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FireRed hack: Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

Hey colonelsalt I just wanted to say that this romhack is beautiful and amazing I have been playing it for almost 4 years now and I just want to ask if you can give me permission to to write a fanfiction based on your romhack I would write it as a kind of sequel which is fully fanon not at all canon to the romhack officially the plot is after you are freed from the prison please tell me if I have your approval on it
I heard a lot of things about this hack i didn't watch any videos of it so I can try it blind, thanks for making this, is an interesting spin!
7 years after this post was created I still wanted to say that I really love this rom and hoping of a johto continuation!

I like everything about this game! The plot-twist, the challenge, the stealing system, the choices you can make - it all suits so well with the story I absolutely love it!

Are there any news about a part 2? Just asking since there is an open end after the cut-scene with Bill and Prof. Elm?

Thank u again for the good time! :)
7 years after this post was created I still wanted to say that I really love this rom and hoping of a johto continuation!

I like everything about this game! The plot-twist, the challenge, the stealing system, the choices you can make - it all suits so well with the story I absolutely love it!

Are there any news about a part 2? Just asking since there is an open end after the cut-scene with Bill and Prof. Elm?

Thank u again for the good time! :)

Wow, it really has been 7 years since this game was started. I just found out about it in like 2020. Still one of my favorite romhacks.
good gameplay overall, but sometimes is buggy or not optimized.

for example, on second mission I went to bill house, i left the house and used fly to rocket hideout, talked to giovanni to report the mission but mission wont progresss, because what i needed to do was after leaving bill house, WALK BACK to the bridge to have a battle with Green, but why on earth would I walk when I can fly? and even after going back there, giovanni still wouldn't recognize that i've talked to bill... some stuff i had to read a walkthrough to see the "correct" way of doing it, otherwise the game wont trigger the propper events...
another question i forgot to ask, what do you do with the evolutions like gengar or alakazam

Info on changed evolution methods is in one of the links in the opening post: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1emlEaa_dIzMz_VfU5bFl4x4xS_0wRROUt3MSUg83Te4/edit#gid=0

All Gen 2 evolutions for Gen 1 Pokémon, such as Crobat, Scizor, Espeon, Politoed, etc. are available in the game, with their methods changed in most cases. Evolutions introduced in Gen 4 such as Electivire and Porygon Z are not included.
I have been playing this game since the first beta came out in 2016, and I would like to thank you for the creation of this game and giving me the pleasure of playing all these years.
Is John gba lite not compatible with this download im trying to finish this game on it im at part where I'm talking to Bill and the beta is over im new to using rom hacks
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon FireRed: Rocket Edition (Completed)

Long time no see, everyone! It's great as always to see people still enjoying Rocket Edition. Here's a little good/bad news sandwich update from me on the state of things:

Good news #1: I've made a positive career move which leaves me with a lot more spare time to work on making my own games.

Bad news: Development of the revamped decomp version of Rocket Edition is on indefinite hiatus - do not expect this to come out anytime soon. I've very much underestimated the total time and effort needed to bring this to a shippable state, and I'm keen to focus on new projects with the limited discretionary time I have for now. If this has been something you've been looking forward to, I'm really sorry for over-promising and letting you down here.

Good news #2: I'm in the early stages of designing a new RPG which will effectively be a spiritual successor to Rocket Edition. It will share many gameplay elements with, and explore similar themes as Rocket Edition, but will be a standalone game. A lot of prototyping will be needed before I have anything else to say about that, but if this happens to be of interest to anyone, I can see about setting up an email newsletter for tracking development in more detail.

That's all for now. I'll be hanging out a bit more on Discord in the next few weeks if you have more targeted questions.
This is probably the first rom hack I've ever touched, and this was a genuine delight to play. I'm not a full-dex player nor a completionist when it comes to pokemon so I had no problems with the "lack of end game" people say either. 😆

This rom hack is also responsible for igniting the first ever pokemon drive I had in my life. Even bigger than my childhood.
Hey, i really enjoyed the experience of playing Pokémon FireRed Rocket Edition and i want to say: Thank you for your great work! <3

As always, i wouldn't have register an account here if there wasn't something to complain about (Hello my beloved fellow men, it's me again. :D):
I feel really bad for the endgame! This might be nothing new for you, but i also like to share my wishes and thoughts with you, probably like many did before. (Wouldn't do that if you didn't touch my heart with your fine work on that hack: Story, charakters, gameplay and the mysteries based on fan theories are excellently done! Again peace and love. <=3)

My wishes are:
1. You may have more important things to do in your life, but please stop them right now and come back working on that rom hack, there's still something to do to make it shine brightly! ;D For the glory of Vanilla Pokémon! ;O
2. Give us access to the Sevii Islands! It was contained in the originals so it would be totally fine for you to use them as endgame areals! After the Pokémon League i had a vision, i want to share with you folks:
"Wouldn't it be nice to have a little bonus story now (like Nintendo did in Omega Rubin/Alpha Saphire with the so-called "Delta Episode"), where we can go to the s.i. and discover the real story behind MEW?!" It is known that mew is located on Faraway Island, which is accessable in Pokémon Emerald and which we also just saw in the rocket edition before when Mr Fuji enter it! I think it would be nice to play through the s.i., after the poké league/prison ending, to discover the secrets of Mewtwo's genetic family member and in the end being able to enter f.i. to catch Mew!
3. Also Professor Oak made a quote right before Lance entered the Hall of Fame, that "our character must also be a genetic breeding, because we're been able to defeat Red"... This crazy piece of story could also be concluded in the bonus episode (but it's not that important, just a nice meta mind game, cheers! ^^).
4. More important: We need to be able to rematch the Elite Four (just like in the official games, again and again)! We've stolen the best Pokémon of the strongest trainers of Kanto, we've catched the legendary monsters of that region! It makes no sense that there is no bigger challenge after all... Hit us with your best shot, Colonel Salt!

That's all for now. I beg you, this game has the potential to be the best poké hack ever (i know, this is not only my own opinion)! Many-many people count on you! If you only give this beautiful project a good bonus ending (don't necessarily has do be like my vision but something around rematches and catching Mew has to be in that game. Because we want our final team to be challanged in some epic fights and about Mew: It's the one biggest fan theorie and mysteries plot of red & blue edition ever!), it will reach that status for me. I will replay this game for ever and ever if you bring it to an conclusion! It just feels really disappointing now, we've been through so many exciting moments together, i can feel MissingNo. also beeing sad about this unexpected short ending... ^_y Please, take us for another small journey, you are the best!

Greetings from Germany (Sorry for my english, it's not the yellow of the egg! :P)
Yours sincerely,
"J.Low", the unpopular new boss of Team Rocket
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