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[Help Request] mystery dungeon episode title ideas + natures for certain pokemon

Hello! I keep seeing this thread pop up to the top of the forum and while I'm always interested in helping- I'm not really clear on what this project is or what you are using all these titles for. You seem to only be giving a line or two of synopsis- is that the majority of what you have right now? I think most people tend to put together their titles at a much later stage in a project, to make sure they match up with all the events and themes present. Maybe that's part of why you're having difficulty coming up with names youself!
Hello! I keep seeing this thread pop up to the top of the forum and while I'm always interested in helping- I'm not really clear on what this project is or what you are using all these titles for.

i'm wanting to make a anime-type playthrough of blue rescue/explorers of sky, when i'm ready.... that's why i've been making/getting the episode titles for it :>

You seem to only be giving a line or two of synopsis- is that the majority of what you have right now? I think most people tend to put together their titles at a much later stage in a project, to make sure they match up with all the events and themes present. Maybe that's part of why you're having difficulty coming up with names youself!

i'm pretty far in already, after all.... i just think some episode titles need a revamp

do you have any episode title ideas? :> - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...of_Sky_-_Beyond_Time,_Darkness_&_Sky#Episodes
Well sure, I do see that you're quite far into plot planning and have a lot of ideas. But what about scripts, or- animation samples, I suppose, if this is to be an anime? From what I can see of it, I kind of feel like you are plotting very far in advance and asking for a lot of help with titles for something that it doesn't seem like you have actually begun much more work on. People have been very willing to help and that's so cool! But if most of what you have is episode titles, it feels like you're outsourcing a lot of work for your own project.
Well sure, I do see that you're quite far into plot planning and have a lot of ideas. But what about scripts, or- animation samples, I suppose, if this is to be an anime? From what I can see of it, I kind of feel like you are plotting very far in advance and asking for a lot of help with titles for something that it doesn't seem like you have actually begun much more work on. People have been very willing to help and that's so cool! But if most of what you have is episode titles, it feels like you're outsourcing a lot of work for your own project.

what i mean is, i'll be recording the game play with obs to do it... the script will be from that

i just want to be prepared with the episodes before i do it, that's all :3

i've done alot more then episode titles :>

for s1 & s2, i've done the characters, the premeise, main plot/story, most of the opening/ending themes that come at the beginning/ending of the episodes....
i think it's just the episode titles that need adjusting :>

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I think I got some titles for you

Ep 3: "Tied Memories" because of the plot which consists in basically giving a bow to their friend that made her remember the times when she was a human
Ep 36: "Mari-time" get it? It's maritime (sea) and time, beacause the ep is a sea adventure
Ep 37: "Stellar rescue" because they're saving a Cleffa, which in its Pokédex it says that people believe that they came from the skies, and also because their powers are tied to the stars, and, well, it's star-shaped
Ep 38: "Dried Out" because they're in a desert
Ep 39: "Into the South Depths" idk I couldn't think of anything better

Sorry for taking so long to come up with titles. Also I skipped a few bc I didn't have much information on some episodes so I couldn't work out anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hello! how's it going? :>
Kept busy, forum-wise. Invested a lot of time in coming up with new thread ideas. (Becomes harder every time.) Sapped a fair amount of mental energy. Fell behind in responding to threads requiring longer responses outside of Gaming Central and General. Needs to write a new game journal entry soon. Has not thought much about this thread.

Are there any specific episode titles you think are lacking?

umm... episode titles for this section, prehaps? :> - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...pisode_titles_for_combined_recruits_if_needed
the wonder code episodes in the list below that, i'll find out where they're held when i do it :>

& maybe some more episode titles for this one? - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...of_Sky_-_Beyond_Time,_Darkness_&_Sky#Episodes


*this one - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...1_-_Blue_Rescue_Team_-_ami's_Journey#episodes
i want to wait for cosmega to think of some :3 *
umm... episode titles for this section, prehaps? :> - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...pisode_titles_for_combined_recruits_if_needed
the wonder code episodes in the list below that, i'll find out where they're held when i do it :>

& maybe some more episode titles for this one? - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...of_Sky_-_Beyond_Time,_Darkness_&_Sky#Episodes


*this one - https://pokemonfanon.fandom.com/wik...1_-_Blue_Rescue_Team_-_ami's_Journey#episodes
i want to wait for cosmega to think of some :3 *

Hey, me again, but for moderator reasons this time. Please keep in mind both that people are doing you a favor by working on your project with you/coming up with content for you, and that each time you quote someone it will give them a notification- whether you delete the post or not. Pushing for a response four times in 24 hours is excessive, especially when people are voluntarily putting in time and effort for you.
Hey, me again, but for moderator reasons this time. Please keep in mind both that people are doing you a favor by working on your project with you/coming up with content for you, and that each time you quote someone it will give them a notification- whether you delete the post or not. Pushing for a response four times in 24 hours is excessive, especially when people are voluntarily putting in time and effort for you.

alright.... i'll wait :<

  • Episode 18: "A Shine Amongst the Brine". Shines upon reacting to the larger fragment in Brine Cave.
  • Episode 19: "A Stitch in Time", "Marching In Time", "Key Moment in Time", or "A Wasteland in Time". Take your pick. Deals with a split second in time. Looks like an overgrown ruin (wasteland). Usually marches in time to music.
  • Episode 20: "Daylight Saving Time". Works absurdly well. Saves the world from eternal darkness.
  • Episode 21: "Pass or Fail?". Shrugs. Thought of nothing good. Could go with the current title too.
  • Episode 22: "Unfazed by a Maze". Goes into Marowak's maze. Alternatively: "Always Left, Never Left Behind". References a way to solve mazes by always going left. Rescues Coil in there. Seems long for a title, though.
  • Episode 23: "Banding Together". Acquires a band and more friends...or something like that?
  • Episode 24: "Jumping at the Chance". For Jumpluff.

Is there any plot to Episode 35 and up in Season 2? Described it as postgame after defeating Dialga.

Also, what happens for combined recruits? Is it just re-entering a cleared dungeon for more team members? Do Wonder Codes grant you access to it?
  • Episode 18: "A Shine Amongst the Brine". Shines upon reacting to the larger fragment in Brine Cave.
  • Episode 19: "A Stitch in Time", "Marching In Time", "Key Moment in Time", or "A Wasteland in Time". Take your pick. Deals with a split second in time. Looks like an overgrown ruin (wasteland). Usually marches in time to music.
  • Episode 20: "Daylight Saving Time". Works absurdly well. Saves the world from eternal darkness.
  • Episode 21: "Pass or Fail?". Shrugs. Thought of nothing good. Could go with the current title too.
  • Episode 22: "Unfazed by a Maze". Goes into Marowak's maze. Alternatively: "Always Left, Never Left Behind". References a way to solve mazes by always going left. Rescues Coil in there. Seems long for a title, though.
  • Episode 23: "Banding Together". Acquires a band and more friends...or something like that?
  • Episode 24: "Jumping at the Chance". For Jumpluff.

ooh, i like those :> & ... i like "Key Moment in Time" for ep 19 & ''unfazed by a maze'' for ep 22 :>
thanks :>

with ep 23, by the way, we don't recuit sandshrew & ponyta... we just want the bow & band for jumpluff :>

looking forward to more, whenever possible :3

Is there any plot to Episode 35 and up in Season 2? Described it as postgame after defeating Dialga.

well.... i haven't gotten round to making pages for them, yet... but i will, though.... *there are a lot of pages i haven't made pages for, yet, it seems :0*

but i can tell you that in ep 35, they trek up Sky Peak.... & in ep 36, team cutetail search for & find a manaphy egg... in ep 37, manaphy gets ill, so they need to find a phione dew to cure him.... & so on :> .... also, episode 55: evolution time part 2! is when ami & volty evolve into flareon & raichu, respectively :>

Also, what happens for combined recruits? Is it just re-entering a cleared dungeon for more team members?

yeah, basically :> i just thought that'd be best, instead of going into a dungeon, then out again... & then in & out, & so on :>

looking forward to them :3

Do Wonder Codes grant you access to it?

i just mean, with the wonder code ones, that i don't know where they'll lead me yet...

plusle's wonder code are in silent chasm & & thunderwave cave, lapras, mantine & roselia's wonder code is in tiny woods, feebas's wonder code is in thunderwave cave & porygon's wonder code is in magma cavern :> *i know that now :> *

For instance, to get Plusle in Blue Rescue Team, you will have to get the Wonder Mail code to a mission which has Plusle as a client from someone who plays Red Rescue Team. Input the Wonder Mail into the start-up menu's Wonder Mail page, and the mission will be added to your Job List. Upon completion of the mission, Plusle can now be found in the wild in your game.

so Plusle will then be found in
> ThunderWave Cave 4F-5F
> Lighting Field 7F-19F
> Joyous Tower 5F-8F

Roselia will be found in
> Uproar Forest 4F-7F

Mantine will be found in
> Grand Sea 30F

Porygon will be found in
> Buried Relic 5F-10F

Feebas will be found in
> Waterfall Pond 16F-19
Alternate Titles for Recruits:

- Lapis Cave: "Tangling with Bugs and Bagons"
- Fantasy Strait: "New Shell Personnel"
- Tiny Woods: "The Worm in the Woods"

Season 2 titles:

- Episode 35: "A Peek of Sky's Peak" or "Speaking at Sky's Peak"
- Episode 36: "An Egg Awash". Uses an egg wash when baking. To quote a definition of awash: "covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain.". Alternatively, "The Manaphy Egg Hunt" (as in an Easter Egg hunt) or "A Treasure in the Tides".
- Episode 37: "Dew or Die". Cures the ailment with Phione Dew. For something less grim, "A Miracle Cure" for the Miracle Sea.
- Episode 38: "Working Like a Charm", after Team Charm. Goes on their intended mission.
- Episode 39: "Hangin' with Shaymin". Recruits Shaymin. Could do "Gamin' with Shaymin" too.
- Episode 40: "Dare to Dream". Enters a nightmare. Requires some daring.
- Episode 41: "A Midsummer Nightmare". Plays on A Midsummer Night's Dream.
- Episode 42: "Night Terror". References the sleep disorder. Suits Darkrai.
Alternate Titles for Recruits:

- Lapis Cave: "Tangling with Bugs and Bagons"
- Fantasy Strait: "New Shell Personnel"
- Tiny Woods: "The Worm in the Woods"

ooh, i like those :3 looking forward to others whenever :> also... the ones in there that i got from another person on relic castle... i think they need a redo... i mean, i like them, but...

Season 2 titles:

- Episode 35: "A Peek of Sky's Peak" or "Speaking at Sky's Peak"
- Episode 36: "An Egg Awash". Uses an egg wash when baking. To quote a definition of awash: "covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain.". Alternatively, "The Manaphy Egg Hunt" (as in an Easter Egg hunt) or "A Treasure in the Tides".
- Episode 37: "Dew or Die". Cures the ailment with Phione Dew. For something less grim, "A Miracle Cure" for the Miracle Sea.
- Episode 38: "Working Like a Charm", after Team Charm. Goes on their intended mission.
- Episode 39: "Hangin' with Shaymin". Recruits Shaymin. Could do "Gamin' with Shaymin" too.
- Episode 40: "Dare to Dream". Enters a nightmare. Requires some daring.
- Episode 41: "A Midsummer Nightmare". Plays on A Midsummer Night's Dream.
- Episode 42: "Night Terror". References the sleep disorder. Suits Darkrai.

ooh, i like those :> & i like "A Peek of Sky's Peak" for ep 35, "A Treasure in the Tides" for ep 36, "A Miracle Cure" for ep 37 & "Hangin' with Shaymin" for ep 39 :>

looking forward to others whenever :>
Alternate Titles for Recruits:

- Lapis Cave: "Tangling with Bugs and Bagons"
- Fantasy Strait: "New Shell Personnel"
- Tiny Woods: "The Worm in the Woods"

Season 2 titles:

- Episode 35: "A Peek of Sky's Peak" or "Speaking at Sky's Peak"
- Episode 36: "An Egg Awash". Uses an egg wash when baking. To quote a definition of awash: "covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain.". Alternatively, "The Manaphy Egg Hunt" (as in an Easter Egg hunt) or "A Treasure in the Tides".
- Episode 37: "Dew or Die". Cures the ailment with Phione Dew. For something less grim, "A Miracle Cure" for the Miracle Sea.
- Episode 38: "Working Like a Charm", after Team Charm. Goes on their intended mission.
- Episode 39: "Hangin' with Shaymin". Recruits Shaymin. Could do "Gamin' with Shaymin" too.
- Episode 40: "Dare to Dream". Enters a nightmare. Requires some daring.
- Episode 41: "A Midsummer Nightmare". Plays on A Midsummer Night's Dream.
- Episode 42: "Night Terror". References the sleep disorder. Suits Darkrai.

hi :3 how's it going? :>
Busy. Joined the Virtual Pokemon Pet moderation team. Prioritized that and other moderation duties. Fell behind in areas posted for fun. Do not expect anything anytime soon.
I think I got some titles for you

Ep 3: "Tied Memories" because of the plot which consists in basically giving a bow to their friend that made her remember the times when she was a human
Ep 36: "Mari-time" get it? It's maritime (sea) and time, beacause the ep is a sea adventure
Ep 37: "Stellar rescue" because they're saving a Cleffa, which in its Pokédex it says that people believe that they came from the skies, and also because their powers are tied to the stars, and, well, it's star-shaped
Ep 38: "Dried Out" because they're in a desert
Ep 39: "Into the South Depths" idk I couldn't think of anything better

Sorry for taking so long to come up with titles. Also I skipped a few bc I didn't have much information on some episodes so I couldn't work out anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hi! how's it going? :>
Alternate Titles for Recruits:

- Lapis Cave: "Tangling with Bugs and Bagons"
- Fantasy Strait: "New Shell Personnel"
- Tiny Woods: "The Worm in the Woods"

Season 2 titles:

- Episode 35: "A Peek of Sky's Peak" or "Speaking at Sky's Peak"
- Episode 36: "An Egg Awash". Uses an egg wash when baking. To quote a definition of awash: "covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain.". Alternatively, "The Manaphy Egg Hunt" (as in an Easter Egg hunt) or "A Treasure in the Tides".
- Episode 37: "Dew or Die". Cures the ailment with Phione Dew. For something less grim, "A Miracle Cure" for the Miracle Sea.
- Episode 38: "Working Like a Charm", after Team Charm. Goes on their intended mission.
- Episode 39: "Hangin' with Shaymin". Recruits Shaymin. Could do "Gamin' with Shaymin" too.
- Episode 40: "Dare to Dream". Enters a nightmare. Requires some daring.
- Episode 41: "A Midsummer Nightmare". Plays on A Midsummer Night's Dream.
- Episode 42: "Night Terror". References the sleep disorder. Suits Darkrai.

hi! how are you doing? :>

i really like the episode titles you come up with :3
Became even busier, arguably. Signed up to run a Get-Together event. Completed most of that, though (...probably).

How has progress been going for you on this?

Episode 43: To See a Sea Drifter (References Phione, the Sea Drifter Pokemon. Lacked much better. Went for the homophone.)

Episode 46: A Manaphy on a Mission (Not entirely fitting here, but okay. Alternatively, "Familial Phi-lings". Aimed for "Feelings". Shares the same syllable in their names, albeit with different spellings.)

Episode 47: The Sweet Retreat (Finds a lot of gummies there. Alternatively, "Tourists in a Troubled Land".)

Episode 51: Scale Mail (Accesses it through Wonder Mail. Obtains a Gabite Scale for completing it. Alternates: "One Gi-Gabite of a Memory" and "A Gabite-sized Labyrinth".)