit. I have now officially conquered the Johto Region. Next stop, Hoenn.

Final Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kyanos♂ • Lvl 55
Fury Cutter • Bite • Cut • Water Gun

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Masmavi♀ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Quick Claw
Whirlpool • Earthquake • Mud-Slap • Headbutt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Azzurra♀ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Focus Band
Rock Smash • Reversal • Strength • Megahorn

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Indiko♀ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Counter • Mirror Coat • Safeguard • Destiny Bond

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bleu♂ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Mystic Water
Tackle • Defense Curl • Rollout • Surf

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sifa♂ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Dragon Fang
Waterfall • Dragonbreath • Swift • Icy Wind​
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Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 4 - Sapphire}

I started off this playthrough of Sapphire by using Mudkip, who I later named Zafiro, to save Professor Birch. After finishing the typical first battle against the rival, I stepped onto Route 102 to get my second teammate, Molyna the Surskit. Despite the 1% chance of encounter, I got lucky enough to find her in a matter of minutes. Since she was only lvl 3, I went back to Route 101 to get her to lvl 5 before continuing to Petalburg.

Once in Petalburg I decided to stop by the gym to say hi to the first dad that's ever been around for his child's journey as a trainer. He then forced me to teach some Wally kid how to catch a pokémon, because throwing a ball at an animal is a very hard concept to understand. After completing the strenuous side-quest, I traveled along the beach of Route 104 where I captured Seyan the Taillow before entering Petalburg Woods. Halfway through the forest I encountered a Team Aqua Grunt assaulting a man. I battled the grunt using Molyna who, despite missing with most of her attacks, managed to defeat that assailants Poochyena with lots and lots of bubbles.

After the grunt ran away, I tracked him down to Rustboro. I lost him but after hopping into the gym to beat up Roxanne's team with my water Pokémon, he showed up again and I chased him into Rusturf Tunnel where Seyan helped me rescue a stolen Wingull. In return for beating up the thug and rescuing the bird, I got a free Pokénav and boat ride to Dewford Town. From there I trained my team in Granite Cave as I made my way to Steven to deliver a letter and then took on the local gym, blowing Brawly's team away with Seyan's Wing Attacks. After getting badge number two I set sail for Slateport.

After docking on the beach I proceeded to continue my training, eventually evolving Zafiro into Marshtomp. During my brief stay in the port, I foiled a museum robbery, beat up the forest grunt a second time, and ran off an angry mob that was blocking the road north of the city. Then I did some training below cycling road as I made my way toward Mauville. I decided to battle the trainers in the surrounding areas before taking on the Mauville gym and evolved Seyan into a Swellow on Route 118. Following Seyan's evolution, my team was an even lvl 22 and I shoved Wally out of my way to take on Watson, simply relying on Zafiro's Mud Shot to ground his team's shocks.

Now that I can use Rock Smash I began travelling to Fallarbor Town. The trainers around the base of the volcano were fairly easy and Molyna evolved into Masquerain shortly after setting foot onto Route 113. I then passed through Fallarbor to Route 114 where I caught a Swablu and named him Asur. Afterwards I stepped into Meteor Falls, accidentally disrupting a drug deal involving something called "meteorite", then passed through the cave to find myself on a beach where I beat people up to level up Asur.

Following the brutal beach vacation, I passed back through Rusturf Tunnel so I could loop back to Mt. Chimney where I stopped a madman using the "meteorite" to prevent the volcano from erupting. Personally, I quite like fire and brimstone so I couldn't let this happen. My pokémon battled his while I engaged in fisticuffs before kicking him off a ledge. I then returned my pokémon shortly before tripping and rolling down the mountainside into Lavaridge Town.

Standing up and dusting myself off, I marched over the gym to battle Flannery. I used the trainers within to balance out my team's levels and Zafiro took down Flannery's team by himself, relying solely on his Mud Shot again. I stepped out of the gym, admiring my fourth badge, and found a pair of goggles laying on the ground. They looked quite snazzy so I put them on. Now to go test them in the desert.

Current Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zafiro♂ • Lvl 30
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Soft Sand
Docile • Torrent
Water Gun • Mud Shot • Rock Smash • Tackle

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Molyna♀ • Lvl 29
Naughty • Swift Swim
Quick Attack • Gust • Bubblebeam • Water Sport

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Seyan♂ • Lvl 30
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Silk Scarf
Bashful • Guts
Quick Attack • Wing Attack • Steel Wing • Endeavor

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Asur♂ • Lvl 30
Hasty • Natural Cure
Astonish • Peck • Fury Attack • Sing​
Update on Ultimate Green Monocolor Challenge:

Final Update (#3) on X!
  • Lysandre announced his evil plan, and I went to his hideout in Lumiose City.
  • Defeated him, then cleared out the rest of the hideout.
  • Chased Team Flare to Geosenge Town, where I defeated Lysandre again prior to him activating the weapon.
  • Caught Xerneas with a Master Ball, then defeated Lysandre once and for all.
  • Went back to Anistar City to continue our journey to Couriway Town, where I beat Professor Sycamore.
  • Continued on through Route 19 to Snowbelle City.
  • Explored the Pokemon Village to find Wulfric, then I defeated him at the Snowbelle Gym for my final badge.
  • After using Waterfall in a couple places for items and some trainers, I went to Victory Road.
  • Defeated Calem for the final time, then arrived at the Pokemon League.
  • Finalized movesets and held items, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Siebold was up first, and his Gyarados set up multiple Dragon Dances, so it took my whole team to defeat him.
  • Malva, Wikstrom, and Drasna were much easier to deal with. Dusty and Malivore got most of the work done against them.
  • Finally, it was time to face Champion Diantha. Here's the video and play-by-play of the battle:



Hall of Fame:

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kermit the Bashful Politoed, ♂ - L65 @ Icicle Plate
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Scald, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Hyper Voice
Final Stats: 228/125/115/153/154/125
Diantha MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bruteroot the Mild (Mega) Venusaur, ♂ - L64 @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Petal Dance, Sludge Bomb, Nature Power, Synthesis
Final Stats: 205/144/110/167/139/143
Kalos co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lancelot the Lax Chesnaught, ♂ - L64 @ Fist Plate
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Wood Hammer, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Spiky Shield
Final Stats: 221/182/189/109/106/106
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Austin the Lonely Hawlucha, ♂ - L64 @ Black Belt
Ability: Limber
Moves: High Jump Kick, Fly, Flying Press, U-turn
Final Stats: 210/161/106/118/110/181
Kalos co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Malivore the Lax Golurk - L65 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Iron Fist
Moves: Phantom Force, Earthquake, Mega Punch, Hammer Arm
Final Stats: 223/211/140/86/116/107
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dusty the Adamant Flygon, ♂ - L65 @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Crunch
Final Stats: 206/191/122/108/125/155
Elite Four co-MVP

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Diggersby - Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf [boxed]
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Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 5 - Sapphire}

At first I wasn't sure if it was just a dream or a hallucination from the heat, but upon waking up in a pile of sand I found two more pokémon in my party. Glas the Chimecho and Blau the Wailmer. It seems that I stealthily slipped by all the trainers from Mauville to Mt Pyre unseen and snagged myself a Chimecho before kicking more of those Aqua thugs off the mountain. I then fished up a Wailmer on Route 110 before finding myself in the desert sands of Route 111, where I intended to travel first. But, seeing as I planned on taking a vacation in the wasteland anyway, I took some time to level up my new team members to match the rest of my team.

I then made my way back up Route 119 where I used all the trainers I had previously skipped to do some more training for my battle against Winona. Glas and Blau tag-teamed the Fortree gym with Shock Waves and Rollout. Glas came in handy when taking on Winona's Altaria. I got lucky because I forgot that her Altaria has Earthquake as well as the fact that Glas had Levitate as her ability, and despite Winona's vast knowledge of pokémon that don't like the ground, she used Earthquake a lot against my floating wind chime.

Next came my lengthy journey at sea. Upon stopping a man from teaching his Wailmer some new tricks, I set sail for Mossdeep. None of my pokémon were ideal for tackling that gym so I kept alternating my team as I battled the trainers, but Zafiro and Molyna made a good team for the double battle against Solrock and Lunatone thanks to Surf and Bubblebeam. Following my 7th gym battle, I spent many days at sea, battling trainers who apparently don't believe in surfing despite being in the middle of nowhere, before finding myself at Sootopolis. All of the locals seemed terrified by the horrible storm that had been brewing for the past week, but I didn't see the problem. Only a few cities were wiped out by the flooding. But to appease them, at least enough for them to allow me gym access, I went spelunking to find their rain god. Once standing face to face with the leviathan I realized there was only one thing that could be done. I ate the food offering the locals wanted me to hand to the beast and then beat him into submission. I am their god now. That was enough for them to hand me a gym badge, but I like battling so I had Glas zap everyone in the gym anyway for the EXP before setting sail once more.

I eventually found my way to the famed Ever Grande City, the city so grand that it only had two buildings and a cave. At some point during my travels through the cave my team contracted pokérus, which was pretty cool as that's the first time I've gotten that in a gen III game even if it was practically useless to me at this point. Near the exit I encountered the sick kid from Petalburg and decided to teach him one more valuable lesson. A lesson of pain. Legend has it that trainers can still hear his cries echo throughout Victory Road to this very day.

And finally the time has come to take on Hoenn's Elite Four. Molyna led the charge against Sidney's dark team, blowing them all away with Silver Wind. Zafiro shook up most of Phoebe's team with Earthquake but fell to her final Dusclops, so Seyan swept in to finish the job with Aerial Ace. Blau took on Glacia's team by himself. He took out her first Glalie and both Sealeo with Rollout before taking a quick Rest, waking up with the aid of a Chesto Berry. Unfortunately, I screwed up and called out Rest again, thus wasting turns and leading to Blau's defeat. Glas then came out to tear down Glalie with Psychic and then destroy Walrein with Shock Wave and Psychic, barely holding on with 12HP at the end.

The fight against Drake was a bit more engaging. Leading with Asur, I took down Shelgon with Dragonbreath. I then switched in Blau to knock down Altaria with Rollout. I left him in to land a good hit on Flygon, but Blau missed and was too slow to launch a second attack before fainting. Seyan came in to take out the buggy dragon. I then switch Zafiro in for the sandstorm immunity against Flygon #2, who was no match for Zafiro's Surf. Despite dealing with paralysis, I kept Zafiro out to lower Salamence's speed with Rock Tomb. Zafiro fell, as expected, so I sent out Seyan to strike with Endeavor before falling as well. Finally, Asur came in to finish Salamence off with Dragonbreath, leaving only Steven in the way of my title as champion.

Glas kicked off the battle with Shock Wave, striking down Skarmory with two hits. I left her in to take on Cradily, who only beat Glas because of two stat boosts from Ancient Power. That damned fossil then swept through the rest of my team, somehow taking everything down in one hit, except for Seyan who was defeated by confusion and poison. That was the most BS I've ever experienced in a champion battle so far. I mean seriously… TWO 10% chance boosts to all stats followed by landing a OHKO on a WAILORD…

So, after whiting out and raging for some time, I tackled the Elite Four again. The first four battles played out roughly the same, only this time without Blau's horrible aim and accidental double resting against Glacia. Then came the second battle against Steven.

Glas vs. Skarmory was a little different. Taking four Shock Waves this time, as well as Glas taking damage from Steel Wing and Toxic, but she still defeated the armored bird. This time Seyan came out to take on Cradily first, landing a hit for approximately 1/3 damage with Steel Wing and getting hit by Confuse Ray. Seyan fell to confusion and Ancient Power, but did enough damage for Asur to come in and kill Cradily with Earthquake. Molyna came in and took Claydol down with two Silver Wind attacks, and survived a strike from yet another use of Ancient Power. Blau struck down Armaldo with a single Water Spout, Zafiro wrecked Aggron with a single Earthquake, and because I wasn't taking any chances this time I guaranteed myself victory with Asur's Perish Song on Metagross, Steven's last pokémon. This proved unnecessary though, as Zafiro stepped in, after Asur was crushed by Meteor Mash, and finished the battle with two Earthquakes. Finally, after two battles against Steven, I have claimed the title of Hoenn Champion. Region 3 of 8 completed in my Ultimate Challenge. Now on to region 4, Sinnoh.

Final Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zafiro♂ • Lvl 58
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Soft Sand
Docile • Torrent
Surf • Earthquake • Rock Tomb • Strength

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Molyna♀ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Sitrus Berry
Naughty • Intimidate
Silver Wind • Aerial Ace • Bubblebeam • Stun Spore

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Seyan♂ • Lvl 55
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Silk Scarf
Bashful • Guts
Secret Power • Aerial Ace • Steel Wing • Endeavor

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Asur♂ • Lvl 56
Hasty • Natural Cure
Dragonbreath • Fly • Earthquake • Perish Song

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Glas♀ • Lvl 56
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Sitrus Berry
Lonely • Levitate
Psychic • Shock Wave • Return • Heal Bell

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Blau♂ • Lvl 57
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Chesto Berry
Water Veil • Serious
Waterfall • Rollout • Water Spout • Rest​
Decided to continue my Blue run to Alola on Ultra Sun. As an aside, this will be my first time playing it!

Update on Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge:

Update #1 on Ultra Sun.
Name: Blue
Starter: Popplio

  • Started with Selkie the Popplio, then caught Taser the Grubbin on Route 1.
  • Man, the first part of the game is such a slog with the cutscenes, geez...
  • Finally got to the first Totem trial and defeated Gumshoos without too much trouble.
  • Soon after that, Selkie evolved into Brionne!
  • Took on Kahuna Hala for the grand trial, and Taser's Acrobatics attack really helped out here. Selkie finished off Crabrawler for the win.
  • Taser then evolved into Charjabug!
  • Mantine Surfed to Akala Island and soon got into the next Totem challenge with Araquanid. He was pretty difficult but I eventually prevailed.
  • Got the Fishing Rod, then caught my next team member, Submarine the Wishiwashi.
  • Made my way to Wela Volcano Park, for the next trail. Totem Marawak was more difficult than I expected, as my lack of speed really hurt.
  • Circled around the rest of the island to get to the Lush Jungle, where the last trial on the island was.
  • Totem Lurantis was super hard, and I lost several times. Finally I was able to paralyze him with Taser's Spark on the first turn before Comfey came out. However even with that, both Selkie and Submarine were helpless against Solar Blade, so I kept having to heal Taser until he finally was able to win.
  • Finally it was time for the second Kahuna battle with Olivia. She wasn't too hard thanks to my water type advantage.
  • I am saved back in Heahea City.

Team Blue:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Smasher the Hasty Cranidos, ♂ - L24 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Assurance, Take Down
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Taser the Timid Charjabug, ♀ - L30 @ Eviolite
Ability: Battery
Moves: Spark, Bug Bite, Acrobatics, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Selkie the Rash Brionne, ♀ - L30 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Bubble Beam, Disarming Voice, Icy Wind, Sing
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Submarine the Relaxed Wishiwashi, ♂ - L30 @ Waterium Z
Ability: Schooling
Moves: Dive, Feint Attack, Take Down, Rest

First impressions:
After getting used to the new menus and movement, I like this game. The early trainers felt pretty weak, though they seem to be getting better now. Also, the Totem trials are harder then I expected, as the double battles can be hard to deal with, especially when they set each other up. The Grand Trials aren't too bad though. Looks like the story will start ramping up now, so I'm looking forward to that.
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Update on Ultimate Blue Monocolor Challenge:

Update #2 on Ultra Sun.
  • Sailed to Aether Paradise for the first time, where I met Lusamine, then encountered an Ultra Beast, who ended up fleeing.
  • Arrived on Ula'ula Island at Malie City. Went to Malie Garden, where Smasher finally evolved into Rampardos!
  • Took a quick detour to Route 11, where I caught Dreamer the Komala.
  • Continued on through Route 10 and caught the bus to the Hokulani Observatory.
  • Found out that Sophocles was the next trial captain (after already meeting him in Festival Plaza).
  • During the fights against the trial Pokemon, Selkie evolved into Primarina!
  • After finally getting all the Charjabugs lined up, Totem Togedemaru appeared. After my first 4 members whittled away at him, Selkie came on, survived a Zing Zap, then finished him and Skarmory off with Sparkling Aria to win the trial.
  • Team Skull was making more trouble at Malie Garden, and I defeated Guzma for the first time.
  • Went to Route 12, where I got Mudsdale Gallop from Hapu, and used it to make my way to Mount Lanakila.
  • Caught my final team member, Snowfox the Alolan Vulpix.
  • Went back to Route 15 and found Blush Mountain, where I evolved Taser into Vikavolt!
  • Defeated all the trainers I could find on Route 15, including the Ace Trainer, then went to Ula'ula Beach to do some Mantine Surfing for BP.
  • Used them to teach Aqua Tail to Submarine, then finally made my way to Aether House to meet up with Acerola.
  • We went to the abandoned Thrifty Megamart for the trial, and after defeating the Gasty, Haunter, and Gengar, Totem Mikiyu appeared.
  • Its aura was difficult to deal with and it took my whole team to finally bring it down and win the trial.
  • Team Skull and Plumeria had reappeared at Aether House, so I took care of them, then learned they had a base in Po Town.
  • Got the Sharpedo Jet from Grimsley (nice!) and used it to smash and surf to Route 16, then made my way to Po Town.
  • After defeating most of the outdoor trainers, I finally got the Ice Stone and evolved Snowfox into Alolan Ninetales!
  • Battled my way inside the Shady House, got the passwords, then reached the final room where Guzma was.
  • His Pinsir was tough to handle due to it's speed and my general weakness to fighting moves, but I prevailed.
  • Went back to Aether House, where I defeated Gladion, then we jumped on a ship to go rescue Lillie.
  • But first, Nanu revealed he was the Kahuna, and I defeated him pretty easily to win my third grand trial.
  • Took a ferry to Aether Paradise, and after defeating the employees around the complex, we finally ended up on the bottom floor.
  • Defeated Faba and got outside, only to face off against Guzma again. It took my whole team to win since I am a bit underleveled.
  • After healing up, I defeated the Ultra Recon Squad, then entered the final room.
  • After a decent length cutscene, Lusamine challenges me. She was a decent challenge but I was able to handle her team pretty well.
  • Made my way all the way back to the dock, then sailed to Poni Island, where I saved in Seafolk Village.

Team Blue:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dreamer the Careful Komala, ♀ - L43 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Comatose
Moves: Facade, Wood Hammer, Brick Break, Sucker Punch
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Submarine the Relaxed Wishiwashi, ♂ - L44 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Schooling
Moves: Aqua Tail, Feint Attack, Double-Edge, Rest
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Taser the Timid Vikavolt, ♀ - L44 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Thunderbolt, X-Scissor, Zap Cannon, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Selkie the Rash Primarina, ♀ - L45 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Icy Wind, Hyper Voice
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Smasher the Hasty Rampardos, ♂ - L45 @ Muscle Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
Moves: Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Brick Break, Zen Headbutt
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Snowfox the Hasty Ninetales, ♀ - L44 @ Bright Powder
Ability: Snow Cloak
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Hex, Ice Beam, Extrasensory

Shouldn't sign up...shouldn't sign up....darn it I am!
Color:Red, Blue, Yellow, White, Black, Green, Purple
Game:Red, Crystal, Alpha Sapphire, Pearl, Black 2, X, Moon
Ultimate: Yes!
» I began my journey in Alola by choosing Popplio as my starter. After having saved Nebby, I caught a Wingull to use as a temporary team member.
» In Hau'oli City, I used Island Scan to encounter and catch my first official team member, a Scatterbug that I named Daisy.
» Levelled her up to Lv 12 to get a Vivillon. Later at the docks, I chased off some Team Skull grunts and then faced Ilima. Wingull took care of his Yungoos, and then Daisy handled Smeargle.
» Continued north towards Verdant Cavern, where my first trial awaited me. Totem Gumshoos gave me less trouble than anticipated, though Wingull's Growl and Daisy's String Shot certainly helped with that.
» On Route 3, I caught a Rufflet which I will also use temporarily.
» Thanks to my great supply of flying-types, Hala was a total cakewalk.
» With the first grand trial down, it's now on to Akala Island!



[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Daisy the Vivillon ♀ – Lv 17
Lax / Compound Eyes
Psybeam, String Shot, Light Screen, Gust

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wingull ♀ – Lv 15 @Pretty Wing
Relaxed / Hydration
Growl, Water Pulse, Supersonic, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rufflet ♂ – Lv 15
Calm / Keen Eye
Peck, Leer, Hone Claws, Wing Attack
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Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 6 - Pearl}

Finally getting back to this challenge and just like with Kanto, I did a horrible job at taking notes but the most important battle is the final one so that's really all that matters. I also couldn't find my copy of diamond so I ran through on pearl instead.

I kicked off my battle with Cynthia using Polu's Stealth Rock to lay a pointy trap of doom and death while her Spiritomb placed an Embargo on Polu. After being struck by multiple Surf attacks, Spiritomb finally fell and was replaced with Gastrodon who I countered with Masmavi. With a combination of Strength and Waterfall, Masmavi proved who the better water/ground 'mon was. I then sent Azzurra out to one shot Roserade with Megahorn before sending Kovaltio out to destroy Milotic with Thunder Fang. Unfortunately, Milotic was able to survive the first Thunder Fang and when I had Kovaltio move in with a second, she switched in Garchomp and knocked my luxray out with Giga Impact. I sent out my own Garchomp to counter, and the recharge from Giga Impact gave Gorm the ability to land a solid OHKO Dragon Rush on her dragon. Next up was Lucario vs Zafeiri. Taking a hit from Aura Sphere was enough to boost Zafeiri's Revenge and lead to yet another KO against Cynthia's team. Finally, Cynthia sent Milotic back out so I sent my starting pokémon to land the finishing blow. One Drill Peck would have been enough, but Cynthia used a Full Restore which delayed my inevitable victory, but after multiple attacks from my penguin's beak, the sea serpent went down.

Months later I've finally made it half way through the ultimate blue challenge. I'm getting ready to set foot in Unova, hopefully this trip doesn't take as long as my journey through Sinnoh.

Final Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Polu♂ • Lvl 60
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Iron Plate
Timid• Torrent
Surf • Flash Cannon • Drill Peck • Stealth Rock

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kovaltio♂ • Lvl 59
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Brave• Rivalry
Thunder Fang • Crunch • Hidden Power(Grass) • Charge

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Azzurra♀ • Lvl 58
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Shell Bell
Adamant • Guts
Aerial Ace • Horn Attack • Close Combat • Megahorn

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Masmavi♀ • Lvl 59
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Soft Sand
Naive • Water Absord
Earthquake • Strength • Mud Bomb • Waterfall

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zafeiri♂ • Lvl 58
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Poison Barb
Rash • Anticipation
Poison Jab • Sucker Punch • Revenge • Rock Climb

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gorm♂ • Lvl 58
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Draco Plate
Careful • Sand Veil
Rock Smash • Dragon Rush • Dig • Slash

Time: 50:53​
Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 7 - Black 2}

Started by picking up Shian the Oshawott then making my way north to Floccesy Ranch where I obtained Kék the Riolu and Bleu the Azurill. Shian and Kék lead the charge through the first gym, I tried to get Bleu some experience but unfortunately the little Azurill was still too weak to do much at this point. Fortunately, Bleu evolved into Marill then Azumarill as I trained for the second badge where he and Kék dominated Roxie's poison types. Following my second victory, I ventured beyond the Castelia sewers and into Relic Passage where I captured Sapeiro the Woobat and Gu the Roggenrola. Once my team was evened out at level 25 and both Gu and Kék had evolved, I crushed gym #3 leading with Gu's Rock Blast. I then made my way to the next city and trained within all the surrounding routes to get my team up to level 30 before tackling the fourth gym, once again leading with Gu and swapping in Kék every few battles. Now having 4 badges I decided to trade Gu over to my copy of Black and back to evolve her into Gigalith, followed by Sapeiro evolving into Swoobat after a couple battles west of Driftveil. And now I'm left training for my battle against Clay as I take on the last half of my journey through Unova.

Current Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shian♂ • Lvl 31
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Mystic Water
Mild • Torrent
Water Pulse • Revenge • Fury Cutter • Tackle

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kék♀ • Lvl 32
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Quick Claw
Quiet • Steadfast
Force Palm • Bone Rush • Return • Copycat

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bleu♂ • Lvl 32
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Silk Scarf
Docile • Huge Power
Bubblebeam • Return • Aqua Ring • Tail Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sapeiro♂ • Lvl 32
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Amulet Coin
Docile • Klutz
Heart Stamp • Air Slash • Assurance • Attract

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gu♀ • Lvl 32
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Hard Stone
Serious • Sturdy
Rock Blast • Mud-Slap • Headbutt • Iron Defense

» Once I had arrived in Heahea City, my first destination was Paniola Town. On the way there, I battled Dexio, Gladion and Hau.
» The next trial was situated at Brooklet Hill, so I made my way there.
» Against Totem Araquanid, Daisy offered support in Light Screen and String Shot, while Rufflet was responsible for most of the damage output. The final blow, however, was delivered by Daisy.
» I don't have notes for Totem Marowak or Totem Lurantis, but I remember Wingull and Rufflet teaming up for the former and the entire team working together to defeat the latter.
» After the trial in Lush Jungle, I caught my second official team member, Duke the Passimian.
» Went through Diglett Tunnel to reach Konikoni. Upon entering Olivia's home, I learned that she was at the Ruins of Life, so I went there in order to battle her. Duke defeated her easily with Brick Break.
» Before moving on to the next island, I got word that Faba wanted to meet me at Hano Grand Resort. After a quick conversation I was headed towards Aether Foundation along with Hau. We learned more about the foundation, met Lusamine and fended off a regular old extraterrestrial beast. A day in the life of a trial goer! Dulse and Zossie held a brief lecture on the creature's origins before we were off to Ula'ula Island.
» Decided to save in Malie City.



[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Daisy the Vivillon ♀ – Lv 29 @Amulet Coin
Lax / Compound Eyes
Psybeam, String Shot, Light Screen, Gust

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Duke the Passimian ♂ – Lv 26
Lonely / Receiver
Rock Smash, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Scary Face

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wingull ♀ – Lv 28 @Pretty Wing
Relaxed / Hydration
Growl, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rufflet ♂ – Lv 26 @Sharp Beak
Calm / Keen Eye
Aerial Ace, Scary Face, Hone Claws, Wing Attack
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Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 8 - Black 2}

Got tired of grinding to battle Clay, since the grind was really just for my own personal level scaling preferences, so I just rushed in and swept through with ease thanks to both my water types. After this I traversed through Chargestone Cave where I captured Niebieski the Tynamo. I then spent what felt like years leveling up Niebieski until he evolved into Eelektrik, at which point I didn't hesitate to throw a Thunderstone at him and force him to evolve again. Now having a full team of six it was time to take on gym six. Gu and Niebieski made quick work of Skyla's gym then we made our way to the Himilau gym where Niebieski shined again, zapping the competition with Spark all the way. My memory of my battle with Drayden is a bit foggy but I'm fairly certain I swept through relying on Shian, Kék, and Bleu.

Victory road was a breeze, providing some decent leveling in preparation for the elite four. Grimsley was easy to beat with Shian's X-Scissor and Kék's Aura Sphere. Caitlin fell to Niebieski's Crunch and Shian's buggy slices. Shauntal couldn't fight off Niebieski either, though her Chandelure surprisingly had no problem crushing Gu before being drowned by Shian's Surf. Marshal put up the strongest fight, somehow destroying most of my team, starting with my underestimating of both Sapeiro's Psychic powers and Conkeldurr's rock throwing abilities. But despite the close call, I was finally ready to tackle the the final fight in Unova.

I led the fight against Iris with Gu's Stealth Rock which unfortunately left Gu unable to launch a direct attack before being taken out by Hydreigon's Surf. However, Kék jumped in and struck the dragon down with a single Aura Sphere. Next came Sapeiro vs Druddigon, who only got one use of Psychic in before being crushed by Rock Slide. Shian then came out to finish off the enemy with Retaliate. Following this came Lapras vs Niebieski, who only needed a single Spark to win. Kék returned to wreck Aggron with Aura Sphere, the poor iron lump didn't stand a chance. Bleu hopped onto the field to take on Haxorus. I had him set up an Aqua Ring first, followed by two uses of Return while surviving two Earthquakes. Niebieski returned to strike down Archeops with Spark, once again only requiring a single attack. Despite the questionable start, this ended up being the easiest and quickest champion battle of this whole challenge so far. Unova down, three more regions to go. Time to set sale for Kalos.

Final Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shian♂ • Lvl 61
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Mystic Water
Mild • Torrent
Surf • Revenge • X-Scissor • Retaliate

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kék♀ • Lvl 62
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Quick Claw
Quiet • Steadfast
Aura Sphere • Dragon Pulse • Return • Shadow Claw

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bleu♂ • Lvl 61
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Silk Scarf
Docile • Huge Power
Waterfall • Return • Aqua Ring • Superpower

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sapeiro♂ • Lvl 61
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Amulet Coin
Docile • Klutz
Psychic • Air Slash • Psyshock • Attract

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Gu♀ • Lvl 61
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Hard Stone
Serious • Sturdy
Stone Edge • Mud-Slap • Headbutt • Stealth Rock

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Niebieski♂ • Lvl 61
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Calm • Levitate
Spark • Crunch • Strength • Thunder Wave

Time: 48:59
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Username: Pluckles
Color: Yellow
Game: Platinum first, then Shield
Ultimate: Yes (going for the last two games needed and I'll have completed up to gen 8)
Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 9 - X}

Rolled out of bed in a strange house (getting tired of this happening to me) and made my way to Aquacorde to pick up my starter. I chose Froakie and named him Injigo. Injigo was all I needed to clear Viridian Forest's twin and the Santalune gym to get badge #1. I then moved north to Lumiose to pick up a Squirtle, named Azul after my playthrough of Blue in this challenge. As I systematically crushed the dreams of all trainers on routes 5, 6, and 7, both Injigo and Azul evolved. This was followed by capturing Zafeiri the Croagunk, aptly named after another previous playthrough. I spent what felt likes years trying to find an Inkay on Route 8, I somehow encountered three Bagon before finding a single Inkay. I hadn't planned on using Bagon but I figured since they wouldn't stop showing up I might as well catch one, thus I added Cijan the Bagon and Zils the Inkay to my team. After this I got myself a sail fossil and obtained Albastru the Amaura, I didn't expect to get a full team of six before the second badge.

After some leveling I made my way to Cyllage to challenge Grant. Zafeiri demolished his team with Revenge, I wanted to get Albastru some xp for taking down Tyrunt but unfortunately he couldn't take a hit. As I was traveling to the third gym I got my butt kicked in Reflection Cave by some girl's Hawlucha, so I did some grinding outside the cave before continuing on through. Once Zils evolved into Malamar, she made quick work of the wannabe luchador. With a newly evolved Zils, the fighting gym was extremely easy with a few switches to Zafeiri and Cijan as needed. Next came gym #4 where Cijan lead the charge against Jumpluff with Dragonbreath for paralysis followed by multiple Headbutts, Zils then came in to strike down Gogoat with Foul Play and terminate Weepinbell with Psybeam. Now I'm sitting in the Kalos Power Plant ready to move on to the second half of my journey through Kalos.

Current Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Injigo♂ • Lvl 32
Mild • Torrent
Surf • Lick • Round • Smokescreen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Azul♂ • Lvl 33
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Soothe Bell
Rash • Torrent
Water Tail • Bite • Tackle • Tail Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zafeiri♂ • Lvl 33
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Black Sludge
Hardy • Dry Skin
Poison Sting • Revenge • Mud-Slap • Sucker Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cijan♂ • Lvl 33
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Naive • Rock Head
Dragonbreath • Headbutt • Bite • Shadow Claw

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zils♀ • Lvl 34
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Rocky Helmet
Modest • Contrary
Foul Play • Psybeam • Hypnosis • Topsy-Turvy

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Albastru♂ • Lvl 34
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Hard Stone
Bold • Refrigerate
Ancient Power • Aurora Beam • Icy Wind • Mist
Final update for my White monocolor challenge on Ultra Sun! It's quite lengthy, so I'll put it in a spoiler tag.




[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Daisy the Vivillon ♀ – Lv 61 @Miracle Seed
Lax / Compound Eyes
Psychic, Energy Ball, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Duke the Passimian ♂ – Lv 61 @Muscle Band
Lonely / Receiver
Close Combat, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Bulk Up

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skull the Absol ♂ - Lv 61 @Scope Lens
Quiet / Pressure
Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Night Slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dream the Vanilluxe ♂ - Lv 60 @Wise Glasses
Naughty / Ice Body
Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, Flash Cannon, Acid Armor

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jewel the Jellicent ♀ - Lv 62 @Spell Tag
Careful / Water Absorb
Sludge Bomb, Scald, Hex, Will-O-Wisp

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bennett the Drampa ♂ - Lv 60 @Quick Claw
Hasty / Berserk
Glare, Thunderbolt, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower

Special contributions:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wingull ♀ – Lv 35 @Pretty Wing
Relaxed / Hydration
Growl, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rufflet ♂ – Lv 35
Calm / Keen Eye
Aerial Ace, Scary Face, Hone Claws, Slash

Not sure what my next color or game will be. I'm leaning towards returning to Kalos, but we'll see.​
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Ultimate Mono-Color Blue Run
{Part 10 - X}

I fought my way through the power plant then marched onward to challenge Clemont for my fifth badge. Both Injigo and Azul evolved as I battled my way to the top of the trailer, but that wasn't enough to help me win, as his Magneton's electric terrain powering his Heliolisk's thunderbolt was enough to wipe out my team. As a result, I did some more grinding and ended up evolving Zafeiri and Albastru in the process. Oddly enough, Injigo ended up being the star of the battle, taking down Magneton and Heliolisk with Surf after both Zafeiri and Albastru failed before him. So I finally walked away with another gym badge after a strange victory.

Valerie's gym was pretty easy to beat. Zils' psychic and dark attacks took care of everything that Zafeiri couldn't handle, mainly just backing him up when a poison/fighting combo was not good for facing the Ralts line. Zils also took care of the majority of Olympia's gym with Azul occasionally stepping in with Bite. Having obtained my seventh badge, I was forced to take a detour and stop Team Flare, because I guess destroying all life on the planet is frowned upon these days. In the process, Cijan finally evolved into Shelgon then Salamence. Xerneas was taken down effortlessly with a couple Poison Jabs, though I was then provided with a reminder that I HAD to capture it so I now have a magical deer rotting in my PC.

Now, having saved the world once again, I returned to my journey to conquer all regions with pokémon of only the finest color known to man. Albastru led the fight against Wulfric by striking down Abomasnow with three uses of Ancient Power, the first strike provided stat boosts while the last two were only necessary because of Wulfric using potions. Albastru then took down cryogonal with the last two uses of Ancient Power. I then swapped Azul in to take on Avalugg. Mega Evolution for a slight stat boost and multiple Power Up Punches guaranteed victory against the ice master. I finally had all eight gym badges and began my march through Victory Road to battle through yet another group of elite trainers.

Wikstrom was the first of the four to fall. I led with Zafeiri who took forever to defeat Klefki thanks to Wikstrom using full restores and Klefki never using a damaging attack when Zafeiri would use Revenge. Injigo stepped in to take out Probopass with a single use of Surf. I then swapped Zafeiri back in to strike down Aegislash with a few Sucker Punches before sending Azul in to counter Scizor with a couple uses of Aqua Tail. Next came the battle against Malva which went by pretty quick, with Injigo taking out her team solo. I decided to test whether or not Smack Down would defeat Talonflame in a single hit, which failed, however its use of Brave Bird resulted in fainting from recoil so I still managed to beat it with a single attack. The rest of her team fell to single uses of Surf so not much to describe there.

After this came Siebold. I led with Albastru, thinking Thunderbolt would be a good attack for the water types. However, Albastru got blasted away by Clauncher's Aura Sphere before he could emit a single spark. Cijan came in to wreck Clauncher with Dragon Claw. I left him in to battle Gyarados, but the serpent was harder, better, faster, stronger, and shredded Cijan with two uses of Ice Fang. Azul stepped in to deal the finishing blow with Aqua Tail. Azul stayed in to battle Barbaracle, repeatedly boosting his attack with Power-Up Punch until the barnacle man fainted. The stat boost enabled Azul to tear through Starmie with a single bite, but only after barely surviving a hit from Psychic. Last came Drasna who was beat with Cijan and Albastru, with Cijan one shotting Dragalge and Druddigon with Dragon Claw and Albastru shooting down Altaria and Noivern with single uses of refrigerated Hyper Beam. Now Diantha was all that stood between me and the title of Kalos Champion.

Zafeiri beat Hawlucha with a couple Poison Jabs. Cijan beat Tyrantrum with a single Dragon Claw, surviving a Head Smash and then watching the rex kill itself with recoil. I sent Albastru out to counter Aurorus to prove who had the better sail dino. That took forever as her Light Screen greatly reduced the effectiveness of Ancient Power but eventually the opposing ice dino fell. Zils cut down Goodra with three Psycho Cuts. Injigo beat Gourgeist with Extrasensory, relying on flinching to avoid damage. Azul jumped out to battle Gardevoir, mega vs mega. That didn't last long as Azul fell to Gardevoir's electric attacks fairly fast. Cijan flew in to deliver a strike with Crunch before falling as well. Zafeiri then stepped in to deal the finishing blow with Sucker Punch, but apparently Diantha had one last full restore left, resulting in a failed attack. Zafeiro did manage to knock down half her health with a second use of the attack before fainting however. I then sent Injigo in to claim the win with Surf. I finally beat Diantha and though I may have become the new champion one battle still remained.

AZ approached to begin my final battle in this region. Zafeiri lead the charge and just needed one use of Revenge followed by a Sucker Punch to beat Torkoal. Albastru came out to freeze Sigilyph with an icy Hyper Beam and Azul stepped up to redeem himself by striking down Golurk with a single swish of Aqua Tail. Having defeated AZ in battle and helped him reunite with his long lost pokémon after 3,000 years it was finally time for me to set sail for the Alola Region. Only two more champion titles to claim.

Final Team
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Injigo♂ • Lvl 68
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Mystic Water
Mild • Torrent
Surf • Smack Down • Extrasensory • Smokescreen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Azul♂ • Lvl 68
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Rash • Torrent
Water Tail • Bite • Power-Up Punch • Skull Bash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zafeiri♂ • Lvl 68
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Black Sludge
Hardy • Dry Skin
Poison Jab • Revenge • Strength • Sucker Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cijan♂ • Lvl 67
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
King's Rock
Naive • Intimidate
Fly • Dragon Claw • Zen Headbutt • Crunch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zils♀ • Lvl 69
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Rocky Helmet
Modest • Contrary
Night Slash • Psycho Cut • Slash • Topsy-Turvy

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Albastru♂ • Lvl 67
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Hard Stone
Bold • Refrigerate
Ancient Power • Hyper Beam • Thunderbolt • Nature Power

Time: 29:26
I decided to start a monocolor pink challenge on Y. Here's the first update:

» Started up the game and chose the female character, whom I named Rose. I chose Fennekin as my starter and used it to get through the first gym.
» Following this, I caught a Skitty on Route 4 to use temporarily.
» I tried to avoid as many trainers as possible as I continued to Camphrier Town. A Snorlax blocked the path to a large portion of Route 7, so I went to Parfum Palace to get the Poké Flute.
» Once Snorlax was defeated, I caught my first official team member, a Spritzee that I named Parfait. On the same route, I caught a Hoppip for early-game support.
» Backtracked to previous routes to defeat the trainers I had avoided and to rack up some Exp. for Parfait.
» Returned to Route 7 and eventually arrived in Ambrette Town. Before going to Glittering Cave I went into the Ambrette Aquarium to obtain an Old Rod, which I used to fish up my second official team member, Sorbet the Luvdisc.
» Rode on a Rhydon to Glittering Cave, defeated Team Flair grunts and got a fossil.
» I trained up Sorbet in the cave as well as on Route 8, and then decided to take on the gym in Cyllage City.
» It took some time, but Sorbet was able to defeat Grant's Amaura with Water Pulse, and then Parfait took down Tyrunt with Draining Kiss.
» Headed up north to Route 10, where I caught an Eevee which I named Macaron.
» Made a quick stop in Geosenge Town and then attempted to progress to Route 11, but Korrina challenged me to a battle. Hoppip's Leech Seed came in handy against her two Lucario, as did Sorbet's Charm and Attract.
» When the battle was over, I decided to box Skitty and Hoppip and then save.



[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Parfait the Spritzee ♀ - Lv 27
Jolly / Healer
Draining Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Calm Mind, Echoed Voice

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sorbet the Luvdisc ♀ – Lv 28
Relaxed / Swift Swim
Charm, Water Gun, Attract, Water Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Macaron the Eevee ♂ - Lv 24
Timid / Run Away
Swift, Quick Attack, Bite, Covet

Special contributions:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Skitty ♀ - Lv 26
Bashful / Cute Charm
Charm, Tackle, Sing, Attract

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hoppip ♂ - Lv 24
Jolly / Infiltrator
Fairy Wind, Leech Seed, Poison Powder, Bullet Seed
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