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New trailer — UB: Adhesive revealed, names, and more!

The more interesting thing to me is not the newly revealed UB itself, but rather that the screenshot implies that the new(?) villain team might actually fight us with UBs at some point
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Sooo sooo sooo in love with this trailer! Ultra Space looks amazing and omg it is so the thing I have wanted out of Pokemon forever. I hope it is massive and super complicated to explore. I'm so happy and excited to play! :)
If the Ultra Space locations are post-game, then USUM will definitely have a better post-game than SM. I just hope they?re more get more fleshed out as you go on, as Nihilego?s is still basically just a single corridor...

But anyways, H Y P E.
I'm honestly so happy with the direction they're taking for these games. USUM look so much more than standard third games with plenty more content and changes!
Oh man, this is all way too much news I wasn't ready for at all. I can't keep up at this point.

I'm so excited for the Ultra Space mini game, and the fact that we get to visit the Ultra Beasts' dimensions individually. It gives them their own individual personality and feel. I'm really into the new Ultra Beast too. That thing is adorable.

This is a bit minor, but I love that their treating the members of the new team with names and such, and it really does give them more individualism. Now whether they are evil is not is up in the air.
I'm moreso blown away by the ability to actually go deeper into Ultra Space.

Seems like we're getting a level of exploration that we haven't gotten since Gen IV's Distortion World.
And the one doubt I had this morning has been effectively wiped away; it seems the Ultra Space has a lot in it for us to explore. It's very tempting to get this game at lauch - though that was not my plan, but damn it looks so good.
I feel like UB Adhesive not being a Poison/Psychic-type was a missed opportunity, considering its a type combination we've never had before.

Also, is UB Assembly using Mat Block when he pulls up that piece of sheet metal, or is that a new move that just hasn't been announced yet?
I was not hyped officially until this trailer.

I love the otherwordly team ultra recon; is this stargate x pokemon?!?! Phyco and Zossie are my favorites.

UB-Adhesive is by far my favorite UB design; I guess best for last. Generally, I haven't been so hyped over a little legendary/mythical type of design since Jirachi. It's cute and sinister. And that purple, pink, and cyan color scheme.
UB: Sticky is the most Pokemon-looking Ultra Beast so far. Quite alien looking. Love it. Did they say what game it's exclusive to, if any?

Just when I thought I couldn't be blown away again after the Japanese trailer, they go and do it again! This trailer definitely answered a few questions I had after the Japanese one. Looks like Ultra Space is a fully explore-able area, something I was wondering about. And it appears that this is the way we'll be capturing Ultra Beasts this time around, which explains some of the cutscenes with Ultra Beasts in them in the other trailer, such as the one with Xurkitree. Reminds me of Soaring, something I originally denied it as possibly being similar to, so that's cool to have confirmed.

The Ultra Recon Squad... nice. I've been calling them Team Eclipse, but I like this as well. I like how they're pulling a Team Magma/Aqua with members being different depending on the game. Good thing I pre-ordered both so I can experience all of them. And from the looks of it with UB Adhesive (which is adorable af), it seems they'll even fight you with UBs, which makes sense since they practically live in Ultra Space. Before now, I've always seen them as evil, though from the trailer I'm unsure if they are truly villainous characters. Maybe Necrozma is the only villain this time around. Also, Soliera is lowkey bae. ;)

Adhesive tho. I had a feeling there were more new UBs than the two we got, glad to know it's true. I really like its design. I feel like it might slowly become my favorite of the group (which is currently Buzzwole).

Both trailers definitely sealed the deal for me and made me glad I pre-ordered these games. Like I said on a previous thread, time to go watch this 30 more times.

Also, is UB Assembly using Mat Block when he pulls up that piece of sheet metal, or is that a new move that just hasn't been announced yet?
I believe that's Iron Defense.
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UB Adhesive looks adorable and it makes sense it is a Poison type.

Also it being the Poison Pin Pokemon is similar to Nidoran who is also the Poison Pin Pokemon. Will this team going to use the Nidos? It is likely as evil teams tend to use Poison types.