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Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club


    This is a club for fans of the Ace Attorney series and all its games and other media. Here you can talk about any facet of the franchise and meet people also interested in Ace Attorney. If you don't know what Ace Attorney is about and are interested in stepping into the series, feel free to ask any questions and learn about it here!

    What is Ace Attorney?

    Ace Attorney, known in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判?, lit. "Turnabout Trial"), is a series of visual novel legal thriller adventure video games, created by Shu Takumi and developed and published by Capcom, in which players assume the role of a defense attorney in a fictional courtroom setting, which is based on the Japanese legal system, to strive to find their clients "not guilty" using investigation, evidence, and cross-examination to prove their case. The series primarily focuses on the main protagonist, Phoenix Wright, a passionate lawyer who seeks out the truth and defends his clients to the end, with later games sometimes featuring other protagonists.

    To date, there have been five main games in the series, with a prequel game currently in development, as well as two Investigations spin-off games and a cross-over title, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The series has also been adapted into other media, such as manga, stage plays, musicals, and a film adaptation, directed by Takashi Miike and released in 2012.
    (From Wikipedia)

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    - Any member may propose a new topic at any time so long as at least 5 people have replied to the current topic and/or at least 5 days have passed since the last post.

    - Have fun!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    Sign Up

    Favorite Character:
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?:

    Note: Your favorite character will be used to represent you on the members list. For fun and variety's sake, if the character appeared in multiple games along with different visual designs, please specify which version you'd prefer. At any time after you join, you may ask me to change your favorite character. But please don't ask for changes too much!

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    Ace Attorney 6 Announcement!

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    Last edited:
    Ahhh, AA. <33

    Username: Dragon
    Favorite Character: (young) Ema Skye
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: Pretty much all of them!

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?

    It DOES look pretty interesting; like I do wonder what the cases will be like in those feudal times! I think I wanna hear more about it before giving an honest opinion, but yeah! I hope it gets released. :3
    hi! could i join?

    Username: なぎ
    Favorite Character: Dahlia Hawthorne
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?
    all that have come out in English - except Miles Edgeworth: Investigations. i played it, but haven't finished the last case because i got stuck at some point. i'll definitely try and finish it sooner or later though.

    TOPIC: Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    i have heard of it, yes. i'm really hoping for it to come to the west as well. partially i think it definitely should, because the PW games have done quite well here as far as i know. on the other hand, this one seems to be more rooted in ancient (well, 19th century) Japan, so i don't know if they think there would be too many references us westerners wouldn't understand or something... either way, i'm looking forward to it!
    lol i was just thinking about making this club!
    Username: Hero of Twilight
    Favourite character: Miles Edgeworth (the first game)
    What Ace Attorney games have you played? making my way though the first one (on the Turnabout Samurai episode) but none of the others yet

    Topic answer: since i literally just started playing these games yesterday, i had no clue about this, but i would be nice to see a new game.
    Ahhh, AA. <33

    Username: Dragon
    Favorite Character: (young) Ema Skye
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: Pretty much all of them!

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?

    It DOES look pretty interesting; like I do wonder what the cases will be like in those feudal times! I think I wanna hear more about it before giving an honest opinion, but yeah! I hope it gets released. :3
    Welcome, Dragon! Hehe nice choice for favorite character, "scientifically speaking."
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    From what I've seen in the trailers and creator commentary so far, I think DGS looks interesting, too. I really hope it releases on our shores, too.

    hi! could i join?

    Username: なぎ
    Favorite Character: Dahlia Hawthorne
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?
    all that have come out in English - except Miles Edgeworth: Investigations. i played it, but haven't finished the last case because i got stuck at some point. i'll definitely try and finish it sooner or later though.

    TOPIC: Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    i have heard of it, yes. i'm really hoping for it to come to the west as well. partially i think it definitely should, because the PW games have done quite well here as far as i know. on the other hand, this one seems to be more rooted in ancient (well, 19th century) Japan, so i don't know if they think there would be too many references us westerners wouldn't understand or something... either way, i'm looking forward to it!
    Welcome, Nagi! Very interesting choice for fave character. To me, Dahlia is part of what made the plot of Trails and Tribulations very juicy...

    Yes, I've read the beginning of the game takes place in Japan... but the characters later travel to England and encounter Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes has always been popular in fiction for a very long time in the West... so perhaps that is enough to localize it? However the main characters... the localization team just can't change the Japanese characters' names because this very clearly isn't... uh... "Los Angeles." But then we run into the issue that this is Wright's ancestor... Or rather, Naruhodou's ancestor. I don't know... they got away with the localization name shenanigans even when locales were obviously Japanese like in Dual Destinies.

    This reminds me of a funny comic I saw by Katie Tiedrich of awkwardzombie.com

    lol i was just thinking about making this club!
    Username: Hero of Twilight
    Favourite character: Miles Edgeworth (the first game)
    What Ace Attorney games have you played? making my way though the first one (on the Turnabout Samurai episode) but none of the others yet

    Topic answer: since i literally just started playing these games yesterday, i had no clue about this, but i would be nice to see a new game.
    Welcome, Hero of Twilight! Good to have a new fan of Ace Attorney in the club. :)

    Dai Gyakuten Saiban is to be released in Japan probably later this year. Still no word if it will released in other countries yet. Below are some supplemental trailers to see what it will be about!

    Username: machomuu
    Favorite Character: Godot
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: All of them save for Gyakuten Kenji 2, which I'll get to someday.
    Welcome, machomuu! I have also played all of the games with the exception of Gyakuten Kenji 2. It's a shame it wasn't brought to Western countries like its predecessor was. Perhaps Investigations didn't sell as well so Capcom didn't see the point in bringing it over?

    Do you know how/where we can play a translated version or if I'll simply have to read case summaries on the Ace Attorney wiki?
    Welcome, machomuu! I have also played all of the games with the exception of Gyakuten Kenji 2. It's a shame it wasn't brought to Western countries like its predecessor was. Perhaps Investigations didn't sell as well so Capcom didn't see the point in bringing it over?

    Do you know how/where we can play a translated version or if I'll simply have to read case summaries on the Ace Attorney wiki?
    Regarding that, we were miraculously granted this last year.


    And I hear it's pretty quality as well. Seems like the translators were rather localized script-savvy.
    Username: Zaphkiel
    Favorite Character: Larry Butz
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: It's been a while since I played but I already finished many of them. Haven't finished the Miles Edgeworth ones. I don't have a 3ds so I sadly can't play the 3ds games

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Haven't heard of it. But I'm really excited hearing that there's a new game in the series! Is it gonna be on the 3ds? If so, then I really must have a 3ds sooner (i want to play Pokemon OR/AS too). And also, I'm hoping it will be released here in my country
    Username: Zaphkiel
    Favorite Character: Larry Butz
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: It's been a while since I played but I already finished many of them. Haven't finished the Miles Edgeworth ones. I don't have a 3ds so I sadly can't play the 3ds games

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Haven't heard of it. But I'm really excited hearing that there's a new game in the series! Is it gonna be on the 3ds? If so, then I really must have a 3ds sooner (i want to play Pokemon OR/AS too). And also, I'm hoping it will be released here in my country
    Welcome to the club, Zaphkiel!
    Good choice of character. Larry always gets forgotten among all the attorneys, assistants, antagonists and the like. He's amusing comic relief and childhood friends with Wright and Edgey. Erm, I mean Edgeworth.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    Yup, Dai Gyakuten Saiban will be on 3DS. Visually it looks similar to Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, which was also on 3DS. If you ever get a 3DS, I would recommend Dual Destinies as well. Phoenix Wright returns along with Apollo Justice and a new defense attorney, Athena Cykes. Though the cases were a tad easy compared to previous games, I thought the new characters were charming and I was very grateful it was released for us at all. I think the future of Ace Attorney games being released outside of Japan is only sustainable via download only versions. Dual Destinies along with the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy bundle were Nintendo eShop only, no physical retail release.

    Regarding that, we were miraculously granted this last year.


    And I hear it's pretty quality as well. Seems like the translators were rather localized script-savvy.
    Thanks for sharing this! I suppose I'll have to download an NDS emulator and ROM of the game to play this sometime.
    Welcome, Nagi! Very interesting choice for fave character. To me, Dahlia is part of what made the plot of Trails and Tribulations very juicy...

    Yes, I've read the beginning of the game takes place in Japan... but the characters later travel to England and encounter Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes has always been popular in fiction for a very long time in the West... so perhaps that is enough to localize it? However the main characters... the localization team just can't change the Japanese characters' names because this very clearly isn't... uh... "Los Angeles." But then we run into the issue that this is Wright's ancestor... Or rather, Naruhodou's ancestor. I don't know... they got away with the localization name shenanigans even when locales were obviously Japanese like in Dual Destinies.

    This reminds me of a funny comic I saw by Katie Tiedrich of awkwardzombie.com

    i agree! i guess she's mostly my favourite character cause the cases that involved her were by far the most interesting to me.
    oh, i didnt actually know they would be going to England! huh, Sherlock Holmes is even being incorporated... i think i would have preferred if they would have just made an Ace Attorney-style knock-off of Sherlock Holmes, maybe even make him a descendant of Luke Atmey (only cause i really can't see him being a descendant of Gumshoe's), rather than incorporating the actual character. i mean, they did make Watson into a little girl... haha.
    i read that comic too! pretty much exactly what i had in mind when saying we might not get the references (。 >艸<)

    Regarding that, we were miraculously granted this last year.


    And I hear it's pretty quality as well. Seems like the translators were rather localized script-savvy.

    woah, why have i not heard of this earlier? thanks for sharing!
    oh, i didnt actually know they would be going to England! huh, Sherlock Holmes is even being incorporated... i think i would have preferred if they would have just made an Ace Attorney-style knock-off of Sherlock Holmes, maybe even make him a descendant of Luke Atmey (only cause i really can't see him being a descendant of Gumshoe's), rather than incorporating the actual character. i mean, they did make Watson into a little girl... haha. i read that comic too! pretty much exactly what i had in mind when saying we might not get the references (。 >艸<)
    Yeah... you're right about the consideration of cultural references. Maybe it wouldn't appeal to the general video game audience of Western countries... but the Ace Attorney fans are already so niche of an audience that we probably wouldn't care? I mean, I guess I wouldn't mind much because reading on the history of various societies around of the world is one of my interests. Though so far I have a very basic knowledge of the Meiji era of Japan, I wouldn't mind reading more on it and it wouldn't be the first time I've consumed a piece of fiction inspired by a particular historical era and found myself interested in doing outside reading on the subject. :)

    I'm sorry if this veers slightly off-topic and enters the realm of silly, but I kept thinking about some of the differences between the original Japanese Gyakuten Saiban games and some of the minor changes made in bringing over the Ace Attorney series... And that last panel in the comic I shared reminded me of how Maya likes burgers in the Western localization but in the original games she like ramen. Then I remembered a special food that I think would appeal to both versions of Maya...

    I present, the Ramen Burger!

    Wow, even I wanna try one!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club
    Username: R.F.
    Favorite Character: I would have said Edgeworth, but for variety let's go with Franziska von Karma
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: Well what I have not played: the 3DS game, the crossover with Professor Layton (if that counts)

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Well, it sounds really interesting and it would be cool if they released it outside Japan. But considering Investigations 2 never left Japan, I don't know. Maybe we get a digital copy on the e-shop, or something. But until then I somehow have to get my hands on Dual Destinies first. {XD}
    Username: Bay
    Favorite Character: Mia Fey
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: The first three and am playing Dual Destines now (at the second case at the moment).

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Yeah I heard about it for a bit. Dai Gyakuten Saiban's news is actually what prompted me to finally try the Ace Attorney games by getting AA Trilogy and Dual Destinies on the Eshop.

    After making some progress on Dual Destines and impressed of some of the changes in the details , I'm quite excited for the upcoming newest entry. And hey, you can't go wrong with Sherlock (I'm on an Elementary and BBC Sherlock kick lately, lol).
    Last edited:
    I legit was listening to this most of the day while doing paperwork:

    Like I really hope Athena will grow and develop as a defense attorney on future Ace Attorney games! She's really growing on me as a favourite. :3
    Username: R.F.
    Favorite Character: I would have said Edgeworth, but for variety let's go with Franziska von Karma
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: Well what I have not played: the 3DS game, the crossover with Professor Layton (if that counts)

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Well, it sounds really interesting and it would be cool if they released it outside Japan. But considering Investigations 2 never left Japan, I don't know. Maybe we get a digital copy on the e-shop, or something. But until then I somehow have to get my hands on Dual Destinies first. {XD}
    Welcome, R.F!
    Omg great choice for fave character! I remember seeing your signature before on the forum and I instantly knew it was a quote from Franziska because of all the talk of foolish fools.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    Franziska entertained me a lot throughout the series. U-uh... it's not cuz I think characters getting antagonized with a whip is funny or something. *cough*

    Username: Bay
    Favorite Character: Mia Fey
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: The first three and am playing Dual Destines now (at the second case at the moment).

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    Yeah I heard about it for a bit. Dai Gyakuten Saiban's news is actually what prompted me to finally try the Ace Attorney games by getting AA Trilogy and Dual Destinies on the Eshop.

    After making some progress on Dual Destines and impressed of some of the changes in the details , I'm quite excited for the upcoming newest entry. And hey, you can't go wrong with Sherlock (I'm on an Elementary and BBC Sherlock kick lately, lol).
    Welcome, Bay! Oh cool, so the announcement of DGS is what prompted you to try the series? Ah that makes me want to start a new topic. I think it's about time.

    How did you first get into the Ace Attorney series?
    (For example, you saw a trailer, read about it in a magazine, a friend recommended it, etc.)

    As for me, I first got into it back in 2010. At the time I only had a passing knowledge of the series, but I became more interested in it when one of the artists I admired started writing about the games and making fanart of it. The characters seemed so charming, so I went out and bought one of the Phoenix Wright games to try for myself! The first game I played was actually Justice For All, because for the time being the first one wasn't in stock at any nearby stores. A lot of fans call JFA the weakest of the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, but it entertained me enough that within the next months I had played all of the rest of the Ace Attorney games!

    Hehe I remember playing the games sometimes before school started and my friends watched and were sold on getting the games themselves, too. It's just such a fun series full of quirky characters! I probably have Ace Attorney to thank for my sustained interest in other visual novel games and getting into other crime-solving fiction in general.
    Last edited:
    Username: Flushed
    Favorite Character: Aura Blackquill
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: All of the main series, haven't played the Layton Crossovers, and I couldn't get through the first Investigations lol.
    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    I have, and honestly looks pretty interesting. Hopefully it gets localized for North America (and everywhere else too). Any excuse to keep playing really. But with that mentality I should try to pick up Investigations again haha.
    Username: Flushed
    Favorite Character: Aura Blackquill
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: All of the main series, haven't played the Layton Crossovers, and I couldn't get through the first Investigations lol.
    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?
    I have, and honestly looks pretty interesting. Hopefully it gets localized for North America (and everywhere else too). Any excuse to keep playing really. But with that mentality I should try to pick up Investigations again haha.
    Welcome, Flushed!
    Eep Aura Blackquill is such a good character.. ;v;
    (Dual Destinies case 5 spoilers below)

    On the subject of DGS, I think we all wanna see it released outside of Japan, too. I don't want Dual Destinies to be the last Ace Attorney game released in the West.. I wanna see it continue to prosper around the world, even if that means we only get digital releases. Just... in the localization for this series, they've been playing like the setting was in the USA but it's not... Especially in the beginning of this new game. Ryuunosuke Naruhodou is Phoenix Wright's (Ryuuichi Naruhodou) ancestor so if they did localize it, I think one of the biggest issues would be explaining the name change. They can't really get away with changing Ryuunosuke's name because the setting is very distinctly Japan.

    I've got it! Maybe they could say that later on in the early 20th century, the Naruhodou family immigrated to the USA and changed their family name to "Wright" and started giving their children English surnames? I dunno... it still seems kinda iffy, but plausible I suppose.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club
    How did you first get into the Ace Attorney series?

    My reply to Lisia's question to me pretty much answers this topic, haha.

    Welcome, Bay! Oh cool, so the announcement of DGS is what prompted you to try the series? .

    More or less. I've heard the series for a while, but I haven't gotten the chance to try out the series due to being pretty busy back when I was in university. Years later I would see posts of Dual Destines and news of DGS popping on Tumblr, and I was like "the games look really good in 3DS, would like to try the original games now." Summer of last year was then the announcement of Ace Attorney Trilogy (at E3, I think) and I went, "YES!" XD;

    I've got it! Maybe they could say that later on in the early 20th century, the Naruhodou family immigrated to the USA and changed their family name to "Wright" and started giving their children English surnames? I dunno... it still seems kinda iffy, but plausible I suppose.

    One other idea I think is maybe Phoenix's mother or another family member of Japanese descend married someone with the last name Wright. Probably still a bit farfetched but could work.

    I legit was listening to this most of the day while doing paperwork:

    Like I really hope Athena will grow and develop as a defense attorney on future Ace Attorney games! She's really growing on me as a favourite. :3

    I'm not too far into Dual Destines yet as I mentioned, but Athena is already growing on me too. :3
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    Think I had joined a previous version of such a club... why not again?

    Username: bobandbill
    Favorite Character: Gumshoe! Investigations (one or two) image but honestly not fussed.
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: All of the ones released sans the Prof Layton crossover game! That includes Investigations 2, because of that fanmade translation patch. It is so very worth playing on that note. As in, it's either my most or second-most favourite AA title.

    I'd like to play the crossover game, but it remains full price in stores everywhere here. :< Kinda annoying.

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?

    Yep! I'm hoping it does get localised, and as DD was then it may not have a bad chance either, even if Capcom still has their moments of stupidity. It seems interesting enough, but I wonder how/if they try to pass the setting off as America. :V

    How did you first get into the Ace Attorney series?

    Back in high school, I saw a friend playing it and I had an R4 at the time (shush, Australia never seemed to have copies of the games in stores =( And then capcom wondered why it didn't sell!), so I gave the first one a go. I like stories and it was fairly entertaining with the lively characters and etc. I found it very hard to put down after a while, and that presisted with the other two games in the series too.

    I was less fond of the Apollo game - still good overall, but not quite as fun. I never liked him all that much, and it says something when my favourite parts of the games corresponded to 'when you controlled Phoenix'. Investigations was great; Edgeworth was quite the amusing protagonist, and the game had extra Gumshoe which is as mentioned above my favourite character. Pity he wasn't seen in DD. =(
    Think I had joined a previous version of such a club... why not again?

    Username: bobandbill
    Favorite Character: Gumshoe! Investigations (one or two) image but honestly not fussed.
    What Ace Attorney games have you played so far?: All of the ones released sans the Prof Layton crossover game! That includes Investigations 2, because of that fanmade translation patch. It is so very worth playing on that note. As in, it's either my most or second-most favourite AA title.

    I'd like to play the crossover game, but it remains full price in stores everywhere here. :< Kinda annoying.

    Have you heard of the upcoming "Dai Gyakuten Saiban" title and if so, what are your thoughts so far? Do you hope it eventually gets localized and released in your country?

    Yep! I'm hoping it does get localised, and as DD was then it may not have a bad chance either, even if Capcom still has their moments of stupidity. It seems interesting enough, but I wonder how/if they try to pass the setting off as America. :V

    How did you first get into the Ace Attorney series?

    Back in high school, I saw a friend playing it and I had an R4 at the time (shush, Australia never seemed to have copies of the games in stores =( And then capcom wondered why it didn't sell!), so I gave the first one a go. I like stories and it was fairly entertaining with the lively characters and etc. I found it very hard to put down after a while, and that presisted with the other two games in the series too.

    I was less fond of the Apollo game - still good overall, but not quite as fun. I never liked him all that much, and it says something when my favourite parts of the games corresponded to 'when you controlled Phoenix'. Investigations was great; Edgeworth was quite the amusing protagonist, and the game had extra Gumshoe which is as mentioned above my favourite character. Pity he wasn't seen in DD. =(
    Welcome to the club, bobandbill!
    Gumshoe is best detective. Ema really belongs in forensics and Foolbri- er, Fulbright was...interesting in his own right, but it's a shame we couldn't see Gumshoe in 3D.

    Before I add ya to the Members List, would you mind specifying which mugshot of Gumshoe you'd prefer?
    We got the standard Investigations one:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    The one from Turnabout Reminisce:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    And then this really intense one:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    ...Oh so there was another Ace Attorney Fan Club once upon a time? I guess it must have died out at some point... Well I promise to keep this club alive and kicking for as long as possible and as long as there remains an interest in the community!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Objection! ~ The Ace Attorney Fan Club

    Everyone, feel free to pitch an idea for something you'd like to see or add to this club!