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Hideki Ishitani(Miyazawa)
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Arcana: I. The Magician Arcana

Appearance: Hideki doesn't stand out much at 5'9 with messy black, almost shoulder-length hair, fair skin, a fairly thin physique, and dark gray eyes. His most outstanding physical feature is a very small beauty mark on his left cheek. He seems like he could be quite handsome if he was groomed properly, but he just doesn't bother.

Hideki switches between many different kinds of shirts when not in his school uniform, but only ever wears pants, never shorts, and his clothes are all exclusively in grays and blacks. Much easier to match that way.

At work Hideki is a completely different person both in attitude and appearance. He has different looks on different days thanks to the cafe's "theme days", but it's always befitting of a butler.
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

History: Hideki was born to one of Japan's wealthiest families and the heir to one of the world's most well-known and influential pharmaceutical companies headquartered in Tokyo. Yep, those Miyazawas. From a young age, he was showered with all the love and attention one could get from a plethora of servants trying to fill in for overly busy parents. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that when Hideki's parents could make time for him, they were very warm, affectionate people, but it wasn't enough to fill the void he felt. If the boy wasn't lucky enough to have a twin sister, he may have well ended up feeling utterly alone. As fortune would have it, Hana Miyazawa was one of the brightest, most energetic, and still most well-behaved children one could hope to find, and there was no end to the games the Twins made up to entertain themselves in and out of their manor.

As often as the Twins stole away to have their fun, nobody would ever go so far as to call either of them hooligans or troublemakers. Both children were quite diligent in their studies, Hana excelling in mathematics while Hideki did very well with logic and took a special interest in world history.

Nothing could ever seem to dull the longing Hideki felt. Eventually, he even began to grow distant from his sister. After a time the nagging desire to make something of himself without his parents' influence compelled him to run away from home, leaving Hana as the sole heir to the company and made his way over to Osaka to try for a life of his own. Hideki's excitement at starting life on his own did nothing to curb the pain of leaving his family behind, however, and since finding an apartment and enrolling at Rakkoken High under the fake surname "Ishitani" he has had little luck making friends.

When Hideki finally found a part-time job that paid enough for an apartment and still left some spending money on a student's schedule...well he ended up at a Butler Cafe of all places. The owner of "The Blossom's Rest" is always looking for new workers, but is supposedly extremely picky about just who can work in her establishment. She told Hideki he had 'an air of refinement' no matter how hard he 'tries to hide it under that mess' and took him to a dressing room to tidy up his hair and do some maintenance on his face. She liked what she saw when she was finished, and was impressed by Hideki's poise when he tried handling trays of food and drinks, so he was hired.

Personality: Hideki was never really the most outgoing young man to begin with, but since leaving his familial home and his cozy lifestyle behind, he's become much more solitary. When he isn't working or going to school, Hideki really just spends all his time reading, watching TV, or sleeping, he's prone to taking naps just about anywhere and anywhen the mood strikes him. His manner of speech is usually quite blunt and abrasive when not around an authority figure and he's quick to insist others leave him alone most of the time. Although easily annoyed whenever someone interrupts his relaxation, he's actually easy to convince to go out and do things by anyone with a bit of persistence and an interesting idea.

Hideki isn't very far above average in raw intellect, but he is extremely clever and has a very strong talent for finding the easiest, most efficient way to get what he wants. Sadly, he is constantly held back by self-doubt, always second-guessing all of his own decisions whenever they might have a real impact on his life or someone else's. The one upside to Hideki's self-doubt is a propensity for planning out the vast majority of his decisions fairly thoroughly. He may not always be the quickest to make a decision and act, but Hideki always resolves to find the solution to any problem put in front of him, including those he sees for his friends, but when helping someone else he prefers to find a way to do it without them finding out.

As much as time as Hideki may spend alone, and as much as he may gripe when made to break his routine, he really does want a break from being alone sometimes. He strongly misses his family, especially his sister, and as a result, has developed a real weakness for sisterly behavior, he can't fight it at all.

Hideki's greatest and most embarrassing hobby is....idols. As a boy, he got completely wrapped up in his sister's obsession with idols and ended up loving them as much as she did. He follows the exploits of several different idols, and goes to concerts whenever he can set aside enough money, he even has a secret closet full of idol merchandise in his apartment, nothing else ramps up his enthusiasm as much as they do. A close second on the scale is his enjoyment of elaborate outfits, and occasionally even cosplaying. Hideki often draws when he's stuck somewhere that he can't read or sleep and he gets bored, especially in class. Most of his drawings are sketches, usually of clothes, especially ideas for outfits he might want to put together, or things he'd like to see an idol wear.


[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Types of Skills: Fire, Healing

Persona 'Personality': Prometheus is extremely generous, gentle, and confident. He's tired of being alone, and wants to matter to someone. He constantly preaches standing on your own two feet and pushing forward towards what you really want, and what you can do for those you care about regardless of the consequences. Much of Prometheus is Hideki's inner desire not just to stand on his own two feet, but to watch the people that matter to him flourish just as richly, to be a pillar to lean on and a gentle flame flickering in the darkness, offering warmth and a guiding light.

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Uehara Naoko

... just to say, i'm not sure if it was your intention, but Naoko is an extremely feminine sounding name, due to the 'ko' at the end, which is exclusively used for girls. unless you meant for that to be an aspect of his, you might wanna consider changing it to Naoto or Naoki or something o/

also to some other people; you might want to read the 'Persona Personality' section again... it's very cute that you end up writing how much your Persona and your character care for each other, but they're not your Pokemon. a Persona is a part of you, so saying you care is like saying you care for your arm and it cares for you. please let the GM correct me if i'm wrong, but i think what he meant to explain in the OP is that your 'Persona's Personality' is the aspect of your character that they tried to repress, and that hence manifested into this semi-physical being. that is what you're meant to write about, if you choose to at all.

my SU's almost finished, by the way o/ i was gonna make super fancy CSS but in the end i think never mind... haha
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[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

?? ???

Birth Name: Eri Takanashi
Gender: F
Age: 17
Arcana: Death

Trying her best not to stand out, it makes sense that there wouldn't be many notable features about Eri. She has medium length, somewhat caramel-coloured hair, and dark brown eyes as are typical in Japan. Her physique is somewhat frail, unlike what you'd expect from someone who grew up on the land, but Eri was never employed to do much manual labor; rather, she would be asked to man the front counter as her father worked in the back and her mother was in charge of errands and deliveries.

Clothing-wise, Eri will nearly always be seen in her school uniform, even after school. Her clothes outside of that she doesn't consider pretty or cute, so she tends to avoid going to places where she could meet classmates on her days off. What she does own comprises mostly of simple tees, sweaters, skirts and jeans.

To those at having been at Rakkoken for a year, you may remember Eri Takanashi has a reputation for being an outsider, a country bumpkin who speaks with a Kansai dialect despite her efforts to stop it. You may even have heard rumors about her and any attempting to approach her having been bullied, and it's likely for that reason that she was absent for most of last year's final term.

Spoiler: complete story
(Eri Takanashi was born in a tiny village located a ways to the northwest from the metropoles of Kyoto and Osaka. She lived a simple life, with her parents owning and working a carpentry shop, while she attended the village's combined school. As the entire village only counted about 12 children, they were all in class together despite being of different ages, working on their respective assignments as the days went by. This structure also made it easy for students to receive extra help or even extra work if it suit their level of functioning - and it soon became clear that Eri was quite bright compared to her classmates.

When she came of high school age, her parents sought to offer her more than the local school could offer. To be able to get into the prestigious universities they dreamt of, Eri would have to attend a better-ranked high school... and so after some research, they found the recently established Rakkoken High. With it still being on the rise, tuition wasn't too expensive, and the family luckily managed to find an incredibly cheap studio apartment for her to stay during the school year.

However, the transition from the countryside to a city as large as Osaka wasn't smooth. Eri soon discovered that in a large city, she was only about average in academics, and to make matters worse, her first year on Rakkoken High was complicated by persistent bullying. She found pushpins in her shoes, her school gear destroyed, and hateful messages written on her desk. Any attempt she made to make friends of her own led to her eventually being betrayed to stay in favor with the more popular girls of the class. Lack of intervention from classmates and teachers slowly led her to avoid going to school often in the last term of her first year, and when this of course led to her parents being informed, they came over straight away. But they weren't even mad... just disappointed.

Once her parents returned to the village, Eri was left by herself. Caught in a spiral of negative thoughts, she was desperate to be released from the situation she saw no way out of, until she finally worked up the courage to go outside, onto the balcony... and let herself fall off the edge of the railing.

- - -​

She fell unconscious, but living only on the third floor of her shoddy apartment building, this wasn't quite high enough for her to sustain damage to the point of dying - she woke up some time later in a hospital and was kept there until the end of the third term. The school meanwhile doing everything in their power to prevent her attempt from being made public; to avoid ruining their reputation.
Now, proceeding into her second year, Eri has healed enough that she'll be able to attend school once more.)

Back when she still lived in her hometown, Eri used to seem much brighter; a warm and open personality made her well-liked and looked up to by her peers. Moving to the city was a large step for her, however, and she went in with a much more timid demeanor. Naturally softspoken, and desperate to fit in and find a group of friends, she would do her utmost to please her classmates, but this was to no more avail than to let them walk all over her. She was used, and after speaking up once it only progressed into bullying, finally resulting in her shutting off from those around her more and more.

After returning to school in the new year, her primary concern is to survive. Eri makes an effort to be quiet, doesn't open her mouth unless spoken to, and even then tries to say as little as possible, for fear of being made fun of or pulled into any bad situation. As long as nobody gets close, she'll be safe from them, and they'll be safe from the misfortune that she feels she carries with her. But solitude may not be good for the demon that dwells inside of her...


Name of Persona: Thanatos
Types of Skills: Darkness and Almighty

Persona 'Personality':
In the earliest accounts, Thanatos is the harbinger of a peaceful death. Characterized as indiscriminate and merciless, Thanatos is detested by all and he hates them in return, all too happy to bring mortals to their fated end. In mythology, he is portrayed as a fearsome, sword-wielding specter and fierce of countenance. He is a harbinger of suffering and grief, and his coming was marked by pain.​
Eri's persona marks the desire she represses most of all - that to break free of her bonds and unleash her fury on those that wronged her so. Thanatos was formed of her pent up frustration. Fed up with her compulsive need to consider everyone else over herself, his chained coffins act as the burden but simultaneously as the power to release her. Once summoned, Eri fully accepted its role, dealing out the release of Death as she once longed for it herself.

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)
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Oi, some rough work art done by moi, idc about post style, lol. I may go back and do some small sentence edits later today.

Birth Name: Giichi Jo
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Arcana: Temperance


? Height - 172 cm / 5 ft 7in
? Weight - 65.5 kg / 144.5 lbs
? Fair-skinned, lean with some muscle. Dark brown eyes. Black hair bleached blonde to the root. Hair length is currently shoulder-length but up in a small ponytail, sweeps over his ears, and even-cut bangs hang down over his forehead. If not in the school uniform, he dresses inconspicuously, unless it's very late at night where his wardrobe becomes daunting.


"Cut your hair, Giichi. You are not a woman."

Small, delicate fingers creased with age have raked down his proud mane time and time again. Pale nails split the dyed-blonde gloss of his hair before gripping it, twisting flowing strands like knots in her palms as she tugged at the roots. Giichi remembers the disdainful way his mother would speak of his appearance, back when he lived with her in the small apartment. She was a woman of small stature who ruled the house when her husband was away, and her reign as regent has since lasted the past three years in lieu of his extended absence. The man of the house had been exported overseas by a company under The Overseas Construction Association of Japan, Inc. (OCAJI) for a collaborative engineering project in Dubai. For him, his wife intended to rear their son for the household position in the meantime. To her, raising her son in his absence meant upholding the traditional values that have long been fundamental to her era of Japan. In order for her son to receive the respect he deserved from the social forces that be, he mustn't deviate either way. Giichi was going to be a determined youth, a man who worked to achieve and rarely met failure, a man who revered his superiors, was practical, marketable, and with an income to support his parents and lifelong career in a dedicated, expanding company. He was going to be an approachable, masculine, married, honored pride. The first step were first impressions, and that meant cutting his hair - as he was no longer a child but an adult headed for the working world. Giichi would compromise and cut from back-length to shoulder length, and tie up the excess in a tight tail.

"You are on that phone more than you speak to me. Is it a girl? You do not bring her here?"

Giichi often finds himself preoccupied with his cell in the evenings. He will steal glances under the dining table, reading texts that push paragraphs while his mother talks at him about her day with the Osaka Voluntary Action Center. He will be busy typing away in the doorway to his room while his mother rearranges cushions and floor chairs for her turn hosting her small study group. He will lay on his tatami bed late at night and quietly stream video of his smile to a faceless stranger on the internet, who says they are his age, that they are in the area, and that they wished he could lie in their bed so that they could kiss his hair. This faceless stranger goes by new names, new locations, and different offers of the same compliments. Giichi enjoys the attention his changing audience gives him, and he confides in them his insecurities as they tell him what they think he wants to hear. Giichi rewards those who console him with returns for requests and more time in his presence. Those who misstep and unwittingly dash him are met with cutting insults and an end of session, as he shuts off his phone and rolls over, consoling himself.

"It is 2.00. You out late? To do what, to disrespect me?!"

Giichi often felt his mother's punishment, as she felt that she needed to take up her husband's firm hand. That often translated literally. When she wanted him to do something, it was hardly a straightforward question. She would tag on a phrase to elicit a shame if he didn't, or word it in such a way that he would be selfish if he hadn't. And if he refused or she perceived it so, there would be a biting comment to validate just that. If it was especially egregious, the comment would be replaced with a slap across the face and a shrieking accusation. There were times when Giichi fell silent and bore the brunt of it until she felt she had said all that she needed, though she would later recycle comments as fuel for another disagreement. Other times, being taller and stronger than his mother, he would grab her by the hands and squeeze them, telling her in the tone he remembered of his father not to lay a hand on him again. Reciprocating touch like that had her spit obscenities and kick him at his knees. He would bear it with a restrained look of rage until he felt everything was enough to let her go and return to his room. He would close the door on her collapsing to the floor and wailing that her son attacked her, and that he was as petulant as a 'gijo' - a female prostitute.

"I raised you! I raised you! I don't want to be your mother and your father!"

Some of his classmates called him 'gijo' too. They thought it was clever when they heard his name: Jo, Giichi. It followed him through the years as he felt it manifested in this strange paradox of his identity. His physique was typical male, his voice baritone, he thought romantically of docile women and the girls in his class did take to him and his care for his appearance. But in spending his time preparing to understand business ventures and programming language in computer systems, he also spent time idolizing the art of modern kabuki, often saving up yen when he could for a ticket to see performances in the Osaka Shochikuza theater, and buying makeup to paint his face in the canvas of a female caricature. He adored its historical form of art and the exceptional way it allowed him to escape and express ideas otherwise repressed by his mother and the concept of role. It happened to be most often expressed in the explanation of femininity, something he considered most at odds with him and yet so relevant. Having decided one day back when he was a first year student at Rakkoken High to show this appreciation, he went to the restroom with a pouch of makeup, and after some minutes, left as a colorful persona, stalking the halls with a wild and cleanly-drawn face paint. The fun he thought he'd have in provoking silly or awed reaction was turned out not as plan. While a few did find his antics good-natured and funny, it was mostly met with ridicule and rejection from most students for the bizarre, unnerving look and as a stunt so early in the semester. He was turned out of homeroom as well, reprimanded by the teacher for intentionally trying to disrupt class by violating dress code. Giichi tried to play it off as a class clown joke regardless, though among the many nicknames he later received - from the accepting 'Jichi-chan' to the damning 'Gei-ichi' - 'gijo' was whispered about. It would follow him most through the years as they were spent with nearly the same classmates.

"Move out? You will not help support me while your father is away?"

This was an argument for Giichi's final year at Rakkoken High. In a turn of events, the contracting company involved with OCAJI had offered Giichi's father to stay another two years in Dubai on extended work for a closely-related engineering project. This was proposed to him three months before he was due to return back to Japan, but in a phone call to his wife, he told her he chose to accept the offer. He lamented not physically being there for his family, but that his paid vacation days would roll over to this new project, and he planned to take two weeks off to visit them after initial work was settled. His wife would relay this information to Giichi, praising her husband for his dedication and the livable income that deposits into their shared account. Giichi, however, thought it would be a fair time to propose that he consider his own prospects. He wanted to find his own apartment after graduation and securing a job - or at the very least, a paid internship. He asked if she would help him get started with a little finance, to which she questioned why he would rush to leave the house so quickly, to leave her as a mother alone in an apartment with no son or husband, and to do it so long before his father came home. She told him it was foolish to ask for money when she would be the one needing it if he left her, as the expenses for him living on his own would be much more than if he just stayed home with his mother. Giichi succumbed to her argument, but he kept thinking about ways he could escape his mother's domain and be free to explore his sense of self and direction where he felt he was groomed to be shortsighted.

"This was on the doorstep... How could you shame us...?"

It was a quiet, tense dinner after Giichi's first day of third year. On the table between he and his mother was a manila envelope, and beside that were a several sheets of paper. They all were printed with digitally-edited collages of screenshot text messages and photos. The texts were between a number of different screen names, but the subject matter focused on intimate and incriminating moments from a correspondent who was also fond of sending pictures of himself in makeup and suggestive poses. The familiar face in the room was superimposed beside his own racy promises, tirades against his family, violent threats against school, and his questionable adventures prowling the streets of Osaka in beastly face paint and delinquent-like clothing. Some of these, Giichi knew were blatantly out of context or were vented words regrettably said in anger and confidence, but much of it wasn't, and all of it could not be explained away or excused. To be exposed like this must have been payback from some anonymous student at Rakkoken that he unwittingly connected to, and totally berated when they had upset him somehow. Giichi was shamed silent as his mother wailed and sobbed, calling her son a shame to her and the family. When she turned to screaming that he get out and throwing the nearest object at her son, Giichi shot up with a wrathful flip of the dining table and stormed out of the apartment. When he returned six hours later into the early hours of the morning, the door to his apartment wouldn't budge despite being unlocked. He nearly busted the door driving his shoulder through, and stepped over the dining table and chairs that looked intentionally built into a barricade.

"Mother, please eat."

Since then, his mother fell into a rapid state of decline. At first, she just wouldn't speak to him after that night. When he returned considerably late after the incident just to avoid home, she would ignore his greeting and refuse to look in his direction. Then he'd notice after a while when he returned that objects in the house weren't moved or touched since the morning. Asking his mother about it would receive him no acknowledgement. Voice messages on the house phone asking about study group plans, missed volunteer hours, and Giichi's slacking school attendance began to stack up. More often he would come home to find her sitting on the floor sofa, hardly moving from her slouched posture, staring at one channel on the television. When food in the fridge was left untouched and the smell of breakfast and dinner ceased to exist in the apartment, Giichi began to take care of it and his mother. She became less and less like the active person she once was. It seemed like something ill befell her like what seems to be catching wind throughout Osaka. Looking at the state of his mother only urged him to return to school, where recently he is catching up with assignments and classes.

Personality: Giichi can be very sociable if given the time of day, but he's often not one to directly initiate first and so stands by. If he has an interest in someone and wants to engage first though, he tends to use suggestion techniques that he's internalized to try and send that signal. While he feels he doesn't give off an air of confidence, he does tend to assert himself when he's made a decision rooted in emotion. Giichi views himself not as someone who can do no wrong, but as someone who shouldn't be, and that does take an aggressive turn when he's in fear or certain he has a physical or psychological advantage. Otherwise, he may attempt to save face and try to repress the harbored feeling of being slighted. Becoming angered or defensive is like a switch for him, and the reaction is often immediate.

Giichi likes to joke about and express himself in the exaggerated and dramatic style of theatrical kabuki, and indulging in things like female pop idols and workouts. He enjoys joking around with bravado and he yearns to make connections with people he feels he can be loyal to and who will uplift him too. Giichi has the capacity to be romantic - if only it weren't perverted into self-validation and thrill, which is his usual mode. It does stem from his internal tumult and finding ways to deal with his perception of self. While Giichi is not ashamed of the concept of a "feminine side", he does not resolve the idea of femininity or a balance of traits that he associates with it, as the greatest influences on the view are his couple of timid, demure admirers at school, and his mother.


Name of Persona: Chimaera


Side ref:

A grotesque blend of muscle and material with figures from creatures famous for their connection with power and ruin, the Chimaera is a powerful force of might and flame that seems insurmountable. In this form, femininity presented foremost before the wretched, daunting, and contorted faces of the beasts. With the ferocious, maned head and body of a lion, a smaller, comely human female figure arches its spine from the lion's prosternum. Between the jagged teeth of the blank-eyed lion, in the back of its mouth is the porcelain face of the human female, with blank half-lidded eyes and a somewhat somber expression at rest. From her temples are a the ribbed horns of a goat that appear like tusks curving up from the lion's mouth. What look like strapping, brutish forearms and mechanical, pointed claws of the lion actually sprout from the female figure, and act like the whole creature's powerful forearms in its place. The creature's hind legs are the lion's own, taking on the animal's shape and not the resemblance of hands like the forearms. Off the underside of the creature from where the female figure's pelvis merges into the lion's abdomen, six mechanical domes rest like a female lion's teats, confounding more elements of the feminine and masculine. The underbelly soon takes on the mechanical shaft of twisting tail, that heads with a serpent. When its mouth is closed, looking dead onto its snout appears the same porcelain face of a female with the same twinge of a somber expression. When its mouth opens, the porcelain face is revealed to be a facade, splitting in half to reveal fangs and the serpent's tongue. Standing over twice the height of its wielder and its body consuming space, the Chimaera's presence demands.

Types of Skills: Fire / Physical​
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So I can't give all the answers, as I am not the GM, but I can try to shed some light.

For the actual summoning procedure, I can't say for sure. You may be aware of Persona in some way, if so feel free to skip this paragraph (I just enjoy explaining and the sound of my own voice). Each Persona game features it's own method of summoning, usually thematic in nature. In 2 the summonings were something that more or less just happened. In 3 they were summoned from shooting oneself with a gun shaped item called an "Evoker" as well as the acceptance of one's own death. Persona 4 involved confronting and accepting one's innermost secrets, shames, etc and the act of summoning itself involved breaking their own tarot card. Persona 5 takes the idea of a Persona being "the mask you wear to confront the world" literally, as you summon your persona by ripping off the mask of your thieve's costume.

As I only know a little about the underlying theme of this RP, I cannot say for sure how it ties in. Dragon will most likely explain it later.

The abilities are mostly balanced in game. In RP, it might be a bit different, however. Like Pokemon enemies can be weak or strong against damage types. Hitting with a skill they're weak against increases the accuracy of the move and does more damage. Hitting with a move they're strong against reduces or negates damage, and in worst case scenarios can bounce the attack back at the caster or get healed by it. Now for a quick run down of each ability:

Physical is the act of hitting an enemy with a melee weapon either you, or your persona is carrying. This is somewhat unique compared to other abilities as most Persona abilities are cast from your magic pool, but physical abilities are cast from your HP when used by a Persona. Many physical attacks can hit the same target multiple times, and some can even inflict status ailments. IE the move "Headbutt" can cause Forgetfulness, meaning the enemy can't use any of their abilities while the status is active.

Gun is hitting the enemy with a bullet or other projectile from you or your Persona. Like Physical, Gun Persona skills is cast from your HP and can inflict status ailments. IE Dream Needles can cause the enemy to fall asleep, where they will recover a very small portion of HP per turn, but cannot do anything until they wake up.

Fire is... well... Fire. It has a chance to cause burns, which causes the enemy to take damage each turn.

Ice is ice. It has a chance to freeze enemies, which causes them to skip their next turn and their evasion becomes zero. Attacking a frozen enemy ends the effect, but they take more damage from the attack.

Electric does damage and can shock enemies. Shocked enemies cannot take their next turn, and all physical attacks against them are critical hits.

Wind is the last of the basic "elemental" attacks, and is weaker than the other 3. Wind, however, causes massive damage to burned enemies.

Light moves have very low hit chances against enemies not weak to it, but is a one hit kill on any enemy it does hit.

Dark is the counterpart to light. Low hit chance, one hit kills.

Bless and Curse are non-K.O. counterparts of Dark and Light. Enemies weak to light are weak to bless, and vice-versa. Other than that, they act like other elemental moves.

Nuclear does bonus damage to enemies with a status condition (Burn/Freeze/Shock), but acts like a normal move.

Psy does bonus damage to enemies with an ailment (sleep, fear, forgetfulness, a whole lot of others), same as Nuclear otherwise.

Almighty skills are damn expensive to cast, and carry no special bonuses, but no enemy resists or is weak to them.

Healing is what it sounds like. You heal HP, revive allies, and cure ailments and statuses.

Ailment causes... ailments. There's far too many to list, but ailments do things like cause enemies to skip turns, fight each other, and even give you money or use helpful skills on you!

Finally, Support is buffing and debuffing your allies, as well as removing debuffs on you and removing buffs on the enemy. The three flavors of buffs are Hit Harder, Raise Defense, and Dodge Better.

/novel done, and watch this all be invalidated by GM powers.

Birth Name: Satomi Taniguchi
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Arcana: Priestess


Satomi stands a tad above the average Japanese girl at only 5'4". She is also a little curvier than her peers. Her chestnut brown hair is straight and hangs at shoulder length, and her eyes are a rare emerald green with a small beauty mark underneath her left.

As for clothing, Satomi is usually seen in her school uniform. On her days off, she prefers clothes she considers cute, but not too gaudy. This usually translates to light, pastel colors. She is partial to summer dresses and boots.

Satomi was born to a successful salaryman and his caring stay-at-home wife. From even her earliest years, there was a major emphasis on education. Her father in particular was driven to ensure her success, evidenced by his insistence that she be named with the kanji for intelligence. At first this didn?t bother Satomi, who loved to study. She enjoyed learning new things and solving problems with her newfound knowledge.

However, as she grew older she became more aware of her father?s obsession. Any time she did something he deemed unrelated to her studies or her future she was scolded and told to stop wasting time. If she was anything less than the top of her class she was also scolded. And when she finally did make it to the top of her class he did not congratulate her, instead telling her not to slack off.

Her mother always tried to comfort her and tell her he only wanted what was best for her because he cared about her, but eventually it wasn?t enough. She was determined to hear it from his own mouth. At her mother?s suggestion she joined all sorts of activities such as martial arts or music lessons in addition to her studies. Through tireless work she rose to the top in each, praised by her instructors for her talent. But no matter what she did, her father didn?t change in the slightest.

During her second year of middle school, Satomi decided she would have to do something more drastic to get her father?s attention. She became a delinquent, styled after the characters in outdated manga she would read in secret; dying her hair blonde, lengthening her skirt, and wearing a surgical mask while carrying around a bat. She would skip school, get into fights, and act generally belligerent. She even formed a small gang out of a few impressionable juniors who didn?t realize how ridiculous her little rebellion was. It wouldn?t earn his approval, but at this point she just wanted some sign that he cared about her beyond her grades.

In the end, her plan failed. She hoped to see concern, and she would have even settled for anger, but instead he grew even more distant. He stopped talking to her all together, their only remaining interaction being his looks of disappointment. It hurt her worse than any blow she?d received in a fight. She promptly abandoned her thuggish persona and sank back into her old, studious ways, not knowing what else she could do.

As always, her mother was there for her. She told Satomi to go to a school far from home in the hope that she could find something else to work toward. It was also in part to get her away from the reputation she?d made for herself in middle school, but mostly the first thing. Satomi couldn?t think of a reason to refuse, and so she travelled to Rakkoken High to begin her new life, living alone in a small, nearby apartment.

Satomi has always been an honest, loyal, and hardworking girl who enjoys and excels in academics, as well as anything else she puts her mind to. This is less out of talent than it is out of time and effort, as she devotes herself wholeheartedly to her goals regardless of any consequences her zeal might bring. Of course, she?s not averse to going out and having some fun every now and then, if her meticulously planned schedule allows it. When she does go out, she has a habit of getting swept up in the flow of other, more lively people.

With her life as structured as she lives it, Satomi holds a certain admiration for more impulsive people who do whatever makes them happy. She?s a little envious of them too, as she?s lived her life to make her father happy rather than herself. Some such people are her juniors from middle school who followed and admired her during her ridiculous delinquent phase, which even remembering makes her almost die from embarrassment. She cared for them deeply, treating them like her own younger siblings.

Satomi also has a childlike aspect to her, possessing a vivid imagination that birthed things like her delinquent personality, and a sense of humor that's a little on the dumb side. Her tastes in entertainment aren't exactly mature either, being partial to action and comedy manga aimed at young boys. She's also been told she draws like a five year old, which she doesn't appreciate hearing.


Name of Persona: Andraste


Types of Skills: Support/Physical

Persona "Personality": Andraste is a Celtic goddess of war and victory. She was called upon to divine the outcome of battles, though she was also associated with more motherly aspects. Andraste represents Satomi's will to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, be it through planning, hard work, determination, or something more drastic. She also embodies Satomi's tireless quest for one victory in particular that yet eludes her. Her motherly traits call to the way Satomi cared for and protected the members of her "gang" in her past.
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Toshio Miyazaki

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Arcana: The Fortune Arcana

Appearance:With a height of 5'8", and a calm expression in his face, it wouldn't be surprising if someone were to be captivated with Toshio's pretty boy looks. His face is very sharp and he carries himself as tall as he can stand.

When not stuck in his uniform, Toshio falls towards the casual spectrum of attire, favoring jeans & t-shirts in the above colors, usually with a sport jacket or hoodie in his accent color.


Personality: Toshio is described as a very patient person, when it comes to people or situations. He knows that an ending eventually comes to everything. Among others he can be noted as kind but silent in the fact that he doesn't speak much to others beside greeting and what is required often unless you are a good friend or someone he has meet often. He?s content without a lot of friends, mostly seeming cheerful and carefree. Most of the time, though, he?s incredibly scared of losing his friends. He?s willing to give people doing wrong a lot of leeway before he decides he doesn?t like them, or to take action. However, he?s willing to fiercely defend his friends, mostly out of the scarcity of the ones he has.

Due to a combination of strength and mental prowess, Toshio's most apparent fatal flaw is his overconfidence in his own abilities and his outspoken nature regarding such things. Despite this, he does not necessarily mind hearing other's ideas, though he tends to pick them apart piece by piece in an effort to shoot them down if they are even remotely flawed in his own eyes. Another result of the aforementioned upbringing/intelligence is an apparent and ever present feeling of boredom or lack of purpose, which in turn tends to call forth borderline melancholic demeanour when he is left to his own devices and does not feel like resorting to his typical hobbies of reading, sleeping, eating or browsing the internet.

Persona Name: Artheius


[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Skill Type: Fire/ Light

Personality: Artheius is gentle, kind and kind of sadistic.Smooth, levelheaded and clever, and yet despite his easygoing and casual demeanor, he carries with himself a dangerous swagger that warns off those foolish enough to dare think he would be a good target. He is persona made of Toshio's pain, anger and loneliness he felt during his childhood but never uttered a word about.

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after some final tweaks to her personality, and adding the appearance section i apparently forgot, Eri is now also finished.
Okay, I've read all the SUs and, pretty much everyone is accepted! But there are some short comings:

@Piloswine - you haven't exactly sold me your character... you chose him as a Devil arcana and he's only shy and can't connect with friends? With that arcana, it's represented by more "devilish" individuals; they can be greedy, proud, lustful, or otherwise of poor character. I wouldn't expect them to not connect with others or be shy at all.

It just seems you only scratched the surface of your character to. Like what about his activities?What does he like to do? Feel free to try again, but for now I can't accept you just yet.

@(Drakath) - Er, I noticed you use that particular 'type' of character in almost every RP you've been to, and this one is no exception - doesn't look like you've made much changes to it? Its just, lack of effort doesn't seem too good - I'd much prefer to see something original made for this universe.

Try again if you want, but you'd be pending right now.

@Sephear- First don't misunderstand; your character is accepted! It just seems odd that your persona's personality is generous, gentle, and confident while your character kinda...is too? At least, for his friends?

You mentioned something like, 'he has to deal with the pain of leaving his family behind', so maybe your persona would mean much more if it was represented by that instead? I dunno, this is more of a suggestion than anythinggg.
For those of you accepted, until the IC has been accepted, lets do some fun stuff! I'd love to see how you all will portray your characters (and how you RP in general), so let's have a panel!

// A cast introduction!

You find yourself in a room. A bright room surrounded by props and scenery. As you come to, you see yourself sitting down on a chair across a desk, with various other teens around your age. Before you even got time to understand what has happened to you, a voice seemingly from a speaker arose.

"Goooooood morning my lost children!" it cried. A slander young woman with a bizarre light-purple maid outfit appeared. It was hard to tell, but she also seemed to have yellow eyes as well. Was she even... human? "Ah, it looks like you're all awake. Welcome to my ever special loooooove clinic! On one side, we have our lovely and cute girls! And the other, our manliest of manly boys!"

She then approached the desk and leaned against it, addressing the group. "So kiddos. Don't be shy! Introduce yourself! What are your names? If you had the choice between being a cat, being a bunny, and being a dog, what would you go for!?"

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)
[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Date Unknown | Location Unknown | Time Unknown

Was... this a dream? He'd certainly had stranger ones before, his supressed social interaction often lead to manifestations like this involving his classmates. Still, this was oddly, specifically romantically inclined. That woman... why did she make him so uncomfortable? Yet she was familiar to him, there was an odd unease in his gut, as if he was forgetting something important... or was it that something important was just about to occur? Regardless, there was something inhuman about her.

But this was just a dream right? No harm in playing along for now, even if it was a little awkward... nobody else had spoken yet so...

"Ahem..." He cleared his throat to break the silence. "Some of you might know me from school, or maybe I've helped you with homework. I'm Oshijima Tatsuo, third year."

He stopped there, but quickly realized he hadn't answered the question. "Oh ehm, yes, I'd be a dog I suppose. It seems like the most reliable animal of the bunch."



Izumi Takino
Places Unknown

Izumi stared at the woman before her, the one dressed in the purple maid's outfit. This was so unreal, it had to be a dream. The girl was half tempted to reach out and pinch herself, if only to see if maybe she was dreaming. However, when she took a moment to look around her at the various others that had gathered in this place, she quickly decided against it. The last thing she wanted to do was look weird in front of group of people, a group that she realized that weren't all that unfamiliar as she thought. She recognized a few from school, but she couldn't put a name to every face.

Deciding to play along for now, Izumi gave a bright smile and began. "Hiya, folks! The name's Izumi Takino, and I'm a second year!" the girl began rather cheerfully. "If I was an animal, I'd have to go with... being a bunny. 'Cause you know, everyone needs a friend that's all ears."

[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Aiko Schroeder-Inoue

Love Clinic?

As Aiko looked around to some vaguely familiar faces (was that Eri to the right of her?) in some strange, unknown room in an apparent "love clinic", Aiko could only conclude it was a dream. A weird dream to have, considering that Aiko already had a boyfriend. She heard the Izumi girl cheerily introduce herself, before ending it with that bad pun about ears. Aiko rolled her eyes and made a small scoffing sound. It was just like a crappy pun her dad would make. She recovered and then proceeded to introduce herself. "Hey~. My name's Aiko. Aiko Schroeder-Inoue. I'm a second year." She spoke with a bit of an American accent, with some injected English intonations. Aiko flipped some of her long hair back, and continued. "I'd love to be a cat. They are so pretty and adorable." She giggled and added, "And they are never far from getting some attention."
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[PokeCommunity.com] PERSONA // THE DEVIL'S GAME [M] (OOC)

Kazue Tamaka
Female//16//The Tower

Party Over Here, I'll Be Over There

Kazue blinked the sleep out her eyes while taking in the sight of the other people. There appeared to be quite a few people from school, and whatever the odd woman was. For all she knew, she was a teacher, but the school didn't hire mental patients to the best of her experience. The smudges on her glasses also told her that this was a damn realistic nightmare.

A few people gave their introductions as if this was just a normal club they apparently signed up for, and they don't find waking up being held hostage by a weird maid all that surprising. Hopefully this ultimately wasn't real and this wasn't the latest trend. She didn't want to have to convince someone to take her off whatever stupid list she found her name on.

Halfway standing and moving her chair to the far corner of the table, just in case she decided the hostages were no longer necessary, she decided it would be best to play along with her stupid game.

"I think I'd like to be a human," she said after clearing her throat. Her voice sounded off to her, has it really been that long since she spoke? "I mean... I don't want to be any other animal. Anything else is a downgrade."

She was really bad at games, okay?

Ah man...I've been struggling with my character. It's the damn arcana. Every time I go and tell myself "Oh, no-one seems to have this one, so I'll take it!", Someone takes it. I see their RP and I'm like "Oh, this one's way better than what I'll think of..." This has now happened a total of 2 times. Tried to do Temperance, someone takes it. Tried to do Fortune/Wheel of Fortune, someone just took it.

It makes sense, though. It's been a while since a new roleplay came about, and one that was not Pokemon, at that! Of course, people will just flock around the new roleplay like a pack of goats. I'll TRY to get my thing up, I promise you that. Just note that if I do get to join, I'll probably not be that active during Regents week, which is also E3 week (June 12-16). If I can't join, well, good luck to the rest! :3