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FireRed hack: Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

Um, how do I transfer my save file to a completely different emulator?

usually your save file shouldnt be affected by the emulator, and should the same across all of them if it's a .sav file. if you're using emulators on a phone then i'm not sure.
Man, am I resurrecting the fossil that is this forum post? Are reviews and discussion revolving around ROM hacks not commonplace here? Whatever, I'll give it a whirl.

A bit about where I'm coming from: This is my first ever ROM hack I played from start to finish, ever. I played it on a 3DS using its built-in emulator using an "injector" tool. My overall play time was somewhere around 12 to 15 hours. I didn't have access to the speed-up function of modern PC GBA emulators at my fingertips (nor do I enjoy playing games with speedup). My entire journey was spent at the same speed we all played generation three back in day.

For those who me to cut to chase and provide the too long didn't read (td;dr) I will give it you: Pokemon FireRed: Rocket Edition brought a childhood fantasy of mine to life—Be the bad guy and steal other peoples' Pokemon. It was a novel new mechanic that brought me much joy for the first few hours but got boring exceedingly quickly. colonelsalt and team didn't flesh out the stealing mechanic to make it feel interesting from start to finish. The story, without going into spoilers, for the first half had me pleasantly surprised, but quickly devolved, broke the 4th wall and derailed into something that left me wishing I just stopped playing by the halfway point.

For everyone else, please continue reading on.

There's mainly three points I think FR:RE is sorely lacking: compelling storytelling, exceptional game design and what I'll call the special Pokemon sauce.

Compelling storytelling. It's hard, but I hold strong to the belief either do something the right way or don't do it all—don't give me a half baked story.

FR:RE tells a story of a rocket grunt running alongside the events of the FireRed/LeafGreen. It's quite a nifty idea, and it genuinely gave me motivation to continue playing as I was extremely curious how the game would play out. As mentioned previously, the first half of the game, I'm a huge fan of; the latter half, however, I would like to delete it from existence.

It's quite simple really. The story falls victim to the same tropes that most fan fictions do: trying to provide context/reasons to why the events of a game happen. Here, we have a silent ten-year-old protagonist, who goes on a Pokemon journey and is able to beat every single trainer, gym leader and criminal in their path—ultimately becoming the Champion of the region.

He's silent. Why? He's lame? Sick? No. It's merely a narrative tool to help imagine the player as the character they control in the game.

He's unbeatable. Why? He has genetically-modified super Pokemon? He's god? (Insert some other crazy fan-fiction)? No. It's because playing a game where you lose, wouldn't be entertaining to an audience of little children, or for anybody for that matter.

The problem is, of the many moving pieces of the story (again without going into spoilers) provides an answer to these truisms of the Pokemon universe: protagonist is silent; protagonist is unbeatable—and builds a story off it. You don't be needing to explain the in-explainable; 'nuff said.

The ludicrous absurd plot might be acceptable if the overall tone of the ROM hack was one of that of parody (and if that was the case, I wouldn't be playing it), but this game isn't that. By the second half, it felt like colonelsalt decided to make an abrupt left-turn without putting on their blinkers, then drove straight into a wall.

The OG Pokemon stories work because you're a hero and you stop the bad guys and feel awesome for being the strongest trainer in existence. Herein lies the problem.

Our story is running alongside the events of FireRed, in which Red is unstoppable. Now we play as a rocket grunt. Now think for a second, if the original story worked because it made us feel awesome by being the strongest playing as Red/The Player, how should, we, make the player feel, when he plays as the antagonist? The weakest? The strongest?

There's no good answer to this question—just as trying to answer the existence of the truisms of all Pokemon games. It would be better to explore the smaller interactions of being a grunt and explore the greater universe of the Kanto region.

Small spoilers ahead.

It is exactly for this reason my favorite part of the story was the interaction we see with the rocket grunt and Red in Mt. Moon—I got absolutely wrecked by Red.

It was here I thought FR:RE was going to stay clear of Red. The game already substantiated that he is super strong, so I was under the impression we were gonna get up to some no-good business of the criminal underworld of Kanto and avoid instigating any further correspondence with the silent protagonist—but oh was I wrong.

Things were going great up until the theft of the Master Ball "arc". That's all I say on the matter.

This ROM hack was an opportunity to explore a side of Kanto we couldn't see from Red's/Player's perspective. Think of Cyberpunk 2077 and its spin-off anime series: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. It's effectively telling a similar story to what you're doing here. The main game you're an unstoppable killing machine. The anime tells the story before the player so as not to have to explain why things happen. Just avoid situations where you have to explain the impossible.

What, ugh, was my second point? Oh yes, exceptional game design.

The stealing mechanic is a novelty, but it lacks depth and overstays its welcome. The grunt starts off with a rattata. Then we get a pidgey. Then most trainers we can steal from are basically all the wild encounters you could expect before the third gym in vanilla FR. So, I ask you, why is this more fun? I always wanted to steal the gym leader's Pokemon because they had cool new Pokemon I didn't yet have access to. They were also powerful, not the bug catchers' pokemon.

What I really don't need is to be prompted after every single trainer match if I want to steal their bellsprout or pidgey—it adds something like 3 or 4 seconds after each trainer encounter. It really starts to add up, especially since I felt the level curve in the first half of the game with boss encounters was a little hard to keep pace with, encouraging us to take our time and explore the region and battle as many trainers as possible.

The system does encourage you to steal as many trainers' Pokemon, mind you, too. The more you steal, the higher your bounty gets; the higher the bounty, the more lucrative underworld "activities" open up to you—at least in theory.

I put quotes around activities because in my playthrough I only saw one such activity gated by the amount of my bounty; so the overall system of stealing others' Pokemon felt unfinished, lacked depth and rewards to keep it interesting. It only got interesting at the very end when I could finally steal gym leaders' Pokemon, but by that point I already had my team—enter point number 3: lack of the special Pokemon sauce.

The special Pokemon sauce is simply the inherent qualities of what make a Pokemon game a Pokemon game. As a user mentioned in 2016 earlier in this thread, a Pokemon game to them is the growth between the player and their team. If you're constantly swapping out your Pokemon with newly stolen more powerful ones you'll never gain that so-called bond with your virtual companions. To an extent this is what happened to me.

My big problem was there was nothing worth stealing, and if there was, it was simply too low-level. The XP share is given to the player way too late to help bring up lower leveled Pokemon. Further complicating the issue is, there was only so much trainer variation. Say you wanted a magmar, should you catch the level 28 one, or wait for a boss to have a level 43 one—that's why there was only one of each type of shadow Pokemon in Colosseum and XD to avoid this redundancy. Besides, there wasn't anything that felt compelling to steal until the next last arc of the game, and with little-to-no post-game, what's the point?

In short, FR:RE had a promising start that set the basis for some genuinely interesting story telling only to forcibly jam as much fan-fiction shenanigans about Pokemon truisms in the second half. Plagued with an underdeveloped theft mechanic, the game lacks the depth, the challenge—and most importantly—the Pokemon magic that fans come to expect from the series.


It is a ROM hack, yes. Maybe, being too critical of colonelsalt and team of their 6+ years of dedication to the development of this ROM hack isn't warranted, but I want this ROM hack to be the best it can be. It should go without saying, of course, I thank everyone who worked on this ROM hack for me to play. The contents of the essay may be grotesquely negative to some, but this was my first trip back to Kanto in nearly 5 years and while I didn't approve of everything in the game, it definitely brought back the feeling of going on a new Pokemon adventure—and that I thank you.
Hey guys,

I'd first like to thank the creators for the insane amount of work they put into making this game. It's been a while since I haven't had a blast playing a video game, it's crazy thank you so much guys !

I believe the question may have been mentioned before but Im unable to use my old save into the patched game. I used the beta 3.0 on Myboy android. After patching the game it just creates a new game file that doesn't recognize my old save. Has anyone faced a similar situation ?

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
So you thought you knew the story of FireRed...
Play as a member of Team Rocket!

In Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition, you will cheat, lie and steal your way to the top as you engage with the thriving gang scene of the Kanto region. Featuring a story that takes place at the same time as the original FireRed, Rocket Edition will play with your expectations and allow you to experience the classic story from a whole new perspective. Along your journey, you will unravel secret conspiracies, explore a side of Kanto you've never seen before, engage with familiar characters in unfamiliar situations – and, most importantly: steal their Pokémon!
Story brief
One fateful morning in Pallet Town, a newborn hero takes his first steps along his journey to becoming a Pokémon Master. With a love for Pokémon battle, and a burning desire to be the very best, he takes on the region's Gym Leaders, and eventually conquers the Pokémon League. A well-trodden tale if there ever was one… but it is far from the whole story.

Behind Red's seemingly simplistic Pokémon adventures lies a darker, more sinister plot – one that its original hero never hears of, but which holds significance for both him and the fate of the Kanto region. Sociopathic scientists, revenge-hungry nurses and corrupt Gym Leaders are just a few of the characters who show their true colors once Red turns his back, and the very people who appeared most friendly and considerate through his naïve eyes may in fact be secretly harboring the most malicious of intentions.

What is the connection between Lance, Giovanni and Professor Oak? What exactly happened during the Great Pokémon War? How was the mysterious Mewtwo created? Not to mention: what is the fate of the hundreds of Trainers Red so ruthlessly defeat? The answers lie in the story behind the story, and it begins deep in Kanto's criminal underworld…
  • Steal Pokémon from every single Trainer in the game. Unlike other Team Rocket-based hacks, Rocket Edition allows you to steal a Pokémon from every single Trainer in the game once you've defeated them in battle. As you rise up the ranks of Team Rocket, you will gain the opportunity to steal from more and more Trainer classes.
  • Experience the true story behind Red's adventures. The game's story runs parallel to the original FireRed, revealing hidden secrets about what goes on in the Kanto region when Red is not around. Incorporating numerous popular fan theories about the Pokémon universe, Rocket Edition presents an original take on the classic FireRed narrative that is filled with twists and surprising revelations.
  • Engage well-known characters in Pokémon battle. All of the significant characters from the original game make their appearance in Rocket Edition, and many of them will challenge you to battle as well. Depending on your rank within Team Rocket, you may even be able to steal one of their Pokémon for yourself!
  • Morality system and branching sidequests. Although you are a Rocket, you are free to choose whether to play it nice or to go out on a villainous rampage – the game will reward you for either. Many of Kanto's citizens, innocents and criminals alike, will request your help for independent criminal missions, offering additional perks and bonus items. Whom you decide to help and whom you decide to double-cross may turn out to have far-reaching consequences as your journey continues...
  • Gen. VI-style mechanics and presentation. Courtesy of MrDollSteak's patch, the Fairy type, the modern physical/special split, and attacks from generations IV, V and VI are all present in Rocket Edition. Proper names of Trainers, Pokémon and locations have all been decapitalized in the style of the modern games as well.
  • Overall improved interface and gameplay. Run – inside or outside – from the very start of the game, or use the HM for Fly at your leisure from the moment you step outside. Encounter rates in caves and in water have been significantly reduced, and the player faces every challenged Trainer before battle.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

(Note that registered Pokécommunity members may also download the newest playable version from the attachment at the bottom of this post.)

  • Rocket Edition Completed Version v1.0.2
    Released: April 9th, 2020 (minor dialogue edit July 11th 2021)
    Notes: The game ends shortly after the credits roll. Save files from all earlier betas are compatible with this release. Recommended emulators: VBA-M (Windows) and MyBoy (Android).
    Known bugs:

    • The player's surfing sprite can occasionally appear buggy. Refreshing the screen (opening/closing the menu or entering a building) solves the issue.
    • Using Fly against a Koffing or Weezing in battle may cause the game to crash.

Please note that Rocket Edition is a hack of "1636 Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels)" – trying to apply the patch to any other version of the game will not work.

Check out Poli's Rocket Edition guide for details on evolving trade-evolved Pokémon and where to find special items.

Never played a Pokémon ROM hack before? Check out this video for instructions on how to play. (I recommend that you use Lunar IPS to patch your ROM file.)

Art team:
  • Magnus Nyborg Berg [Spotify | Soundcloud] (Backwaxed on our Discord server), who has composed a series of original tracks scattered throughout the game
  • strange_kid, who has made significant graphics contributions in the form of original sprites and tilesets
  • Brolunite, who has drawn a lot of key sprites in the game (notably a complete revamp of all Rocket Admins and several of the Player overworld sprites) - DeviantArt here
  • Paul Aamodt Brandal, who has composed a strikingly menacing remix of a FireRed track that features late in the game
  • Bacson Dias Graça for drawing the main character's Admin backsprite.

Beta testing team:

Special Thanks:
Support banners / promotional materials

Official Rocket Edition poster by strange_kid:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

You may also use either of these banners if you want to support the game:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

Other fan art contributions are heartily welcomed as well! If you'd like to display your banner / fan art in this main post, you may post it in this thread or send it to me by PM.​
Source code
All scripts and assets used for the final release of Rocket Edition are publicly available at this repository: https://github.com/colonelsalt/Rocket-Edition

Final thoughts

Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/eFUGHCy

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Can anyone please tell me how to play it like emulator
I'm having a small issue.

So I started playing using Classicboy for the emulator and everything ran fine but I decided to switch over to Pizzaboy for the features.

So I switch to Pizzaboy, do everything the same and now it won't say the names of any moves in game. I checked the options and haven't found any sort of toggle for it but it now displays "Eevee used a normal type move!" Or "enemy Growlithe used a normal move!" Instead of "Eevee used tackle!" Or "enemy Growlithe used roar!"

When I was using classicboy is displayed as normal which is why I'm confused now.

Can someone explain why this is happening and how I might change it?
Finally finished the game and wanted to ask a question: Was there or will there be more added onto this? I finished the game and looked around and thought wait, you really can't do anything postgame? I mean, I dont get it. Why did they let you even steal elite 4 and oak/reds pokemon when you cant ever use them? Bill tells you to 'refight the gym leaders for real this time' but that didnt work. and the lady in front of the elite 4 says 'maybe someday you can challenge again' basically, but they didnt actually write that into the game, its just over? Honestly, lowers this game's value a bit, which is sad. I've been playing romhacks for 16 years and I was ready to call this the king. It still could be... It was too easy, too low levels, the trainers pokemon really weren't edited, it only used gen 1 pokemon, and no postgame or replayability, waste of time even stealing pokemon when you cant use. I'd even be willing to patch this myself to 1. make the wild pokemon, trainers pokemon, and the TM's more unique rather than feel like vanilla Fire Red with a few addons late that you can't even properly use in the story. 2. Tweak the leveling, and add replayability with the Elite 4 and refighting gym leaders, and 3. a post story with Ronnie, Ariana, Giovanni, and the rest of Team Rocket. Something simple like, you go back and you're in charge and respected now,,, and Ronnie becomes the Viridian gym leader and an Executive under you so when you refight them you get to fight Ronnie! What do you guys think? Personally, I'm disabled, don't work, and all I do is mod games. So I'm willing to put my time into helping. I'm just curious if the creator is active here, if they plan on doing anything else with it, or perhaps a Gold/Silver Sequel? I'm aware there is a Team Magma I just picked up as well. I took a few years off of Pokemon so, maybe I'm a bit behind but, It's gonna be a long winter. Let's take this rom hack from 9/10 to 10/10!
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Finally finished the game and wanted to ask a question: Was there or will there be more added onto this? I finished the game and looked around and thought wait, you really can't do anything postgame? I mean, I dont get it. Why did they let you even steal elite 4 and oak/reds pokemon when you cant ever use them? Bill tells you to 'refight the gym leaders for real this time' but that didnt work. and the lady in front of the elite 4 says 'maybe someday you can challenge again' basically, but they didnt actually write that into the game, its just over? Honestly, lowers this game's value a bit, which is sad. I've been playing romhacks for 16 years and I was ready to call this the king. It still could be... It was too easy, too low levels, the trainers pokemon really weren't edited, it only used gen 1 pokemon, and no postgame or replayability, waste of time even stealing pokemon when you cant use. I'd even be willing to patch this myself to 1. make the wild pokemon, trainers pokemon, and the TM's more unique rather than feel like vanilla Fire Red with a few addons late that you can't even properly use in the story. 2. Tweak the leveling, and add replayability with the Elite 4 and refighting gym leaders, and 3. a post story with Ronnie, Ariana, Giovanni, and the rest of Team Rocket. Something simple like, you go back and you're in charge and respected now,,, and Ronnie becomes the Viridian gym leader and an Executive under you so when you refight them you get to fight Ronnie! What do you guys think? Personally, I'm disabled, don't work, and all I do is mod games. So I'm willing to put my time into helping. I'm just curious if the creator is active here, if they plan on doing anything else with it, or perhaps a Gold/Silver Sequel? I'm aware there is a Team Magma I just picked up as well. I took a few years off of Pokemon so, maybe I'm a bit behind but, It's gonna be a long winter. Let's take this rom hack from 9/10 to 10/10!

The hack has an active discord server from what i know, secondly, i believe the creator is working on an upgraded version that uses the CFRU engine.
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Content warning: Homophobia and transphobia.

Hey ColonelSalt, I immensely enjoyed your game. You and your team did a great job! I especially loved how popular pokemon fan theories were seamlessly woven into the story. That said, I do have one point of criticism that I would like to address.

There is one specific Rocket grunt that at the beginning of the game refers to jigglypuff as "gay little pokemon". When you meet him again at the end of the game he tells you that he has revised his stance and that he no longer believes in his past bigotry of thinking that jigglypuff were "gay little pokemon"... but that some are "trannies" instead. I really wonder why this was included in the game. This character doesn't add to the gang vibe of team rocket, as was suggested by an earlier person in the thread. Team rockets members barely swear and speak the same way as any other NPC in the game, whether they are gang-affiliated or not. It really is just a single character that openly uses a slur, a slur that doesn't help build any context for team Rocket's image as gangsters. The inclusion of the word "tranny" only accomplishes turning some people off from your game that could have otherwise been supporting fans, and needlessly hurting some players for a lousy joke.

My suggestion to improve upon this is to change this character's dialogue. You could simply remove the punchline with the slur. That way, this character actually has some genuine growth from the beginning of the game, revising his previously bigoted sense of stereotyping sexual preferences and gender identities. However, some people might already be turned off at the beginning of the game by hearing a character carelessly refer to something as "gay" for an insult, so another recommendation is to just remove all the dialogue related to this point.

I would like to end positively. I clearly stuck with the game and loved what you have created, and I would love to see a part 2, just as most everyone in this thread! Please take this criticism as constructive, I feel like this was genuinly just a misplaced joke, and that no ill-intent was present. You're a really talented fan-game maker and hope this dialogue issue can be resolved with a small patch or updated version.

I agree with colonelsalt, those players who are easily offended are the product of modernity, Team Rocket are ganster and criminal, you know. Do you think they care to whatever people are thinking, do you think they obey the law or opinion of others? NO! They are outlaws.

If you dont want the dialogue, move on. Do not be delusional and try to change the dialogue because it hurt your emotion. (Be like a Metapod, use Harden).

@luminiscient you said there were some people that were offended and there were some people that were discouraged to play the game. Where are they? Why are they not mentioned in the comments?
All we can see are people praising how great is Rocket Edition.

Rocket edition by colonelsalt is a master piece it brought closure to our childhood pokemon red nostalgia.

Piece of advice, my friend, if you want to change something in the dialogue, hence, make your own pokemon Rom hack.

Finally, this thread has the cancel culture. Not encouraging discussions.
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I don't really like the game because of gameplay, not the "dark" stuff of the game that shalashaska666 mentioned too much about.

I'll join the discord once my self temporary ban is finished. I want to see how this game is like when Colonalsalt goes all in!
Hey y'all, did a little bit of searching in the thread and found a few people with a similar problem (glitched items crashing the game) but mine seems to be taken one step further...so when I would scroll to the key items page in my bag, it would crash the game when I tried to move up or down from the tm case at the top or press A on it. I used select to move it down and was able to teach my psyduck surf so no problem and it seemed fine.

Now I can't scroll to the key items or poke ball page at all, whether in battle or outside of it. Any time I try to scroll over one page it shows up as blank and freezes. Am I screwed? Can I move forward thru the game like this? Is there a way to fix it? Already sunk 10 hrs in and am loving the game so I don't wanna have to start over if possible.

Also I'm playing on a hacked 3ds btw.

I'm pretty confused as a spanish speaker who found out this game existed through Dragonsden. Is this only a translation? I think the original was in spanish and that's why there is no Johto in english.
I'm pretty confused as a spanish speaker who found out this game existed through Dragonsden. Is this only a translation? I think the original was in spanish and that's why there is no Johto in english.

Corveone mentioned this earlier:

"This "Rocket Edition" by Colonelsalt doesn't have Johto. You've probably seen videos from the Spanish rom hack "Team Rocket Edition" by Dragonsden."
I'm pretty confused as a spanish speaker who found out this game existed through Dragonsden. Is this only a translation? I think the original was in spanish and that's why there is no Johto in english.

Neither is a translation, they're two separate rom hacks made by different creators.
Fire Red: Rocket Edition is an English Rom hack made by Colonelsalt, and it came first.
Edición Team Rocket is a Spanish Rom hack made by Dragonsden.

One is better balanced and has more mechanics (like stealing Pokémon), while the other has more length.
Hi! So I have a question, as I haven't been able to find any info on it yet. I really want to play this game, but it seems like there's no option to play as a girl, and the game forces you to be male? I looked it up and there are female team rocket grunts in fr/lg, so the sprites do exist. Has this been implemented already and I'm mistaken, or will it be implemented in the future? I'd love to play this but I'd rather not be a man. Thank you!
Hi! So I have a question, as I haven't been able to find any info on it yet. I really want to play this game, but it seems like there's no option to play as a girl, and the game forces you to be male? I looked it up and there are female team rocket grunts in fr/lg, so the sprites do exist. Has this been implemented already and I'm mistaken, or will it be implemented in the future? I'd love to play this but I'd rather not be a man. Thank you!
The current playable version does not have a female character present, but from what I've seen on the Discord, there is an updated version in the works which allows you to play as a female Team Rocket grunt. It's not released yet though.