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Opinion on robotic Pokemon


No, your gonna face ME first!
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 11,189
    Especially with the new future paradox mons, what do you think about robotic pokemon? do you think they should even be classified as Pokemon?

    For me personally, I think they function similar to the Reploids in Mega Man X, robots with independent thought, no code influencing their decisions, Like an artificial soul of sorts. Because if it was just any robot, anyone could build a pokemon.
    Views them like any other organic Pokemon. Could be good or bad, design-wise.

    Admittedly finds some a little surprising to be considered Pokemon. Typically conflates "Pokemon" with "animal". Notes several counter-examples upon reflection, however. Accepted the likes of Voltorb and Porygon as Pokemon for ages. Turned formerly non-living material (Grimer, Baltoy, Banette) into Pokemon via mysterious means. Never stopped Ghost-types from counting as Pokemon, despite not being "alive". Are robotic Pokemon really that different?
    Adding onto the above statement, I've felt that the more generations that pass and the more designs produced, it's been easier to accept a wider variety of creatures as 'looking like a pokemon'. At this point it's so expansive there doesn't seem to be a particular category I would leave out. (maybe the humanoids but even those can be good depending on the individual design).
    We've had artificial Pokemon since the first generation, so I don't really have an issue with them. I do feel that most paradox Pokemon could have been more creative than just "this Pokemon but a robot/savage" but I don't regard them as anything other than Pokemon. I think it'd be more strange if they weren't considered Pokemon, because I think pretty much every creature not a human in the Pokemon World is considered a Pokemon. If they suddenly introduced a third category of sentient life it'd be quite odd.
    While they do make me wonder how Pokemon are defined especially what separates them from real-world animals whenever those are referenced, I think the idea of robotic Pokemon is really neat. It's nice to not have everything be an animal, and introduce more interesting designs. While I do wish a little more separated the future paradox Pokemon from each other (similar colours and them all having the name "Iron") I think a lot of the robotic Pokemon are just as interesting and well-designed as the organic Pokemon.

    As for the comparison to Reploids, I think I can kinda see that, but they're definitely not as advanced. I'd view them more like Rush or Treble from the classic series than sentient people like X or Zero. It could be like having a Roomba.
    ...I want a Roomba Pokemon now.
    I'm getting more attached to them, honestly. Before I used to think they were eh and not really Pokémon-like but... SV changed that opinion a bit, I think. I'm more partial to things like Iron Valiant and other Irons than I used to be. So I'm happy to have more, but I'll always prefer the more organic mons!
    Of course they should be classified as Pokemon. A Pokemon can be anything from natural to mandmade, so a robot Pokemon is still one at the end of the day.

    Seconded. If they can be just as cool or cute as organic/supernatural Mons, then they're Pokémon. That's it, no big deal.

    I've started collecting Porygon and Porygon2 cards recently. I didn't realize how cute those two were until I browsed through their card artworks, and met someone in my server who liked them too. I'm also partial towards the Violet Paradox Mons - and towards Miraidon in particular, whom I loved at first sight precisely because of their robotic aspects.

    Side note: Robotic Trainers would be nice too. As someone who has played Pokémon Xenoverse, I consider having a cyborg rival and a villainous Team made up mostly of robots one of the best parts of the game. Let's not even get into the matter of Shinjuku Jack from the Gen I beta. I have been taken with him ever since he was unearthed in 2019, and though he was meant to be a reference to Jacky Bryant from Virtua Fighter, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have been an artificial/manmade Trainer from the get-go, as he was in the Helix Chamber reconstruction hack. Let me kiss the bots, dammit.
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    Robotic Pokémon are one kind of issue, and the worldbuilding trend Pokémon has taken with the Future Paradoxes is both a dfferent kind of issue and a problem.

    We've had artificial (in-universe) Pokémon for a good while, and even in the first generation we see an important duality: Porygon is artificial and kinda-robotic, but Mewtwo is artificial but doesn't look or feel robotic at all. In any event those Pokémon are not robotic by the more general senses of the world (including the original one, which more or less means "a construct to do labour").

    We've also had animate (in-universe) Pokémon for a reasonable time and in a reasonable variety and they could be interpreted as robotic or not under different visions: Honedge posseses a weapon or a tool, Shuppet possesses a toy. But it'd be difficult to call them robotic.

    And then we have "robots" in the more general senses of the world: Pokémon constructed instead of grown, both to function as a robot, and presenting a robotic morphology and art style. Curiously enough - or not, for those who understand the IRL foundatios behind them - the clearest examples are the Regis, who are canonically stated to be constructs, and who look and function as "biological" machines that take specific commands (with a stricter interpretation than what a Pokémon battle's "command" is). While they don't look very metallic that's just a digress from how do *we* construct robots with the material engineering we have access to, so there's not really a reason not to call them robots Pokémon-wise. Then we have cases such as Golett, also canonically created as a construct and given instructions, and taking a morphological design that one could easily call "solarpunk" or "soulpunk" versions of "robot".

    And then there's the Future Paradoxes.

    My generalistic interpretation, and the one I'm going ahead for my setting's worldbuilding is - with the disclaimer that I'm not fully up to speed with G9 lore (which is currently ongoing anyway) is that those are quite definitively not Pokémon. Most likely, they're Pokédroids - machines built to take upon the likeness of a Pokémon, same how an android is a machine built to take upon the likeness of a human. To be the rationale is quite clear worldbuilding-wise: I have trouble, and a severe dislike, seeing a future where natural biodiversity is extinct or removed from the world and only machinery exists instead. To me, that also goes (almost) wholly against the core themes of Pokémon and gives more an impression of a world that has "outgrown" Pokémon and instead turned to something thematically closer to Palworld and mechanically closer to, perhaps, NieR. Neither of which are good things.

    It's perfectly feasible that these machines are the "Pokémon" drawn from the future (if it's true the machine is doing that) because it is drawing creatures from the *same* area in the future, which has perhaps been turned into an industrial zone or an environmental wasteland, but that *doesn't* have to mean every Pokémon everywhere in the future has been replaced with metal machines - and *only* metal machines, what about liquid silicon machines? crystal machines? *Miraidon* certainly looks like it's from a different "kind" of robotic future than the rest of the Futuredoxes.

    All in all however, Future Paradoxes are introduced as a pretty limited / restricting, disappointing, and counter-thematic concept, and I hope that is soon fixed. But their introduction doesn't really impair the presence and design of "robotic" (in looks or in function) Pokémon as a whole, and I certainly await the day Porygon is given its dues after how it was basically excised from the franchise when the spasm flashes were actually Pikachu's fault. We certainly could have done with a better mascot. Like Vulpix.

    So, yeah.
    Ah yes, the pondering about where the line between the organic & the synthetic lies. Is it the flesh & sinew that defines an organism, or is it the soul lying within? Is consciousness a proof of organism's life, or could it simply be reproduced and replicated? I'd say robotic Pokemon could serve as an interesting way to explore said topics in a way that could still appeal to those peering at the subject matter from the surface level.

    That will be my more concise thoughts on the matter. I will put my more comprehensive thoughts about this matter in spoilers so you can skip them if you wish. I won't hold it against you, I tend to get a little verbose.
