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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Wintry Wanderlust? Fuck that it's cold.


A single solitary figure marched through the snow around Lake Axewell, shaking from exhaustion as well as the cold. There were plenty of layers of warm clothes keeping this figure otherwise safe from the cold...but fatigue weakens the constitution and - "I'm...Gonna...Make it through...This shirty...daft...barmy…shambolic weather!" Well then, so much for 'less brooding'. Jasper's so done he's reached the point of grumbling and shouting Galarian terms. "It really is Arceus-damned monkeys out here for Mew's sake!"

Normally he tried to avoid Galar-isms, too uncomfortable with his lack of an accent and how easily it pointed him out as a foreigner when he didn't want any attention. Yet…"Well you can bugger off, snow! Donkey's Years of this shit, yeah? I'm going Full Monty on this one!" That's definitely a lot of them in a row, and not really strung together with much wit or grace. At this point, however, one must remember Jasper had been in the snow for more than two weeks. He was as tapped for creative ways to curse the weather at this point as he was energy and patience. At this point he was running on spite. He had only seen two things since leaving Bede behind: snow and wild pokémon, both of which seemed determined to fight him every step of the way.

Jasper felt like he could never complain about Dispo's girth or lethargy anymore at this point. Having a Munchlax in a tent that was sheltering you from the cold really was a lifesaver. As reliable and ready to weather the cold as Faust was, one thing he wasn't a bit of use for was keeping anybody or anything warm. At least dealing with the Avalugg and Darmanitan had smoothed things down from a raging blizzard to mere snow with some frosty wind. Once he could see more than ten feet in front of him, the frustrated and half-frozen young man had been able to find some rest stops here and there to resupply and rest by a fire for a time.

Sometimes people take antisocial behavior beyond most logic and Jasper just so happened to have only ever spent any time at the stops when it felt absolutely necessary. Otherwise that angry, tired voice in his head simply told him 'There are people in there, and more are guaranteed to show. What's worse? The cold, or gormless tourists caught in the snow and other tired, pissed off travelers?' It was rare for Jasper to ever deem something worse than other people, so he'd stayed mostly in his own tent, but he was pretty close to deeming the weather of the Wild Area "A bigger todger than any fucking person!"

It was upon contemplation of moving people down the totem pole of 'things wrong with the world' that Jasper heard the cry of a Wingull. All at once the trainer came back to life and ran after the sound as if it meant immediate release from his torment. He saw his quarry by a tree that was standing strong in the face of the snow, even if half of its berries were dead and the other half were frozen. The Wingull was thawing berries with Water Gun and snapping them up, one at a time. Jasper crept closer and closer, slowly sliding the pokédex out of his pocket and waking it up, then holding it up towards the sea bird as he approached.

"Wingull rides updrafts rising from the sea by extending its long and narrow wings to glide." No sooner did the pokédex begin speaking than did the Wingull squawk in surprise and spray Jasper off of his feet with another Water Gun before flying away, but he didn't care. He had eyes only for the fantastic little device in his hand, even falling back into the snow with a smile on his face as he stared at it and it continued. "This Pokémon's long beak is useful for catching prey, which is why it has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in its beak and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This Pokémon rides the winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky."

Jasper smiled like a basket case, no longer feeling the cold as he backed up a screen and navigated his pokédex to the local map. "That's all of'em...fuck yeah." Wingull, Minccino, Snover, Snorunt, Snom, Swinub, Bergmite, Darumaka, even Avalugg and Darmanitan! He'd recorded so many pokémon along the way despite the terrible conditions. Because of the terrible conditions, in the case of the two evolved and much rarer entries he'd catalogued. What's more: upon standing back up and dusting himself off, Jasper saw Motostoke in the distance! Even if it was still a day or two's walk away from him...it was there!

"Ha! Fuck you, weather! Fuck you, Wild Area! You can't stop me! Here I come, ceremony! Here I come, Pokémon League! Here I come!...Whatever else I decide to do!"
Last edited:

Isla Wright - Apprentice Chef Wild Area, Dappled Grove

It had been about a week since Isla entered the Wild Area. She'd spent that time combing through the land searching for pokemon, but unfortunately none of them had caught her eye. At least not in the way Om and Fuzz had. There was nothing for it but to press onward. Or she would have, if she hadn't found herself short on food.

Isla had severely underestimated how long she'd take to travel through the Wild Area, having long since run out of supplies. The only reason she hadn't died of hunger already was Fuzz's diligence in picking up the berries she came across. But a person can't live off a few berries a day, her grumbling stomach attesting to that fact.

Lucky for her she could smell… something. Food, probably, but unlike anything she'd smelled before. "Probably food" was good enough for her, so she sought out the source of this strange scent. Traversing the Dappled Grove she found a man in a dirty chef's outfit hunched over a pot, his Nuzleaf desperately fanning at the flames beneath it.

He noticed Isla approaching and his face lit up. "You, yes! Would you like to try the famous Chef Alvin's world-renowned curry? I need no payment, the smiling faces of my customers are payment enough."

Isla's stomach answered for her with another groan. "Yes, please," she said.

Alvin whipped up a plate of the pot's contents for her in a flash. Contents she hesitated to call curry at all. It was white in color and had red tentacles sticking out of it, with waves of green and yellow strewn about. It was a gooey mass that resisted the pull of Isla's spoon. Nondescript chunks of varying size and color dotted the dish. Alternatively, the rice was dark. She'd call it burnt, but clearly a famous chef would know better. It must just be done in a way she'd never seen.

Isla thought about how odd world-renowned curry seemed compared to the stuff she used to eat at home. Or perhaps her curry was just too tame? She wasn't sure about that one considering the way Fuzz scrunched her face at the dish from beside her. But then again, she supposed Fuzz had lived in the wild all her life.

Odd or not, food was food and she wasn't going to turn it down now. She raised the spoon to her mouth and took a bite.

The flavor was nigh indescribable. Bitter, yet sweet, yet incredibly salty… Fishy and fruity and spicy but also bland?... and the texture, oh the texture. Slimy, sticky, crunchy... It had a powerful flavor, if she dared call it a flavor, that forced its way down her throat, constantly shifting from taste to somehow worse taste as she struggled to keep it down.

Alvin looked at her expectantly, sparkles in his eyes. "Well? What do you think of my latest creation?"

Isla looked at him through watery eyes, the battle still raging in her mouth. She knew she wouldn't last much longer so she opened her gullet and swallowed what remained, chewed or not. It made one last push as it threatened to come back up, but she was able to stay strong. She hoped her body could derive at least some nutrition from it, so that her efforts were not in vain.

Left drained from her struggle, she took a moment to catch her breath before answering the monstrosity's creator. "It's bad."

His smile and optimism was gone in an instant. "Oh, I knew it... It seems we've hit another failure, Patta."

"Nuz…" His partner's fanning slowed as it joined in its master's dejectedness.

"Can you tell me what went wrong?" Alvin asked. "What you think it's missing? Take another bite if you need, please."

"I…" Isla started to refuse when her stomach groaned again. She looked down at her plate, the majority of her… meal… still there. This might be her only chance in a while to fill her belly. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she was quick about it? She shoved another spoonful into her mouth.

Nope, it was just as bad. Worse, even.

She tried a spoonful of the rice. It was like sand doused in gasoline. Fuzz offered her a berry, like a savior descending from the heavens. Yet even the berry was tainted by the lingering aftertastes of her "food".

"It's too much." Isla said. "I can't figure out what it's supposed to taste like. Do you have anything simpler?"

"Simple!?" Alvin seemed shocked, almost offended. "I can't astound the masses, revolutionize the world with simple! I need something powerful that will overwhelm the senses. A culinary punch to the face if you will, something that will make sure my customers never forget my cooking!"

If that was his goal then he'd certainly achieved it. By the sound of it, though, he also wanted his cooking to be good. At least she was glad to hear this wasn't the standard for high-end curry, by the sound of it.

He seemed to be getting riled up so she smiled at him apologetically. "Sorry, I don't know enough about cooking to say more. Can you not figure out the issue yourself as a world-renowned chef?"

He slumped onto the fallen log that served as his seat. "I think my cooking is incredible, exquisite even. So much so that I spent all my savings to open my restaurant right in the middle of Motostoke! But people hated my food so much that I went out of business in the first month… At first I thought my customers' palates were simply too unrefined to appreciate my cuisine. It was only after losing everything that I realized that the problem… was me."

He broke down in tears, sobbing into his sleeve. His Nuzleaf rushed to his side to comfort him, leaving the pot unattended as it began to spew smoke. Fuzz rolled her eyes at the sight before leaving to scavenge, while Isla tried to etch it into her mind. It was a powerful expression, though she wasn't sure she could replicate its impact unless she could figure out how to cry on command.

Isla watched him in his misery, waiting to see if he had more to say. When he simply continued being miserable she decided to explore his camp. Despite the abomination he'd served her, he actually had a lot of decent ingredients tucked away.

"Can I use some of your ingredients to make something?" she asked him. He responded with unintelligible blubbering that she decided to take as a yes. After clearing out Alvin's food she got to work on her own, preparing a perfectly-serviceable Combusken Tikka Masala.

She took a bite. It had been long enough that her mouth was beginning to recover, so despite her average cooking skills the meal tasted like heaven. She let out a sigh of relief, relief that she wasn't forced to choose between starvation and eating Alvin's food.

Speaking of Alvin, he finally raised his head and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Let me try that," he commanded, gesturing toward Isla's curry. Loath as she was to give it up, she did as she was told. He took a bite, and showed no reaction.

"So this bland schlock is what the people like?" he said, with palpable bitterness in his voice. "No, I want to be successful but I can't lower myself to this level. I have standards, damn it!"

Isla looked at him as he insulted her food, only wondering when she'd be getting it back.

Alvin leapt to his feet. "That's it, I've decided. You're my assistant now, my sous-chef if you'd like! Actually no, Patta is my sous. Whatever, assistant then. I'll use this thing you've made as a base, and together we'll create something in between it and my artistry! Something you people will buy while also having my distinct signature upon it. Something that will be my ticket back into the culinary world!"

Isla quickly began looking for a way out of this. Searching for her lost Meowth? No, Fuzz was diligently marching up to her with another bunch of berries. Oh yeah, she was a gym challenger now, wasn't she? Then she had to hurry to Motostoke before the ceremony, yeah. Or maybe she cou-

"What are you waiting for? We have a lot of work to do, chop chop!" He clapped to punctuate his words. "You did use my ingredients after all, just think of this as a way of paying me back for them."

She supposed he was right about that.

Her stomach growled again. Perhaps this was an opportunity. Between the two of them, surely the food would be at least edible. And as the one who would undoubtedly be trying it she could eat her fill. And maybe she'd discover a passion for cooking while she was at it, who knows?

And so, Isla became chef Alvin's assistant. Working with him was a gastronomical trial that would have made lesser men crumble, trying his dishes one after the other. They experimented with everything Alvin had on hand as well as the many things Fuzz scrounged up from the surrounding grove, toiling over that bubbling pot until the sun descended beneath the horizon. And even still, they slaved away until it rose right back up.

By the end of it, Isla was a changed woman. She emerged from her trial unshakeable (at least slightly more unshakeable than usual). Legends say her stomach could digest steel, and her tongue was so precise it could pick apart every flavor in a dish. She definitely didn't begin lying to Alvin about what she tasted when her taste buds began to fail from the constant sensory assaults, absolutely not.

"Well, assistant, I appreciate your help but I believe it is time to part ways." Alvin finished packing his things, ready to take the next step on his culinary journey. "I doubted you at first, but you've taught me much in our short time together. And I hope you can use what you've learned from me to become a world-renowned chef yourself. To make a name for yourself as Alvin's star pupil." He and his Nuzleaf both picked up their bags, Alvin leaving his Nuzleaf to carry the larger one.

Isla looked at them with a smile. Her mind was blank, unable to process anything except curry.

"As thanks, I'd like you to have this." He handed her a grocery bag containing some pasta and mixed mushrooms. "The last remaining ingredients. I hope you can use them as the beginning of your rise to stardom. As for me, I'll be returning to Motostoke to put my training to use. So long, assistant."

Isla held on to her reward as she watched him leave, continuing to smile. Fuzz tugged at her pants in concern. "We'll go in a bit, Fuzz. I think I just need a moment."

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]



With the Wild Area now behind them, adventures had, team mates captured, friends made and new enemies abound, our heroes finally arrive at the first official step of their League Journey. The Engine City, Motostoke, an industrial city studded with steam-powered marvels of modern engineering. It is here that, as with every Galarian League, the League's official opening ceremony is to be held. New trainers will stand together on the world stage, watched over by adoring fans and jeering critics. These young hopefuls now place themselves in the public eye, ready to move towards a new future!

In the city of Motostoke the towering buildings form a stark contrast to the Wild Area's natural splendor, but don't be fooled! There are still plenty of pokémon about, wild or otherwise and the people here have many a task that a young trainer could help with. Explore now, this first step in your league journey, establish yourselves as trainers, help the residents best you can and join in the inaugural ceremony to mark yourselves as trainers of the League!

Once that's done, if you're feeling confident, test your skills against the first gym leader available. Kabu, the ever-burning man of fire! But be warned, he has a reputation for leaving cocky new trainers with a flame in their heart, burned.


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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[OPEN][JP] ★ 1:
The Pokémon League opening ceremony has begun! All of the Wedgehurst trainers, as well as every other endorsed trainer for the league has gathered at the Motostoke stadium, alongside the region's gym leaders. In this epic exhibition, each of the trainers is announced to the world, their name and endorser called out as they step onto the pitch. This years league announcer is a special guest, returning for the recent Galarian Star Tournament and now taking part in League Activities once again, it's the ex-Steel type Gym Leader Peony! Gather together, put on your best face and step out in a brand new gym uniform, customized to your liking, to present yourself to the watching and waiting world of Pokémon!
(This event will be an RP wide JP, where everyone's characters will attend. More details to come on the Discord.)
Reward: 1 x Customized Gym Uniform

[OPEN][GYM] ★ 2:
Though the Gym Challenge recommends you start from Turffield's Gym, Motostoke's Leader Kabu isn't refusing challengers. Test your mettle against the Hoenn-born Man of Fire!
Note: This mission can only be undertaken after the opening ceremony ends. If you challenge Kabu at this stage, you must lose the battle.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]



The man of fire, Hoenn born, hailing from Lavaridge Town Kabu uses the strength of flame to burn down his opponents with his partner Cenitskorch. Overcome his Gym Mission and challenge him to battle if you feel up to the task!

In Galar each gym has its own special mission, a unique task set in the gym to test an aspect of your trainer abilities. If you complete this mission successfully, your reward will be the opportunity to challenge the gym leader to a one on one battle. Each gym battle also has its own unique set of rules accompanying it. Some leaders may ask for a single battle, a double battle, or something even more outlandish. Be prepared for whatever the gym leaders throw at you!

Gym Mission:
Kabu wishes to test your ability to capture new pokémon while under pressure. The following wild pokémon have been released into a special fire type environment within the gym itself, capture one to prove your worth. Be ready however, gym trainers working under Kabu will be working against you as you attempt your captures. Can you manage to catch one of the wild mon while battling against your opponent? You can even keep the pokémon you capture if you like!

Upon completing the Gym Mission, Kabu will challenge you to a 1v1 battle! In this fight, select whatever pokémon you like to face off against Kabu's Centiskorch! You might think this gives you the advantage, but don't underestimate the burning man of Hoenn. He assures you he's ready for anything you throw his way... and he's got the firepower to back up those claims. Kabu battles with a clam measure of defense and offense, with the skill and precision of a veteran battler. When he needs to go on the defensive he's agile, smart and attentive. When the time comes to bring the heat he's merciless, quick and decisive. A mix of a no holds barred battle style and a measured defensive rhythm, Kabu is no pushover.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

- Sunny Day
- Bug Bite
- Fire Lash
- Scald
- Thunder Fang
- Solarbeam
- White Smoke​

[OPEN] Mission 1:
To celebrate the launch of the Galar League ceremony, the Battle Cafe is holding an event where any trainer can battle another, or they may battle any of the staff or customers there. In return for putting on a show for the café's patrons, a reward of delicious sweets is promised to those that take part!
Reward: One of the Sweets Required to evolve Milcery OR 1 x Sweet/Tart Apple

[CATCH CHANCE!] Mission 2:
The Battle Cafe is now hiring! - Unfortunately one of the staff has gotten sick, and would like someone to fill in for them for today. That someone can be you! They can ask you to wait on customers, clean up, or battle trainers. They're looking for people who have a good attitude and great personality! If you feel you need a hand, you'll be paired with one of the Cafe Pokémon! If they like you, maybe they'll find a calling beyond café work?
Reward: 3000 Poké

[MULTI] Mission 3:
The Motostoke adoption agency has filled up a lot in the past few months. After the disaster that was almost the second coming of the darkest day two years ago, a lot of pokémon bred in captivity have been displaced and left without a home to return to. If that wasn't enough, times have been tough for trainers, so much so that some simply abandon their Pokémon. Will you help give these Pokémon a new home?
- Skitty
- Growlithe
- Poochyenna
- Snubull
- Kantonian Meowth

[OPEN] [CATCH CHANCE!] Mission 4:
Fire pokémon panic! There's been a breach at the back of the Motostoke Stadium and some of the wild pokémon kept in the enclosure there have gotten loose and started running rampant around the city! Who would go out of their way to sow this chaos? It doesn't matter, these pokémon need to be stopped and the situation needs to kept under control! Not to mention they ARE wild... surely nobody would mind if they suddenly weren't anymore?
Reward: 1 x Charcoal

[OPEN] Mission 5:
Looking for work? A young trainer down on their luck? Want to make a difference? Why not join something bigger than yourselves? Join the Blackspear Initiative. That's right, Blackspear Industries is hiring for a new position, helpful trainers the region over can sign on and use their skills to better the lives of trainers under the banner of the Blackspear Flag. With custom requests delivered to our inboxes, you can expect to do things like: Obtain and show off specific pokédex entries, use your pokémon to help with manual labor, deliver items of importance from city to city, or any other number of jobs that may become available! Head to our offices today and take on a job right here in Motostoke with your pokémon, all it takes to get the position is to be successful in your assigned role. We hope to hear from you soon and remember! The future is here, the future is Blackspear.
Reward: 1 x Blackspear Industries Job License (A Key Item that can unlock certain missions and pokémon later.)

Mission 6:
On leave from the lab, Professor Sonia's aide has headed to Motostoke for a special research assignment. He's trying to take a sample of the river water near to the factory waste pipes in order to test the waters effects on pokémon, but ironically enough a pokémon is blocking his way. A large, goopy puddle of rainbow colored sludge is blocking the way and he needs help removing it... wait, isn't this species of Muk unusual to find here in Galar? This just got a whole lot more interesting! Help Hop to clear the way!
Reward: Wishing Piece + Friend Ball

Mission 7:
The Budew Drop Inn is a popular spot for travelers and those looking to take it easy and live it up in a fancy hotel. Thanks to the amount of business the opening ceremony is bringing in, the Inn has repeated a classic tactic its employed in the past and offered free rooms to all endorsed gym challengers. That means all of you! Still not everything is as pleasant as it seems, when leaving the building one day you encounter an unfortunate scene. A young woman is being accused of stealing the Inn's most prized possession, a solid gold Budew statue! The local authorities are about to pull away but she insists she had nothing to do with it... you shouldn't get involved, but she seems so earnest... something isn't right about this.
Reward: Budew Egg (This Budew hatches with up to two egg moves.)

[MULTI] Mission 8:
The Motostoke Record Store, a mostly overlooked gem tucked in the corner of the large and imposing city. Here those with the desire to can purchase audio equipment, modern musical marvels and classic records to play and jam out to the classics. With their latest deal, they've managed to score a set of Piers and Marnie's newest albums from Spikemuth before they release worldwide, but there's a problem. A few groups of ex-Team Yell members that really couldn't let the fandom go have camped outside and refuse to move. It's bringing a lot of bad press to the store, take care of one of these gatherings and the owner can offer you a different sort of musical disc.
1 x TR Sing
1 x TR Metal Sound
1 x TR Uproar

Mission 9:
Corviknight Taxi's are a necessary part of life in Galar, but they rarely get the appreciation they deserve. People never notice a good thing until it's gone and as such, murmurs have spread through the street. Seems a number of people have been disgruntled about the service being late today, on the busiest day in Motostoke. Curious you pass by the dispatch center only to see that Cornetta, the oldest bird they have, has fallen very ill. It's hurting the morale of the workers and putting her in serious danger, but the service is so busy that nobody can spare the time to get her the medicine she needs! A kind trainer would need to be quick, rushing to the other side of town and back to help, before it's too late.
Reward: TR Steel Wing + 1 Metal Coat

Mission 10:
During the night something mysterious has been happening, people have been disappearing and nobody knows the cause. A mysterious pokémon? A sinister criminal? Something even stranger? Who knows? The case of the late night vanishings continues apace and unsolved. Perhaps it's about time someone put this mystery to rest?
Reward: 1 x Odd Incense


Ruben Sancho
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

18 | Male | Footballer

Chapter 3- 1 | Real Ones

Motostoke City
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Thudding drill music pounded at Ruben's chest. Confronted by an old rustic building, detailed with cogs and canisters, Ruben had to double check SK the Artist had sent him the right location. This was a warehouse. He hadn't expected a penthouse suite, but was he wrong for expecting something a bit more classy? This wasn't going to be a wholesome party, was it? Ruben had half a mind to count his losses and call it a day. His phone pinged: a string of passive aggressive texts from Ainsley that read along the lines of 'I ain't invited?", "k.", "I see you acting brand new g." "Prick." and only served to earn a weary roll of the eyes from Ruben. He stuffed his phone in his pockets and with a fresh conviction, stepped through the doors.

The dilapidated structure had the same rundown interior the exterior had promised. Ruben's eyes darted around. The flashing lights, the graffiti, the hooded men, barely clothed women. He took it all in. The smell of grunge, body odour, leather and alcohol. SK the Artist's voice booming through the speakers; some song comparing his car to a woman. While Ruben's eyes were darting, many of those around him were not. He quickly took himself out of the limelight, finding a quiet corner but still found himself ambushed. He was confronted by a large dark-skinned man, that even Ruben had to look up to see the face of. He was far from the prettiest. In fact, the man had the kind of face that could send a baby into hysteria if he did any less than smile. Given the scowl he approached with, Ruben doubted a smile would be an easy ask.

"You Ruben Sancho, big man?" Even with the heavy music shaking the air around them, the man's mumbling carried deep enough to be heard beneath the base of the stereo. Ruben could only nod in response, his fight or flight still ready to be engaged at a moment's notice. "Big Mike." Along with his name, Big Mike stuck out a fist for Ruben to meet with his own. Ruben did so, promptly. It took a heavy breath to mask the pain that came after. His knuckles felt less bludgeoned after anger fuelled punches against the iron goal posts in training. "Come fam, it's a VIP ting ennit. Place is full of pagans. You suburbs man are looking like free meals these times." A few of the people behind Big Mike chuckled at that. With the amount of Ruben's periphery that Big Mike took up, Ruben couldn't even see the entourage until the giant stepped out of the way. Once they started moving, Ruben made a note to remember as many faces as he could.


At the heart of a room adorned with fur carpets and leather chairs, decked with a jaccuzi and full bar, an eccentric, bushy haired man with baggy clothes drew in the awe of his audience. Everyone laughed at his jokes, drinks were brought to his table and the DJ would always check with him before playing a song. His neck was covered in gold and platinum plated chains. He wore flashy earrings, a plated watch, even a gold tooth shined from his mouth. This was SK the Artist. Everyone was humbled the moment his mouth opened, except for one man with a Hulbury Port football shirt on who was the target of his attack.

"Nah, you man are dead ballers though." SK the Artist spat back at him, disgusted by the man's audacity to speak up in the first place. "What did you do in the ICC last season? **** all! You got knocked out by ****ing FC Shalour in the first round of the knockout stage! They've been **** since they lost half their team in the Z incident and you still couldn't beat them. Don't at me. It's Motostoke time." He slung an uncontrolled arm dismissively in the man's direction. "What? You ain't got nothing else to say now, have ya? Dickhead." It wasn't SK the Artist's tirade that left the man speechless however. Confused, SK the Artist followed the Hulbury fan's gaze to where Ruben and Big Mike had just entered the room.

"Oh ****! Is that Ruben Sancho?" One member of SK the Artist's entourage called out. He jumped out of his seat and sprinted toward the football star. "I've been a big fan since you were in the Motostoke academy. I've followed your whole career!"

"I appreciate it," Ruben said in response, forcing a smile.

"I wish you stayed to be honest, I reckon you'd be smashing it now. You and Craig Ian. Can you imagi-"

"What the **** you doing?" SK the Artist questioned, cutting the wholesome moment off. "Get off his dick. We don't do groupie **** around here…" he scowled. "…unless you're getting on some dick." He added, issuing that lifeline to many of the less clothed women in the room. "You know what? Go get some more bottles!" With that order, the Ruben Sancho fan was dismissed back into the realm of the normies. Now that he was gone, SK the Artist returned his attention to Ruben and Big Mike. "What you man drinking?"

"Cognac." Big Mike said coolly, grabbing and pouring a glass from the bottle SK the Artist was already halfway through.


"I don't really. I gotta get fit," Ruben shrugged. He lifted the cast, just enough so it was in SK the Artist's field of view.

"Oh. Seen." SK the Artist thought for a moment. He had no clue what to do with that. Or at least he didn't, until the spliff was passed back to him. "I know you must smoke."

"Same problem." Ruben forced a chuckle. No one laughed with him. Instead, SK the Artists took a couple of hits for himself before passing it to Big Mike, who happily relit the rollup as though it were his and his alone.

"Aight, vibes vibes. Whack the tunes back on!" He called to the DJ, who did as he was asked. A slow Rhythm and base song, completely different vibe from the main party, played. "It's a pro Evo Football ting later. My man thinks Hulbury are gonna qualify for the Interregional Club Cup again. Clown."

"Well Wedgehurst definitely ain't!" The Hulbury fan snapped back.

It was only then, that Ruben took the time to soak in the atmosphere. There was a level of unease that he couldn't quite lay a finger on. Not SK the Artist's frustrated desire to please, not Big Mike's uncaring attitude, not even the fact the DJ wasn't playing an SK the Artist song. Ruben could see the green in the eyes of just about every guy in the room that wasn't SK the Artist or Big Mike. They wanted what he had. He could feel the envy like a square of walls around him.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!" A sharp, high pitched scream cut through the tension. Ruben jumped to his feet. Even Big Mike peered in the direction it came from. It was followed by another scream and another and another. Ruben began to hobble toward it, but what was strange, they were getting closer. He was beaten at the race to the door by what was surely the catalyst to the screaming. Ruben couldn't not recognise him. The first thing he did was look back at SK the Artist.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHH!" Another scream, this time from the majority of the groupies sitting in the VIP hot tub, rocked the room. None other than Lil' Boober walked past Ruben. Some of them even fainted in disbelief. Ruben turned to watch him, his red mink coat with gold lining emblazoned with a Magmar emblem on the back. Everything he wore glistened as though it was freshly made for him the same day he stepped out in it. Ruben watched as Lil' Boober's personal security dwarfed the security SK the Artist had hired for the party. He watched as they dwarfed Big Mike himself. Ruben watched as Lil' Boober and SK the artist embraced. He looked around the room. That envy he saw earlier was nowhere to be seen. At least, it wasn't for Ruben anymore.

"Now, I know you drink." SK the Artist laughed, taking a fancy looking rum bottle and pouring some for Lil' Boober.


As Lil' Boober spoke, barely even joking, the room burst into laughter. Even Big Mike snorted a heavy guffaw over his cognac. Ruben couldn't find it within himself to do it. He could see right through the plastic in their laughter and that just wasn't who he was. In fact, the whole thing was grating at him.

"Aight, I'll be the one to ask. I thought you two were beefing. SK made the diss track and everything." Ruben questioned in defiance. Immediately it was clear that the question killed the buzz, but Ruben didn't care. There was a moment of trepidation. Surely others had thought it, but none were so daring to ask. "The beef's fake?"

"Yoooo! Where the *****es at?" Lil' Boober howled in frustration. His Unovan accent carried, standing out among the room of Galarians. On cue, a pair of half-dressed women hurried over to him and threw themselves on his lap. Some even kicked their heels off in frustration, having lost the wrestling match to get there first. "SK you movin' stingy with these tings man, you gotta hook your boy Santho up. He stressin' about **** that don't matter."

"San-cho." Ruben grumbled in frustration, his comment fluttering just low enough to be missed completely by Lil' Boober. Again, on Lil' Boober's request, a girl strutted over and attempted to sit next to Ruben before being refused. The refusal an act that caused both SK and Lil' Boober to freeze.

"He don't like girls?" Lil' Boober questioned in whisper to SK the Artist, worry evident on his face. SK the Artist could only respond with an equally concerned shrug.

"Ooooh, man's got a girl? That what you're telling me?" Big Mike interjected, choking up some of the smoke in his laughter. The act earned him an appreciative glance from Ruben. "Wedding ring and them tings there?"

"I beg not, you don't need that stress right now bro." SK the Artist scoffed. "Beat one of these tings tonight and see if you don't feel better about life. You won't even remember your girls name." He joked, but Ruben's scoff was disarming enough to back him off. All three men leaned in with intrigue, trying to get to the bottom of the mystery that was Ruben.

"What? Big Mike don't get no tings?" Big Mike questioned; his arms spread wide. His request came more in the form of a call to action to a very specific girl in the room. She stood amongst SK the Artist's entourage. She clearly wasn't there to be a groupie, but Big Mike refused to let that stop him. There was a chill in the room as the girl shook her head. SK the Artist glanced at her, wide eyed and with a threatening edge of disbelief.

"Ay, ay." Lil' Boober interjected. "There's plenty of girls more than willing. We're having a good time, let's not ruin it." He sighed, his security taking a step closer to him. Noticing Big Mike's smirk, he shook his head and returned his attention to Ruben. "SK's right though, for real. You young and big time. You wanna fall in love that's cool, just don't let it **** with your money. That's my two poke." Lil Boober explained, near enough patting Ruben on the head with his life lesson.

"Ain't you supposed to be on a pokemon journey anyway?" Big Mike asked, looking at Ruben with a raised brow. "She ain't finding out."

"Wait…" Lil' Boober stopped; his intrigue piqued. "You're doin a pokemon journey? That's dope." He smirked as his question earned a nod from the young footballer. He responded in turn with another nod and the two exchanged smiles. "I'm big into my pokemon history man. In fact, guess where the name Lil' Boober came from."

"Wait…it's not about boobs?" SK the Artist asked, almost disgusted at the revelation.

"Yeah, I kinda thought the same to be honest." Ruben shrugged.

"Right, Magmar. There's ancient text. Johtoan and Kantonian texts." Lil Boober began to explain before wheezing on his hit of the spliff. "That describe the real names for these pokemon. It's coded in Unknown calligraphy. Literally, the pokemon Unknown but as letters. It's actually where a lot of pokedex records are translated from. Some horribly mistranslated, like Magcargo, but in those texts…Magmar is the Spit fire pokemon." He stopped again, just for a couple of coughs. Before he could finish, Ruben had already put the pieces together.

"So Boober means Magmar, and because you 'spit fire'…"

"Bingo. It was a joke at first, but **** kinda stuck. Which is weird because…I make music for stupid people. Nobody gets it. It used to just be a joke between me and the block. That's who I made music for. Then I started makin' money." Lil Boober sighed before noticing a confused SK the Artist struggling to come to terms with what he heard. "No offense." He added, raising his glass to SK the Artist. "Can I see it? Your pokemon."

Though he had to think twice, Ruben pressed the button on the front of his pokeball and Lesca emerged in a beam of red light. A mixture of swoons, gawking and apprehensive murmuring took the room.

"Nahhh, this man is sweet! Get him out of here! Pink little fruit thing? Get this soft guy out!" the man in the Hulbury shirt scoffed. The rest of the room were silent, hinging instead on the opinion of Lil' Boober. SK the Artist pulled a face. He was silent, but it was clear he echoed the sentiments of his football fanatic friend.

"She's dope. It is a girl right?" Lil' Boober smiled, admiring the little grass type. Lesca revelled in the attention she was getting, going so far as to pull dignified poses and check that everyone in the room was giving her their utmost attention. "Yeah, she's dope." Lil' Boober chuckled. Lesca could tell, he was the hub of the room. At least, he was before she got there. She quickly aligned herself with him, accepting any and all pets of admiration he chose to give her.

Once again, Ruben could feel the eye of envy being levelled at him. This time not by the groupies or an entourage, not by Ainsley or even the DJ, no; Ruben was being watched by the envious eyes of SK the Artist himself.

"Aight, aight aight aight, everybody chill. I got an announcement." SK the Artist stepped forward, drawing the attention of the room away from the conceited Bounsweet, much to her ire. Ruben settled a hand in the path of the angered grass type who was surely a step or two away from a tantrum and gave SK the Artist his full attention. "Real Ones Cypher. We're recording it tonight. Obviously me, obviously Lil' Boober, I'm getting my man's Big Mike on the track. Even Ruben Sancho's getting some bars in. It's gonna be a madness."


"Since my momma did all that work day one, I been claimin all these birthdays. Thirty years down, made all this bread, now she makes up all her work days. I been casting this part for ten whole years, still don't know what role my girl plays. We from a small cage. Take this city act to the world stage. Teeing up, paint the world no Mint Greens or Earl Greys. Snakes in the grass got me feeling the worst ways. For every real one, I get bit by the third fakes."

"Chat ****, done for! Chat ****, done for! Chat **** done for!"
SK's voice played over the instrumental. The studio rattled with excitement, everyone over the moon with Lil' Boobers verse. The studio was filled with notepads, magazines and ash trays. Despite the Smoke that clouded the window from studio to booth, the producer's thumbs up gave Lil' Boober the all clear he needed to step out and accept his plaudits first hand.

Ruben, who had found a quiet corner to write his lines peered up. His heart started to rush. The page in front of him had nothing to show for the time he was given. One of the two paragraphs on the page was a boring documentary style essay about how he came up from Motostoke and worked hard to get to where he was. That made him a real one. Right? He scribbled it out. It sounded needy, like he had something to prove. The second was a clunky, boring paragraph about how he hid his guns under the bed, because that's where the 'magazine' fit. He had to cringe at himself. That just wasn't going to fly.

Almost like a guardian angel or a saving grace, the girl stepped forward. The same girl that had refused Big Mike's demand, stepped forward, notebook in hand. Ruben seized the opportunity and stuck his nose in his own notebook to get as much in as he could.

"Nah, you ain't spittin on this, step back." SK the Artist said before the girl could even say a word. "Big Mike, you're up."

Big Mike stood up and walked past the girl, but she grabbed desperately onto his notebook. Defiance was in her eyes as she struggled to get past SK the Artist. Big Mike looked down at her, the same cold eyes he always had. His massive hand clutched onto her face, and shoved her away, letting her topple helplessly to the ground in front of Ruben. Both men laughed before returning to the recording.

As the girl tried to climb to her feet, Ruben had already offered his hand.

"Used to jump man for Ps, now extort man for Ks, still send out different letters, and they can see you sincerely! Got out of the grass I was stuck in, told his girl baby buck 'im, he's John Doe girl **** 'im, now his eyes left wide like Deerling! Part time MCs are active, talkin all this trap ****, then get face to face with a real goons, and claiming that they the real ting!

"Chat ****, done for! Chat ****, done for! Chat shi-"

"Guns Brought!"
Big Mike shouted, inserting his own lyrics into the hook of the song.

Ruben had found himself in deep discussion with the discarded girl for some time. He found out she was an aspiring musician. He found out she came all the way from Sandgem Town in Sinnoh. He found out that she came all this way in an attempt to make her name in music and perform for Lil' Boober. He looked across the room. She was so close. He knew he could help her.

"Yo, Lil' Boober." Ruben interrupted as he noticed the interregional artist on his way out. "That verse was fire. Small Acts to the World Stage was on another level."

"I been doing this a long time man. Keep working at that football stuff. You'll get back in. When you do, you better hook me up with some free tickets or something," Lil' Boober joked, slipping into his mink coat. "I'm in Galar for a while man, tourin'." With that said, one of Lil' Boober's security guards handed a card. "Ruben Sancho, from the SK the Artist listening party." He recited, trying to make the name stick.

"Actually, I wanted to ask a favour." Ruben could see his statement made Lil Boober tense up, but looking back at the girl, he knew he had to press on. He had to at least try. "That girl over there just wants to per-" Ruben began to plead as Lil' Boober glanced at the girl and started to put their pieces together.

"You don't have a girlfriend, do you?" Lil' Boober smirked. "Sorry kid, I like you, but I ain't about to give a record deal to everyone in the room just so you can wet between your legs with a clean conscience. Nah. You get us somewhere private and can vouch for her, I'll give you some of my time." He turned away, dismissing Ruben's plight entirely as he made his way out of the studio. All the words Ruben armed to defend himself were swept away with the turn of Lil' Boober. The Magmar now starting back at him. Part of him somewhere felt it didn't matter what Lil' Boober thought of him…that's what he told Simon, right? Ruben scanned the room again, spotting a notebook and the ground and looking at the empty-handed girl.

"Sancho, blud, safe g." Big Mike's booming voice, startled Ruben but he gathered himself quickly enough to recognise the lingering fist. He took a deep breath and slowly edged towards it. Regrettably, his trepidation prompted Big Mike to force the issue and dap Ruben's fist himself. Ruben near fell to his knees in pain, clutching desperately onto his fist.

"You man claim sets in different regions, how? They cancelled all your tours! Same dogs that try claim legend streaks, aarrr, these canines on all fours! I can still talk about gats and guns, cause the ting's automatic, I pull triggers it opens doors! Chat ****, done for! Chat ****, done for! Chat **** done for!" SK the Artist performed.

"You're good." Ruben stated. Already nose deep in the rhyme book, he scanned the latest pages with enthusiasm. "Got out of the grass I was stuck in, told his girl baby buck 'im, told her he's John Doe girl **** 'im, now his eyes left wide like Deerling. Buck, doe, grass; Deerling. Word association is crazy." He simpered a little. "It's not what I expected but, it's fire."

"You're just saying that." The girl sighed, still watching SK the Artist finish performing his verse.

"Nah, real ****. It is."

"Listen, I know you've got to record for the song but, I should probably leave and it's getting late and well…"

Ruben gulped. Lil' Boober's final words hitting him, but he refused to be governed by them. He helped the girl to her feet and gestured toward the door.


"I wanted to ask earlier but, why don't you have security like the others?" The girl asked as she dropped herself onto the pillows of the hotel bed.

"Because they do all their fake beefs and disses. So they don't know who they can trust. I don't need that." He shrugged, a coldness in his eyes. The girl winced at the statement, but wore that same smile.

"So what is your take on having a girlfriend?" She asked, only to be met with silence. "You didn't deny it when those guys were talking about it. Did you like the idea?" The girl teased, running her fingers up his chest. The playful act still earned little interest from Ruben though. He just stared at his blurred reflection in the hotel TV. His reflection and the reflection of the girl beside him. "What, so you're not answering now? You get yours and all of a sudden you turn to ice?" She probed, her frustration growing.

"If I'm being real, I dunno. I made a lot of crazy promises. I meant them at the time. I got a big thing tomorrow; I can't really think about that right now." He shrugged.

"But you still made 'em."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm ****ing sorry." She scowled, jumping out of the bed and grabbing her things.


Hooded men flooded into the hotel room, all strapped with weapons of some variety. Their faces covered by balaclavas; Ruben couldn't recognise a single one. He pulled the quilt up to protect himself, climbing to his feet in a defensive stance. The girl stood between them and put up a limp attempt to fight off the intruders.

"Wait, I changed my mi-"

"Move *****, you've done your part." One of the men shouted, shoving the girl out of the way without a care for her protests.

"Big man, Ps, now." The leader of the pack demanded, the knife in his hand telling Ruben he was entirely serious. "Now!" He shouted, stripping Ruben's only defence away from him. He cowered away as best he could, but he stood in front of them exposed completely.

"Alright, alright. How much do you want?" Ruben's voice trembled with fear. "Just don't kill me…please."

The leader pulled his knife away and looked around at his squad.

"A man said 'how much do you want'?" He quoted, provoking a chorus of laughter from beneath the balaclavas. Ruben could only shiver and rub his arms. The laughter quieted and the leader turned to face Ruben again, a serious look on his face. "Gimme your wallet." With a deep sigh, Ruben obliged, handing the wallet over. "What's the code?" The leader asked, handing the wallet over to the man behind him.

"Seven. Five. Two. Two." Each number pained Ruben to say more than the last. He was staring down the knife in front of him, shame running down him with each nervous bead of sweat. The masked man holding the card inserted it into a machine and gave a nod to the leader. A moment passed and he showed him the screen.

"What's the security password?" He returned the knife to point at Ruben.

"I-" Ruben began, taking in the realisation. He had to say it. "It's Wedgehurst." He shuddered.

Ruben was frozen. His arms slowly fell to his side and his breaths slowed as the men flooded out of the room. He sniffled. The tear he was holding back finally breaking free.

"****." He barely managed to whisper. "****!" He punched the wall, tears flying from his face. He buried his face in the sheets and sobbed, those words echoing through his mind again.

"stick bust shots like Ruben Sancho…" He recited, his voice barely a whisper. "****in' **** song."​


Sachiko Akabane

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Epoch 2.3: Rolling Fields
A Hopeless Romantic? Catching a Strong Pokemon!

Sachi was walking towards Lake Axwell with her pokemon: Tora was wrapped around her neck/shoulders with his tail swishing, Bolt was walking beside her, Gex in her arms, and Aria was flying around them.

The vermillion trainer wanted to get to Motostoke City as soon as possible, but no doubt something was going to delay her. She looked down at Gex, who was looking around at the scenery with curiosity.

"Miss! You with the red hair!" a voice called out from in front, causing Sachi to hald in her steps. She looked up, noticing a male a couple years older than her with midnight black hair, ocean blue eyes, wearing a navy blue jacket with one white stripe running down the sleeves, black jeans, brown belt, white sneakers, and a cream colored bandanna tied around his neck. On his back was a camper's pack with a rolled-up sleeping bag tied at the top. "Hold on!"

The male stopped in front of her, placing his hands on his knees as he took deep breaths, causing Sachi to look him over, "You okay?" She raised a hand, about to place it on his shoulder, when the male shot up, grabbing her hand.

"Please help me!" the male cried, tears on the verge of falling as he fell to his knees. Due to his hold on her hand, it caused her to lower her upper body, almost causing Gex to fall out of her arms. "I don't know what to do!"

"Mister! H-Hold on!"

"Nothing works!"



- - - - - - - - - - - -

"So…" Sachi trailed off as she watched the male sniff, a tear trail was still on his cheeks and dry, but more were threatening to fall. "You want to catch a strong pokemon?" They were kneeling on the grass beside a Berry Tree, where Aria and Gex were gathering some berries while Tora was laying on her lap with Bolt sitting beside her.

"Yes!" wailed the man, tears falling as he fell to his knees and hands, "But nothing worked!"

"Mister…" Sachi tried to calm the male down, but the man kept whining. His arms shout out, grabbing her left arm, and puller her in, rubbing his face on her arm, his words becoming gibberish. In an instant, his gibberish turned to a pained cry.

"Tora!" Sachi quickly pulled the feline away, bowing her head as the male laid on the ground with his bust in the air, three lined scratch marks on his face. "Sorry about him!"

"I-It's fine… i shouldn't have pulled you close. I was just upset at how bad my day's been." the male sighed, getting up and placing his camper bag on the ground beside him. "You see, there's a girl I like in the next city over. I've never spoken to her, but she's very pretty and I knew it was love at first sight!" The male stood up, pointing at the sky for a few seconds before sagging, looking at the ground with an upset expression. "However, I heard that she wanted to date someone with a strong pokemon. She looks down on 'weak trainers' and only accepts strong ones."

Sachi's eyebrow twitched at hearing the males words, but kept her words in, waiting until the end.

"So I came here to try and find a strong pokemon to catch, but I'm running out of pokeballs and keep failing." The male pulled out three pokeballs, "This is all I have left. So I decided to ask someone to help me and that's when I saw you."

"Mister…" Sachi stood up, causing Tora to run up her arm to wrap around her neck/shoulders and Bolt to stand with a bark. "Leave it to me."

"Oh thank you so much!" the male cried, falling into a bow with his hands, knees, and face on the ground.

"What is your name?"


- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Mister Samuel!" Sachi watched as the raven haired man had a mexican stand-off with a Bunnelby. Aria and Treecko had returned shortly after agreeing to help Samuel with a couple berries: a cheri berry, two oran berries, an aspear berry, and a pecha berry. She added them into the container with the other berries, but she'll have to get a bigger container soon. Bolt and Aria were in their pokeballs while Tora was in his usual area with Gex in her arms as well. For some reason, the Treecko preferred being carried after Tora claimed her neck/shoulders as his resting place.

After a few seconds, the digging pokemon tackled Samuel, their head ramming into his stomach, causing the male to fall back with a pained gasp.

"Use your pokemon!" Sachi called out as the Bunnelby jumped back, waiting for the male to call out his pokemon.

"I don't have one!"

Sachi facepalmed, heaving a sigh as Bunnelby left after realizing the male wasn't going to do anything else. This made things harder…

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sachi stood a few feet away from a Rufflet with Samuel beside her. Sensing someone nearby, the Rufflet looked up and puffed up his feathers, chirping at the two.

"Are you ready?" asked Sachi as Tora growled, glaring between the male and the Rufflet.

"I-I think so…" Samuel whimpered as Tora jumped in front of him, facing the eaglet pokemon. After being defeated by Bunnalby, Sachi told Samule that it was best if he borrowed one of her pokemon to catch himself one since he didn't have his own. He agreed, but then started to regret it when Tora was the unlucky victim. The feline hissed at the male after being told the idea, but Sachi assured that it was only going to be until he got his own pokemon.

The Rufflet glared, taking a battle stance as Tora hissed at Samuel before facing his opponent. The eaglet pokemon flapped his wings, taking flight as his wings took on a white glow.

"Samuel! Rufflet's using Wing Attack!" Sachi warned, noticing the male's hesitance. He's never had a pokemon… does that mean he's never been in a pokemon battle?

Rufflet soared towards Tora, with the feline waiting for Samuel's orders, but as the bird got closer, the feline got more angsty.

"T-Tora! Use…" Samuel trailed off, realizing he forgot the move list Sachi told him earlier. He tried to remember, but his brain came up blank. "I… I forgot the moves!"

Tora snapped his head towards the male, shocked at his words. This human forgot his move list?! How stupid can he be?! Tora heard flapping and turned, only to be hit by Rufflet's wings. He yowled, being thrown back, flipping once before stopping on his stomach.

Rufflet flew a few feet away before flapping in place, his beak glowed white.

"Samuel! Give Tora an order! He can't attack without one!" insisted Sachi, noticing Rufflet's beak, "And Rufflet's about to use Peck!"

"Um… Lick?" guessed Samuel, watching as Tora ran towards Rufflet, who was flying towards the feline.

Tora opened his mouth, and once he was close enough, he licked Rufflet in the face. The eaglet pokemon cawed angrily though, pecking the fire cat pokemon in retaliation. Tora yowled, jumping back, but the damage was done. The feline flinched when he landed, but glared at the bird.

"It didn't work?!" Samuel cried, noticing the move had no effect.

"Lick is a ghost type move and Rufflet is flying/normal. Ghost moves can't affect normal types." explained Sachi, earning another cry from Samuel. "Focus!"

The glow around Rufflet's beak never diminished as the eaglet soared around the battlefield, as if looking for an opening.

"Scratch! Ember! Lick! Roar! Fury Swipes! Power Trip!" called out Sachi as Rufflet folded its wings, allowing gravity to fall down towards Tora. "These are Tora's moves!"

"Ember!" exclaimed Samuel right away, in his panicked state, all he heard was Ember and Fury Swipes.

Tora arched his back, causing three-pointed tufts of fur with red tips to stick up, and the feline turned towards the eaglet in the sky, firing a medium-sized ball of fire from his mouth. Rufflet squawked, his beak's glow diminished as he flapped his wings to stop his progress, but the Ember managed to hit it's target. The eaglet squealed in pain, falling to the ground with a small trail of black smoke trailing behind.

"It worked!" Samuel cheered, not realizing that Rufflet was slowly standing.

"Samuel! It's not over yet!" Sachi warned, noticing what he did not.

"It's not?" Samuel stopped his cheering, finally noticing Rufflet standing. "Aww…"

Rufflet lifted his head, using Leer to give Tora a glare. Said feline flinched, but stood strong, his defense did lower a bit however.

"What happened?!" Samuel panicked, seeing Rufflet's wings gain a white glow once again. "Ahh! He's attacking!"

"Samuel!" warned Sachi.

Rufflet flapped, taking to the skies again as he flew around, but with a glare in his eyes. Once he found one, he dived, ready to strike again.
"Ember!" Tora's back arched, as the same three-pointed tufts of fur flared up, and opened his mouth, releasing a fireball at the incoming bird. Rufflet took the hit, causing smoke, but the smoke immediately dispersed as the eaglet swiftly flew through getting closer to the cat.

"It didn't work?!" Samuel panicked again.

"Samuel! It worked, Rufflet still took damage!" called Sachi, noticing the diminishing distance between the two. "Dodge or attack!"

Samuel closed his eyes, "Jump and Ember!" He didn't know what he said, all he knew was that he panicked right then and there.

Tora jumped, but the Wing Attack still skimmed his legs, causing the feline to flinch. As Rufflet was turning, Tora shot another fireball, hitting Rufflet in the face once again. The eaglet squealed in pain, landing on his back as the damage was dealt. As Tora landed on the ground with a flinch from the pain, Rufflet slowly stood, hesitating from his injuries.

Samuel opened his eyes, noticing the staredown between the two pokemon, "B-Bite!"

"Bite?" inquired Sachi, "Tora doesn't know bite…" However, Sachi saw Tora's fangs glow, her eyes widening.

Tora opened his mouth, his fangs glowing as the feline charged at the eaglet, said pokemon's beak glowed as they charged forward as well. Once the two were close enough, they struck each other, stopping a few inches away from each other with the backs facing the other. After a few seconds, Rufflet fell forward, fainting on the spot.

"I-I won?" Samuel questioned, nothing that Rufflet didn't stand back up a third time. "I-I won!"

"Are you going to catch him?" Asked Sachi as she walked over, causing Tora to slowly walk over to the female. Sachi crouched down, and once Tora was closer, she picked the feline up. "Good job Tora, you learned a new move." Tora purred, snuggling closer to the female's warmth as he purred at her praise.

"Oh yeah!" Samuel stopped cheering, quickly grabbing a pokeball before throwing it at the fainted Rufflet.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Thank you so much!" Samuled bowed as Sachi stood a few inches away, both trainers packed and prepared. In her arms was Tora, still injured from earlier's battle.

"Glad to help." Sachi assured, before noticing his tight grip on the pokeball. "Are you going back to show off Rufflet?"

"Yes! Now that I have a strong pokemon, I can show her I'm worthy!" Samuel bowed once more, giving Sachi a small pouch before running off.

Sachi blinked, looking at the small pouch in her hand, carrying Tora with her other arm. She slowly opened the pouch with the best of her ability with one hand, only to see a long, red string. "I'll check it when I get to the Pokemon Center." She closed the pouch and placed it in her parka's pocket, turning away from where Samuel ran, heading towards her next destination… the Pokemon Center.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

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Sachiko Akabane

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Epoch 2.4: Lake Axwell
Meeting Men in Black! (Part 1)

Looking up, Sachi noticed the sky was turning orange and the setting sun, sighing as she saw her breath from the cold weather. Snow continued to fall as the teenager continued her march through the snow-covered land, her parka's hood was thrown up with her bangs fluttering out and with the wind. Luckily, her pokemon were in their pokeballs to prevent them from being exposed to the cold weather, especially Gex, well, all except one.

After separating ways from Samuel, she wanted to go to the closest Pokemon Center, but when she checked her map, she underestimated the distance. So instead, she used some potions and allowed Tora to rest for a few days before they continued walking. Now, Tora was in tip-top shape and ready to battle.

Meow! Sachi blinked, looking down to see said pokemon peeking his head out from her parka, his body snuggled inside to preserve warmth. She tried to return the feline to his pokeball the moment they arrived in Lake Axwell, but he refused every time. Sachi gave up trying and just placed him inside her parka so he wouldn't get cold as they traveled through the snow.

It has been a few weeks since leaving Wedgehurst, and so far, the journey was everything she wanted! She got the freedom, seeing all kinds of pokemon and people, nobody was forcing her to do something, and best of all: no overbearing father around! She even managed to make new friends! Speaking of…

Sachi pulled out her phone, flipping it open. Yesterday, she had gotten a text from Simon, but she couldn't respond since she was busy training her team the most possible they could in the cold weather. She clicked on the messenger app and opened her chat history with Simon:

Simon: "hey Sachi!! its Simon (the bug catcher guy!) have you made it through the wild area yet? its crazy out here!!"

The female chuckled, before realizing she hadn't replied yet. "I should probably reply… He must've been waiting for my answer…" Sachi stops her walk, focusing entirely on replying to her 'self-proclaimed rival'.

Simon: "hey Sachi!! its Simon (the bug catcher guy!) have you made it through the wild area yet? its crazy out here!!"
Sachi: "Hello Simon. I've made it through most of the wild area and am in Lake Axell at the moment.
It might take awhile to get out of this area though because of all the snow, and I agree, it does get crazy here.
How are you doing though?"

Sachi nodded to herself, it was her first time texting someone since she's never had a phone before. It's also her first friend or rival, so she didn't know what exactly to say, so she just replied as she would if he was here in person and asking her. She clicked 'send', but as she did, she got a sudden call.

I wonder who's calling… The teen accepted the call and put it close to her ear, "Moshi Moshi?"

"Sachi-dear, how have you been?" Said trainer's eyes widened, then softened, "Grandmother, i've been good. I'm at Lake Axwell at the moment with some snow here and there, but nothing to worry about. How are you doing?"

"Life could've given me a better, healthy body, but i'll live." Sachi chuckled at her grandmother's response. "Sorry to trouble you dear, but I wanted to know if I could borrow one of your pokemon for awhile?"

"Borrow?" Sachi repeated, confused, "Did something happen to Kiki?"

"Kiki went missing a few days after you left and I haven't been able to find her." Sachi's eyes widened, letting out a shaky breath. "Grandma, why didn't you call me earlier?"

"I wanted to, but I didn't want to bother with your journey. However, Kiki still hasn't come back and I fear the worst. I wanted to borrow one of your own to help me with the house work and to keep as company until Kiki comes back."

Sachi sighed, on one hand, she didn't want to hand one of her pokemon over since it could delay their training. On the other hand, her grandmother was frail and rarely left the house, like her, so she tended to have her pokemon, a Mimikyu named Kiki, help her with the chores when she wasn't there.

"I… I believe I can send you one of my pokemon, but while he's there, can you train him when there's free time? Either he's going to be part of my main team or he's going to stay at the house as one of your companions, both ways require strong pokemon." Sachi sighed, placing the palm of her hand on her forehead.

"Oh, thank you so much Sachi-dear. And no worries, my days as a pokemon breeder may have passed, but I still have the knowledge to train and raise the darling. I'll take good care of him, want me to send you regular updates?"

"If possible, don't stress yourself too much Grandma. I'll send Bolt over as soon as possible, take care."

"Take care, Sachi-dear. Don't forget that the house has enough space for if you want to send pokemon over when necessary!" Once the call ended, the teen closed the phone and placed it on her skirt pocket, bringing out her pokedex from inside her parka.

For as long as she remembered, she'd never met her mother and her father was often away from the house, so she was left along for the first few years of her life. However, after she met Tori and Seto, it got less lonely, but they couldn't come over often due to her father's orders. One day, when she was 10 years old, Tori mentioned how if Sachi was left alone for too long, people would notice and think she's being neglected, and then child services will come. Tori believed that this might cause the man to allow them into the house more often, but instead, he called for Sachi's grandmother from her mom's side to live with them. Sachi's grandmother is a kind elderly from Aloha who became a mother figure in her life after moving in. Because of her frail healthy, her grandmother barely left the house, even less than Sachi, so not many people knew of her, except those who live with her, Tori, Seto, and her father. She accidentally told Tori and Seto once and they swore not to tell anyone else. The reason her father didn't want others finding about her grandmother was strange, but she believes it had something to do with her mother. Her grandmother told her that even she doesn't know what happened to her daughter, or Sachi's mother, just that she disappeared and was never seen again.

Her grandmother was already frail, but when she heard news of her daughter disappearing without a trace, it put stress on her and caused her health to decline since then. So she had a pokemon help her around the house, a Mimikyu named Kiki, who was one of her pokemon. Kiki was very powerful, but protective of her trainer. So for Kiki to vanish out of nowhere was setting red flags, but she didn't want to leave her grandmother at home alone when they don't know what happened to Kiki.

I'll send Bolt and hope Kiki shows up soon… I wonder what caused her to vanish, it's not natural and she prefers staying by Grandma's side… She clicked the trading screen on her pokedex, grabbing Bolt's pokeball as she waited for the screen to prepare.

"Alright Bolt, I need you to do me a big favor. My grandmother is alone in the house and with how frail she is, she's going to need someone to watch over her until her own partner, a Mimikyu named Kiki returns. I need you to go with her, protect her, and help her when she needs it. Is that alright?" She saw Bolt's pokeball shake a bit before moving as if nodding. "Thanks a lot Bolt." She moved the pokeball closer to the pokedex, ready to begin the one-way trade.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sachi held the pokedex as she started at the trading screen. She sent Bolt to the trading machine her father kept in the house for emergencies. He would say that it was just in case she needed one of his pokemon and he wasn't there, so it would be quicker for him to transfer it. Luckily, she registered her pokedex into the machine before leaving, so the trade was a success. However, she already missed Bolt… he became an important part of her family and not having him with her was something she was gonna have to get used to now that Kiki was missing. Hopefully the Mimikyu appears and Bolt will be back soon, but something told her the opposite.

She heard the crunch of snow, snapping her out of her thoughts, but it was coming from in front of her, and the footsteps sounded panicked.

She quickly folded the tablet, placing it back in one of her parka's inner pockets, waiting for whoever was creating the sound to come in view. She saw a small silhouette, growing as it got closer, but it was too short to be a human unless there was a lost child, but she doubted it. After a few minutes, the figure got clearer, revealing an injured Snover.

"A Snover?" whispered the teen, but she flinched when the pokemon fell, face forward, into the snow. Without thinking, she rushed over to the injured pokemon as said creature was struggling to stand.
"You okay?" asked Sachi, kneeling down beside the frost tree pokemon, but she didn't expect for the pokemon to throw itself onto her, letting out small whimpers. "Snover?" The pokemon hugged the teen, as if looking for comfort.

"There you are." Upon hearing the new voice, Sachi quickly stood up with Snover still clinging onto her. She turned and saw a young man with long silver hair tied into a low ponytail, ruby red eyes, wearing a bluck suit, and in one hand he had a briefcase. She had to admit, the male was handsome, but she wasn't one of those females who falls for every hot male, she preferred finding 'the one' and having a long-committed relationship. A person came in mind and she blushed, shaking her head as she pushed the thought away. No! Bad Sachi! This isn't the time to think about that!

"Miss, I have to ask you if you could kindly move. I need to catch that pokemon." the male politely ordered. He pulled out a pokeball, but it was black and a bit bulky, nothing like she's ever seen. She didn't know what it was, but something about the guy gave her a bad feeling.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
At Home (W/ Grandmother):

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Arrietty Maverick and Pia McGuire
"There was a field along the main road where we decided to camp until sunrise."

After saying her goodbyes to Valerie and Jasper, Arrietty walked down the path further into the Wild Area. Since she'd gotten such a late train, the sun was setting already. While the last rays of the day shone over the mountaintops' edge, the sky turned a warm orange. It gave the girl pause. She always got a vague sense of nostalgia, even if there was no specific memory tied to the sight.

Her Torchic was walking out in front of her, eager to explore as well as wary for any wild Pokémon that might jump out at them. While he kept a lookout, Arrietty was free to look around the terrain, checking the map on her Rotom Phone occasionally too. There was no way they'd reach Motostoke before nightfall… so that meant camping out.

On the other side of the terrain was a familiar face to Arrietty. That of a platinum blonde short girl that was in the same graduation class as her. The noticing was mutual as the girl in question glanced right back at her. Their eyes met but neither of them made any effort to approach the other. Not until the Pichu and the Swablu at the girl's side made a move when she saw the chicken Pokémon at Arrietty's side, making the other girl sigh and follow the mouse Pokémon.

"I'm sorry, it seems Milla and Prim got interested in your Pokémon." An apologetic smile formed on the girls peach coloured lips. "My name is Pia, I believe we were in the same graduation class."

"Ah," Arrietty started, a little on guard when the two Pokémon swarmed her own - but thankfully Wren seemed to handle himself well enough. He took a defensive stance, battle-ready, but there was some unmistakable boyish curiosity shining through. Arrietty's lips curled upward slightly, before she turned her attention to the other trainer properly. "Yeah, I remember seeing you at the ceremony as well… Looks like you and your Pokémon are getting along swimmingly already. Oh er, I'm Arrietty."

"You could say that." Pia reacted a bit uninterested. If she remembered right, this was the timid girl of the class. Unlike Raphael and Aeliana, she didn't expect much of a presence or any ambition from her. Not one worth investing in at least. It wasn't Arrietty's fault really. She just didn't fit in any plan that would give Pia any riches or fame.

"Well, I'll take those two and go." Pia declared, keeping her tone as kind as possible because she didn't want to be mean to this girl but every fiber in her body wanted to leave. Mostly because it was getting darker by the minute and she wanted to sleep somewhere safe with a lot of light but also because she wasted enough time trying to be buddy buddy with her classmates on the train as it is. Milla and Prim, however, thought differently of this situation.

"Chu Chu!" Milla called out, running circles around Arrietty's Torchic. "Blu!" Prim the Swablu waved her wing to their new friend. They pretty much refused to leave. Wren kept up his defensive posture, still being outnumbered by the two others surrounding him.

"Oh, right… sorry to keep you," Arrietty uttered, averting her eyes to the Pokémon. A response as dripping with annoyance as Pia's made her want to escape the situation sooner rather than later as well. "C'mon Wren, we should be looking for a place to set up camp for the night already."

Torchic was a little too preoccupied to follow Arrietty's instructions, however.

"Girls, come on. We have to leave as well. We can't possibly keep them any longer." Pia tried to stop her two Pokémon from trying to interact with Wren. This attempt was futile as the three Pokémon had only gotten more excited - and despite his best efforts to remain stoic, even Wren had been tempted into playfully chasing the other two around.

As the girls were trying to interfere in their playtime so that they could go on their own merry way, it started becoming darker and darker until the yellow dot in the ocean of clouds was basically gone. There was probably only half an hour of daylight left and the moment Pia noticed this, she started becoming really nervous. It took Milla only one glance to notice the uneasiness her trainer was feeling. Prim was a bit more oblivious, however.

"Ah it's too late now… We can't possibly go wander around like this now." Pia muttered to herself, thinking of what she could do. This was a wild area so there was bound to be all kinds of scary Pokémon at night. Especially… Especiaallllyyyyyy....

"Hey Arrietty! How about we camp together! Our Pokémon seem to have a lot of fun and I wouldn't want to be a party pooper." Pia clasped her hands together and gave the other girl a wishful smile. Arrietty was timid and probably a better prey than Pia was if Ghost Pokémon were to appear. That was her logic at least, one she felt guilty for.

Arrietty looked up from watching the Pokémon, lost in thought considering how to handle, or escape, the situation herself. Pia's suggestion surprised her, since she'd seemed so eager to get away just before - but the unrest in her voice didn't go unnoticed. Could Pia be just as nervous about camping out as she?

"Oh, yeah! That'd be great - safety in numbers and all that." That was a slip-up. She let her thoughts flow a little too easily, and now her own disquiet was exposed. Hopefully she was just overthinking it. "Let's… find a place to set up," she continued, trying to brush over it as quickly as she could.

"That's great!" Pia seemed most happy to hear Arrietty agree to her little schem- I mean idea. Her partner Pokémon seemed glad with the decision as well and had stopped following the Torchic around in circles, something Milla loved doing to show her excitement.

"I saw a place where we could camp a little bit further on the open field. I think we would be saf-" Pia stopped herself from speaking and coughed nonchalantly inside her fist. "I-I mean, open fields mean we can look at the stars. Stars are pretty." The other girl smiled and nodded in response, and the two made for the indicated spot.

A little later, the camp was all set up. Two tents sat next to each other amid the grassy plains of the Wild Area, surrounding a makeshift campfire courtesy of Torchic's Ember and a bit of scavenging for wood. The next step was making dinner.

Under her Pokémon's watchful eye, Arrietty was lifting up a large curry pot to place over the fire. "Easy now," she muttered to herself, and lowered her arms to set it down. She struggled somewhat with the weight, but other than the clang! of the pot hitting the tripod, it settled in place without trouble. Nothing spilled.

With a slight sigh of relief, she rose back to her feet. "Do you need any help, Pia?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking though." Pia replied, staring at the vegetables she was cutting for the curry they were making. For someone whose hands looked like they were getting daily manicures, she was unexpectedly good with her hands. One by one she skinned the vegetables and cut them in small squares that would make it easy enough to eat for Pokémon and trainer both. Milla and Prim were at her side taking a short nap from being excited and active throughout the day.

"Do you have any other Pokémon other than the Torchic, Arrietty?" Pia suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Huh? Er, no, not yet…" Arrietty glanced over at Wren momentarily, before sitting down not far from Pia. Wren returned her gaze inquisitively. Why did his trainer seem embarrassed about that?

"I thought we should get used to each other a little more first," she continued, folding her hands together in her lap. "What about you? Pichu was your starter, right? How did you meet Swablu?"

"Someone almost begged me to teach them how to catch a Pokémon and Prim just happened to be around." Pia stopped cutting for a little bit to focus on Arrietty. "Little did he know that this was my first time as well." The girl laughed sheepishly and continued her task of peeling. "Not that it was much of a catch… Prim is a bit quirky and naturally curious about things that happen around her. She pretended to put up a fight but she really just wanted to know what being someone's Pokémon would feel like. I offered her she could be someone else's Pokémon instead but she refused. I guess she likes Milla a lot." Pia raised her shoulders and shook her head.

Arrietty glanced at Prim as well, before turning back to Pia. "They do really seem to get on well. Still, it sounds impressive enough to me, having it decide to come with you like that. I doubt many trainers ask their captures if they really wanted to come along at all."

Pia shrugged. She didn't think it all that special and besides, Pia didn't really ask. Prim just decided to on her own and there was that.

"Could you start boiling some water? Season it as well. There should be spices in my bag." Pia pointed towards the pinkish bag she had been dragging around with her peeling knife.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Arrietty got up and quickly looked through the bag. It was way cuter than hers, and she feared Pia'd get upset if it even seemed like she was snooping, so she grabbed the small glass pots that looked like spices and hurried back over to the fire.

She'd already filled it with water earlier, and with the flame as it was, it was close to boiling, she was sure. Now to… season it. Season water? She'd only really helped out in the kitchen a little in the past. She knew you put salt in water before boiling rice, but did that count as seasoning? And this was such a large pot, to season this much water, you'd need… Arrietty began sprinkling in each of the spices she'd brought.

Pia on the other hand took her eyes off her work for just a second to glance at Arrietty, only to find out the girl was spacing out and pouring way too much salt into the pot.

"What are you doing?!" Pia got up very quickly and gently pushed Arrietty away from the pot. While the salt dropped to the floor, Pia grabbed Arrietty's hands to check if she had burned herself. She saw no burn marks and thus focussed her attention to the pot and the water. "Hm…" Pia sounded. She remembered that there were spoons in her bag. She grabbed one to taste a bit of the water. After blowing the heat away for a bit she brought the spoon to her mouth. "I think this can still be saved. I can peel a few more potatoes that can soak up the excessive salt." She spoke to herself.

Taken by surprise, Arrietty watched Pia's movements meekly after being pushed aside. "Um, er, sorry! Can I help to fix it still? Should I just replace the water? But that'd take way longer… sorry, I don't know, I'll just do whatever you need!"

Pia hummed for a second but then turned around to give the girl a genuine smile. Arrietty seemed to be of the airhead sort. The vibe she gave off was of a girl that needed someone to watch over her so that she doesn't hurt herself or get into trouble. What an odd girl.

"You're quite the airhead aren't you?" She commented eventually after a small sigh. "This can still be fixed, don't worry. Can you help me peel a few more potatoes?" Pia asked, leading the girl back to her sitting spot.

Arrietty's face turned bright red, and she averted her eyes for a second, before smiling apologetically. "I-I suppose." She knew Pia was right, but to hear it so outright stung nonetheless. She demurely followed to peel the vegetables as instructed, eager to put the mistake behind them as quickly as possible.

Shortly after, the trainers and Pokémon sat gathered around the campfire to finally enjoy the finished curry. Thanks to Pia's expertise, the curry tasted good, if still a little on the salty side. Not that it mattered at this point. The group was starving, and soon the only sound to be heard was the clanging of cutlery and the eager slurping of Pokémon.

Arrietty in particular was grateful for the moment of silence. She knew she'd been noticeably quieter since the cooking incident, but she struggled to strike up conversation again properly… especially without seeming like even more of an airhead.

Taking a look around, she realised the dark of night had crept up on them more than a little. The stars Pia had mentioned were out and offered a hint of solace, but since her eyes were adjusted to the light of the campfire, Arrietty could barely see out beyond the extent of their camp. Tension instantly crept up her back, and she turned back to the fire, suddenly eager to reignite conversation.

"It sure is dark all of a sudden… Days are getting short this late in the year," she started, trying her best not to sound nervous.

"They sure are." Pia commented. She looked up at the stars and took a few moments before she glanced back at Arrietty. She wasn't oblivious enough to not notice her attempts of making idle talk, something Pia wasn't well-versed in if there was no clear goal at the end. Yet she tried, in an attempt to make Arrietty feel more comfortable. "What are you going to do once we reach Motostoke?"

"Huh?" Arrietty was caught off guard by that question, and she fell from one source of nervousness into another. "Er, I don't really have… specific plans yet? Besides attending the opening ceremony of course. Do you?"

Pia's suspicions were right. It seemed like this girl had no ambitions at all. Was there nothing she would like to do as a trainer? Arrietty was one of the more quiet people in her class, unlike two other classmates that she could remember a little too well, but it made her think that this girl had a fire burning inside her ready to light her path that would lead to her ambition or goals. She was kind of disappointed to find out that was not the case. Surely there was something this girl would like to do?

"I need to find a dress suitable for wearing during contests. I had nothing at home that I could bring." Pia eventually replied, sighing only slightly at her own exhausting thoughts. It was that moment that it struck her. "Aren't you going to join the contests?"

Contests? Arrietty had to think about that for a moment. "I hadn't really considered it. I feel to do contests you need to be way more outgoing, like you, and like, Val and Aeliana from school, no? I'm probably better off staying out of the spotlight." She smiled a little sheepishly. Not to mention just getting through the Gym Challenge would probably be hard enough for her as it was. "Regardless, um, what kind of dress will you be looking for?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Pia sprung up, startling both Prim and Milla who sat beside her. She realised her own outburst and sat back down, coughing in her fist from the embarrassment. "Contests are for all people. Not just outgoing people… and besides, I'm sure you'll do well. Someone like you shouldn't stay out of the spotlights. Try to aim for a little bit more in your life." Pia lectured the girl that she was currently sharing a campsite with. It annoyed her to see someone like Arrietty trying to hide herself away so much. "How about this. I won't tell you what dress I'm looking for. Instead we'll go shopping together once we get to Motostoke. Let's join a contest together. Just one. If you don't like it you can just keep it at that but you will at least have tried." Pia returned her gaze to Arrietty and gave her a confident smile. Pia wasn't usually this involved with someone, especially if there was nothing to gain but somehow she just couldn't leave this girl to whatever fate had in store for her.

Equally gobsmacked as the Pokémon, Arrietty momentarily struggled to respond. "Er, um… sure!" she eventually stammered out, still watching the other girl with wide eyes. She was surprised Pia was so passionate about getting her on board. If anything, she'd be competition, right? Then again, if she was easy to beat, perhaps that didn't matter. "That sounds fun."

"Oh, it's going to be more than just fun~" Pia responded with a smirk that could easily belong to a Disney Villain, cancelling out the little bit of kindness she just showed. It put Arrietty on guard, but she didn't disagree, and that in turn satisfied Pia. "It's decided then. Let's clean up and get some sleep."

With the cookware washed and neatly put away, the girls sat around the campfire a little while longer, but eventually the wear of the day caught up with them. Each retreated to their own tents, where once tucked in beside their Pokémon, they fell asleep swiftly.

Silence fell over the little camp. The final crackles of the blackened wood provided a soothing backdrop for the slumbering youths. But of course, this was still the Wild Area. Milla, who had been acting as Pia's personal night lamp on her own accord, had her ear twitch from a sound coming further away from them than the campfire. Curious to what could be causing the sound she woke up the soundly sleeping Prim. Together they made their way outside the tent as quietly as they could so as to not wake up little miss sleeping beauty who was snoring silently but adorably.

"Chu chu!" Milla tried to explain to Prim that she heard something. From behind them, a quiet shuffling could be heard from the other tent as well. An angry little Torchic emerged from between the flaps of fabric, and hurried over to the pair, hushedly scolding them for making a ruckus when they were trying to sleep.

Milla held her tiny finger against her slightly bigger mouth in an attempt to calm down the chick Pokémon, then proceeded to point in the direction she heard the weird ruffling from. Just when she did that another ruffling could be heard from the bushes. Wren gave her another glare, but turned his gaze in the direction of the ruffling, and started to cautiously approach. He was followed by the Swablu and the Pichu although Prim still looked like she was actually sleeping.

As the group approached, another ruffle was heard from the bushes but this time it sounded like it was going to jump out at any time. Milla immediately took a defensive stance towards her blue friend but as soon as her back was turned, a huge white clothed figure flew out of the forest and bumped Milla over, making her roll over together with Prim who was immediately awake after this stunt.

"NEEEEEE NEEEEEEE!!' whatever it was screeched loud. Prim didn't think another second and used her beak to repeatedly jab at the "ghost". Wren joined in on the offensive, immediately launching a barrage of embers from its beak, aiming slightly overhead as to not graze the Swablu as well. Like a tag team battle, Milla jumped into the battle as well and hit the flying cloth with a Thunder Punch.

"NEEEEE!" The ghost staggered.

"What is going on over here?!" A very sleepy Pia crawled through the opening of her tent, woken up from the sounds of Pokémon battling. Her eyes immediately fell upon the ghost that both her and Arrietty's Pokémon were trying to fight. A loud scream left her throat while her face turned paler than the cloth itself.

In the tent next to hers, Arrietty shook awake from the screaming. She hastened out of her sleeping bag, and peeked outside, to see the scuffle going on ahead. Her eyes widened as her very own Wren interrupted his stream of fire to jump up and over the intruder, knocking it down to the ground in between the other Pokémon with a peck of his own. The blanket covering came off slightly to reveal a tuft of green underneath. Arrietty flinched at the impact, and she frantically rummaged for her Pokédex, desperate to identify the attacker as quickly as possible.

"Cottonee, the Cotton Puff Pokémon. Cottonee shoots cotton to distract its opponent when attacked, and travels around wherever the blowing wind carries it."

"It's a Cottonee!" Arrietty shouted towards Pia, while hurriedly crawling out of the tent too.

"It's a… what?" Pia almost instantly stopped screaming and grabbed her Pokédex to look up the information on Cottonee. "It's a Grass and Fairy Pokémon… huh." The not very impressed Pia stood up and walked over to the four Pokémon who had been fighting it out.

"Are you done?" She sternly said with her hands on her hips, staring down at them. Looking at how the Cottonee was struggling it seemed like it had been stuck inside that blanket the whole time.

Wren promptly stopped moving, impressed by the trainer standing over him, but then tried to pull off the blanket with his beak demonstratively. It flew off to reveal a fainted Cottonee.

"Oh dear…" Pia looked at it with sympathy. She instinctively went back to her tent to grab a potion and sprayed it on the Cottonee to heal its injuries and it opened its eyes in result, only staring at the girl in front of it. "That cloth… it's the one we used for dinner. It must've gotten stuck in it, unable to free itself." Pia spoke in the open air. Arrietty moved to stand beside her, and looked over her shoulder at the Pokémon in her arms.

Milla and Prim went over to the fainted Pokémon and patted it, feeling sorry for immediately attacking it rather than helping it out. Pia saw this and she just couldn't stay angry at the bunch. "You meant well. Arrietty and I are blessed that we have such good guards," the girl praised, and gave them a warm smile. She then glanced at Arrietty. "Right?"

Arrietty looked over at Wren, who was watching her expectantly. "Ah, yeah, you did well. Everyone did." She smiled a little too, and patted his head carefully. Wren narrowed his eyes for a second, but accepted the praise - even if he thought he clearly deserved more credit.

Pia smiled and turned back to her own Pokémon. The Cottonee looked up to her, staring at her with it's two big eyes. It was grateful for the potion it received, so grateful that even Prim and Milla now looked at her with their big eyes as well. Pia knew what they were trying to tell her. They were like children asking to keep a pet. Even though… well… they were all kinda pets.

"Fine! Fine…" Pia rolled her eyes and grabbed for another Pokéball. She hesitated for a moment because catching another Pokémon meant another mouth to feed but how could she refuse when they were looking at her like that? She reluctantly held the Poké ball in front of the Cottonee and pressed the white button. "Guess you'll be part of the "family" now." A red light surrounded the Grass and Fairy Pokémon and took it inside. The rocking of the ball was short but the moment it stopped she still sighed. Whether it was in relief or not was kept aside. "Your name shall be… Soma." She said, speaking to the closed ball in her hand. "Yeah… I like that." With a smile she glanced back at Arrietty.

The other trainer gently sighed with relief in turn. "Well done," she said, a weary smile on her lips. "That's quite enough excitement for one night, though… With the intruder caught, what say you we get some more sleep before the sun comes back out?" She rose back to her feet, and stretched tiredly, before beckoning Wren to follow her back to the tent.

"Uh… Yeah, you're right. Let's go to sleep." Pia yawned at the thought of it being midnight and glanced back at the four Pokémon. "You heard it guys, let's go." Pia stood up and walked back to her tent, her now three companions ran back inside the tent before the girl could even enter herself. "Good night, Arrietty." She gave the other girl a sleepy smile.

Arrietty reciprocated with a quiet "good night" of her own, and she let Wren into her tent first as well. Just as she knelt down to follow, a passing breeze sent a chill down her spine. She threw out a final look over her shoulder, but when nothing was in sight, she quickly crawled in after.

The calm of night returned to the little campground, and thoroughly exhausted, the girls fell swiftly back asleep. Unbeknownst to them, a faintly glowing orb floated out of the bushes, the same direction Cottonee had fled in from. It approached slowly, and as it did, the orb seemed to come into focus, as though the air itself had obscured its nature until then. It took the shape of a single piercing eye, accompanied by a small body clouded in shadow. For a little while, the apparition floated around the campsite. But by the time morning came around, all trace of it was gone… and the slumbering youths none the wiser.

When they awoke, Pia and Arrietty shared breakfast before packing back up. They resumed their travels separately, but at least exchanged numbers, and - despite some repressed reluctance from Arrietty's side - agreed to meet back up for some dress shopping when they both reached Motostoke.

COTTONEE was caught!

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Arrietty Maverick
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Spoiler: Inventory
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"I wound my way through the vivid green hills and followed the path to reach the Lake Miloch."

Another day on the road, and how glad Arrietty was that it was day, indeed. The night's sleep, or lack thereof, had reminded her just how inhospitable the Wild Area really was, and while she was glad to have spent the night with a classmate, both of them knew they couldn't grow stronger if they stuck together. Still, being alone again made Arrietty want nothing more than to reach Motostoke already.

At least she still had Wren with her. Today, he was walking by her side rather than ahead, but still kept a wary eye over their surroundings constantly. Clearly it was in his nature to be protective, but Arrietty felt a pang of guilt for the little guy even feeling like he had to take on so much responsibility.

The pair left the Rolling Fields to move into the area surrounding Lake Miloch. As the weather report had claimed, the temperature shift was immense, and the snowstorm ahead limited sight severely. At the cusp of the storm, Arrietty set her bag down to dig through her supplies. She pulled a big woolen sweater over her T-shirt, and a raincoat over that, to keep the wet snow from freezing her that way. Wren looked on curiously, but Arrietty shook her head. "I'm sorry, Wren, I didn't exactly pack anything your size. Do you think your inner flame can withstand the cold?" As she expected, the Torchic lifted his beak proudly, but she failed to notice the flash of disappointment that shot over his face before he turned away.

Packed back up, they moved on. The further they walked, the more the snow-cloaked landscapes around them transformed into icy wastes. The wind pulled at their cloaks, occasional freezing gales cutting through. When her teeth began to clatter, Arrietty wrapped a thick scarf around her, but Wren trudged on unwaveringly. She hastened to keep up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, but received no response. Did he not hear, because of the howling wind? Surely she hadn't been that quiet?

Their attention was suddenly caught by a sound from their right. Someone shouting? No, barking. When the sound approached, trainer and Pokémon braced themselves to be jumped - until the silhouette of a Yamper became visible through the blizzard.

It was barking frantically, and sprinted straight towards them when it noticed. Arrietty gasped, convinced it would attack, but it stopped dead in its tracks a few feet away, its cries softening to a desperate whine. "What? You're not going to—?" She watched Wren drop his guard and chirp back at the Yamper, before both of them cried out towards her. Determination in one's eyes, distress in the other's. Arrietty swallowed. "He needs our help, does he? O-Okay, let's go."

The Pokémon led her to the edge of a frozen Lake Miloch. Yamper simply started running out over it, and Torchic didn't hesitate to follow. The girl wasn't as confident. Carefully putting her weight on the edge of the water, it seemed safe. But if that didn't hold up towards the middle, she could—

"Help! PLEASE!"​

The sudden voice nearly threw her off balance. It was accompanied by sounds of splashing water, and cracking ice. Someone had already fallen in. Immediately, Arrietty dropped her bag and pulled her Rotom Phone from her pocket, intending to call the emergency number and send out a distress signal. Except, of course in these conditions, there was no signal. Cursing under her breath, she left the phone on in her bag before turning back to the lake.

Vaguely remembering survival strategies, she took a breath and started to crawl over the ice on all fours. She instantly regretted not bringing gloves as her bare hands stung from the cold, but at least this way she could follow. "Hold on! I'm coming!" she shouted as loud as her lungs could manage.

Cold and fear both were seeping into her bones, freezing and frightening her to her core. She was shivering, no, shaking at this point, keeping her gaze fixed only on the next few inches of ice. Absolutely terrified of even the slightest crack appearing below her. Moving forward this way seemed to take an eternity.

Encouraging barks and chirps from ahead prompted her to look up. Finally, the two Pokémon were in sight again, standing next to a hole in the ice. Only now did Arrietty realise that the voice and splashing she heard earlier had gone quiet now. Yamper whined desperately, and seemed to be walking away from the hole, stamping on the ice. That meant… his trainer had gotten stuck under it. And it was incredibly difficult to see the opening from underneath, wasn't it?

Taking a breath to steady her nerves, Arrietty crept up beside Wren. His gaze was fixed on the Yamper too, only looking up at his trainer momentarily. Arrietty bit her lip and looked over her two companions, considering the best course of action now. A fire and an electric-type…

"Wren, can you melt the ice above her?!" she suggested in a fluster. Wren looked at her in surprise for a second, but then nodded firmly. He jumped up into the air and launched a flurry of embers out onto the ice. It melted swiftly, but as soon as the burning cinders hit the water underneath, bubbles and steam rose up from it, making the trainer recoil. Worse yet, the rising temperature sent a loud crack through the surrounding ice, making Arrietty freeze in place with fear. This time, Wren stopped his attack by himself, remembering this strategy failing last time they were out on the water as well.

Now what were they going to do?! She certainly couldn't jump into the water herself, and the Pokémon were too small to—

With another loud splash and a gasp, the drowning trainer rose up to the surface in the hole Torchic's embers had created. She desperately grabbed hold of the ice, and the Yamper bit her sleeve to try and pull, with Wren hastening to her other arm to help. Even still, they couldn't pull her upward and out.

Enough. Arrietty steeled her nerves and started unwrapping the scarf from her neck. The length of the thick, well-woven wool could function as a rope just as well, and she threw it out towards the struggling girl in the water. The latter gratefully grabbed hold of the fabric, and the Pokémon switched to pulling on it as well - with Arrietty as the anchor, a few feet further back. She roared with the exertion, and the ice creaked and tore below, but finally— finally the drowning trainer managed to get out and onto the ice.


The stranger sat on all fours and crawled away from the hole, with her Yamper gratefully licking her face all the while. Both trainers released a deep sigh, and instantly chuckled when they heard the other do the same.

"Can you keep going? We need to get off the water." The other girl nodded, and with their Pokémon's support, the trainers crawled back towards the shore. Once there, the girl, who introduced herself as Penny, instructed her Yamper find and bring the backpack she'd left behind before venturing out on the ice. The group travelled a little farther to find an area with some shelter from the blizzard. There, Arrietty and the Pokémon worked on getting a campfire going, while Penny changed into some drier clothes. Soon, they were all gathered around the fire, nibbling on some snacks.

"Still, I can't believe you'd just walk over the ice like that..."

"It looked safe! It's been snowing for days, and with temperatures like these, not to mention the Pokémon attracted by them, I really thought it'd have gotten plenty thick!"

Arrietty shook her head in disbelief, but smiled a little. "I'm glad we could get to you in time at least. Your Yamper was so brave, to go out by itself to find help, too."

"Well, so was your Torchic!" Penny retorted, having regained her spirit after warming up inside and out. "It was super brave for him to come out onto the water despite being a Fire-type, y'know?"

Arrietty glanced at Wren for a moment. He was uncharacteristically quiet, despite having just been complimented, and simply continued to eat his meal. "I'd say it was reckless, rather... we didn't even know if we'd be able to help yet, and before I knew it, he and Yamper were both gone from my sight," she complained, turning back to the other trainer. "We're just starting out, after all. That ember, too, ended up putting you in more danger than it helped—"

At that, a loud clanking noise was heard from Wren's direction. He'd knocked over his bowl of food, and was looking at Arrietty furiously. Chirping loudly, he walked up to her a few steps - until something in his expression seemed to break. Just for a second. Then he immediately turned away and stormed off into the blizzard.

Both trainers were stunned momentarily, until Penny angrily spoke up. "What are you talking about?! The embers didn't hurt me! They helped me to see where I could swim up!" Arrietty had risen to her feet instinctively, but was now frozen in place watching the blizzard in the direction of Wren's exit. It took Penny to stand up too for her to snap back to it. "Well, now what are you waiting for?! Go after him!"

"O-Okay! You stay here, I'll find him!"

Arrietty hastily grabbed the still half-wet scarf, wrapping the dry part around her neck again at least. The rest hung limply over her shoulder, almost reaching past her hips with its remaining length. With a final nod and a look over her shoulder, she too stormed off to brave the freezing winds outside.


Sachiko Akabane

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Epoch 2.5: Lake Axwell
Meeting Men in Black! (Part 2)

"Pokemon?" Sachi repeated, looking down to see Snover still clinging onto her, but his eyes were on the man, and he looked scared as hell. She didn't know what was going on, but Snover looked pretty scared of the male, and with the injuries he had, something came to mind. "Have you been attacking Snover?"

"Sadly. I've been trying to catch that pokemon, but he would somehow avoid being captured, so I had my pokemon hurt him every time he refused to be caught." The male smiled, a shadow appeared beside the man, revealing a Drapion.

The teen's eyes widened at the information, arms circling to hold the Snover close, "W-What?" He hurt Snover because he didn't want to be captured? That's absurd!

"So you think my methods are crazy too?" Sachi's eyes widened even further at the male's words, slowly looking up into his eyes, seeing an unknown glint in his eyes, "I can tell by your expression. So please," Drapion moved forward, standing in front of the male as he got ready to strike the Snover. "Move aside."

"No way!" Sachi glared, pushing Snover behind her as Tora jumped out of her Parka and landing in front of her after sensing her anger. She was slowly getting more and more angry, the males nonchalant attitude towards what he's doing, doesn't he see that it's wrong?!

"No?" the male repeated, a dark look overtaking his features. "Miss, I insist you move. This has nothing to do with you."

"Not moving." Sachi retorted, keeping her glare leveled at the male.

"Drapion," the male called out, "Get rid of the girl and punish Snover."

Drapion let out a roar before charging straight at them, crossing his arms in front of his face, where his claws started to glow purple.

Seeing the move, caused Snover to let out a frightened squeak, enticing Sachi into action. She quickly grabbed Snover's arm and moved sideways, pulling the forest tree pokemon with her, and barely managed to dodge the Cross Poison. It caused her hood to fall and her hair to spill out, getting a gasp from the male. He stared at her hair with an unidentified expression for awhile before closing his eyes, regaining his composure and opening them.

"So that's your choice… Very well, Drapion." The male called Drapion back, throwing another pokeball in the air. Seconds later, an Alolan Raticate appeared, chattering its teeth angrily. "If you can defeat my pokemon, i'll reconsider capturing Snover. You can use as many pokemon as you need."

Sachi bit her lip, the only way to escape the male and Drapion was to accept the offer, but what if he was lying and attacked anyways in the end? She looked down at the scared Snover, then towards Tora, only to see the feline already looking at her. They stared for a while before nodding, Sachi calling out all her pokemon, "Aria! Gex!" Aria cooed as she landed on Sachi's shoulder with Gex jumping in her arms, whimpering at the cold weather. "Gex, stay with me. Aria, you're fighting alongside Tora!"

Aria cooed before flapping over to Tora, halting right above the feline as said pokemon hissed at Drapion, who only stared back.

"My name is Karasu and this Drapion is my partner, Scorpio." the male, Karasu, introduced before placing the suitcase beside him, crossing his arms. "Mind telling me your name, miss?"

"...Sachi." The teen glared, not giving her full name, knowing the consequences that might happen if she does so. She slapped herself for even thinking this guy was handsome, that's nothing compared to what he just spewed.

"I see…" Karasu nodded, "Scorpio, entertain them." Was the male's orders, causing Drapion, or Scorpio, to nod before stepping in front of the male in a battle stance.

"Tora, Bite! Aria, Disarming Voice!"

Tora's teeth glowed, as he charged at Scorpio. The ogre pokemon's claws glow a whitish-purple as he gets ready to counter the move when he suddenly moves to the side. Where he was before, Aria's musical notes hit, missing their target. Tora quickly changed directions to bite Scorpio, but his teeth were blocked by the scorpion pokemon's glowing claws, pushing the feline back.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"You do know that they don't stand a chance?" Sachi snapped her head to her right, seeing Karasu only a few feet away. She turned her body, pushing Snover behind her as Gex climbed to her shoulders, hissing at the male.

"..." Sachi didn't reply, only glaring at Karasu, causing the male to laugh. He gave the teen a grin, unnerving the girl.

"No worries, I won't kill you. But I can't promise that you'll come out of this unharmed." The male smirked.

"Why?" Sachi questioned, keeping her distance from the male.

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Tora snarled and jumped at Scorpio, aiming another Bite, when the scorpion grabbed his body and threw him away, as if he was a rag doll. Tora yowled, his landing causing some snow to rise from the sudden intrusion.

Aria cooed at where Tora was thrown before glaring at the scorpion, cawing angrily. Scorpio only gave the cotton bird a blank look. Aria opened her mouth, letting out another cry of music notes at the ogre, but said pokemon creates a purple circular shield of energy in front of itself, protecting it from the musical notes.

Once the shield was down, Scorpio used Cross Poison, sending an 'X'-shaped energy at Aria. Before she could move, the move hit her, causing her to fall to the snow with a pained cry. As Scorpio lowered his arms, he turned and lifted an arm, blocking Tora's Bite with his Night Slash, only to git Tora across the stomach with his other arm. Tora yowled as he was, once again, thrown back.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Why?" repeated Karasu, "It's for my superiors, one of their many requests."

"Name?" Sachi didn't know who Karasu was working for, but she didn't like them already if they were giving requests like this!

"I believe that's classified, Sachi-dear." Karasu grinned.

"Sachi-dear?" Sachi repeated with a glare, her body tensed from the male's words. "Don't call me that." Only her grandmother can call her that!

"You are in no position to refute miss."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Scorpio's claws glowed whitish-purple, ripping through Tora's ember before it could reach him. He then lifted a claw, blocking Aria's Peck with his Night Slash, pushing the cotton bird back. Aria almost fell, but managed to regain her elevation in time, flapping her wings to take to the skies once again.

Scorpio hissed before rushing towards Tora, striking the feline backwards, seeing the former flying back a few feet, also causing snow to fly along the way. Aria swooped down with her beak glowing, ready to peck the scorpion from behind, but said pokemon's head turned completely. Aria squawked at the unexpected surprise, but wasn't ast enough to dodge Scorpio's Night Slash, only resulting in the same effects as Tora.

Tora slowly got up, baring his teeth at the scorpion pokemon. He was exhausted, his muscles burned, and in pain. No matter how much he fights Scorpio, the pokemon somehow manages to either dodge, block, or use a shield. It's frustrating!

Aria pushed at the snow with her wings, forcing herself up. Scorpio's move took a lot out of her, but she still had some energy left to protect her trainer. The scorpion pokemon may be powerful, but she wasn't going to let him walk over them.

Tora and Aria narrowed their eyes before charging once more, continuing their battle with the powerful scorpion pokemon.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Leave...alone." Sachi uttered, moving a few steps back with Snover behind her following her steps, but Karasu only stepped forward the same amount of steps.

"I can't do that." Karasu refused, "I need that Snover."

Sachi turned her head to the Snover, then back at Karasu, and looked between the two for a few seconds before turning back to Snover. "Sorry…"

Snover was confused by Sachi's short phrase, as well as Karasu, but her next actions explained why.

She grabbed an empty pokeball from her belt before quickly tapping Snover on the head, causing the device to absorb the pokemon. She quickly held the pokeball in front of her chest, ignoring the 'beeping' from the pokeball as she glared at Karasu.

"So that's how you want to play…" Karasu hummed before swiftly walking over to the girl, causing Sachi to stumble back as the space between got shorter.

"No...Stay back!" Sachi snapped, hugging the pokeball close as she tried to get far away from the male, but Karasu was taller, had longer legs, meaning a longer stride. He managed to grab her arm in a tight grip, pulling her back to use his other hand to try and grab the pokeball.

"Give me the pokemon!" Karasu snapped, his smile was gone and replaced with a frown, his eyes now held annoyance instead of amusement.

"Never!" Sachi retorted, trying to get out of the male's grip, but she underestimated his strength. However, Gex appeared and slapped the male in the face with his tail, causing Karaus to stumble back with a pained cry. Sachi quickly moved back, clipping Snover's pokeball to her belt under her parka, before kicking Karasu away with all her strength, causing the male to fall backwards.

"You *****!" cursed Karasu as he quickly got back up, glaring at Sachi and Gex. "I was being nice, but my face and hair are now dirty!"

"The deal!" Sachi recalled, grabbing Gex and hugging him close before he can launch himself at the male.

"**** the deal! My hair and face are more important! It's void!" Karasu snarled before marching over.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Tora yowled, landing in the snow for the- he forgot, but it didn't matter! All he knew was that his body was tired as hell and he wanted to just faint, but his will to protect his human was stronger. He refused to faint while she was in danger! He forced himself to stand, noticing that Aria had already fainted, but wasn't returned. Confused, Tora slowly turned his head, only to see his human was being man-handled by the male human with Gex doing his best to ward the male away.

The moment his eyes laid on the scene, Tora gave out a loud screech. Instead of charging at Scorpio, he charged at the male, his claws glowing and ready to hurt the human who dares to man-handle his human!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sachi was doing her best to push away Karasu, even with Gex's help, but he proved to be a strong man. When Gex slapped him again, he retaliated with grabbing Ge's tail and throwing him away. Before Sachi could call out Gex's name, Karasu got behind her and placed a hand on her mouth, the other grabbing her arm from behind.

She heard a loud screeching and turned to the left, only to see Tora charging in their direction with his nais glowing. She called out his name, but it came out muffled due to the hand covering her mouth.

"Tch." Karasu glared at the approaching feline, smirking when Scorpio halted Tora's charge by grabbing the fire cat with his mouth, his jaw was covered in light blue, icy energy. Tora yowled in pain, trying to get out of his grip, but it was futile. "Throw that cat away, I need to get the Snover from this ***** before we dispose of them."

Sachi screamed when Tora was thrown away roughly, but tensed when she felt Karasu release his grip on her arm, instead aiming to see where she put Snover's pokeball.

"Where's-" Karasu was interrupted when Gex appeared out of nowhere, lunging at Karasu while surrounded in a white outline with a white trail. He tackled the male from the side, forcing him to release Sachi and stumble back.

Sachi quickly gained her composure and moved back a few steps, grabbing Gex along the way. "Quick Attack? Good job Gex!" She praised the wood gecko pokemon, who clicked excitedly at his 'mothers' praise. "Aria! Tora!" She turned to where the battle previously was and saw Aria was fainted with tora nowhere in sigh. Quickly returning the cotton bird, she was about to look for the fire cat when Karasu interrupted her.

"Scorpio!" Sachi snapped her head, seeing Karasu standing with a furious glare, Scorpio appearing at his side. "Knock her out. We've taken too long and we can't afford to lose any more time." Scorpio hissed before turning to Sachi and Gex, taking slow steps in their direction.

Sachi didn't know what to do! Gex was definitely outmatched and wouldn't be able to defeat Scorpio the Drapion! And she didn't know how to fight a pokemon, but she couldn't run either, Tora was still out there and she had to find him! "Tora!"

As Scorpio's claw began to glow a familiar color, she heard a familiar, but yet unfamiliar screech. Tora appeared, but as he stopped in front of her, his body began to glow, causing Scorpio to halt in his tracks.

Tora's silhouette grew, his paws and legs were longer and looked stronger, his claws sharper, his whiskers are definitely longer with a small piece of fur dangling up from his forehead, his tail wasn't as long and became shorter but was bushier, and right below his head and in front of his neck was a yellow/orange bell-like accessory. Basically, his silhouette shifted into a different form! Seconds later, the light vanished, revealing Tora's new appearance.

"Tora… evolved?" Sachi whispered, shocked at the sudden development.

Tora was still badly injured, but his will and strength to protect his human was keeping him up and standing. He couldn't allow the male and that scorpion anywhere near his human!

"Tch. That won't do anything, Scorpio." At Karasu's call, Scorpio's claws regained their previous glow, ready to charge.

Tora took a stance, but flinched falling to his stomach when his injuries were starting to catch up. "Tora!" Sachi quickly kneeled down by the feline, wrapping her arms around her injured partner. Hearing the crunch of snow, she looked up and saw Scorpio approach them.

Just as he was going to charge, a leg struck out, kicking Scorpio back. The ogre scorpion pokemon grunted at the strength, stumbling back from the powerful kick.

"Hey, kiddo!" Sachi turned to her right, only to see the same man who handed Gex over to her, his cloak was still covering his body. "Heal your pokemon."

"You're-" Sachi cut herself off, looking down at Tora. She wanted to ask the man many questions, but first things first! She had to get Tora and Aria healed before anything else "Thanks mister!" Sachi quickly placed her bag down, opened it, and grabbed two oran berries. Closing the container and bag, she had Tora eat the two berries before placing the bag on her back.

"Fine." Sachi glanced up, seeing Karasu let out a frustrated sigh before glaring at the man, a Blaziken appearing at his side. Scorpio, from his place beside Karasu, glared at the intruding pokemon. "I'll let this one slide, but it won't be the same next time. I've already wanted too much time here." Karasu threw something at the man before turning, leaving the vicinity with Scorpio following behind.

"Here." The vermillion haired teen turned and saw the man throw something at her, cousin her to gasp, barely catching the item. "Must be for you, I don't need it." Sachi looked at the item and saw it was a TR, an item she learned about in trainer school, and since it had a green tint, it was a grass type move. "I'll be leaving now, kiddo."

"W-Wait!" Sachi called, but the man had already left with his Blaziken. She didn't know what to think, the man had left for the train weeks before, but then just appeared out of nowhere right in front of her! Who was he? She shook her head from the thoughts as she slowly stood, holding Tora in her arms. "I have to find a safe area so they can heal…" After what just happened, Sachi just wanted to rest and think it all through. And Snover… she caught Snover so it would be easier to protect him and he can't get caught by the strange pokeball, but she had a feeling he wasn't the kind to want to battle all the time. "Also, I have an idea for Snover too…" With a small plan in mind, Sachi hoped that she would reach Motostoke soon. She had enough drama and excitement for a while, and hoped that she wouldn't encounter another one of those men in black soon. Forget him being handsome, she is ashamed to have though that man like that, even if it was only once. Karasu was a powerful man, and she didn't want to meet him again anytime soon, or ever.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Tora Evolved into Torracat!
"When facing a powerful enemy, Torracat's fighting spirit gets pumped up, and its fire bell blazes hotter. / It boasts powerful front legs. With a single punch, it can bend an iron bar right over. / It can act spoiled if it grows close to its trainer. A powerful Pokemon, its sharp claws can leave its Trainer whole body covered in scratches." - Pokedex Entries

- - - - - - - - - - - -

At Home:
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Inn for a penny, inn for a pound!
pt. 1


Three weeks of fucky weather, finally over. Never before in his life had Jasper so enjoyed the thought of a warm room and a soft bed. Almost as much as he expected he'd enjoy actually making use of them. He'd dragged his feet to the Pokémon center and forced his eyelids not to sag while Motostoke's Nurse Joy tried to make conversation with him, even if he wasn't much good for speaking back. The instant he could feel secure in the knowledge that he'd done his due diligence for Faust and Dispo, he shuffled to the Budew Drop Inn and lazily shoved the door open.

Jasper's drooping eyes and big yawn made it easy to ignore everything around him until he reached the counter and put his Advanced Trainer ID on the table, letting it speak to his purpose for itself, The only response he received was for the receptionist to point over his shoulder, back towards the door. The nervous look on his face woke him up just enough to actually take in the sight that awaited him when he turned around. "Aw, fuckin' Slowbro taint."


Rosa had finally escaped the Wild Area. It'd been a long three weeks, and she'd spent far longer in it than she'd intended. With the bikes that her and Simon had fought for, getting through the Wild Area unscathed should have been a non-issue. However, every time she stopped to rest something else just had to pop up.

After healing her Pokemon and heading for the stadium - knowing that the Inn they were supposed to be staying at was nearby - Rosa was dead tired and running on fumes. After the fight against the red-eyed Pokemon, she'd rode nonstop to Motostoke. She'd finally had enough of the Wild Area's wonders, and its charm had completely worn off. The prospect of a soft bed and a warm bath delighted her immensely. Not to mention that she hadn't really eaten anything besides fruits, granola, and a little bit of smoked Magikarp she'd found lying around an abandoned camp. It wasn't exactly a graceful experience by any means, and she was glad that there was no-one there to see her at her lowest points, but she did what she had to do. She'd already made a mental note to prepare better before entering the Wild Area again.

But that was all consideration for some other time. For now-

"Bed," the girl grumbled as she shuffled along. Her body was slow, and sluggish. Her eyes felt like they weighed a ton, and every few steps that she took was followed by a loud and ugly open-mouth yawn. But, despite her desperate need for sleep, when she finally reached the Budew Drop Inn she was met with a sight that she just couldn't ignore. "Oh for fuck's sake." She groaned, after seeing a number of officers crowding around the entrance to the Inn. "I just want to sleep." She rubbed her eyes and cried lightly. Her eyes were already bloodshot and on fire, and her bun which she'd managed to keep intact for the last three weeks looked more like a bird's nest at this point than anything.

"Hey, you bobbies mind?" Rosa was surprised to hear a voice from the opposite side of the commotion break through and grab the cops' attention. "Some people are lookin' for a little shut-eye, can't you take your shit somewhere else?" She knew that grousing from anywhere.

She groaned slightly once more, not knowing if she had the energy to put on a face for her ex-classmate. She'd had some hope that getting here early enough she could avoid running into anyone she knew, but her luck was already running on empty. With a sigh, she straightened up and stood on her tip-toes, doing her best to peek through the wall of officers between them. "Ja-Jasper!" She called out as she leaned from side to side in response to the officers quick shuffling.

She grunted, irritated that this was happening at all when she was already so tired. But having someone to vouch for her person in case they tried searching her could be helpful. "Maximum effort," she whispered as she crouched down and crawled through the wall of men and women who were shouting and arguing indistinguishably.

As she popped out from the other side, she found herself right in front of the boy she'd been calling out to before. As far as appearances went, she was a complete trainwreck, but she did her best to put on a cute face. "J-Jasper!" She stumbled forward, acting as if she hadn't seen him until just now since her voice had been drowned out. She didn't want it to seem like she was too desperate to find him. "Didn't think I'd see you here so early. Do you know what's going on with all… this?" She tried her best to play innocent while motioning behind her, despite the fear that was beginning to eat away at her about the styler in her bag.

""Not a damn thing. I just wanted some sleep after the three shittest weeks of my life since coming to Galar, only to find out the coppers don't want to let me. What's up with you? Pretty brave crawling through cops." He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rosa nodded and gave a weak, but triumphant smile up at him. "Really just the same. The Wild Area knocked me down and kicked me all over. I'm honestly just ready to get in and sleep before the big day tomorrow. With all the time that's passed, I've already got all these ideas for my uniform but-"

Just as Rosa began to get too deep into her reply, their conversation was broken up by the screeching of the woman who was now being taken to the ground in the center of the group of officers. It was a young girl, no older than either of them, but they were being forceful with her and treating her as if she were a person twice her size.

"I didn't do it! Let me go! Please, please! I have to be at the ceremony tomorrow! I was set up, please, you have to listen to me!" The girl pleaded with the officers who were pushing her against the ground. Her eyes were filled with tears as they frantically darted around, searching for anyone that might be able to help her.

Rosa took a few steps back, all the color in her face disappearing as she watched the police forcing themselves upon the girl. "That… that doesn't look or sound good…" She squeezed her arm, contemplating whether or not she should get involved in the current situation. Her gaze slowly rose to Jasper's face, waiting to gauge his reaction before taking action herself. Without knowing the situation, getting involved could potentially serve to only worsen things, but it's not like anyone would pay attention to her on her own anyways.

His face clenched up and reddened. Before he even realized what he was doing Jasper shoulder-checked one of the policemen away from the girl and put a hand on Faust's pokéball. "Oi! Th'fuck is wrong with you bunch of shitbricks! Beatin' up on a little girl just for being a suspect?!" The officer Jasper had shoved lurched toward him only for one of the others to put a hand on his shoulder and step forward to speak. "Stay back unless you want to get taken in for obstruction of justice, young man."

Rosa stepped up behind Jasper, closing the distance behind them. He was within arm's reach now, but she was well-enough hidden thanks to her small stature. She dropped her hand into her pocket, feeling around for Yzma's ball in case things got too rough and they needed to run. She glanced up at the towering figure of Jasper, and then over at the cop who was scrambling to pick himself up after having been knocked over.

She looked up to a few of her classmates for various reasons. For some, certain traits of their personality resonated with her. For others, they had traits that she wished she could also have. For most, it was how true they were to themselves. She was the only one who felt she had to put up fronts around everyone else, but all the other classmates could just be who they were. And now, there was Jasper. In the two times she'd run into him since graduation, he'd shown that he was much more than she'd initially thought. She'd looked up to him initially for the constant care he'd given to his Larvitar, but now… it wasn't so much looking up to him, as it was just a feeling of respect. But… how would she be able to tell him how she felt? At the very least, that wasn't the most important thing to be worried about right this minute.

Jasper opened his mouth and each of the three officers not holding down the suspect put a hand on their nightsticks, forcing him to take a breath. "At least tell me what it is you think she did."

The cops looked at each other, then back at Jasper. The one he'd pushed off the girl looked like he still wanted to tackle the young man for his insolence, but before he could say anything the calmest of the three spoke up. "Well, with the amount of traffic this place gets and all the commotion going on it's not like there'd be any hiding it even if we wanted to. The crown jewel of the Budew Drop Inn is a solid gold Budew statue. This girl has been at the inn all day and several different people saw her admiring the statue at different times. Wanna know where the statue is now? So do we, because it's nowhere to be found. Someone stole the statue."

"Just because she liked the thing doesn't mean -"

The officer put up a hand to silence him. "As soon as we tried to question her, she freaked out and tried to run. Ever since we grabbed her she's been ranting and raving. We have no other suspects, what are we supposed to do, let her go?"

Jasper didn't have anything smart to say to that, he looked down at the girl, then at the cops, teeth grit in frustration. "Can't you at least restrain her more quietly? Take her down to the station to calm down or something?" He finally forced out.

"Not until the detective gets here to question her and launch a proper investigation. She's across town, already dealing with something else. But until she's here we need every potential witness to stay awake and available, and she can't go anywhere."

Jasper rubbed the back of his head in frustration, messing up his hair even worse under the hood than it already was. "All I want to fucking do is get some sleep...Fine then! If you cross-eyed Slowpokes won't let me get any rest, then I'll just figure out what happened myself so you can naff the hell off!"

"J-Jasper," Rosa tugged at his jacket, not wanting to irritate him any further. "If it'll help to expedite the process and to potentially clear the girl's name, I'd be happy to help you figure out what exactly is going on here."

"Course you can." He said as if he'd been waiting for her offer. "You pay a lot of attention to the stuff and people around you. Like analyzing things, understanding them. Or at least, you put in the effort to. The sooner this is dealt with the sooner we can sleep, right?"

"Amen to that." She didn't even register his reasoning behind it. All she heard was him giving her the go-ahead. She glanced around quickly, taking in all the people around them. "I think it might be better if you take the route of questioning the suspects and passerby. Seeing how I am, they'd probably just laugh me off as a little kid playing detective. So I'll search around the building and see if I can uncover anything; that sound good to you?"

Jasper looked up at the ceiling curiously. "I guess. I figured people'd be more accommodating for a cute girl who dresses nice than some angry guy in a hoodie, but if that's what you want." He cracked his knuckles and smirked. "Faust and I will get everyone to spill the beans or I'm a Mankey's uncle."

Rosa smiled. Yeah, he'd definitely be able to get a more direct story than she would. Her eyes felt like they were burning out of their sockets, but it was time to go full detective. She pulled the sweater over her head, folded it, and placed it in her bag before walking over to the check-in clerk. "Do you mind holding these things for me? Thanks."

The clerk nodded his head and took the items. "Until the investigation is over we aren't giving out any more rooms, but are you planning to check-in as well or-"

Rosa had already turned away and was walking out the door. Her mind was set on figuring this investigation out as quickly as possible and getting to sleep. Everything else could wait.

There was only one place to go first and foremost. No sooner had Rosa exited the room than did Jasper stomp over to the front desk - half for effect and half to keep his balance through the exhaustion. The clerk's eyes widened at the aggressive gait of the guy he'd seen come close to tackling an officer and get away with it. When Jasper slammed his hand down on the desk and leaned down to eye level to properly glare into the man's nervous eyes, he couldn't look away. "So, you're here all day for the most part, yeah?" The man started to nod but Jasper cut him off to continue. "Statue was over there, right?" He punctuated his query with a thrust of his finger towards the now-empty shelf between the two elevators to the left of the desk.

"Yes, sir." The clerk responded, starting to calm down a bit. "But I don't just 'sit here all day', I have many other duties, like -"

"Tch!" Jasper interrupted the man with a click of his tongue Bede would be proud of, leaning closer to get in his face. "I don't give a shit if the idea hurts your pride, bell boy. Nobody spends more time around or within view of that statue than you. So it stands to reason, you should've seen the girl most of the times she was looking at it, ay? You can see pretty much everything on this level from here and she couldn't see the statue from anywhere that YOU couldn't see HER seeing it." The man nodded rather than try to say anything else he knew wouldn't be of use.

The trainer straightened up and out of his personal space to sigh. "First real question should be easy enough for you. Were the bobbies for true? Did the girl spend a lot of time out here looking at the Budew?""

After a moment of more nodding, the clerk found his voice. "Yes sir, of course she did. I mean, a lot of people stare, but not usually multiple times a day in a single visit. I really hope she isn't the culprit…" The man sounded almost heartbroken at the idea. "I just thought she was a fan with good taste in decoration - and pokémon." Jasper rolled his eyes and rested his left elbow on the desk.

"Anyone else do some window shopping?"

"As I said, I'm not at this desk scanning for suspicious activity the whole day, but no. Nobody that I saw gave the pride of the inn much more than a cursory glance. I found it a bit insulting, to be honest."

Is he being serious? Are all the workers here like this or is he just crazy? What kind of twisted orientation must this place have if it's not just him? Jasper shook his head. This numpty's as useless as a legless Ariados. "Fuck it, gimme a staff key."

"Excuse me?"

"Staff key, the ones that open any guest room? Give it. I got questions for some other people too. C'mon, help out that girl who shares your love of...fine art."

"Sir I can't just give one of our staff keys to some boy just because he's taking some investigation on his own sho-"

"You're right." Jasper interrupted the man yet again and pushed off the counter, strolling towards the elevators. "Banging on their doors will be faster anyways. Cops said nobody sleeps until the detective gets here, right?

"Nonononono, please!" The man huffed, stumbling over to Jasper and holding out the card with an alacrity that actually impressed him. Jasper smirked and took the card, then gave a cheeky salute with it and stepped into the now open elevator - which immediately closed.

The first floor of guest rooms was almost a waste of time. Jasper hadn't expected too much from it, figured most of those people were down in the lobby or had already left to go sleep somewhere else. Every room was empty of both occupants and guests...up until the very last one. When Jasper raised his hand to knock on the door it opened with such inconvenient timing that he almost lost his balance when his knuckles swung through empty air.

"Oh, hello there." Standing in the doorway was a tall, almost statuesque man in a very crisp black suit, gleaming lapel of a pokéball standing proud on his chest. His hair was slicked back in a suave business cut and his brown eyes took in everything before him with an air of mild amusement. "Can I help you?" He queried the would-be intruder on his privacy.

Jasper raised an eyebrow at the man's appearance. Where the hell did he have to be tonight that he was this done up? "I wanted to ask if you knew anything about the whole mess with the Budew statue."

The man smiled warmly up to his eyes and reached into his coat. "Ah, yes, strange bit of business, that. I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of answers for you. I've been in my room most of the day today, reading and relaxing." The probing hand withdrew a small platinum case, so pristine that it glinted unmistakably even in the dim light at this end of the hallway. "I was just on my way out for a smoke before I go downright Zubatty from lack of fresh air."

"You're going to smoke...for fresh air?" Jasper asked.

At that the man's smile became flat thought for a moment before he laughed and pinched the bridge of his nose with a black-gloved hand. "Oh dear, hell of a contradiction, isn't it? Makes about as much sense as smoking in the first place...terrible habit, but I can't quite seem to kick it. Tell you what: you seem like an alright young chap. I don't know much, but ask me anything that comes to mind and I'll tell you what I can."

"Why are you here?" Jasper took him up on his offer without any hesitation.

"The best reason there could be to visit Motostoke about now: the Opening Ceremony to this year's run of the Pokémon League, of course. It's soon and I'm a big fan. I got this lapel when I went to watch last year's championship, you know."

"Did you see the girl looking at the statue like everyone else?"

"I only passed by the poor thing once and she certainly was looking but it didn't strike me as anything beyond mere admiration, maybe a touch of nostalgia."

"Did you see anyone else looking at the statue?"

"Only the receptionist, but perhaps he was simply watching the girl? The staff of the Budew Drop Inn certainly seem quite attached to it. Maybe they aren't completely trusting of anyone looking at it as much as she supposedly did."

Jasper wanted to say more, wanted to search the guy's room...but he was already pushing his luck with these questions. He had the key and all but the guy hadn't said anything that he could really use to justify barging in if it came back on him. He'd have to come back after the guy was gone if he couldn't find anything better.

The man stepped out of his room without missing a beat when Jasper backed up, then closed the door behind him. "You could ask anybody else around here but I'm not sure how helpful it would be. I was hoping staying here might let me witness some interesting meetings between league hopefuls, maybe even some impromptu battles but it appears not many have shown up yet. The clerk downstairs told me every room in the inn is spoken for already...and yet barely anyone is here."

That opened Jasper's eyes a bit wider. Then it's not just a coincidence that the rooms I passed before this guy were empty? I came straight here after getting into town but I honestly expected to be a bit late, not early. "Hold on… if the place is still practically empty, why didn't the bell boy tell me so?"

"I couldn't say." The man responded, pressing the button to call the elevator. Jasper hadn't even realized they'd started walking, but he'd stayed beside the man the whole time as they conversed. "But what I can tell you is that I certainly wouldn't be caught dead trying to take that statue. It's the pride of the inn. In this day and age what business wouldn't have proper surveillance on such a thing? I dare say no mere customer could nab it so easily." He was right, was it really possible there were no cameras in the lobby? Hell, if it was such a big deal it should have stuff pointed at it 24/7 for something like this. A ding heralded the elevators' arrival and as soon as they opened, the man stepped into the one on the left, holding the door for Jasper."I'm up to the roof, high places relax me just as much as a good smoke, heading up to the other floors?"

"Nah, you go on ahead. Enjoy your cigarette or whatever...but if you try to bolt you'll regret it, I'm gonna make sure the police know you were here." The guy only laughed as both elevator doors closed. As soon as they were well and truly separated a powerful chill ran up Jasper's spine and only then did he realize "Ah, Muk-shit, I didn't get that suit's name!" The doors opened in time with that revelation. Jasper almost bashed the up button to go fix his mistake when something caught his eye: the reception desk was unmanned. Peeking around the doorway, he couldn't see any signs that anybody was left in the lobby at all. The insistent beeping of the elevator wishing to close its doors spurred him into action.

Stepping into the center of the Lobby, just behind the statue of the ancient hero, Jasper looked up at and all around the ceiling. Sure enough, dotted here and there around were little black spheres in which one could see the faintest hint of a little red light if they looked hard enough. Stepping behind the front desk, Jasper peered at the computer, then smirked. That fucking ponce didn't log out before he walked away! No wonder shit's getting stolen. Being a work computer, the desktop wasn't exactly full of icons, though Jasper did notice the names of a few games for a good healthy roll of the eyes.

Finding the camera feed was actually easier than Jasper would have expected, but it made sense it wasn't too terribly complimented. Counting on people to be smart was a fool's errand, and he doubted the spineless goon had the brains to handle anything much more complex. A typing prompt appeared along with big bold letters nobody trying to sneak into someone else's stuff wanted to see: Please enter password[/I Jasper squinted in annoyance and clucked his tongue, he was no hacker, that was for damn sure! However, there was an apparatus next to the monitor with a flat slot in it. After a moment's consideration it was clear that it matched the slots Jasper had seen in the guest rooms he'd passed. "Aces!"

One slip of the staff card key bullied away from the attendant into the little machine, and the password prompt went away to be replaced by a grid of files. Hacker or no, Jasper at least didn't have any trouble navigating to that day's recordings and fast-forwarding through all of them. He didn't notice anything until reaching the footage of the past couple of hours, where he slowed down. There was that girl, the same one the cops had picked up, staring longingly at the statue for minutes straight until her shoulders sagged and she went into the elevator, presumably heading to her room. Jasper kept watching but nothing happened for a while. He cycled through some of the other cameras - including one with a clear view of the very desk he was at - and got nothing…

Until there was a tiny little skip. A slight moment of static that made Jasper jump, then glue his eyes even tighter to the screen. Nothing had changed. The clock was still on track, everything in the room was same...except the receptionist looked different...No maybe it was more like he didn't look any different. Just before the skip he'd been leaning on one elbow staring off into space, but the instant the skip happened he looked alert. Hands folded in front of him, watching the monitor. Nothing happened for a few more minutes, then the elevator doors opened and the girl came back out into the lobby. She waved at the receptionist and he waved back.

The suspect left. Then, after a few more minutes of nothing, the clerk got up and left through the door to the employee area behind his chair. Not even a minute later, the girl was back on camera, looking at the golden Budew again. Doesn't she have anything better to do? This is the exact same thing she's been do- Two gears grinded against each other in Jasper's head so violently that he had to stop thinking for a moment and just watch. The girl kept staring, then there was another skip and she and the statue were both gone! Once a couple more minutes passed the clerk returned to his post and quickly noticed the statue's absence, frantically running to where it normally sat, then - upon failure to find any sign of it - back to the phone at his desk.

This wasn't even all that long before I got here. What the fuck? He went back and watched the last chunk of footage again, fast-forwarding through all the dead air until the girl made her last appearance. "Just the same as before...no, exactly the same!" His eyes widened and he immediately shut the computer down, lest anything happen before he could talk to anyone. Slipping out from behind the front desk, Jasper practically flew down the stairs and out of the lobby, where he found a rather perturbed looking older woman staring at the policemen gathered around the patrol cars on the curb.

"Making me wait, out here, in the cold! I didn't even have time to go back to my room and slip into my nicest faux Minccino-fur coat!" Her silvery, wispy hair and stretched, worn out skin marked her age just as much as her grumpy, entitled attitude and it wasn't lost on Jasper that despite her complaints she was still wearing a rather ritzy-looking designer jacket and nice gloves.

"Hey. gramma, quit your grousin' for a moment I gotta ask you something." Jasper interjected.

The old lady turned around with a fire in her eyes straight outta hell, as well as Jasper could reckon. "You wot? I'm no gramma of yours, you little twit, is that how you speak to someone you need something from? I've half a mind to-"

"For fuck's sake, don't start your little tirade!" Jasper cut her off abruptly enough to hold the floor for a moment. "I was just hoping to know when was the last time you saw the Clerk at his desk before th-"

"Don't get me started on that worthless excuse for a bellhop!" Moment lost, now it was her doing the interrupting and the shouting. "That buffoon calls himself a receptionist? No less than three times today did I call the desk and get left on busy tones so long I gave up. Both times I came down to go out or ask him something in person, he was 'out to lunch'! Both times!? How does he still have a job? Who's out to a second lunch at 6:30 in the evening?! For me to miss him that much he'd have to either be directly avoiding me, or so negligent that-"

"6:30? You saw the desk empty at 6:30?" That was around the last time he'd seen on the camera feed before the statue disappeared….but he hadn't seen the old woman around that time...or anyone else, for that matter, aside from the girl. Jasper was starting to feel some of the pieces fall into place, and he didn't like the pictures they painted.


There were people hanging around all over the place. The excitement leading up to the ceremony tomorrow had caused a lot of people who would normally be sensible and kind enough to be around, to become absolute shitshows. The list of endorsed trainers had been leaked, and already people were choosing sides. Names that were both known and unknown were being tossed about in between slurs and curses. Thankfully, Rosa's first stop on her investigation which was behind the Inn was free of any such ruckus.

"Thank Arceus," she muttered to herself, "finally a moment of solitude." She looked up at the night sky, hoping and wishing that she could just wake up well-rested and find that this whole endeavor was just a dream. She'd even be okay if she woke up and was still in the Wild Area. But despite her numerous attempts to wake herself via pinching her arm, she was still here; this was still reality, this was still happening, and she still had the opportunity to save an innocent girl. She just wished she wasn't so tired while trying to do so.

"Oi' innit that girlie that da boss'd been waitin' fer?"

"Ay' I thinkin' it is."

"Let's scat 'fore she sees."

"Ay', the boss'll wanna hear about this. This may change summin'."

Rosa searched around the exterior of the building, hoping to find any kind of clues. Much to her dismay, there was absolutely nothing of note. The grass was perfectly maintained, no stray cigarette butts, not even the trails of a leaky garbage bag hastily carried to the dumpster. She found a few cinder blocks in the trash area that she stacked up and used as a step stool to peer into the dumpster themselves, but even with that it was impossible for her to reach anything inside.

"Okay, guess I'll need a little help." She dug around in her pockets for a second, finding the pokeball that contained the possibly most useful - or most detrimental - Pokemon to her current situation. "Come on out, Ezra."

She tapped the center of the ball and released the Pokemon into the pile of garbage. Ezra stretched out as she appeared on top of a bag which sunk under her weight. The Pokemon looked around and then sniffed a few times. "Munch?" She looked up at her trainer who was peering down at her. "Munch." She fell backwards, laying out on the pile of bags before rolling around in the filth. "Muuuunch."

"Ezra, please. I know you smell the food in there, but there's no time to mess around. I need you to find something."

The Pokemon stopped, mid garbage-angel, and looked up at the trainer. It's eyelids lowered as it sighed. "Munch Munch Munch. Munch, Munchlax." The Pokemon slowly pushed itself up and shook its head.

"Good, now I need you to look and see if you can find a golden statue in there somewhere. It doesn't matter if you make a mess or not, just start tearing into the stuff. We need to make sure it wasn't buried in there somewhere."

Ezra rolled her eyes and then began to tear open bag after bag. The Pokemon would scavenge through the items, contained within, sorting out the edible from inedible before tossing the remains off to the other side of the dumpster. She moved quick, despite being so large. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she was finally going to be able to eat until bursting, but she didn't stop until every bag had been torn open and sorted.

"Mmmmunch." The Pokemon fell down with a huff. Ezra placed both hands on her bulging stomach and yawned. "Munchlax." Her eyes closed as she dozed off, having completed her duty.

"Great. You did fine. Just go to sleep without me." She said spitefully. She tapped the center of the pokeball, recalling the fulfilled Pokemon. "Well, nothing else outside needs sorted through, so the only evidence would be inside in that case."

Rosa quickly placed the stones back where she'd found them and went in through the back door of the Inn. As she did so, three men in slick leather suits passed by her. Two younger men in their mid-twenties stood on either side of a man in his late fifties. His hair was dark and slicked back with three long streaks of silver, his eyes were a powerful crystal blue, and his suit was much fancier than either of his escorts. And his shoes-

"You can tell a lot about a man by his shoes, sweetheart." Her eye twitched for a second as her father's voice echoed in her head. Nevertheless, as the men drew closer her eyes drifted to the older gentleman's shoes. There were no creases in the freshly shined leather. His toes came to a rounded point, and he walked without any kind of gait that you might expect as one grows older.

"Ah, if you'll excuse us miss." The older gentleman's voice was warm, and soft. A kind smile was spread gently across his face as he passed by the trainer, offering her the smallest obeisance.

"W-Wait!" Rosa turned on her heels, momentarily caught off guard by the appearance of the three men.

"Ay', just get on wit' yer' investigation lass. Ain't no mind to pay us." one of the guards spoke up, waving the girl off as they passed.

"But the police said-"

"Don't worry child." The elderly gentleman turned on his heels, and faced Rosa for a short second. "I'm sure you'll be able to solve this investigation without the aid of the impartial detective they've called for."

"Impartial?" Rosa tilted her head and furrowed her brow. "What do you mean by that?"

The older man shook his head. "This city has a lot going on behind closed doors. It's better that outsiders don't get caught up in the thick of it, but it seems you've already found your way in; however unintentional. Maybe this development will be for the better? If you save this girl from her fate, you may yet be able to make a small change in the dynamic of Motostoke's inner workings."

Rosa's mind was racing. She'd gone to investigate the exterior so she wouldn't have to consider how to present herself to people and yet a possible key witness had found themself to her. "Are you a witness or-"

"That's enough chatteh then." The other guard stepped between Rosa and the older man. He waved at the girl to continue on. "We've got otha' things that need attendin'. Go off'n keep playin' detective then, ay'?"

The elderly man cleared his throat, causing the guard to step back with a worried look on his face. "Forgive my bodyguard, he can be a little harsh. Believe me, if you prove yourself useful in this expedition, you'll be sure to see me around again. But for now, as he said, we've other things that need tending to. If you'll excuse us."

Rosa watched as a blackened Metagross hovered just above the ground with a blacked-out carriage dangling from its claws.The Pokemon appeared just a few feet away, allowing the men a quick and clean getaway before she could get any more answers out of them. The Pokemon placed the carriage gingerly atop its head before distancing itself from the ground and hovering away over the city. "Well shit… I hope they weren't important to this investigation. Jasper's gonna kill me if he finds out." The girl's face had completely drained of color. Luckily for her, the door leading to the back was connected to a short entryway which trailed off in a few different directions.

She'd wondered if perhaps she should ask for permission to look around in the employee only areas she currently found herself in, but the police had probably already been given the go-ahead, and they'd given the two trainers the go-ahead, so it should be fine, right? She pushed the thought out of her head and shrugged slightly to herself. "No use worrying about it now," she mumbled as she made her way to the employee lockup room.

The first thing she noticed was her bag, which was sitting on a chair just inside the room and wasn't all that interesting on its own. They were already dealing with one thief, it'd be a shame to leave her possessions out for just anyone to get into. She walked slowly around the room, noting that a lot of the lockers were without locks or nametags. The Inn wasn't exactly small, but there were definitely more lockers around than were necessary - but that was besides the point.

She looked through the holes in each box, trying to peer inside and see if there was anything that would catch her interest. Each locker had an envelope chute, just large enough to push some papers through without having to open the door. It also happened to be just large enough to slip her dex into. She turned the brightness up on the device and slid it into the lockers, trying her best to see if the light reflected off of anything.

She'd made it through the majority of the lockers when she happened upon a locker which had been left unlocked. She peered through the holes, shining the light to see if it caught on anything when she saw something familiar within. "Is that…" she muttered, pulling the lock off the door before opening it to reveal the busted styler sitting in the bottom, covered mostly by a couple of dirty shirts. "That's interesting," she whispered to herself, picking up the device and slipping it back into her pocket.

She pondered for a second about how she should approach this piece of evidence. She couldn't exactly tell the officers that her busted up styler had been stolen - they'd end up having to take it in for evidence and then find out that it belonged to some dead ranger. That definitely wouldn't look good on her, regardless of how the current case turned out. She slowly walked over to her bag, looking around the entry room to ensure nobody was coming. She dug around for a second before finding the stone which had mysteriously appeared in her bag during her escapades in the Wild Area. She wouldn't exactly be upset over losing it since she didn't even expect to have it in the first place, so if they decided to take it as evidence it wouldn't be the biggest loss. Besides, she didn't really have a use for it at the moment seeing as how she didn't know what exactly it was.

"That should work," she whispered to herself as she placed the Dawn Stone in the locker and made sure the lock clicked. One piece of evidence down, but it wasn't damning. If anyone had seen those men from before come back this direction it could easily be dismissed as their doing. Besides, the statue wasn't even in there. There had to be something else to go off of.

Rosa walked out of the locker room and crossed down to the other hall before hearing footsteps coming from behind her. She pressed herself up against the wall, hoping that whoever was coming wouldn't go down this direction. She wasn't doing anything bad, exactly. She was investigating, but she was too tired and braindead to have to deal with anyone's prying lines of questioning.

Lucky for her, the footsteps continued off down the hall she'd just come from. Just a few minutes longer and she'd have been caught in the act. She took a quick glance down the direction she'd just come from, recognizing the figure as the front desk clerk. As he entered the room, he immediately turned and picked up Rosa's bag before disappearing behind the first set of lockers. She'd have to make a mental note to check the contents of her bag again later just to be certain.

She continued off into the kitchen, the thought eating away at the back of her head that he might be doing something with her personal belongings. She shook her head, not wanting to think about anything disturbing. For now, she had no reason to believe he might be anything other than a thief. Most of her clothes were dirty anyways, so she'd need to do laundry tonight regardless.

The chefs had headed home for the night, presumably before the news had broken about the missing statue. She quickly searched the kitchen for any clues, but nothing was out of place. She searched the numerous storage cabinets, the refrigerators and freezers, the cleaning supply cabinet, and every other little nook, cranny, and shelf. Everything was as it should be.

Rosa made her way out of the kitchen and back into the back entry room, where she found her only avenue left was the front of house. She walked down the somewhat winding hallway before coming out just behind the front desk clerk. Her bag was sitting on the shelf just beside him, but when she reached down to take it back and he noticed her, his face went white with shock.

"M-miss? How- When did you get back there?"

She shook her head and hid the smile that crept beneath her currently tired and cold stare. "I just finished my search of the perimeter." The corner of her mouth twitched. She was pleased with how formal she sounded. Maybe she had a future as a detective… so long as nobody found out she was tampering with evidence that is. "I came in the back door and searched around for a few minutes. Everything in the kitchen was in order, and from what I could find in the locker room-" she paused for a moment, leaning into the dramatic effect that her report was having on the clerk."Nothing seemed out of place. Nobody's been in or out of the building back there besides me that I know of."

The color quickly returned to the clerk's face as he smiled and nodded. "Yes, I would hope that no-one on our staff would have been the one to steal the statue. That statue is a sense of pride for us all her at the Budew Drop Inn."

Rosa nodded her head, knowingly. He was obviously hiding something, but she didn't have enough evidence to pin the theft of the statue itself on him. Most likely, his biggest concern was that she'd found out he stole from her. She looked around the crowd of people who were in various states of argument. Some of the people who'd been kept in the lobby were slouched over on the floor mid-slumber, while others were still arguing over why they couldn't return to their rooms.


[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Inn for a penny, inn for a pound!
pt. 2


"Jasper should be around here somewhere… I wonder if he found anything more useful than me?"

It didn't take long to find him. It looked like was still in the middle of his own string of interrogations just outside of the building. If he'd been able to get anything out of the patrons or front of house staff then they should have enough to work with at this point. She didn't want to interrupt him exactly, but it was exhausting trying to stay awake. The gaudy woman he was in the midst of talking to definitely seemed like a chore to deal with, but everything she'd seen was floating around in her mind and she was doing her best to keep each individual idea pinned down.

"J-Jasper. Did you find anything out?" she tugged on his shirt again, noting that he'd been too caught up in his own conversation to notice her the first time.

He had never been so glad to turn from a conversation in his life as when he ignored the bitchy biddy to acknowledge Rosa. "Hey, perfect timing! Honestly, I didn't have much luck with the interviews. Barely anybody's even actually here right now. Most of the rooms are reserved. The people I did talk too didn't know much, especially this hag." A fresh slew of complaints and insults exploded behind Jasper's head, to which he grabbed Rosa's shoulder and ushered her away to a clear spot, before leaning in close to her. "There's definitely some shit going on here beyond petty thievery. The cameras have been fucked with. There's no way the girl did it, the footage of her right before the statue disappears is some sort of edited copy of the same footage from earlier."

Rosa listened to Jasper's explanation, nodding along with it all understandingly up to the point where he mentioned that the camera feed could have been doctored. Could it have anything to do with the three men she'd run into earlier? They definitely seemed important, but were they the criminal type? Rosa didn't have enough to go on, so she did a mental shrug and leaned in closer to Jasper. He'd probably have only gotten upset if she told him she'd let some possible witnesses and/or suspects get away without question. "I agree, something's definitely off about this. Depending on what else you found, it may or may not be important but-" she paused for a second, making sure that the clerk hadn't followed her out after her run-in with him earlier. "Some of my personal belongings were stuck inside a locker which I assume was the clerk's. I haven't seen any other employees around, and he was the one I passed my bag off to earlier so I think it fits."

"Yeah, that bellboy is definitely off." Jasper agreed, eyes narrowing after a few seconds of silence. "In fact, I'm looking at him for this right now. Let's see what all we got." Jasper made the rare move of pulling off his hood so there were as few communication barriers as possible. "He's the one who made the girl a suspect in the first place, by itself that isn't much since he's not the only one who reported she was starin' at the thing. Problem is, it ain't consistent. In the first instance I saw today of her looking at the thing for a long while, he was there, watching her just like he said. But the part that looks messed with is after he walks away, when he's not even there. His part of the footage is different, but hers is identical to the one from earlier until suddenly she's gone and so is the statue. On top of all that, the guy let me run off to interrogate all the guests in the tower even though almost nobody's up there, he even ended up giving me the staff key to get into their rooms without saying anything about it. We've also got people complaining about him spending way too much time away from his post."

Rosa furrowed her brow, concentrating with what little brain power she had left. Things were definitely starting to line up, but it all was still getting away from her somewhat. She couldn't help but feel the three men were a vital piece of information, but emotionally she couldn't handle being yelled at over letting them go if they were the lynchpin in the whole operation.

"When I was coming back in from my investigation outside, I saw him in the locker room going through my bag. If he keeps coming and going from his post without warning and is going through other people's things… if he did steal it, maybe he's nervous about it being found? If he keeps going to check on it, that would explain the number of times that he's disappeared." She scratched her head vigorously as she sighed. "If he even considered me a player in this charade, then maybe he thought I'd end up going off with you and that was why he was so surprised to meet me coming in through the back. If he sent you off on a prizeless hunt then that would give him enough time to hide the statue better. And since it looks like everyone inside has given up on waiting to check in, there'd be nobody to question where he went or why he left again."

Rosa shook her head. Being this tired was not helpful whatsoever. She pulled her notebook from her pocket and ripped a page from the unused back portion. "I need to make a list," she muttered. "This is hurting my head."

She pulled out a pen and scribbled a few loops on the page to make sure it could still write and then began to list her own observations before summarizing the results of Jasper's investigation. After it was finished, she looked it over for a few seconds and then passed it to Jasper.

"That's better." She nodded triumphantly. "I think that's everything we've got so far. Having it on paper makes it a little easier to notice. I don't know about you, but taking everything into account, there's undeniably a pattern forming here. But… if he did do it, why was he so sloppy about it? He sees the statue every day, surely he'd have come up with a better thought out plan than this?"

"Not just him." Jasper added. "Why were the bobbies so sloppy? They made it seem like there was no evidence anywhere except what points at the girl. I ain't exactly their biggest cheerleader but I don't think most of them could possibly be that dumb or lazy, right? Even if they're mostly waiting for that investigator shouldn't they have seen something useful before we got here?"

Rosa looked over Jasper's shoulder. A few of the cops had seemed a little standoffish when they'd declared they'd investigate for them. Even now, two of them were staring off in their direction. Once more, the three men who came out the back of the building crossed her mind. They definitely had a role to play in this, but she bit her tongue. This should have definitely come up sooner. At this point, it was best to just not bring it up at all but rather… "Maybe they were paid off?" She whispered, nodding her head slightly. "It wouldn't be all that weird. My dad used to tell me stories about border police that were paid off for different reasons… If someone had paid off the police to make the supposed setup look like the real deal, then maybe…" she shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck. "It would make sense if they didn't even try to do a cursory search of the building. They were ready to just haul the girl off without the detective ever showing up. Even if the detective wasn't able to find anything then they'd still be able to take her in for resisting and possibly assault…"

Jasper squinted and then pinched his temple, feeling a headache come on as he once again lamented that all this couldn't have happened after he got some sleep. "Even then...Why would they -" His words died at the sound of squealing rubber. Both trainers looked towards the sound to see a khaki car, unmarked save for a portable red and blue strobe light on top. It appeared whoever drove it had been in enough of a hurry to toss away their camouflage and, sure enough, a single glance at the man stepping out told them it was the detective.

Well-worn brown shoes, a pair of black slacks and a warm, colorful holiday sweater with a tan trench coat over it, all topped off by a matching trilby hat marched straight to the group of officers. They conferred for a bit, then the investigator locked eyes with the pair of amateurs and made his way over to them. "So." His voice was gruff and tired, clearly irritated at being called out. "You kids the junior detectives playing guardian angel for the girl?"

"All I want is some fucking sleep." Jasper all but spat at him. "But I can't because your people don't know how to do their damn jobs, too busy beating up on weak kids."

Rosa nodded her head several times from behind the shelter of Jasper's back. Her lips were pursed, and she was wetting them repeatedly inside her mouth, ready to jump in on the stream of insults. Her brain was fried, and any hope of maintaining the facade of a personality at this point was out the window.

The detective looked at Rosa and smirked before looking back at Jasper. "Well, what've you got then if you're such big shots? Solved this investigation yet, or are you ready to get out of the way so I can properly do my job? The two've you ain't the only ones trying to get some shut-eye around here. I've got my own lady to get back home to so I'd like to wrap this up as soon as possible."

Rosa just knew that Jasper was going to take offense to that, but she couldn't let him lead the conversation every time. Besides, if the two men got into a dick measuring contest at this point then none of them would ever know rest, and worst case scenario, Jasper could get in trouble too just from irritating the detective. She took advantage of her current mental state to step out from behind her ex-classmate and presented a piece of paper. "I've got all of our current leads here. I don't want to infer anything about your intelligence, but you should be able to see that there's definitely a pattern to all this based on what we've uncovered. I can read it to you as we walk, if you'd like, just so we can get this over with quicker and all be on our separate ways."

The detective took the paper from the girl and scanned it for what felt like only seconds before gruffly pushing it back into her hand and beginning to trot towards the officers. By this time they were desperately trying to appear as if they hadn't been watching the trainers' interaction with nervous attention. "Hey fuckwits! I don't know what's gotten into you but -" He stopped dead in front of the patrol care and glared at each and every one of them in turn. "Ah, I see.Truman, Perez, Cole, Ruth. I've been seein' a lot of you four lately, haven't I? This is starting to make a bit more sense now." There was some awkward attempts at a greeting from the gaggle of goons until he slapped a hand on the roof of the patrol car.

"The girl stays in the car but the cuffs come off, and I swear to Arceus that if any of you pull anymore shit tonight I'll make sure the chief gets every single bit of dirt on all of you thrown right to her desk." Three of them gave suitably cowed responses while Truman - the same one Jasper had nearly gotten in a brawl with - tried to look snide and unimpressed. The detective was satisfied that he'd said all he needed to and paid them no further mind, much to his credit. He gestured for Jasper and Rosa to follow him as he trundled towards the inn's entrance.

Jasper let out a small, short whistle, glad to see them put in their place. "Bout time things started to look up, I hope he ends up making good on his threat even if they do what he says. Nobody needs trash like them having any sort of power."

Rosa perked up slightly at the sight of the men being put in their place. It was definitely nice to see someone being able to make them back off the supposed thief. She was definitely getting a feeling that her previous idea about them having been bought could hold some weight with the way the detective had approached them after fully realizing the situation. She balled her hands up and placed them next to her eyes, making a crying motion as she stuck out her tongue towards them while trailing close behind Jasper.

When the trio passed through the inn's doors they were immediately greeted by the Receptionist, who jumped at the sight of them and stumbled a step as if he'd been about to leave himself. "Wh-why hello there, sirs and ma'am! Did you find anything useful?"

"Tell ya in a minute." The detective growled before fishing a leather case out of his coat pocket and allowing it to hang open, showing the front desk attendant his badge, despite how clear it was the man could guess why he was there. "Take us to the employee lockers."

The man actually brightened up at that, much to both Jasper and Rosa's surprise and perturbation. "Ah, yes! Of course, right this way!" He led the way towards the very same place he'd just barely missed running into Rosa earlier with a spring in his step. In no time at all they reached their destination and Jasper gave Rosa a curious glance. "Which locker would you like to see first?" He had a shine in his eyes and a grin on his face; a look that radiated confidence.

But why? Rosa furrowed her brow and looked over at the detective. "I'd like my sweater back first."

The clerk narrowed his eyes, confused at Rosa's words. "Your sweater?I assure you, I have no idea…" he slowly turned to look at his own locker, knowing what was supposed to be contained within shouldn't be visible from this point. His eyes widened as he saw the Wooloo sweater hanging from the hook inside from between the holes in the grill. His lips trembled as he mouthed out a few words with a visible confusion. He shook his head and looked back at the girl and then at the detective. "I- I assure you, I have no idea how that ended up in there. It must have been one of the other staff playing a prank!"

Rosa shook her head. "I haven't seen any other staff back here besides you," she started as she took a couple steps towards the man. "You're the only one I've seen back here going through my personal belongings."

The clerk swallowed hard and then shook his head, clearly confused at the current situation. "I don't kn-"

"Don't lie to me! I saw you with my bag!" Rosa's face was flushed with rage as she stood up on her tiptoes, trying her best to appear a little bit taller and get more in the man's face. "What else have you stolen today, huh? What else! What other clothes did you take? What other items are missing from other people's bags?" She pressed her finger into the man's chest, doing her best to seem intimidating. It wasn't the best line of questioning to be sure, but her head was pounding and she was just done with everything.

A hand grasped Rosa's shoulder and pulled her away from the guy. When she wheeled on the interloper she saw Jasper, brow furrowed with something other than anger for once. He shook his head. "Hey, relax. We're here now, time will tell. No use having an aneurysm."

"But I… It's different for boys, y'know?" she sighed, knowing this was only derailing the current situation. Clothes could be replaced if nothing else. What was important now was nailing this guy. "You're right, I'm sorry." She motioned for the detective to take over, not that he needed any invitation to do his job.

It was then that Rosa was given a rare sight. Jasper actually chuckled at her and smiled despite himself. "Yep, you're definitely better like this."

Before he could explain himself any further, the detective snorted - they couldn't tell whether in amusement or annoyance - and stepped closer to the new suspect. "Open the locker. Don't try getting cute again, I mean your locker. I've got dinner waitin' to be reheated."

The clerk slowly turned to his own locker. His head hung low as he'd already accepted there was no getting out of this. But a smirk crossed his face, unbeknownst to everyone else. They might be able to get him on the petty thievery of the sweater, but at least the statue was still- No. He looked down into the locker as he slowly pulled the door open. No, no, no. The light caught on a metallic surface just enough for him to recognize it and he slammed the door before bolting back towards the back entry room. He was still feet away when of all things a Tailow slammed into his back, and before he could regain his balance Jasper tackled him to the ground. The Tailow nobody had ever noticed the detective call out landed on his shoulder and let out a proud touch of song. "Good work, Peabody. You weren't half bad either, kid."

Jasper just grunted, simply too exhausted to talk while trying to hold down the struggling man. After a moment of wrestling, he ripped the guy's keyring out of his hand and tossed it to the detective, who wasted no time using it, and pulling the door open. Right next to Rosa's sweater, still pristine as if it'd just been polished, was the gold Budew statue. The detective nodded and turned to look at Rosa, then the receptionist. "Would you look at that?"

Rosa should have looked excited, but it was all she could do to hide the confusion that was broiling deep inside of her. The statue definitely wasn't there earlier. Did the clerk think he could hide it back in his own locker before the detective even got there? No, the confidence he had coming into the room definitely didn't feel like that. Someone had to have moved the statue, but who? She glanced over at the man who was crying on the ground and struggling beneath Jasper's weight to free himself.

"This isn't what they promised!" He cried out as he reached for the door, hoping for a miracle. "This was supposed to be the last time! Please, I didn't do it, you have to believe me!"

They? Who were they? Rosa subconsciously furrowed her brow, not realizing the detective was still watching her, waiting for a reaction. She recalled the three men from early and the words that the older gentleman had said to her.

"It… it all makes sense now." It didn't, really, but she hoped it would force an epiphany if she said it anyways.

The men from earlier had flown off on the Metagross. If they were the ones who'd put the statue in the locker, when would they have done it? She shook her head, knowing that the detective was still waiting on her. There had to be someone else still behind this, even if the clerk was complicit. But that was the actual detective's job. At the very least, with the current evidence they should be able to let the girl go and get on with their night.

"Yes, that's my sweater!" She smiled awkwardly, noticing the detective's glare had become suspicious during her long pause of thought. She pulled the sweater from the locker and pulled it over her head, taking in a deep breath as she bunched the wool up around her face. Home. She smiled, convincingly enough that the detective shelved his curiosity. They all had places to be other than this, after all.

"Looks like I owe you guys some thanks. This all would have taken a lot longer by myself. I may actually get to see my wife tonight, maybe even sit down n' eat with her." He took his hat off for a moment, dusted it off, then handed each trainer a business card. "I'm not technically official, much as the idiots on the force need me, so you might be able to call me some time if something comes up. Martin Beasely, I solve mysteries easily. Usually by actually working instead of having it handed to me on a silver platter." He smiled a genuine, if tired smile and gave a weak attempt at a wink before donning his hat once again and heading for the entrance. Jasper scowled at the card in his hand and nearly threw it away, but thought better of it in the end and stowed it in a small pocket of his backpack before following Martin.

Rosa followed suit, inspecting the card thoroughly before dropping it into her pocket. If she made a habit of collecting business cards she'd need to find a better way to store them. She quickly fell in line behind the other two men, taking a quick look back at the room with a small shake of her head. None of this made much sense to her, but maybe a good night's rest would change that.

By the time the trainers caught up to the detective the girl this had all started over was already outside the car, sniffing and tearing up with relief. Detective Martin pat her on the shoulder and offered a few words before shoving the real culprit into the back of the patrol car and offering the police some words of their own, much harsher ones, it could be assumed.

"Huh...Feels a little weird how quick it cleaned up at the end…" Jasper muttered. "One thing I don't understand...who's they? That guy's a terrible actor, he was nervous the whole time we were on to him and yet suddenly he was so sure he was in the clear when we went to look in his locker...but that's exactly where the statue was. That panic, that confusion, pretty sure that was real. So if he was telling the truth...who set this up, and why?"

Rosa shook her head. She had an idea to be sure, but there were still holes in it. "I'm not sure. It's all still really confusing to me on that front… If it is something deeper than just a forgetful thief, then I kind of hope we don't get caught up in it too much. If they can doctor camera footage in relatively real time and slip in and out unnoticed even during an investigation albeit by a couple of amateurs, I'd hate to see what they can do when they're serious. Whoever they might be…"

Nearly an hour had passed since the detective had left and people were finally starting to get checked in. The owner for the Inn had come in to finish up business for the day, and was taking his time to apologize to each individual customer. As Rosa and Jasper got to the front of the line, the man bowed his head.

"Thank you for helping to solve the case earlier tonight. I'm indebted to you both. That statue is quite important to me for a number of reasons."

Rosa shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal. It just… it wasn't right for them to treat that poor girl like that. I don't think either of us could bear to watch it so we just had to make sure. It was the right thing to do."

Jasper rubbed the back of his head and pulled his hood tighter over his face. "It was made clear real quick that I wouldn't be allowed to get any sleep unless this was dealt with, and I really, really need some shut-eye. Besides, good-for-nothing layabout bobbies piss me off."

"It's nice to see kids these days still following their hearts and doing what feels right to them." The man lifted his face to show the smile which was plastered across it from ear to ear. His eyes were watery and on the verge of tears as he looked between the two trainers. "If there's anything I can do for you during your stay, please, just let me know."

"Free room service wouldn't hurt." Jasper responded instantly. "And make sure whoever you have touching up rooms knows waking me up would be a death sentence...Oh yeah, for the love of all things not-shitty, don't hire anymore weaselly assholes. Just pay more attention to your people.

Rosa stopped to think for a moment. Really, most of the investigation had been the result of Jasper's actions. Not only that, but even before they got on the train Jasper had helped her to capture Ezra and she'd yet to repay him for that. She looked over at the ex-classmate and smiled. "Jasper, what do you think about having breakfast together before the ceremony? I've got a little bit of experience in cooking, so I think it's only fair to repay you for pulling more than your own weight."

Jasper raised an eyebrow at her. "What weight, Doll-shoes? All I did was talk to people, and none of them were any help."

Rosa shook her head. "It wasn't just today." She paused, wondering if he'd even remember something so menial that happened over a month ago. "Back when we were fighting the Munchlax too. I didn't do much to help at all, but you… I just want to repay you, if that's alright. A nice home-cooked meal made by a cute girl." She gave a weak and lazy wink to the boy, trying her best to look cute despite the bags under her eyes and numerous stray hairs shooting out of the crow's nest she was calling a bun.

"No, it's not alr-" He immediately started, eyes flaring up at her words, but something stopped him. The irritation cooled as suddenly as it ignited and he let out a sigh filled with more fatigue than any of his earlier complaints. "Come to my room in the morning, bring whatever you like to cook with." Was as much as he'd elaborate and with that said, he turned and stomped over to the elevators, disappearing into one without another word or a single glance back.

"Very good." The owner smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Ah, you and him remind me of me and my late wife when we were young." He chuckled lightly and opened a yellowed book. "I'll put a note here to have breakfast ingredients and a portable range delivered to your rooms in the morning. In the meantime, I hope you both enjoy your stay here. I wish you the best of luck on your journeys."

Rosa blushed and took the key to her room, not really knowing what to say. She'd have to spend a little time thinking about what to make Jasper that he'd actually like. Food was not one of the things that she'd put much thought into when taking notes on her classmates. Maybe it was safest to just go with what she liked and hope he liked it too? She walked over to the elevator, chewing on her lip as she pondered what actually sounded good. "Maybe an omelette? That'd be easy, and we'd have enough ingredients hopefully to make a couple different ones and do a kind of sampling? Hmm." The door slid close as she continued to talk out loud to herself.

Morning of the Opening Ceremony

Rosa had unintentionally woken up extra early. Maybe it was the excitement of a promised meal, or perhaps it was just one of those times where no matter how tired you are you just can't sleep. Regardless, she was up and ready two hours before the ordained time. She'd done her laundry, fixed her hair, and even applied the smallest amount of makeup to help accent her eyes. She wasn't exactly trying to impress anyone, but they'd be appearing on television later so she might as well put in some effort.

She grabbed the bag by the door and headed out. They'd checked in at the same time, so she knew what room he was staying in. She walked down the hall and rapped on the door lightly, just a few times. She wasn't sure how well Jasper was at getting up on time, and she didn't want to pull him straight from sleep or else he might get angry with her for waking him, regardless of whether or not he was late. Whatever the case, she hoped he was hungry. This would be a rare chance to make a good impression if she could cook up something tasty for him.

It was only seconds before the doorknob turned and clicked, What Rosa saw when it opened truly floored her. Ther Jasper stood, no hoodie, no messy hair, and to top it all off: wearing an apron with a Smoochum next to a Torkal wearing a chef's hat underneath the words "Sweet Kiss the cook."

"Good, you're not too late."

Rosa shifted nervously, taking in the sight in its full glory. "Y-yeah. To be early is to be on time, after all." She stammered, trying to find herself again. "It's a nice apron. Were you in the middle of making Faust's food?"

Jasper's eye twitched at her comment, but he couldn't be angry, since he'd certainly be surprised by it. "I hate this fucking apron...but...it's the one Sonia made me wear when she gave me cooking lessons. 'S good luck, so I wear it when I cook."

Rosa let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, it didn't seem like something you'd wear…" she started, wondering what she should say next to finish her thought but not ruin the tone of the morning. "But I definitely understand the sentiment. There's a similar story behind this sweater, but I won't bore you with it. Besides, I'm sure we're both hungry, yeah?"

"Yer damn right I am, so come inside, we've got work to do." He turned and led her in without further ado. It looked pristine, like nobody had even slept in the room. Everything was already packed, the bed was made, the only signs anybody was there were his backpack on the floor and the kitchenette, which was all prepped and ready to go. "Alright, first thing's first. Fuck off with that shit about not helping, and carrying weight. Give yourself a little credit, don't put everything that happened on me. I didn't do all that myself, and being talked to like I did pisses me off. So you're not cooking me breakfast. We're both gonna cook and we're both gonna eat, just like we both stopped those sleepy sacks of lard and we both caught that stupid bellboy."

Rosa shrunk at Jasper's words. She flinched slightly with each expletive, and bit her tongue when she thought to interject. Was he right? Or did he just not like being glorified? Either way, Rosa wasn't going to argue with him this time. Regardless of her own thoughts, it wouldn't be good for either of their mental or emotional states to go into today upset. She put on a smile and straightened up. "You're right. I should be more confident in what I have to give. That's why I'm gonna make you the best damn breakfast you've had in the past month. Just tell me what part of breakfast you want me to make."

He smirked at her determination. "That's better. But take some initiative. What do you wanna make? I'm not picky, and food is always best with a little love, yeah? When I think of that tired old adage, I don't think of people. I think of the food. What's something you really like that we could make right here?"

She furrowed her brow and brought her fist up under her chin, supporting it as she thought. "Hmm. Well, growing up I baked a lot of sweets as offerings so I know I'm good at that. But we'd always take okonomiyaki to dad's grave after he... " She shook her head. "I like omelettes. I think we have all the ingredients for omelettes, so that's what we should do. Quick, easy, customizable, ticks all the boxes. Yep." She talked hurriedly, doing her best to move the situation away from her past and into the present.

She dug around somewhat frantically in the bag she'd brought over and pulled out several items. Smoked Arrokuda, cream cheese, jalapeños, cheddar, gruyère, crumbled bacon, black olive, and mushrooms. She nodded her head. Everything she'd asked for before was here. She'd gotten a little off track with Jasper's little speech about love and food, but she was back to the plan.

"I didn't know what you'd want in an omelette, so I just asked for a bunch of different ingredients. We're going to be staying here a few days anyways, so nothing should end up being wasted."

"Looks like a pretty good spread." I've got some Clamperl sea salt and some black peppercorns smoked by a 'gourmand Torkoal' as the guy called it. Dunno if they're really all that but they've done right by me so far, put'em in everything I make. I've got some Gogoat cheese and green onions too. Can't go wrong with an omelette.``

Rosa nodded. "It's a shame we don't have a Torkoal or Camerupt around now. There's apparently a type of bowl that you can put into the fiery spots on their bodies and it'll melt the cheese perfectly to the point where you can scrape it right off the wheel." Rosa wiped at the corner of her mouth, clearing away the drool that was starting to fall as she thought about the prospect of molten cheese being drizzled over her omelette. She grabbed a bowl and started to gather up the eggs. "How many do you want in yours, two, three, or four? And if you could, start mincing the other ingredients?"

"Four." Jasper answered, taking his own place closer to the fridge and withdrawing a grater. "I'll get the cheese ready, little bit of each should be nice. You prefer your veggies cooked and then mixed in, or tossed in raw to cook with the eggs?"

"Raw is fine. I like them to be a little crunchier inside my eggs." She cracked the eight eggs into a bowl and pulled out a whisk from one of the drawers. "Where'd you say the salt and pepper were?"

"On your left, next to the spare cutting board."


"Now we're cooking!" Jasper exclaimed once they finished the prep and actually poured the eggs in.

"No, don't put that there!" Rosa whispered as she nudged Jasper away.

"What'dya mean? It's going everywhere." He questioned in annoyance

"Well concentrate and it'll all get in there." She whispered with a blush on her face. "My hands are shaky so you need to guide it in for me."

"I can just pour it, we don't need to both do it, and I can definitely do it better if you don't shove me."

"Well if you're not worried about squeezing out every drop it's fine," she sighed. "It's big enough as is, I think. I can just scoot around if you want to put the other part in."

"Yeah, yeah. Good idea, I'll grab the veggies."

"Thank you," she muttered, her eyes glued to the eggs as she watched the various ingredients drop in. "By the way, have you thought about the Pokemon? I'm sure you've already got Faust's food made up, but the Munchlax just eat, and eat, and eat… regardless of what you give them. I figure'd it'd only be right to eat as a family, I just don't know if you've got any more Pokemon or if they're on a special diet like Faust or-" she rambled off as Jasper started to pour in the ingredients, watching with a close eye to make sure everything was evenly incorporated.

"Family? Pfft, I'm done with families. As for the pokémon, I've always got food for them. 'Sides, remember when I asked for free room service? I actually had someone run and grab something for the lardheads." He smiled a bit as he sprinkled the mix of diced veggies into the eggs in time with Rosa's rolls and folds of the bits solidifying on the bottom.

Rosa bobbed her head as Jasper spoke. "You're always ahead of the game." She muttered as she looked around for the Munchlax's food. "If you'll grab another pan out, we can mix that up with an egg and maybe some cheese just to give it some variety for them. Otherwise, I think we've just about finished these eggs. We can do open-faced and top it off with the rest of the ingredients or split it down the middle and close 'em up. Just depends on whether you care about preserving the essence of an omelette or not."

Jasper set up a new pan on a second electric burner and stepped away to a little roller table with a box on it that said Lax Snax and had a Munchlax laying on a Snorlax's stomach, both napping peacefully with extra bulging bellies. "This stuff has no flavor, but it's hyper calorie dense while still serving basic nutritional needs...as long as a Lax eats it. Special interaction with an acid only they have in their stomachs, I think. Probably the one that lets them eat infinite anything they want."

After plating the food for the two of them and smaller portions for their other Pokemon, Rosa dug around in her pockets for the filled pokeballs and released her Pokemon in the direction of their prepared plates. "Come on out and enjoy y'all."

"Join the party, boys!" Jasper called out as he brought Dispo and Faust in on the celebration. Faust immediately approached each of Rosa's pokémon in turn and sniffed them, finally settling on the Snorunt and tilting his head.

"Snorunt?" The Pokemon shook as the icy mist flowed off of its body as it fixed its gaze on the Larvitar in front of it. The icy breeze caused the newly released Wyatt to shiver in the cold. "Wh-wh-whis."

Faust stood between the two and grabbed one of each pokémon's hand, delighting in the difference between cold and warmth he felt on either side. A happy, stoney warblue issued forth and the Larvitar pulled the pair into a sort of happy ring-around-the-rosey. Wyatt struggled to keep up with the spinning, but Yzma grinned happily as she shook and shivered away the ice which formed upon her peak.

"Munchlax?" Ezra looked over at the other Munchlax which had been released and slowly recognition dawned on its face. "Munchlax!" Dispo didn't vocalize his response, but he did open his maw in delight and run up to poke Ezra's face, glad to see an old friend. Ezra responded in kind, slapping her paw against Dispo's bulging stomach before motioning towards their plates.

While the Munchlaxes wasted no time getting to their food, Jasper walked through the ring of dancing pokémon and waved them off towards the little coffee table that was just the right height for them all to eat like people.

Rosa took her seat at the human's table and clasped her hands together. "Thank you for the meal," she whispered.

Jasper dropped right down and dug in right away, closing his eyes and humming with satisfaction. "Home cooked meals are the best, I'm so glad I learned."

"You should give thanks before you eat," She muttered as she picked up her fork and knife before delicately cutting off the tips of the omelette.

"This is Galar, not Johto." Jasper grumbled through his food. "And even if it was Johto, I don't owe anybody anything for this food. I earned it, just like you did."

Rosa shook her head as she took a bite. "It's not about thanking the people who brought it here. It's about thanking nature, for the spirit of it." She pressed the food to the side of her mouth, covering up slightly with her off hand so as to seem polite as she ate. "Regardless of who provided it, we should thank those who created it. At the very least, I think you should give thanks to that which you take from the spirits of nature. Whether it's Pokemon, or the goods they can produce."

He finished his bite of food and looked at her sideways through narrowed eyes. "I just spent 3 weeks in nature trying not to get torn to shreds by it. If any of those pokémon had ended up scarfing me down, you think they'd be thanking me? OR nature? Don't tell me how to eat,"

Rosa shrugged as she swallowed the bit she'd been chewing. "That's the nature of it. Circle of life and all that." She waved her fork around in a circular motion before stabbing the next bit of egg. "It's just the way it is…" she sighed, staring at her fork for a second before shoving it in her mouth. "It's the responsible thing to do. Whether you believe in the gratuity or not, it's important to recognize where it comes from. It's important to give importance to everything you partake in. Just like you wouldn't capture every Pokemon you came across in the Wild Area, you shouldn't consume without question just because it's easy for you. That's why I give thanks."

"Putting the work in to survive isn't enough?!" Jasper demanded, setting his plate down. "Being glad to be alive and enjoying the food isn't enough?"

Rosa sighed as she swallowed her food. "Surviving shouldn't be a benchmark. There's so many other things that go into living. Being happy to be alive and enjoying the food is good for sure. It's just… everything survives to a point, but we're always the ones who decide when something's survival is no longer necessary… if you don't acknowledge your power then you'll just..." she shook her head as she forked another bit, he gaze focused on her plate. "I won't tell you how to eat."

"Yeah, just how I should live, right?" Jasper asked. "Like you're some sort of font of wisdom. Like you've got something I don't. Such an expert that you can't just live life yourself, right?" He scoffed. "As if somebody who -" He stopped himself, about to say something that had no business at a meal. Instead of continuing, he kept his mouth busy chewing, eating faster than before to get the meal over with.

Rosa winced, as she continued to chew. "I wouldn't dare to… no, I'm not... " tears started filling up in her eyes as she shoved another bit of omelette into her mouth. "I'm just regurgitating what my parents always told me. I'm sorry. You don't have to hold back for me. I'm in the wrong, so you should just speak your mind." Small tears dripped onto her plate, hidden behind her omelette and her drooping locks of hair.

Jasper sighed and paused his eating, then dipped his head and closed his eyes. "No. There are better times to go ballistic than at breakfast, at someone who wanted to cook for me out of a sense of gratitude...even if I didn't do anything for it." He took another deep breath, chewing on his words instead of the food. "Hey...We all do dumb shit because of our parents. They're where we come from, for better or for worse. Nobody's free of that baggage. But we can be different than them...better. We have to be, or what was the point? At least, that's how I feel about mediocre and bad parents."

Rosa nodded her head lightly, taking a few more quick, successive bites in between dabbing her sweater against her teary eyes. "I hope…" she whispered, her words muddled by the mouthful of food she was fighting to get down as quickly as possible. "I hope you're right." She lifted her head and smiled gently at Jasper, bits of eggs skirting her lips. "For now, I think it's best if we just…" she quietly placed another bite of food in her mouth and nodded her head as she chewed. "I'm worried about being late to the opening ceremony."

She glanced up at the clock from the corner of her eye, wishing now that the seconds would tick by even a little bit quicker. She'd messed up the atmosphere. There was no saving it this time around. She'd lost all control of her facade the night before, and now it was slipping even more. She'd have to be careful around Jasper from now on, or else… he might end up finding out more than she wanted him to.

"Finish your food." He said coolly, taking in several bites at once and fully finishing the mess before following up. "I am thankful for the food, you know. I just don't really direct it anywhere...But I can thank you for the help and the extra ingredients. So eat, don't waste our effort. I think it tastes pretty good." He started really going hard on the last third of his eggs, partially to avoid saying anything stupid, partially because he really did enjoy it. He got a special satisfaction out of cooking that few things gave him and...there was something to be said for someone else eating it too.

Rosa lifted her gaze to meet Jasper's eyes. As he spoke, she listened intently and watched his bodily motions. "I appreciate that." She smiled, tilting her head slightly to the right as she placed the next bite between her lips. "I'm really thankful for your help too. I've enjoyed cooking for a long time, but these last several years we just haven't been able to do anything special. It does taste good. Your cuts were really good, and you seasoned the toppings well enough. I wouldn't mind sharing another meal with you at some point."

"Don't count on it." He threw out just as he finished his last bite. "I don't buy into all that stuff. Don't think just because you crack eggs perfectly, whisk like a pro, and have a good sense for balancing flavors means we're gonna be foodie buddies now." He allowed just the tiniest bit of a tease into his tone as he watched the pokémon finish up their own portions. Even Dispo and Ezra looked full and content, ready to take long naps in their pokéballs.

Rosa scoffed before hurriedly trying to quiet the noise. "Sorry, you're right." She smiled and shook her head, resting her eyes on the now sleepy Pokemon. "My specialty lies in baking anyways. Wouldn't want to hold you back," she teased as she took the last few bites of food from the plate and scraped it off in front of the foggy-eyed Munchlax that followed her movements. "Here you go, Ezra."

The Pokemon smiled as it lethargically scooped up the egg and stuffed it into her mouth. "Muuuunch."

Rosa looked over at the sink which was now full of dishes from their prepwork. She quickly pushed up her sleeves and put on a pair of gloves from beneath the sink. "If you're ready to get going, I can clean the bigger dishes and tableware if you'll take the bowls and plates."

"Always more work to be done." Jasper agreed, standing up with a huff and collecting the plates and bowls from the little poképarty around the coffee table. "That's one thing that never changes."


After they'd said their goodbyes and cleaned up Jasper's room, Rosa made her way out first. It was awkward finding a reason to stay any longer than necessary, but she was afraid of looking ungrateful to the boy. Her mind kept going back to the little argument they'd had during their meal, but she was hoping that a trip around the shopping center would help clear her head of the matter a bit. Besides, he didn't even let her prep breakfast by herself so she still had to repay him in some way. Maybe an accessory shop for his Pokemon, or a different apron.

As she was lost in thought over what to get the boy, she barely even noticed the girl as she left the elevator. Even when the girl started to follow and call after her, Rosa remained lost in her own head and the words fell on deaf ears. It wasn't until she was starting down the stairs that the aggressive tug on her sweater sleeve pulled her out of her thoughts.

"I said excuse me!" the girl exclaimed as she forcefully turned Rosa around. She looked familiar, but Rosa couldn't place from where. She looked the girl up and down as she crossed her arms in a huff. The girl shook her head in frustration and then motioned over towards an open seat in the lobby. "Do you have a minute? I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" She questioned, focusing harder on the girl's face as she stepped back up the stair and looked over to the previously motioned towards seat. "Thank me for what?"

The two took their seats and the girl crossed her legs and clenched her fists before bowing her head slightly to Rosa. "I wanted to thank you for last night. I'm afraid of what would have happened if you and that boy hadn't come along to help."

Realization washed over her as she could finally place where she'd seen the girl before. Oh, from last night. It was all really still a blur to her. She could recall fragments of what had happened, but most of it just blended together into one clusterfuck of information.

"That detective seemed like he would have just taken the cops at their word and moved along. But you and that boy went out of your way to do their job for them without any question. I hate to think where I'd be right now if not for you. I hear the jails in this city aren't too pretty to stay in."

Rosa shook her head. "It was really nothing. It's not like we were going to be able to get any sleep anyways. I don't know about Jasper, but I don't really have the money to stay anywhere else right now. I just barely got through the Wild Area by scavenging what leftovers I could get to." She laughed awkwardly, not realizing what was coming out of her mouth until the words had already escaped. She wasn't used to being so truthful in her explanations.

The girl nodded her head knowingly and smiled. "I understand completely. The Wild Area really is rough if you're not prepared. It's hard for teens like us to make any reasonable amount of money too without spending our entire days battling random passersby or taking on part time jobs. The rich kids that are competing against us really have it too easy."

Rosa nodded. She wondered what kind of money she'd have at this point if she'd decided to go on a challenging spree in the Wild Area. Probably at least enough to rent a room for a few days. There should be work somewhere in the city, but she didn't have the time to go exploring right this minute. "So since we both know just how hard it is to get through it, there's no need to repay me. We both need every poke we can get our hands on."

The girl laughed lightly and shook her head. "Yeah, for sure. I wasn't really expecting to give you any money since I'm more or less broke at the moment." She sighed as she picked up her bag. "Actually, this repayment may end up being more of a hassle for you than its worth. Y'see, there's a reason I was suspected for stealing that statue."

Oh no. Rosa's mind began to race as she considered the possibilities. Was this girl actually a thief? Or could it be that-

The girl produced an egg and gently held it out, motioning for Rosa to take it. "As you may have guessed, I'm a trainer myself. My starter was a Budew, but it was recently stolen from me. Luckily, my family are breeders so part of the start of my journey was to take and hatch a couple of eggs. Everyone in my family has the same three Pokemon; a Budew, a Roselia, and a Roserade. The rest of our party is up to each of us, but it's been a family tradition for many years to carry these three with us through our journeys. Unfortunately for me, I've already lost one."

Rosa slowly took the egg, listening to the girl's story. "So you were looking at it so much because you felt-"

"Yeah, I was upset to be sure. A little bit of longing, admiration, and loneliness. A couple of eggs aren't really great conversation partners." She laughed gently. "Fortunately, my parents live in Turrfield so if I can manage to hatch the egg I've still got before the ceremony I'll still be able to participate and can breed new eggs myself. But… I'd like for you to raise one of these eggs for yourself. Just a little something to remember me by, whether it bring you luck or misfortune. Raising a Pokemon from birth is supposed to be even more rewarding than raising your starter Pokemon from what I've been told. I know I'll always miss my Reggie, but…"

Tears slowly started filling the girl's eyes as her gaze drifted back to the statue which had been re-displayed. She shook her head and pulled the other egg from her bag and placed it in her lap. Rosa smiled and gently placed the egg she was holding in her own lap, pulling her sweater up over the sides of it to keep it warm. "Well, I don't assume to know what it's like to lose a Pokemon, but I'm-"

The girl shook her head. "It's alright. It happened right when I got into Motostoke, so it's not like I've had it very long. It was a wild one too, so I guess I'm kind of happy now that it's gone. The thing was outside my current abilities as a trainer, so maybe it's for the best. Once I get stronger I'm sure I'll have the chance to search for him. And when I do…"

The girl clenched her fist as the tears began to fall. She shook her head and rested her chin atop the egg in her lap. Rosa watched the girl as she broke down, pursing her lips and trying not to say anything to worsen the moment. What she said earlier about raising a Pokemon from hatchling being more rewarding was probably more for her own benefit than a reason for me to take the egg. Not that voicing that opinion would do anything but worsen the current situation.

"Anyways, I just wanted to thank you." the girl wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "I don't know if I'll be able to hatch this egg before the opening ceremony, but I should be able to see you there regardless."

Rosa nodded. "Yeah, no problem. Thank you for the egg." She glanced down at the large, warm, object between her legs and tilted her head slightly. It was a good thing she'd caught Yzma in the Wild Area, otherwise her bag would probably be too full to carry anywhere.

The girl quickly rose to her feet and gingerly placed the egg back in her bag before bowing to Rosa once more and heading off down the stairs. Rosa stared at the egg in her lap for a few more seconds before looking up. She'd left her personal belongings in her room, knowing she'd be coming back to look for work after the opening ceremony. If there was a Pokemon thief around, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go back upstairs and drop the egg off as well. But first…

"Excuse me, do you happen to have a map of the Motostoke shopping district?" She asked the manager who was now manning the front desk.

"Of course Miss." He stated politely as he pulled a pamphlet from behind the desk. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

"Well, I need a thank you gift for a boy or his Pokemon. Something that isn't too obtuse or expensive but still would properly convey a sentiment of thankfullness."

"Well, there's a few places around here," he remarked as he took a pen and began to indicate the various locations on the map. "They sell homemade accessories over by the stadium, but the rest of the shops you'd be looking for are over in this strip mall. It shouldn't be too hard to find any one place."

Rosa nodded, taking the pamphlet. "Thank you very much."

"No problem. Please, don't hesitate to ask if you happen to need anything else."

Rosa smiled and turned on her heels, heading back towards the elevator. She wondered if she had enough money to afford a gift for Jasper or either of his Pokemon. At the very least, she'd be able to see how much she needed to make before moving on to the next route in order to afford something decent.


Achille Béringer and Rosa Valdés
Location: Motostoke
A JP with aeternum

Motostoke was a completely different beast than Lumiose City. Achille was expecting a large city, but the stark contrast between the sparkling metropolitan Lumiose City and the heavy industrial Motostoke made them feel worlds apart and himself wildly out of place. There wasn't even a single Gogoat in sight, although the narrow streets and steam-powered lifts to the city's upper section would probably make riding one impossible. Instead, carriages were being carried to and fro by large raven-like creatures with feathers that shone like steel.

There were bigger issues than figuring out the transport system of the city though, and it was why he was staring blankly through the window of a store selling trainer equipment. It'd been over two weeks since the young man had his run in with Haleigh, and he hadn't seen the other graduate since. The encounter with the Froslass did leave him, admittedly, rattled afterwards. He wasn't even the primary target of the pokemon's aggression either. He'd managed to largely turn that powerless feeling into training, but he couldn't guarantee the same of her. He also didn't have any contact information for her to actually check, so he did kind of drag her into a dangerous situation and then ghost her after.

At the very least he needed to say sorry, and try to show he was sincere like he did with Joiuse and Proudhon. Haleigh probably wouldn't want or need a training regimen though, nor did he want to exactly go up to a woman with a workout plan as a "gift". Compounding that problem was that he didn't really know what to get anyone as a gift, save for his family. He tried to recall any previous interactions between the two from trainer school, but was drawing a blank there as well.

"Merde, why did I not pay more attention in school?" He said aloud, pulling out his phone to do a few web searches. Hopefully the internet had ideas.

"Pardon me," the girl chimed in, "I seem to be having some issues with a gift idea, and I was wondering if maybe you could help me?"

Rosa was nose deep in a small map of the shopping district that she'd managed to retrieve from the Budew Inn after her run-in with Jasper. There were a number of wide circles on the paper, hastily drawn by the front clerk to indicate what would best suit her needs, but she was having a hard time finding her way around the industrialized landscape. She'd been too nervous to approach anyone so far, but after finding what appeared to be an ex-classmate, she felt she'd found the proper mark. She'd already flipped through her notebook and thoroughly prepared, although her last two interactions with Jasper had decidedly marred the contents therein. Now, to see if he was just a fluke or if she'd been entirely off-base about the student body as a whole.

"I don't know if you remember me, but up until about a month ago we were classmates." Rosa pulled the map down from around her face, feigning a look of innocent nervousness. She stole quick, glancing looks at the boy as she drew slowly closer. She'd applied some make-up in the hotel room before breakfast to accentuate her eyes, but she figured if she tried to act any cuter around what could essentially be a stranger it might make the confrontation a bit too confusing.

"Oh, uh," Achille stammered, realizing that was directed at him. He quickly pocketed his phone again, his search for I'm sorry gift for friend who is trainer only three results in and already fruitless. He studied the girls face, combing through the fuzzy memories of his classmates for the scattered pieces of her identity. She was definitely there… Her name started with an R… Yup, he was winging this again.

"Well, I have to admit that I am rubbish at gifts in general." He admitted meekly, adjusting his sunglasses and giving a slightly nervous chuckle. Not only was he hopelessly lost on his own gift giving endeavor, now he was hopelessly lost with girls watching. Well, even if he cocked this up it would still probably result in a better gift than some of the suggestions he saw online. By this time next year he'll be home anyways, what did he have to lose. "I'm a bit stuck thinking of my own gift being perfectly honest. I can at least give some suggestions if you're willing to help me... Rena?" Something told him that wasn't it.

Rena. It was close enough for now so she wasn't going to correct him immediately. After all, it wasn't as if they'd interacted all that much in class. Rosa smiled and tilted her head slightly as she stopped in front of the boy. "Of course! It's only fair that I repay your favor. Let me guess, a handsome Kalosian man like yourself… you must be looking at a gift for a girl? Ohhoh, did you manage to find love in the Wild Area perhaps?"

"Yeah… Wait, no! I mean- augh." Achille stammered, off guard and feeling his face become increasingly flushed. He had to stop before the word-salad got too bad, and pinched the bridge of his nose as he got his thoughts back in order. "Putain. Yes, it's a girl. No, this is nothing romantic. Consider it more like a 'I really fucked up' type thing."

"Ah," Rosa nodded her head, knowingly. "So it's a break-up gift then." She looked Achille up and down, nodding her head and rubbing her chin the whole time as she gauged his reaction against what she knew about him. "Yeah, that makes sense. Didn't think you'd end up going for the heartbreaker playboy route, but I can't say it doesn't fit." Rosa pulled up her map and began looking at the buildings that were listed on it. Some of the places seemed like they could provide an answer for both of them, now it was just a matter of getting there. "So this girl, what's she like? Would I happen to know her? Or was she just a Wild Area, Wild Night that you're trying to make right?"

Achille's buried his face in his hands, hiding his face and sighing. He pulled them away after a few moments, face still very rosy. "You probably know her, Haleigh from the same class as us. And before you say what you're probably thinking, there's no scandal here. I made a dumb bet with her getting off the train, we ended up fighting a wild pokemon much stronger than us, and it really targeted her and she nearly got really hurt from it."

Rosa's smile slowly faded, realizing that her initial questions were probably in poor taste now. She did recognize the name, but it had been a minute since she'd read up on the classmate. She'd need to find time for a refresher, but for now, she felt it best to let the moment of silence hang between them. At least that way it seemed she was reprehensive of her previous comments.

The boy slumped his shoulders forward, unexpectedly exhausted from suddenly having to clear the air of any particularly steamy misconceptions. "Besides, if you want your handsome Kalosian playboy you're better off trying to find my brother and squeeze him for stories. I was more focused on pokemon and sneaking away to watch trainers in the local gym than girls and sneaking off for dates." He stood up straight again and quickly fixed his hair, face returning back to it's normal color. "Now, if we're done with making my love life sound way more interesting than it is, what's the story behind your gift?"

Rosa shook her head. "No, I don't particularly care for romance." It was true, but unexpectedly so. She felt a small twinge in her chest that caused her eye to twitch. "I think you're fine just the way you are. As for my story, there happens to be a peculiar boy." She paused, bracing herself as she gave him a moment to interject with his own accusations of a romantic fling. "He's helped me out a couple of times, given me things I didn't really deserve, and I just feel like I should pay him back in some way."

Achille tapped his chin in thought a few more times. "I can kind of remember someone hanging around you a bit." He closed his eyes and frowned, straining to recall anything else. "Merde, name and face isn't coming to me, but I can guess it's him? Truth be told I would have assumed he was your boyfriend, but doesn't really sound like it with the way you described it."

At least it was a guy as well. Presumably a trainer too, if he was at the school as well. It wasn't a lot to go off of, but it was a start. "Now, how much 'didn't really deserve' do you mean? I hope you're not having to make up for something huge like him suddenly giving you a Masterball or a personal Corviknight taxi."

Rosa smiled, blushed, and shook her head. "No, not Simon. He's a good friend, but this is someone else. It's definitely nothing as extravagant as either of those things, but… it's really just an accumulation of a lot of little things that have gone unpaid. I already tried one thing, but that just ended in an argument. Soooo, I figure the best thing is just to get him something I think he might find useful. Something small, that doesn't take up too much space but that can be used for more than very, uh, specific situations? I guess?" she shrugged as her comments trailed off and grew higher pitch, ultimately leading them into the form of a question. "Anyways, I think we're both going in the same direction… so…" she held out the map for the Kalosian to take a look at. "Pretty much any of these three locations would be good for us both," she said, taking the pen from her pocket and tapping it against three of the circles that were nearby each other.

Achille looked over the map and the selected stores and thought over the choices. The boutique was tempting, but he didn't really know Haleigh's taste enough to make a good selection there. The trainer mart was obvious, but a bit of a generic choice. The last one, and the one closest to the stadium itself actually, was a small accessory shop for pokemon. Haleigh did have that Scorbunny, and the little guy was admittedly adorable. Haleigh seemed pretty attached to him too. "Well, I guess the best way to a trainer's heart is through their pokemon. Why don't we try this one?" He said, pointing to it on the map.

Rosa looked at the circle, curious as to which option he's chosen. "The accessory shop? Hmm." She thought to herself for a second. She pulled out her pokedex for a moment, lacking any other form of device that could keep time. The opening ceremony was going to get here before they knew it, maybe it was the best option to pick something close to their final destination. Although, she wasn't sure how Jasper would go for the idea of an accessory for Faust. It'd have to be something practical. She just hoped that they weren't a basic bow or sticker shop. "Yeah, I think that sounds like the perfect place to get a gift for Haleigh and her Scorbunny. It's pretty close to the stadium too, so we shouldn't have too much of an issue finding our way there."

"Sounds like a plan," Achille confirmed, tracing the route from their current location to the store with his eyes. "Looks like it's a straight path for now. At least until we have to take the lifts to the upper portion of the city." He checked the time on his phone himself, unhappy about how close they would cut it to the ceremony. "I was hoping to scope out Kabu before the ceremony. We might have enough time after this if we get going now." He looked down the street, just able to make out the large wheel-like lift that moved foot traffic between the two halves of the city. He began walking towards the area, checking to make sure he wasn't leaving his companion behind.

Rosa had already started walking when Achille had said that he had other plans to get to before the ceremony. She felt a little bad, knowing that she was taking up the little free time they had for the day, but she could definitely use the guide. She turned her head, looking over her shoulder at the Kalosian who had just started walking as he turned to do the same. "Let's go! If you want to see Kabu we need to hurry!"

When did she? Achille asked himself as he hurried to catch up. He must have zoned out thinking about the path and missed her already taking off. "You're going to have to teach me how to do that suddenly disappearing trick." He said as he caught up, matching her pace. "I've got formal events that would be a life saver at."

"Well," she started before clearing her throat, hoping that the joke would land. She wasn't much of a comedian, but... "I think if we just take out your shins you'll be a little bit better. Although you'll definitely lose some speed in the process." She said, laughing awkwardly at her own joke. "Disappearing acts help when you're a torso shorter than everyone else. Regrettably, most people think I'm a lost child when I get into crowds. It's irritating the number of times I've been approached by police officers asking if I'm lost or looking for someone."

"You know what, I'm short enough already. I think I'll just suffer boredom."


The two made their way up the elevator and found themselves face to face with the stadium. Fortunately, they'd made decent enough time. If they kept up with their current pace, they'd be able to get the gifts they needed and still have time to wander before the opening ceremony.

Rosa looked down at her map and then glanced around. It didn't look to be a large shop, in fact, from what she could tell on the map it had been squished into the space between two regular sized buildings. The girl skipped along the road leading towards the destination, keeping an eye out for the shop.

"Oh, that must be it," she said as she slowed to a stop. Just like on the map, it was a tiny little thing that had been shoehorned between two other buildings. The owner had done everything to make the building stand out from the other stores around it, but hardly anyone even noticed it was there from the looks of it. "Look, there's a sign. Going out of business. Buy two get one free, and everything's seventy percent off." The girl shook her head. "That's so sad ," she whispered as she stared at the kindly old woman who was knitting just inside the window.

Achille frowned after reading the sign. "Well, I guess that's good for us, even if it's bad news for the store. Weird, it seems like it'd be busier being this close to the stadium." Pokemon stores tended to thrive near gyms, as he understood it. Most stores weren't competing for visibility from the street or a map that seemed to list the store as an afterthought. "I guess Motostoke is more of a trainer town than a contest town though."

He opened the door to the shop, the sound of a ringing bell alerting the shopkeeper that she had customers. Inside were several small shelves in the center of the store, spaced comfortably far enough that even the most claustrophobic person would be able to shop here. What looked to be the more expensive items, full outfits and accessories for particularly large pokemon, were along shelves on the wall. Achille's eyes were drawn to a large rainbow-colored scarf that looked long enough to serve as a Snorlax's belt looped around one of the wall displays. The shopkeeper looked up from her knitting at the sound of customers, and Achille gave her a small wave and a "bonjour"

"Oh, hello," the old lady greeted the new arrivals, looking up but continuing her knitting. "Stopping by before the ceremony today? Please just shout if you need help with anything."

Rosa performed a quick figure eight around the store, taking in the sheer quantity, not to mention the quality of the choices that were available. This by no means seemed to be a store that was on the verge of going out of business. She picked up a scarf and flipped it over, finding the price tag. "Arceus in heaven, that's expensive."

"Don't worry girlie, everything's seventy-five percent off as well as buy two get one free."

Rosa looked over at the elderly woman who was cheerfully knitting what looked to be an extremely long sock. "Yeah, it's seventy-five percent off, but still, ten thousand poke for a scarf?" The elderly woman continued to rock in her chair and knit away, paying no mind to the girl's outburst. Rosa shook her head, absolutely appalled by the price gouging that they were witnessing. She was downright poor, but Achille was supposedly from money. Maybe these prices wouldn't seem as ridiculous to him, but for her, it was completely out of her price range.

Achille was busy aimlessly wandering the store, looking through the various categories of items, particularly around the smaller-to-mid sized pokemon section. He looked at what appeared to be a small leather bag for a pokemon to store an item and nearly choked at the price. These were prices he would see his brother paying for his contest gear, and much of that was custom made.

"Excuse me," he shouted across the store, grabbing the shopkeeper's attention. "This seems to be leather but doesn't list a grade. By the price tag it seems to be pretty expensive though. Do you know more about it?" He held the bag in the air, walking close enough for the woman to actually see it.

"Oh, that one?" The woman paused her knitting and adjusted her glasses to get a good view of the bag. "Oh, that one lost the tag ages ago. I can guarantee it's genuine leather though! I probably still have the contact information for the company in the back that I can give you after checkout, and they'll know."

"Oh, uh, thank you." Achille was not really reassured by that. He was fairly certain that was genuine was a buzzword. "I'm going to keep looking around though, not sure if this is the one." He was probably going to look for something easier to tell the quality of… like cloth.

Rosa continued around the store, wondering what the deal was with the exaggerated prices; especially after listening in on the back and forth between the merchant and Achille. She passed by rows of scarves, tiny jackets for smaller pokemon, and props for contests. She wasn't exactly seeing anything that shouted "Jasper" to her, but it couldn't help to keep looking. She did happen upon a nice scarf which was labeled as "genuine knitted Wooloo".

"Hmm, I wonder," she whispered to herself as she pulled the scarf down and began to feel her sweater with one hand and the sweater with the other. Something definitely wasn't right. She looked around nonchalantly, not wanting to make a scene before finding Achille who was absorbed into some of the other items which scattered the store. "Achille, come over here for a second." She whispered loudly. "I want you to feel this."

Achille walked over to the girl and rubbed the scarf between his fingers, then his own shirt as a reference. It didn't really feel like full wool. He reached inside his jacket pocket to feel his winter cap for another comparison. His cap wasn't Wooloo, but Mareep wool should feel similar enough. "I don't think it's 100% wool." He whispered to Rosa. "It feels like some of it is, but there's probably a lot of synthetic material. What's the tag say, genuine? I bet the wool that is real is genuine all right."

Rosa nodded her head. Maybe it was the run-in with the police the night before, but she was feeling a little full of herself at the moment when it came to investigating. She knew what she had to do. "Excuse me," she started, turning on her heels and heading over to the shopkeeper. "This says it's genuine Wooloo, do you know what percentage?"

"Oh, that? It's 100% pure Wooloo, to be sure. I've knit all the scarves in the store myself, so there's no doubt in my mind." She smiled with a yellow and toothy grin.

Rosa smirked. "Really? Are you sure it's 100% Wooloo? I'm going to give it to my boyfriend, but he's a bit of a snob and I'd hate for him to think I'm trying to cheap out by buying a fake."

The elderly lady laughed and put down her knitting needles. "No worries girlie, I've got the shipment in the back, I can show you the tag from the box if need be. All my wool is sourced from Postwick, so it's genuine for sure."

Rosa looked back at Achille and nodded. If she did try and procure a forged receipt for the "100% genuine Wooloo", then they'd be able to call her out on not only it, but also the price gouging she was knowingly committing despite having fake resources.

"Do you mind if I see it?" Achille asked, arriving at the counter himself. "I have a cousin who runs a Mareep farm back in Kalos. The wool feels a little rough, and I think you may be overpaying for it." This was a bold faced lie, of course. But he wanted to check the receipts himself. His dad did teach him how to spot someone who was trying to take him for a loop with fake luxury products.

"Oh dear, if you insist." The old woman had a practiced flabbergasted face, she sold this being the first time anyone had ever questioned the quality of her products before pretty well. "I must warn you, my bookkeeping is kind of a mess, so it may take me a few minutes to find it. Do you mind waiting?"

"Oh, it is no problem." Achille replied without hesitation, pulling his own "I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you" tone of voice. "Her boyfriend is just a little worried about that kind of thing, being around fire types and all that. Wants to be sure the wool will smoulder and not burn like a synthetic mix."

The old woman slowed in her tracks and side-eyed the two teenagers. She definitely looked like she wanted to say something, pursing her lips as she shuffled ever slower along. Rosa nodded her head, excited about the prospect of what would happen if she broke her character and directly confronted the two of them without beating around the bush.

"Yeah, I'd hate to think about what Jasper would do to me if I gave him something of such low-quality. He did make this sweater just for me after all, and it is 100% genuine Wooloo so I'd hate to denigrate his feelings by not fully knowing what I'm giving to him."

The elderly woman's eye twitched as she slowed completely to a halt. "Look, what do you kids want?"

She finally broke character, and Rosa could hardly contain the wicked smile that was creeping up on her face. Her eyes darted quickly to Achille as she pursed her lips. After all, she didn't come from money nor had she ever had more than a few thousand to her name. Achille would be the one to know the best deal for their silence. The girl nudged the Kalosian with her elbow and nodded for him to go ahead.

"How about we find something we both like that doesn't seem like you're trying to pull a fast on us, you tell us the real price for it, and let's say a nice little 40% off of that for us not alerting people how long you've probably been going out of business for." Achille suggested, looking back to the shelves behind him. The quality did seem pretty mixed on the products, but if he kept a good eye out he could tell which ones were legitimate products and which were full scams. "Let's be honest, the 75% off is still a very healthy profit on most of these."

"Tch, fine." The old lady spat in a decidedly less nice tone than she had upon their entry. "Just this once, and I better not see any posts about this online."

"Sounds like we have a deal then." Achille smirked as he retreated back to the small/medium shelf and looked through the held-item bags again, looking for a sturdy cloth one. He eventually found a small pouch-like bag with an adjustable band that looked like it would fit all of Scorbunny's evolutions. The red and yellow color scheme on it would match with the pokemon's accentuating colors as well.

Rosa was absolutely giddy with excitement. Despite being absolutely broke, she could probably quickly make up the difference in her deficit - there was a sign on her way through the shopping district about a decently paying gig that she could probably hit up after the ceremony to get her budget back in check. And if all else failed, Simon might be able to help her out. She quickly skipped about, hopping from display to display as she searched for something that would fit both Faust and Jasper.

"No, no, no." Scarves, jackets, necklaces, nothing seemed right. Even with the extra 40% off, the prices were still outrageous. If they'd wound up at a different store then- wait a minute, the whole reason she came with Achille in the first place was to help him find a gift! Lot of good she was doing in that regard, he looked like he was already making up his mind at this point. She really should hurry up and do the same, but nothing really seemed… "That." She whispered, looking up at a thin crown which was made of some sort of metal. "It's perfect."

She pulled the item down and held it between her hands before putting it on her own head. She found a mirror and looked herself over. It fit perfectly between her two buns, and Faust wasn't that much smaller than she was. And besides, he'd evolve eventually. She tugged at the crown, making sure that it wouldn't break too easily with what little strength she had. Upon closer inspection, it was a number of smaller pieces of metal which had all bent twisted into flower-like bits and then bent and woven together to create the singular item. With enough time, it could probably be pulled apart, but it was resilient towards simply breaking.

She nodded her head and looked around for Achille, finally ready to check out. "If he outgrows it fitting on his head, he could always put it on as a bracelet or on his tail. This definitely works." As her eyes landed on the Kalosian, her vision wavered for a second, readjusting to the man who was sitting off in the distance outside of the shop. "Why does he look familiar," She whispered questioningly to herself. It seemed as soon as she had noticed him, he got up and walked away. "Weird guy… maybe it was just my imagination." She shook her head and walked back over to Achille. "Find what you were looking for?"

"I think this would work." He held up the pouch, showing it to Rosa. The bag had a small drawstring in addition to a folding flap that snapped close, making the item inside extra secure, but still easily openable by a pokemon. The bag itself was a muted, but not dull yellow color with a bright red strap and flap. It felt sturdy enough that he was certain the woman didn't make it herself and was one of the legitimate pieces of merchandise she just removed the tag from.

"Bit of a wild find there." Achille looked over the crown. He wasn't expecting anything with quite that much metal in the store, especially not something that looked like real metal after the shopkeeper was wishy-washy about the leather. "I guess crowning someone is a way to show appreciation."

For a moment after his comment, Rosa considered Achille's heritage. Crowning someone wasn't exactly a means to show appreciation, but knighting definitely was. It was something that both countries had done in the past to be fair, but the ceremonies from her hometown were far and removed from either version of knighthood. Unfortunately for her, she had neither the power nor the means to do any of the processes she considered, so a crown seemed an apt replacement. She smiled and looked over the bag that Achille had found and nodded her head. "I think Haleigh will love that. It matches her Pokemon really well and it's practical."

The two placed their choices on the counter where the elderly woman was still standing, watching over their every move with squinted eyes. She pulled out a phone and opened it to the calculator before looking at the tags which were hanging from the items. "That crown's been here a long time. Glad to see it finally go." She spat. "Messes with the aesthetics for the rest of the room, but I just couldn't bring myself to toss it out. I hope your "boyfriend" appreciates it. It's one of the only times I ever tried metalworking so there's some real sweat and tears sealed up in it somewhere." She looked between the two of them and then shrugged at them. "Well? Is it together, or separate then?"

Achille looked over the price, pleased to see it fell to a much more reasonable amount. "I think together will work." He said as he prepared the payment. Normally he wouldn't rely on family money for trainer related stuff, but it was a gift. No one could complain if he wasn't even planning to keep it. "Thanks for helping me today." He whispered to Rosa.

She frowned a little. Sure, it was great that she didn't have to go into debt just to repay someone, but now she felt like she was indebted to someone else. She hadn't even really helped him out like she'd initially offered, she just wasted his time by taking him to some shady item shop. She glanced at the clock in the room, noting that time was running thin. Regardless of how she felt, it really wasn't the time to argue with him. She'd at least be considerate enough to try and leave him a bit of time to complete his other objective.

She shook her head. "No, thank you, Achille." She smiled, quickly hiding the fact that she was somewhat upset. "I'll be sure to pay you back eventually."

"Relax. If anyone needs to be repaid I'm pretty sure this payment is going to hit Béringer Transportation's bank account and not my own. Besides, I was pretty clueless before you made the suggestion to come here, eventful as it was."

"Hmm," she mused somewhat playfully. "How would you feel about a battle then? After the ceremony, of course. If I win, I can pay you back, and if you win… bragging rights?" She laughed lightly. "Or whatever, it's up to you."

"Sure," he agreed cheerfully, grabbing the bag with his purchase offered by the old woman. "I'm still going to be training for the first gym and it will be good practice battling something other than a wild pokemon for once."

Rosa nodded, grabbing the other bag which was dangling from the elderly woman's fingernails. "It's a deal then. I assume we'll be staying at the same place for the next week or so, so it shouldn't be too hard to find each other. For now, I'm going to go get changed for the ceremony though! I know you were wanting to look for Kabu still, but try not to run too late?"

"Oh merde," Achille said, suddenly remembering his other plans. "I've got to hurry over there before he leaves to get ready. I'll keep an eye out for you then." He was out of the store not a second later than his goodbyes took, taking off in a jog towards the stadium.

Rosa's smile slowly faded with the Kalosian's departure. She looked at the crown in her bag and then down the road in either direction. The man from earlier was still concerning her… it definitely felt like he was watching them, but she couldn't be for certain if it was the same man from last night or not. Regardless, it was just another thing she'd have to put on the back burner for now. Her main concern at the moment was not being late for the opening ceremony.

Valerie's Quest for 100 Friends
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1000 Friends: 11

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vs. Nidoran ♂

Valerie and Flame had found themselves back within the Dappled Grove after finally seeing Rayquaza. Now, she has one thing in mind.

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@LunaBeam: Hm? How to get stronger?
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: ding ding!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: like
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: super super Arceus super super
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: against a Arceus of destruction
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@LunaBeam: Oh... well, catching a lot of pokemon can help.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: eh?
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@LunaBeam: By having a lot of different type of pokemon, you can find it easier to have type advantages.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: oooooh!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: and i'll have loads of friends!!!11!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@LunaBeam: Yup! Hope this goes well for you Valerie, good luck!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: lates!

Valerie's new sidequest: Capture loads and loads and loads of pokemon to get stronger and thus become worthy to befriend Rayquaza begins! Luckily the Wild Area had a ton of pokemon, so there shouldn't be a problem seeking one out. The main problem was...

"Geeeeet IN there!" Valerie's first encounter was a Wooloo near a berry tree. She remembered that she had to prepare her pokeball to capture one, but the problem was, nothing happened. The Wooloo rolled away.

Next, Valerie encountered a Mankey. The pokeball was on the ground, leaving Valerie and the Mankey at a strange standoff. "C'mon maaaaaan, get in there! Please? Pretty please with a cherubi on top? I... I'll be your best friend! We'll sing loads of times! Oh! Oh! I got one: One little Mankey jumping on the bed! One fell off and bumped his head! Nidoqueen called Nurse Joy and Nurse Joy said: No more Mankeys jumping on the bed--"

The pokemon scampered off, leaving Valerie dumbfounded. The only the rpokemon that Valerie had gotten was her Morepeko, but this was actually the first time she tried to catch a wild pokemon with pokeballs. But... What was the problem? Tiiiime to ask Luna.

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@VAL-entine: lunaaaaaaa
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: uuuugh
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: my BRAIN is frieeeeeed
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: why can't i catch a pokemon
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: what DO
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@LunaBeam: Battle it first to weaken it, then when it's time, throw your pokeball at the pokemon.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@VAL-entine: wtf???
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
@LunaBeam: Sometimes it won't work right away, but keep trying! You'll get it!

"Ohhhhh... I gotta throw it AT the pokemon! Pffft, duuuh!" Valerie realized.

Things were going slow. Fortunately, that was until...

"Oooh, what's that?" Valerie had then found a small, purplish looking pokemon sunbathing nearby. It looked peaceful, resting - but Valerie took out her pokedex to analyze it nonetheless.

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Poison Pin Pokémon!
Poison type! The horn on a male Nidoran's forehead contains a powerful poison. This is a very cautious Pokémon, always straining its large ears. Small but brave, this Pokémon will hold its ground and even risk its life in battle to protect the female it's friendly with.

"Right - time to catch it!" Valerie finally announced. "Ummm... what did Luna say again? Ah, weaken it! In that case... Peko! Goooo get em'!" Valerie had opened her bag where her Morpeko had been hiding in, only for her to see that she was deep asleep. "Ooops! Guess I gotta let you catch your Zs in peace... nights, lil' sis! Alllright, let's go with you, Flame!"

Her Cyndaquil that was happily sitting on her shoulder nodded. He lept off from Valerie, and confronted the wild Nidoran. Flame gave a sharp cry towards the wild pokemon, garnering its attention as the Nidoran woke up, carefully eyeing the Cyndaquil that approached him.

"Blaze on, Flame!" Valerie cried. Flame ignited the flames on his back. He was ready to battle. "Giiiive it a Ember!" Flame released a multi-stream of flames towards the Nidoran. The Nidoran replied by shooting a endless stream of purplish pins from its mouth, countering the flames. It then ran to deliver a fierce jab on Flame with its horn, causing Flame to tumble away from the blow.

"Niiiice! It's pretty tough!" Valerie beamed. "But we're not going down that easily! Get em' Flame! Tackle it!" obeying her command, Flame charged in quickly, hitting the Nidoran cleanly with the full weight of his body. The Nidoran was staggered back a few feet, but still remained on its feet. It then prepared to counter-strike, with another barrage of poisonous stingers.

"Gotta move! Quick Attack!" Valerie quickly called out, having her Cyndaquil move fast enough to dodge the barrage, to attack it once again with a fast strike. But the Nidoran still remained standing. "Keep burning, Flame! Ember!" Flame unleased once again, a spit fire barrage of flames. This time the fire struck the target, causing the NIdoran to tumble over in pain, lying over on the grass.

"Ah.. oh! Pokeball... Pokeball..." Valerie then frantically searched for an empty pokeball. Soon she was indeed handed one - from her Morpeko. It looked like all the commotion had woken her from her nap. "You're a sweetie, sis, thanks! Allllright..." She readied her stance, and her aim. She clenched the pokeball tightly, ready to throw it.

"Let's GET IT, Pokeball!" Valerie shouted, finally throwing her pokeball towards the fallen Nidoran. The Pokeball hit its mark, opening up and encasing the wild Nidoran in a silver light, sucking it up inside. The pokeball had dropped to the ground. It shook once. Then twice. Then a third time.

"C'mon, C'mon, Cmon..." Valerie said in anticipation, with Flame in the ready. Eventually, though... a sharp ping echoed the area, and the pokeball had stopped shaking. Valerie blinked, as she approached the pokeball. She took it up, and put it close to her ear, shaking it. "Uhhhh... is it... broken?" she wondered. But, eventually, she figured it out.

"Oh no, wait wait wait!! It worked! Yeeeeeees! Nidoran HYPE!" her pokemon capture was complete. And many more were to come. Hopefully.

New Pokemon!

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Pokeball x1

P1 Valerie's Party

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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]


vs. Zigzagoon pt.1
vs. Cyndaquil
vs. Zigzagoon pt.2

Friend's List

Flame (Valerie's Cyndaquil)
Before Valerie started on her journey, Flame was constantly brought down and disrespected by being an incredibly weak pokemon. It trains harder than most of the other pokemon, however. After Valerie helped it to train, it was finally able to ignite the flames on its back. Now, Flame's dream is to be the strongest pokemon in all of Galar.

Youngster Johnny
Johnny's father brought him a Zigzagoon as a friend, when he didn't have any. Ever since his dad saved him and Ziggy from an accident, Johnny's dream is to become a champion of Galar with his self proclaimed top-percentage Zigzagoon. After a hard-fought battle against Valerie, the two became friends.


Ziggy (Johnny's Zigzagoon)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Arrietty Maverick
A fellow graduate from the Pokemon academy in Wedghehurst. Seems reserved, but friendly.


Wren (Arietty's Torchic)
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Melody Argent
A fellow graduate from the Pokemon academy in Wedghehurst. Harsh, but looks out for Valerie.

Aeliana Kekoa
A fellow graduate from the Pokemon academy in Wedghehurst. Valerie calls her "bae".


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Trainer ID

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Valerie (Val) Amity

Her main goal for her journey is seek at least 100 friends - humans, or pokemon. So, she seeks to meet and obtain as much pokemon as she can for friends. She also seeks a successful endeavor within her Gym Battle challenge in Galar, in the hopes of one day, becoming champion, like many other trainers who have the same dream.


[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
Pokeball x4
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
Greatball x1


TR: Rock Tomb



Galarian Pokédex V. 8

#032: Nidoran♂
#035: Clefairy
#155: Cyndaquil
#158: Totodile
#246: Larvitar
#255: Torchic
#263: Zigzagoon
#270: Lotad
#335: Zangoose
#336: Seviper
#384: Rayquaza
#887: Morpeko


Sachiko Akabane

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Epoch 3.0: Motostoke
Daily Call! Unforeseen Variable!

Tora lay down on the bed, eyes closed but his ears alert for anything. He heard Aria chirping and Gex clicking around from different areas of the room, meaning he was exploring. It was morning and they had just woken up from resting after arriving at Motostoke late last night.

"Tori? How are you and Seto doing?" At his human's voice, Tora opened his eyes, moving his head to see the bathroom door open, revealing the female brushing her hair as the flip-phone rested on the counter beside the sink. He could hear that certain female's voice, Tori was it?, coming from the phone, one of his human's pseudo-siblings, or as Tori likes to call themselves.

"We're doing alright Sachi! No worries! How was the Wild Area?"

"It was as difficult as you said," Sachi sighed, recalling the harsh weather and various pokemon they encountered. "Although, you never mentioned anything about crazy people…"

"Crazy people? Those are everywhere Sachi!"

"I know that Tori." Sachi sighed, "This one was different, he actually used violence in the middle of a battle."


"Tori?" Sacih stopped brushing her hair, turning her gaze to the phone.

"***** WHAT?!"

"So what happened-" Sachi explained to Tori what occurred on Lake Axwell as she placed down the hair brush, beginning to grab some of her front strands to pull back and clip together into her usual hairstyle. "-and then the man vanished with his pokemon."

"Wait until I get my hands on that bastard! How dare he touch you like that! Did you punch him?"

"I kicked him, does that count?"

"No, you should have kicked him where the sun doesn't shine! Then it would be fair!"

"Tori no-"

"Yes! If I was there, I would have kicked his balls repeatedly until he was begging for death!"

"Just...no." Sachi made a face at the image, clipping the strands together behind her head. She then grabbed her clothes from the toilet seat, beginning to change into them. "Tori, it was a pokemon battle, not a cat fight."

"He started it! Tell me when he appears and i'll teleport there! Gaia is strong enough to do so!"

"Please don't." Sachi objected, "Gaia may be strong, but I need you at home to watch over grandma."

"I doubt she'll need watching over with the small army you're sending over. First Bolt, then a Snover. What's next?"

"...That's not a bad idea…" Sachi pondered, "I should get her more pokemon…"

"Sachi, there's a problem though."

"Problem?" Sachi was about to put her parka on, when Tori's next words caused her to freeze. Her blood chilled as her pace paled.

"Your aunt is looking for you."

"W-What do you mean l-looking?" Sachi stuttered, hoping that what she was thinking was wrong. She can't be here… Dad already assured that he won the battle…

"She came to your house and demanded to see you. Your grandmother told her you left for the challenge. She was pissed and screamed saying that her brother, or your dad, wouldn't approve of this."

"Oh god… i'm sorry about her screaming…"

"There's good news and bad news from this. The good news is that your grandmother told her that she already talked to your father about it after you left. He didn't want you to go, and was about to go after you, but your grandmother scolded him and said that it was time for you to leave the nest. I don't know how, but your grandmother managed to ground your dad and convince him to give you a chance. She also told me to tell you that he'll call you soon to talk about that."

"Grandma and mom were the only ones dad really listened to… He thought I was too young and wouldn't listen and grandma wanted to wait to see if dad would change his mind." Sachi sighed, placing a hand on her cheek. "He didn't, but if grandma did, she must have used her secret weapon."

"No doubt… Now the bad news… Your aunt didn't take kindly to that and told your grandma that she and your father were putting your safety in danger. She brought out her pokemon, as if she was threatening her!"

"I-Is grandma okay?!" Sachi panicked. She knew her aunt was possible of hurting someone using her pokemon, and wouldn't hesitate to do so.

"Grandma is alright, she called the two pokemon you send over. Me and Seto were there too! She was outnumbered, but then she said that if they aren't going to stop you, then she will. She left after returning her pokemon and told us..."

"What did she say?" Sachi prodded, wanting to know what her aunt told them to even make Tori serious.

"She said… that once she found you… she'd fight to get custody for you and drag you back with her… using whatever means necessary."

"..." Sachi took a deep breath, taking in her words, before letting out a shaky breath. "My aunt said that before and it didn't work…"

"We told her the same, but she said that she had people with connections who could get it done. She just needed to find you, get you to sign custody papers… and game over."

"M-me?" Sachi blinked, confused, but still shaken. "What would me signing help?"

"After she left, Seto went to search up what she meant… Apparently, there's a way to get legal control over you since you're under eighteen. She would need a very good lawyer who can work around the law and skip the court route. If you sign the papers, she gets legal custody."

"So basically…" Sachi trailed off, realizing what Tori was hinting.

"She's looking for you as we speak, and I have no doubt, from what you and grandma told me, she'll even have a psychic pokemon there to ensure it."

"She knows what I look like and if she does have connections…"

"You're going to have to change your appearance to get off her radar."

"W-What?" Sachi stuttered before shaking her head, "Why? I like my hair…"

"Your hair is what's going to make you easy to find! You don't need to change anything else, just the hair's fine!"

"..." Sachi was quiet, looking in the mirror and saw her reflection, looking at her vermillion hair. "Sorry Tori, but I think I'll take the chance. My hair color connects me to my mom."

"Alright... I can't push you to do something you don't like. Just be ready for when she comes."

"I'll try..." Sachi hesitantly agreed, grabbing her brush. "I'll call you later." Sachi ended the call and closed the phone, carefully removing the clip and tied her hair into a high ponytail, tying it up with a black ribbon, making a small bow on the back of her head. She'd have to put her trilby hat in the bag for now... Auntie… What caused the rift between you and dad? And why are you so fixed on me? Sachi shook her head. I really hope this doesn't cause trouble on my journey... The ceremony is tomorrow and I definitely can't miss it!

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At Home:
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The Opening Ceremony - Part 1 - The Stadium Entrance
- A JP created by the cast of Pokémon Spear -

Motostoke Stadium loomed over the city from its position on the upper walkway. As Raph looked up at the craning heights he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He had always thought that the Kalosian gyms were decidedly less moorish than the Galarian ones… but he'd be lying if he said the spectacle didn't impress him. The sky above was a pale blue on a crisp and cloudless Winter's morning, he himself had been in the city for a day or so. He'd headed straight for the Budew Inn after arriving, abandoning Ruben and Simon, though he was sure they'd end up there themselves eventually.

Vito calmly circled around his legs as Raph checked his phone. The ceremony was due to start in a short time now, he wondered where everyone else was hiding. Had they already arrived? It'd make sense if he was the last one there, the idea fit him well considering. With a sigh he looks towards the door and makes his way to step inside.

"Whooooa, look who it iiiis!" called out a cheerful, somewhat loud voice. Indeed, look who it was: it was the cheerful trainer Valerie, with Flame all perched up on her shoulder. She jogged up to her fellow classmate. "Hey, hey! How's it hanging, Raphie? Hadn't seen you in aaaages!"

Raph furrowed his brow in response as the girl approached him. She seemed familiar with him, the way she was looking at him implied that they had some sort of history… and had she called him Raphie? Well, she was here at the stadium, she was probably another one of his classmates. How annoying, if he had known this would be something that happened so often it would have been less effort to remember their names.

"Oh… hey." He mumbles, before turning away and starting to head inside, hopeful that this woman wouldn't continue to bother him.

"Good to see you, Pog-champ! Ooooh, oooh, Raphie, soooo tell me!" Valerie continued, slightly walking behind him. "How's your journey so far? Did you see loads of cool things?! Win any epic battles? Got any sweet Pokemon friends?? Btw I made like, lots. Liike, tooootal lots. There's Flame, Peko… ohoh, and this reaaaaally super amazing Legendary Pokemon Ray-Ray, ah, you shoulda been there, he was soooo cool! Man, being a trainer is soooo rad, right?!"

Was this girl high? Raph rolled his eyes as she followed him, stretching a little as he walked past the glass doors and drifted inside. "Mhm… sounds great, sure, legendary pokémon? Awesome." If this was how things were starting, it was going to be a long day.


Aeliana looked around at the hustle and bustle of the lobby inside of the Motosoke Stadium. During her long, long trek through the Wild Area, all the dancer could think about was how she couldn't wait to finally reach Motosoke and lose herself in the excitement and thrill of the opening ceremony. Now that she was finally here, finally about to be in front of all those people, both in the audience and watching from home on television. Her stomach was starting to do flips and turns. She began to feel more anxious than she had… ever. She didn't want to turn and run, mind you. But the thrill of the moment was starting to make her heart race.

"This is it, guys. This is where we make our first steps towards reaching our dream," the pinkette said.

She glanced down at both her Totodile and Clefairy. A broad, toothy grin stretched across the Totodile's face. She was constantly bouncing from one foot to the other, matching the sync of the beats from the music playing over the stadium speakers almost perfectly. Mahina on the other hand, felt a bit nervous. She could feel the eyes of various people, future challengers and hired league representatives alike on her. The Clefairy slowly crept closer to Aeliana, doing her best to hide behind her leg.

"I get how you feel, Mahina… It is pretty unreal…" she mused. The trainer scooped her Clefairy up into her arms, bringing her close to her chest. "But… Don't worry. You'll get used to it. We all will. Soon, we're gonna be household names. People will be coming far and wide to see us in action, rooting for us from Wedgehurst all the way to Wyndon!"

Walking through the doors, to the sweeping lobby of Motostoke Gym, Clovis walked in with Cortex on his shoulder. While Cortex continued to eyeball all the fresh new faces and environments, Clovis was trying to avoid the masses as much as possible. Not that they bothered him, he just didn't want to be packed in like a Magikarp at a fish market. So… he ended up near a pink haired girl, fiddling with two of her Pokemon. A Totodile, pretty rare, and a Clefairy… interesting. And of course, I run into another familiar face. Joy.

As Clovis eased his way into an easy space, he was also just a foot away from the fashionable trainer. A sour look of unease crept on his face, before he pulled out his notes and began to pour over everything he had written down since he gained a respite while at the Giant's Seat. Somewhat of a respite. What could be seen on the pages were detailed notes about Blipbug and their respective stages of evolution, Dottler and Orbeetle. "We need to get back to training as soon as possible, Cortex. We must work on ourselves before we can truly be ready. But, by the time we reach the first gym, our work will pay off, Cortex." "RRrrrr!" The Larva cooed in agreement, before eyeballing both the female trainer and her two Pokemon.

Cortex's orb-like eyes seemed to scan them over, such curiosity over the new creatures presented before it. Clovis, meanwhile, was still pouring over his personal research.

"Wait, I think I know that voice…" Aeliana mused. The girl glanced around, her eyes lighting up as she spotted the glasses-sporting youth. She smiled brightly at the boy as she stepped closer. "Clovis! Alola! I haven't seen you since graduation! How're ya doing?"

Clovis… visibly flinched, once he heard his name called. Still, a sour look could be seen on his face. But at this point, he assumed that her attention span would be just short enough that if he ignored her, a Butterfree or something mundane would catch her attention immediately. Cortex, however, looked questioningly at Clovis. He didn't realize he knew so many people, but supposed that was to be expected. Still, Clovis poured over his notes, trying his damndest not to give her the idea he recognized her.

"Clovis? Hello?" the pinkette called out. A frown quickly came to grace her lips. "I think I've seen Komala more alert than this."

Tampa looked at the boy curiously. What in the world was he looking at that made him distracted from talking to her trainer. The Totodile waddled up to Clovis, tugging on the boy's pant leg to try and get his attention. Still, no response from the boy. An annoyed growl echoed out, before her mouth snapped open and a quick squirt of water shot out in his direction.

Before Clovis had known it, he and his notes were assaulted by a spray of water from the girl's Totodile. What made it worse than Clovis and his upper clothes being soaked, was that the note cards that were inscribed with the information were written in pen. The ink began to run across the paper, and Clovis… was in shock. His head turned slowly, looking over at the girl with eyes that looked like they were going to shoot out of their sockets. His pupils, dilated. Now irritated with water, his eyes were bloodshot. "H-How…."

"Oh… Oh, no, no no…" Aeliana muttered, setting her Clefairy down beside her. She quickly sprung forward, grabbing hold of her Totodile who happened to look very pleased with herself despite the situation she just put her trainer in. "I'm so, so, so, sorry. She didn't mean anything, it was an accident, I swear!"

Clovis began to grind his teeth in utter annoyance, unable to even begin without drawing even more attention to himself. But, with a deep inhale and a few seconds of silence, Clovis manages to collect himself for only a moment. "Try keeping that… CRETIN on a tighter leash. Otherwise…." He began to storm past, before turning around to see her one more time. "You'll take responsibility for it." Cortex looked on in worry, unable to do anything for either side. But Clovis continued to storm on, forcing his way into the changing area with an audible huff.

Aeliana huffed, the pinkette clearly taking offense to the way Clovis talked down to Tampa. Even if the Totodile couldn't understand what the boy was saying when he insulted her, that didn't seem like an excuse to treat her like that.

"It's not like we've been trainers all that long, no need to get your knickers in a twist," Aeliana retorted. "I even apologized for what happened!"


Rosa covered her face with her sweater as she entered the stadium lobby. It had been a month since graduation and she hadn't managed to run into anyone from class in the Wild Area outside of Simon. Besides her run-ins with Jasper and Achille, this would be the first time reuniting with the other graduates.

She breathed warm air into the woolen sweater, heating the scents which were trapped within before taking a deep breath through her nose. The nostalgic smell of Simon's cologne was comforting to her, and helped to ease the anxiety that could be coming. There were too many names for her to have properly studied for any single interaction. If worse came to worst, she'd just have to wing it.

"Oh no," she whispered to herself as she entered and saw interactions already forming between the more energetic of students. She felt around in her pockets for the three pokeballs she now had filled, finding it to be a new comfort for her to know she had strong allies. Although, she would likely find it hard to have her pokemon fight through her social anxiety for her.

For now, it was best to just try to blend in and hope that nobody noticed her. This was definitely one of the few times that her tiny stature would help in having people overlook her. "Probably the only perk of being nearly a foot shorter than all your peers," she grumbled quietly as she found a seat to wait in.

For the last three weeks, the name of the game had been to get here to take part in this very ceremony. Now that she's here and it's happening, she's… eh. Melody can't seem to drum up any excitement for actually getting to this place. Maybe she'll sing a different tune once they actually walk out into the arena, or maybe when the gym leaders walk in. Maybe that will make this real for her? Or maybe she'll remain chronically annoyed since she'll be walking out into said arena with a majority of people she's far from fond of. Melody sighs as she makes her way into the lobby. It's a little less cramped in here than it was in the dressing room. Not… much, but enough that she feels as if she can take a decent breath.

From the looks of things, she's not the only one who had this idea. There's several familiar faces decorating the lobby, most of them conversing with one another. All except… a little figure sitting in a chair. Is that Rosa? Well, she looks like she's trying to find a way to melt into the floor to go unseen, so yes, it's Rosa. Good on her for getting all the way here. Truthfully, Melody was half convinced Rosa would take one step into the wild area and turn right back around. Who knows? Maybe that dainty look she has about her will work to her advantage. She might tear right through the league because no one suspects much from her. Wouldn't that be a treat? Melody could get behind a Champion Rosa.

Melody makes her way towards the chair next to the chair next to Rosa. She doesn't want to crowd her, though she has a feeling that if she sits close, she can use how uncomfortable Rosa looks as a buffer to keep anyone else from wandering over to try to strike up small talk. Rifling through her bag to find her ear-buds, Melody takes a seat. "Remember to breathe." She mumbles, only glancing briefly in the smaller girl's direction.

Rosa stared at her knees, only stealing brief glances at the girl who'd taken the seat directly next to her. From Rosa's perspective, Melody hadn't changed much since their graduation. She tried for a few seconds to recall any of the more detailed notes she'd taken on the girl, but nothing much came to mind. It was a shame that she'd left her notebook in her room at the Inn. Although, as she thought more about it, it might just ostracize her even more from her peers if she had to look up notes on each of them as they came up.

She watched as Melody pulled out a pair of headphones, presumably to disconnect and isolate herself into a world of music. Rosa related to the girl on a few levels; perhaps in a way, she even looked up to her? The way she always knew the answers in class despite never being awake for lectures had always been so amazing to her in particular. But what good were book smarts in the real world, Rosa wondered. Had anything they'd learned in class really helped either of them through the Wild Area?

The girl nervously clenched her fists under the veil of her lengthy sweater's arms. She was much better at dealing with boys than she was to girls, and on top of that Melody had never really struck her as the social type during class. But, she'd taken the seat next to her despite the building still filling up, so maybe this was her opportunity? She wetted her lips a few more times than necessary and took a couple of deep breaths before finally working up the courage to just go for it. "E-Excuse me, Melody?" She said, leaning over to be in the girl's peripheral vision and given a short little sleeve-wave towards her.

Realizing it would be a real dick move to say something and then immediately ignore Rosa if she decided to reply to Melody's comment, the punk teen decides against reaching for her phone immediately-- not that she hasn't been known to play a dick move before, it's just that she's pretty sure there's laws against being mean to Rosa-- and if there's not, there should be. Call it a soft spot? Or maybe call it being on the cusp of being a decent human being? There's just no reason to be hurtful towards someone who gives off the vibe that she's already being way harder on herself than you could ever be. It's… kind of like those kids that were kicking Nightshot the day they met. Congratulations, you asserted your power over something that can't defend itself. You are an asshole and you deserve to be hit with multiple sticks to the face.

She does pop one bud into the ear facing away from her tiny classmate, though she keeps the other ear empty. Trying not to stare, she does pretend to look for something else in her satchel while glancing at Rosa from the corner of her eye. While she can't see what her hands are doing underneath the oversized sweater, she does take note that Rosa's breathing rather deeply. Oh. Maybe she should have found a different seat after all. She can blame a lack of phone reception and move down a few-- but that could bring someone else to sit beside Rosa, and who knows how obnoxious or rude that person could be. And if she moves, she runs the risk of being bothered by someone significantly more annoying than her current seating companion could ever hope to be. Luckily, before she can weigh the good and the bad of moving, she takes note of the little sleeve wave and the very soft call of her name. Melody sets her bag down and turns her head, returning the little wave. "Hey. You okay over there?"

Rosa nods and then motions towards her ear. "It's starting to get loud in here and… well, you think I might be able to listen to music with you? I don't have a phone or anything to disappear into and I know it might be kind of rude, but… maybe if we look like we're busy together then nobody else will try and bother us?"

Melody blinks slowly. That wasn't at all what she expected Rosa to say, If she didn't think it would come off that she was laughing at her, Melody would snicker at their almost identical thought process. "That's why I sat here. I figured we could get some peace and quiet together." Between Rosa looking uncomfortable and Melody's resting bitch face, she can't imagine anyone is going to think 'yes, those two look like a welcoming duo that I should get closer to.'

"What kind of music do you like?" She asks as a very small but very easy going smile sneaks its way onto her face. She picks up her bag once more and begins to dig towards the bottom. She does have a pair of headphones as well as two different sets of earbuds, in case something happens to any of them. After a few seconds, she reveals a set of Spikemuth-pink headphones with small screens on the outer ear pieces. When turned on, the screen-looking circles will light up and show the name of the song playing as well as the sound waves of said song. They're particularly good for blocking out the world around the person wearing them and absolutely worth every spent on them. "Here, these are great."

Rosa smiled softly, happy that she wasn't outright told off. "I can listen to anything. I grew up with very traditional tastes, but exploring new things is really exciting for me. Simon showed me a lot of his music collection before and I liked most of it, so just whatever you want to listen to. I'm sure I can enjoy whatever it is." The girl took the headphones that were offered and placed them over her ears, resting them back against her dual buns. She gave Melody an innocently inquisitive look and waited expectantly for the girl's music choices to completely blow out her ear drums. Don't have to respond to people if you can't hear them anymore, right?

Which Simon? Is that a common name around Galar? That's unfortunate considering what happened in their neighboring region just a few years after all the Simons she knows were born. Melody almost asked, but Rosa already had the headphones on, and even without music playing, they're pretty good at snuffing out noise. Ah, well, it's not important. Melody gives a thumbs up at the sight of the headphones on her classmate. They… look kind of endearing when mixed with her little head-buns and large sweater. Nice aesthetic. Dropping her hand, Melody reaches for her platinum Rotom-brand phone. A little reminder pops up to tell her that Piers and Marnie's new album will be released soon and for the briefest second, the punk teen's eyes light up. Brushing it aside, she opens her musical selection.

Let's see… probably shouldn't play anything too hardcore since the name of the game is to drown out the world and relax. Let's see… Wait, why does she even have this one? Oh, right, because memes. Well, it is pretty light hearted. Sure, why not? Maybe it'll make Rosa smile. Melody taps the play button on her phone before tapping the on button on her headphones' screen. The little blue screen lights up and flashes to life:

Splash Mouth - All Staryu

Rosa's eyes lit up as the song started playing. She had been expecting some kind of metal to start blaring at deafening volumes, so this was a surprise to say the least. She started to nod her head along to the music and smiled. Her eyes rose to meet Melody's and she started talking a little louder than she was comfortable with, although she wouldn't know because the headphones were so good at doing their job.

"This kinda sounds like pokeback! I really like it!" She exclaimed, almost shouting as she fought to register the sound of her own voice over the sound of the music.

Simon had instructed her on a number of different "complex" musical concepts to try and deepen her appreciation for the medium but… music honestly just wasn't her thing. She appreciated that it helped other people in different ways and liked that other people liked it, but for her it was just more noise in her head. Maybe it was because Simon always tried to get her to listen to punk rock and metal. But regardless, this was definitely the best direction to go in for the time being. She recognized some parts of the song from somewhere, but couldn't recall exactly when or where she'd heard it before. It was easy enough to find the pulse and to go along with it, and as long as she could keep Melody's attention there was a good chance she could get through this without tripping up on the personalities she'd already shown to her other classmates.

Melody doesn't even realize that her smile grows as Rosa's eyes light up. Has she ever seen Rosa look anything but distressed and frightened before? Maybe a couple of times when Simon was around. Hearing her shout makes the punk teen chuckle. She should have strapped headphones onto Rosa and played Pop-punk way before now. "Do you like Pokeback? I think I have something by them on here." Melody speaks slowly since Rosa will probably have to rely on lip reading to understand what she's saying. The crowded world around them fades away from Melody's mind as she goes through her playlist once more. She wasn't a large Pokeback fan, but she wasn't one to jump on the bandwagon and detest them just because it seemed like a cool thing to do. She knows she has that song they played during the credits to the Ariados Man movie on here… somewhere. Oh, she has Ai Catch by GoGoat Bed on here too. It might be fun to listen to what Rosa thinks the lyrics to that one are.

GoGoat Bed… NateWantsToBattle-- oh, Rosa might like him. He's not as heavy as a lot of the bands she has on here. Melody adds one of his songs to the queue she's setting up for the pair. Ah! There it is, Hero by PokeBack. She'll play this one as soon as All Star (Piece) stops playing. This… is pretty fun.


Ruben leaned back in his chair, the white plaster of the wall in front of him the most engaging thing about the room. In one ear, out the next. He was being talked at. The most tedious thing in the world. Glancing at the peppy but hardenered PR rep that club had sent for him, he noticed not only had she organised an entire presentation of how he would appeal to fans of the league challenge but in it she included an itinerary of where the next few steps of his journey would take him, complete with pokemon for him to catch and clothes for him to wear.

"I thought we were supposed to take the cast off. Make him look strong." Ruben's haughty but conscientious agent, Henlon, hissed. The man's client peered over curiously, but made no effort to intervene. Ruben couldn't deny him; for all the venom Henlon spat, when it was time to slither, the guy did good work.

"He needs to be sympathetic. The cast stays on. As things are, the fans of the league challenge think he's arrogant, entitled. We need all the help we can get. Mascot issue aside, we need to align you with someone endearing. One of your classmates that's...well a loser. I'll fix the mascot issue...the stunt you pulled in Wedgehurst has ensured that won't be easy. The club refused to let you walk out there with the dairy queen." The PR rep sighed, gesturing dismissively toward a very unappreciative Lesca. "For now, your best bet is focusing on making 'friends'."

"That I can do." Ruben, holding his breath in his chest, took to his feet and began out of the room. "Come on Lesca," He added, releasing the breath in a huff.


"Chu Chu!" Milla watched as Pia dressed herself into her challenging attire, something she had been saving up for for a while and was only able to buy just before they left on their journey. Her attire consisted of shorts and a crop top with sleeves that covered part of her hands. It was very convenient for gym challenges and although her version of this sports clothing was cheap, it was partly in fashion right now. Partly because they're supposed to go along with leggings but all she could afford were fitting shorts.

"Weirdly enough I'm feeling a little bit nervous. Aren't you feeling anything, Milla?" Pia shot a glance at her overly excited Pichu, once again running around in circles through the dressing room.

"Chu chu!" Milla replied, stopping on her tracks and saluting the girl. Pia smiled at the cute sight of this.

"I see. You're better at this than I am then." She ruffled through her hair to have her haircut just be a little more wavy. Prim was unbothered and was napping the corner of the room. Pia chose to return her to her Pokéball for now and left the dressing room, leaving it for someone else to use.

"Here goes nothing…" she stretched her body and slowly but surely made her way towards the stage.


Catherine, having changed into her blue-and-yellow challenger's uniform, found herself standing uncomfortably in the corner of the lobby while Indra "talked" to each and every Pokemon that had passed him cheerily. Catherine was pretty content to just leave the Poliwag to his own devices for the most part, he'd proved well-behaved enough. On the other hand, she had very quickly resolved not to let Stampede anywhere near the lobby.

Truthfully, she wished that the not being anywhere near the lobby thing could apply to herself too. She pulled the zip on her jacket further up, trying to sink as far back into her little corner as she possibly could in the hopes of not having to interact with anyone. She'd already caught glimpses of Clovis making a scene and Ruben being a publicity whore and had no intention of being lumped in with the rest of them… or having to be anywhere near them… or anyone else.

Can this just be over already?

This temporary invisibility was not to last though, as soon the peace was interrupted by someone approaching the same corner, Achille. The Kalosian had changed into his black-and-white challenger uniform, but was still wearing the large jacket. He'd at least taken off the sunglasses while in the lobby though, opting instead for his reading glasses. He was being followed by Joiuse, and the honedge was busy watching the crowd with her eye darting back and forth.

"This crowd is killing me," he muttered, finding a place to lean against the wall. He sighed and brushed back his hair as Joiuse moved directly in front of him like some form of bodyguard. "You can cut that out, Joiuse. I went to school with… a lot of these guys. Plus you get disqualified for fighting in the lobby, so relax." Thankfully the honedge got the hint, moving to his side, but still focusing on the crowd.

"I hope you don't mind, I was getting a headache in the middle of all that." He finally addressed Catherine, turning towards her. "I guess you're pretty set against Kabu though." He motioned towards Indra.

"Not like I can stop you," Catherine responded with a completely unmasked sigh and an expression that implicitly said she wished she could. She turned to see Achille speaking to her, recognising him from the distinctly thick Kalosian accent she'd heard throughout their time in the Wedgehurst School. She supposed she'd just have to content herself with the knowledge that, at the very least, the classmate who'd chosen to talk to her wasn't Clovis, Ruben or Valerie.

She followed Achille's gesture with her gaze, seeing Idra turn away from the Budew he'd been pestering to immediately prance up to where he'd seen his trainer, against all odds, talking to someone. The Poliwag immediately launched into a cheery babble at Achille and Jouise.

"I suppose," Catherine said, looking back at her classmate, "But from what we've all heard, you'd have to be a moron to take on Kabu first, even with a type advantage. Anyone who does that is just grandstanding and looking for attention."

"That's true, I was watching some of his training before the ceremony." Achille knelt down, patting Indra while the poliwag babbled at them. "Hey little guy." Joiuse looked much less pleased at having a strange pokemon suddenly walk up to her trainer, and kept her stare directed at the water-type now. "Ignore her," he said while rising back to his feet, referencing the sword staring a hole in his back for his comment. "If she had her way I'd never speak to anyone again."

"Anyway, it didn't seem like he was going to pull any punches with how he was preparing. I know I don't want to start my championship run getting my ass kicked on the first battle." The Kalosian pulled out his phone and started sending a few messages while they were waiting, his eyes looking back towards the doors the staff was supposed to call them through every few moments. "Anyways, how's your team shaping up? I'm in no shape to take on Kabu, but I think I have a good start."

"I'm more likely to have trouble with Milo," Catherine said, "Put it that way."

Of course, he was trying to get an edge over the competition by learning about her team composition. Catherine wondered how many other people in the room had already been suckered in by the supposedly friendly conversation.

"Eh, Milo should be easy for me," Achille said in reply. He was hoping to hear what kind of pokemon his classmates were interested in, but people tended to be coy about that when a championship was on the line he supposed. "Darumaka should be able to handle the bulk of that, and noibat has a few flying attack options for cleaning up. My magikarp is kind of dead in the water though… No pun intended."

"Unfortunately, the one I have a chance to fight now would completely clobber me." He lamented with a chuckle.

"My team right now are all Water types," Catherine replied cautiously. She wasn't sure what Achillle was playing at, but she figured he seemed the sort to be kind of crafty. Could have been he was just lying about some of his team or something, or maybe he was just overconfident - from what she knew of him, that was a distinct possibility. Either way, she wasn't going to be dumb enough to share too many details with him - like the presumably Electric type egg currently back in her room.

"I guess that would be a problem for a grass gym." Achille's train of thought was cut off by the sound of loud laughter coming from a group of trainers he didn't recognize. Joiuse didn't appreciate the sudden loud noise either, and angrily muttered in her distant, whispery voice. "How long are they going to keep us waiting?" He said impatiently, looking at the door again. "I was hoping we'd be out in front of the crowd already."

"Too long," Catherine replied.


One single stretch of the lobby - against the wall off to the left from the entrance and not quite in the corner - was just out of the way enough to not be as crowded as most of the room, which made it the preferred spot for Jasper to lean against and scan the room. He was still in his regular clothes, tapping his foot, unsure of whether to be more annoyed by how long it was taking for the actual ceremony to start or that the tailor hadn't brought him his uniform yet. "Bet that dumb bastard saved mine for last since most of his other orders were 'more complex, more colorful, more invigorating!"

He did his best prissy falsetto for the impersonation of the tailor he'd used before spitting the thought away as if it made his bile rise. "Feh! Asshole." He grumbled under his breath.

A quiet gasp escaped the lips of a girl also leaning against the wall a short distance away. She was in uniform by now, though it was the most basic style, clearly taken from the available stock, because it didn't fit her as well as most others'. Realising she might've been loud enough to hear, Arrietty hastily averted her eyes to the floor.

"Problem?" Jasper questioned as he tilted his head towards the sound. When he saw who it was, the hostility deflated to mild annoyance. "Oh. Guess I'm not the only one who isn't for all that fancy schmancy special snowflake shit."

When he spoke to her, Arrietty looked up, an embarrassed smile decorating her features upon the mention of her uniform. She shuffled a bit closer, struggling to understand him through the bustle of the room. "Function over form, I guess, right?" She chuckled, a little nervously. "Still waiting on yours, though?"

He nodded and settled more of his weight against the wall. "Yeah, if I'm doing this then I'm gonna compete, not play around and preen." He sniffed at her second question and resisted the urge to spit at the thought of the tailor Sonia had introduced him to. "No uniform yet. Pretty sure it's because the tailor's not a fan. Fair enough, really. I'm not fallin' over myself for him either. Fuckin' posh fop, that one." He sighed as if wishing it were over already. "You as 'excited' as I am for this big hullabaloo?"

The girl just listened demurely to his continued bile for the tardy tailor. Her gaze glid over the rest of the room, examining their fellow hopefuls, many in much more embellished designs than she. She took a deep breath, and blew it back out in resignation. "It's a necessary evil, I suppose. The eyes of the region are on us, and we need to stand out for support and sponsors and stuff," she responded, fiddling with her fingers somewhat.

"Yeah, it's not like it would be better if we all looked the same or anything." Jasper admitted. "I just...I dunno. I think people make too much of a show of it all. I don't like the idea of professional pokémon battling becoming more glitz and glam than good, honest competition to be the best, like those media shits always try so hard to do with athletic sports. Baseball became like that in Unova, before everyone there stopped even caring about the sport. Looks like it's on the way there in Kanto and Hoenn too."

He looked down at the floor and sighed, crossing his arms. "Big surprise, I know, Jasper's enjoying making the scary power creatures fight, who'da thunk it? But I like battling, and that's what my push through this League is gonna stay about. I wanna stand out a bit, but not because my outfit is covered in ruffles and sparkles or because people like me."

Arrietty was quiet for a moment at that. How simple-minded, was the first thing that crossed her mind, but no, perhaps that was too dismissive. A slight, pleased grin snuck onto her face. How earnest, surprisingly, Jasper was. She couldn't help but feel he'd be at a disadvantage among the more theatrically-inclined contenders, and yet, she appreciated his approach - so maybe others would, too?

"That's admirable, I think." Her voice was a little quieter than before, as if she'd wanted to keep the message for his ears only. Still facing the crowd, she pushed herself off the wall, before turning to him properly. "Then, I suppose all I can do is wish you good luck - er, as a fellow competitor, of course."

He stared at the far wall for a bit, then closed his eyes. "Is it?" He asked nobody, or perhaps himself. When Arietty's voice came from in front of him instead of beside he opened his eyes to look into hers, chewing on her words. Jasper took a breath only for a breathless voice to cut him off.

"Mister Jasper, sir! I - huff - I'm so sorry for the delay!" A rather portly man came running up to the trainers, clearly not used to running nearly as far as he apparently had to get there when he did. He was wearing a rather simple fitted tuxedo complete with tophat, but even in what was rather basic formal wear for such an event the man made a very flamboyant impression thanks to his hair. Both the man's fluffy, left-facing side-cut hair and his handlebar moustache with matching goatee were a vibrant fuchsia color. He handed Jasper a sealed plastic bag with what were clearly clothes of some sort and gave his best attempt at a deep bow.

"My deepest apologies, I had so many orders to go through and had to move yours down in priority a bit thanks to the last minute changes!" He sounded about as apologetic as someone could, but his words still furrowed Jasper's brow.

"Changes? I didn't ask for any changes."

"You didn't? But I was sure - she said you had -"
"Forget it, there's no time!" Jasper snatched the bag from the man and glared at it a moment before stepping away from the wall. He got a few feet before realization pushed through his frustration and he stopped to turn back to Arietty. "Do your best. Don't let what anybody else says or thinks you should do slow you down. When we battle, I want the best fight I can get." Just like that, he ran off towards the dressing room, determined not to be late to the ceremony.


Suddenly, bursting from the door and letting a rush of cold air in, Simon stumbled into the large common lobby, panting. He lurched forward as he tried to catch his breath, causing the multiple Pokemon on his coat to scramble around for balance. The Spewpa in his coat fluff stayed immobile however, having found a comfortable resting spot which she'd learned as the most stable even with her trainer's… excitable disposition.

"Am… am I late…?" Simon panted, glancing up in the hopes of possibly finding a stray attendant or gym challenger who could help. Once he was met with the sight of a nearly-full lobby, his expression changed from exhausted panic to confused relief. He looked at his phone, then back at the crowd, then at Spewpa, puzzled.

"Spew." the little fuzzy cocoon squeaked, which seemed to elicit a giggling response from the other three bugs.

"What, no- the time on there's probably just wrong, there's no way everyone's late." Simon stood back up straight as he finally caught his breath.

He cleared his throat. "ALRIGHT, LADS! FUTURE CHAMPION'S HERE!"

The call turned no heads.

Passing through the doors right after him was a red-haired girl; a classmate of his. Waddling by her feet was a Mime Jr., head moving every which way as it tried to take in its new, more crowded surroundings. Isla's expression was soft as ever when she noticed the boy. "Oh, a classmate. Do you want curry? I made some earlier, but I seem to have lost my appetite."

She pulled a plastic container from her bag to offer him, filled with a pasta curry. Filled being no understatement, the food practically untouched by its creator despite looking perfectly fine. Woop's attention quickly turned to the boy in front of them, staring blankly at him and his assortment of bug pokemon as he observed their movements.

"Oh snap, Isla?!" Simon looked at his classmate and the container of food with a massive grin. "Don't mind at all!" he replied, happily taking the meal and digging in. "Holy shmokes, that'sh pretty good-" he commented between bites, pushing Caterpie's head away as it tried to get close to the food.

"That's good to hear," she said plainly. "It's also good to see you graduated too. I always enjoyed your passion. Have you been handling things okay though? Judging by your coat, it seems you had a rough time in the Wild Area."

Simon widened his eyes as he remembered the state his sleeve was in. Isla, His ever-attentive and recurring group-project partner was right again, as she usually was back at the academy. Simon remembered her as a fantastic listener, and even more resourceful- he had always wondered why they'd ended up in 'catch-up' classes together made for the low-scoring students. But she had a point, he couldn't attend the ceremony like this. "Oh, crud- I didn't realize at all! You think you could stitch it up for me, actually?"

"I can," she answered, already searching for her sewing kit. "If you're willing to wait a bit, it's no problem."


The best part about this wasn't the excitement to stand on the stage, that was actually a terrifying thought. The best part was the pokemon and their trainers. Elias was able to hide away in corners to take shots of various types coming in. Former classmates letting free their starters solved some mysteries for him. Pictures taken, badly, of league officials arriving and rushing away. They'll be deleted later, likely. It was while he was taking some B-roll footage that his camera panned over to where Haleigh was bouncing. She has more Pokemon now! Did she already do some catching…? He stops the video and caps his camera lens. Tap, tap to an antenna and Goomy stops sucking on the wall beside him to crawl upon his shoulder.

Starting for the familiar face, he waves through the crowd with a little excitement of his own curling his lips. He'd chosen to already put on his official outfit, ghost. Why? Eh, they're still his favorite Poke-type. "Hales!" He calls, his pitch high. Tickled with his own excitement.

Haleigh was practically bouncing with excitement at the chance to go up on stage. This was all that she had dreamed off since she was a little girl and now she was actually going to do it! Not only that, but it'd be broadcast for all to see as one of the premier trainers of Galar. Instead of her usual clothes, Haleigh was dressed up in her gym uniform, which was a mix of pastel colors and punk attire.

All three of her Pokemon were out of their balls, with Cornelius standing stiffly by her side, Coraline looking as prim and detached as a Corsola can manage and Corey running around and interacting with all the different Pokemon. The scene brought a small airy laugh out of Haleigh.

As she was admiring the scene, a familiar voice called to her and she turned around to see the familiar face of Elias, wielding his trusty camera and his companion Pokemon.

"Eli! 'Ey mate, how's it goin'? Enjoying the festivities?"

"So-so." Elias kneels by Haleigh once he gets close enough, his eyes on Cornelius a few moments before he takes the cap off his lens. "Do you want to take a few shots for the day? To… Mark it?" A pause, he breathes in deep. Remembering something, "No charge." He doesn't glance up past her knee, waving a hand loosely with his words to negate the notion itself. It's real loud here, that's the only kind of comfort, for it is too loud to allow a strong stream of thoughts to enter his mind. Reminds him of a bustling city. Reminds him just how far everyone has come, there are so many of them and spectators. It's a kind of… Kind of. Terrifying bliss.

The other girl giggled as she said, "I'd hope there wouldn't be a charge, considering we're friends an' all. But yeah, I'd be more than happy to pose!" Haleigh had always known Elias as a fairly shy and eccentric individual, with the crowds making him even more so than usual. She figured the poor guy could use her as a focal point to navigate around the chaos.

She gathered all of her Pokemon together, with Cornelius to her left, Coraline floating above her head and Corey to her right. The purple haired trainer flashed a peace sign as she asked her photographer friend, "How's this?"


Sachi entered the Stadium's lobby, looking around as she held Tora in her arms. Did I make it on time? She noticed her old classmates mingling around with their own pokemon out as well. They were wearing their own uniforms, many kinds of colors and numbers came into view. I should probably go get changed quickly… And also change my hairstyle... The female quickly walked over to the changing room, hoping that her uniform was appropriate since Tori and Seto were the ones who gave it to her.

Minutes later, Sachi left the room with Tora standing on her shoulder with his paws on the side of her head. She wore a blood-red yoga jacket with the zipper and hem of the jacket being black, short black yoga shorts, black arm gloves, black thigh-high socks, and black & white sneakers. Around her waist was her usual brown belt with her bracelet and necklace also on her person. The uniform symbol, usually seen on the default uniforms, instead of being in the front-middle of her jacket, it was placed over where her heart is. On her back is her number: one hundred fifty one, in white and black.
Her hair was changed: it's no longer wavy at the end and her hair is about to her mid-back. Her bangs are either brushed aside(left) or held back by a hair clip(right), some of it thrown over her shoulder. Over her left shoulder was one of her bag straps being held by her left hand.

Sachi walked over to an empty bench and sat down, placing her bag next to her. Now I just have to wait until they call us. Tora jumped down from his perch and layed down over her lap, glancing up at the teen as if expecting something. Sachi chuckled before placing her hand on his head, petting the feline, who purred in response. She grabbed a hair tie from around her wrist and quickly tied her hair into a high ponytail.


[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The Opening Ceremony - Part 2 - The Journey Begins
- A JP created by the cast of Pokémon Spear -

The crowd was caught in a rapturous uproar, the Motostoke stadium was full to the brim. People from all across Galar and beyond were in the stands, watching the events unfold. Nobody had even set foot on the grass yet, but the extreme excitement in the air was enough to get the blood pumping. In the sky above the stadium massive balloons and blimps were floating, each in the shape of a different pokémon. As the league's official mascot, Pikachu was of course present, but each of the flagship Galar starter pokémon was there as well. There were also smaller balloons to represent each different town in the region, Wooloo for Wedgehurst, Morpeko for Spikemuth, etcetera. Occasionally, a few small biplanes would fly over the stadium, long flags trailing behind them, different brands and advertisements adorned these, with the largest plane carrying a flag displaying the Blackspear Industries logo. These planes would release bursts of confetti to rain down slowly on the stadium itself.

The atmosphere created was intense and the varying and bright colours gave the event a truly monumental feeling. It was then that the band began to play, instruments roared to life, guitars, trumpets and all sorts of big band instruments. At the centerpoint, rising slowly on a lowered platform, ex-gym leader Piers appeared, much to the overwhelming delight of the audience. He shredded away at his electric guitar, leading the performance, as all together the musicians played the classic tune of the pokémon league, a song trainers only ever heard apart from this, when registering at the hall of fame.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

It was then, that amidst the excitement, a roaring voice could be heard from center stage. A floating platform descended from above the stadium, lowering itself down in the middle and standing upon it? Quite the character indeed. Another ex-gym leader and an ex-champion besides. Awkwardly wearing a red suit, Peony almost looked the part of his brother, but his grizzled face, much larger stature and signature smile set him apart. He grabbed a microphone and shouted loudly, his voice booming over the other sounds in the arena. The crowd fell to nigh silence as he spoke and behind Peony's platform, another began to descend. A large white stage, with space for a large number of people to stand.

"Helloooooo Galar!" He cries out, pointing towards the onlookers with a grin, the crowd responds with a loud cheer. "Allow me to be the one to welcome you, great honour as it is, to this year's Gym Challenge!" The crowd cheers even louder, chanting along with the music now, as was customary in Galar. "It's been a crazy few years, but I know in my heart, that this Gym Challenge will be one for the books. How do I know?! Well! I've already seen the roster!" A light chuckle spreads through the audience as Peony laughs uproariously at his own joke. Then with that same wide grin, he points dramatically towards the entrance to the stadium's pitch. "But tell me folks, what's a gym challenge, without our illustrious gym leaders?! Give em a big hand! Maybe a hand as big as mine! Let your leaders know your love Galar!"

The crowd burst into screams and cheers louder than any heard that day. In response to the calling, a large group of people began to walk out from the dark tunnel serving as the entrance to the pitch. A total of twelve individuals walked onto the pitch, far more than any other region, but Galar was known for its two leader occupied gyms, giving challengers the opportunity to team up, or to face a leader of their choosing at multiple stations on their journey.

The first to step out, the large farmer boy turned grass type extraordinaire, he gave a small and humble smile, waving to all around him before striking a rare fiercer pose for the fans, "The Fighting Farmer, Milo!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Following him closely was the renowned beauty model and master of water types, her steps bespoke her grace and her beauty was on display in full for all to see. "The Raging Wave, Nessa!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

To round out the initial gym circuit, lightly jogging onto the pitch with a wave, was Motostoke's own leader, as always his demeanor was all business, but as the fans cheered and cheered even he couldn't help giving a flaming, rallying cry "The Ever-Burning Man of Fire, Kabu!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

At the sight of these first three, the crowd is already losing their minds, but their excitement has only just begun.

Representing the first of the two leader gyms to take the stage, a small boy with a ghostly mask and a young woman adorned with martial arts gear step out onto the pitch. Peony's voice echoed across to announce their arrival, both showed determination in their own ways, but each one was renowned for their prowess. "The Galar Karate Prodigy and The Silent Boy of Mystery, Bea and Allister!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

Once they had finished, a pair of pristinely dressed gentlemen entered the field, despite wearing gym uniforms, their accessories set them apart. One wore a top hat, surrounded by psychically floating pokéballs, the others pink colours, shone through beautifully and marked him as a person of prestige. They also both had their noses turned up, mostly at each other, as if trying to establish dominance. "The dual gym leaders of Ballonlea! The Lord of the Fairies and The Telekinetic Tactician! Bede and Avery!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The crowd had been whipped up into a frenzy, but still more was to come. A mother and son combo entered the field, one demure and dressed in furs, the other with a cocky smirk and a cool attitude. "The family frenzy of Circhester! The Hard-Rock Crusher and the Ice-Cold Professional, it's Gordie and Melony!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The pair give a few waves, Melony's graceful, Gordie's more like a quick salute, before they continue on and make room for the last pair.

Two young women stepped out onto the field, each representing not only types, but different genres of music. One dressed in Spikemuth colours was familiar to onlookers, while the other with a toxic uniform and pink hair, was less familiar. "The Shadow Siren of Spikemuth and The Poison Pop-Star! Marnie and Klara!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

As the two girls step out fully onto the pitch, they give each other a confident nod, before proceeding to the stage.

As all but one of the gym leaders take center stage, before Peony can speak, there's a final show of confidence as Raihan slides out onto the pitch on his knees, arms extended to the crowd, who go wild with enthusiasm. Quickly hopping up, he turns his back to the cheering fans and grabs his Rotom-brand smartphone, giving a confident smirk as he takes a selfie with the crowd in the background. Peony sighs a little, but ultimately smirks with a chuckle and calls out the showboater's name. "The tamer of Dragons, Raihan!"

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

As Raihan quickly runs out onto the field, all the gym leaders are now assembled for the roaring crowd to praise, each of them standing before the platform with excited and determined expressions, waiting for Peony to call out their opponents. "But… last but not least. I say we let our challengers take a good look at what they're aiming for, don't you agree?!" If anything had gotten a loud cheer before, this question blew them out of the water, the sound was almost deafening. Struggling to stay above the cheers, Peony shouts louder into the microphone. "Then let's get a big Gym Challenge welcome going for YOUR champion, Leon!"

Descending from above, riding atop the back of his charizard, Leon sweeps over the crowd, lowering his hat to graze against the hands of the onlookers looking up at him, he swings around the entire stadium, before landing next to Peony, who smirks and hands him the microphone. "Hello Galar Region!" Leon calls out, his other hand striking upwards into his signature pose, causing the crowd to go even wilder. "I'm excited beyond belief to see who steps up to the Gym Challenge this time, I might not be undefeated anymore, but that doesn't mean I'm going to slouch. I'm lucky and honoured to be your champion again and I'm nowhere near finished having a champion time with it! So while I'm excited to meet these challengers, I'll warn them not to get too excited, because I don't plan to lose!" The crowd roars again in excitement as Leon hands the microphone back to Peony and takes a step back to stand behind him.

"Well then?! ARE YOU READY?!" Peony screams into the mic, causing the crowd to stand from their seats as they cheer. "Then let's not waste anymore time! Your challengers are waiting, so let's meet them!" With excitement, the crowd continues to roar, Peony takes a breather and turns to look at a roster, set up on a podium before him. With the event set up, the entrance ceremony in full swing and destiny awaiting, Peony calls the first name.


Sachi took a deep breath, a hand placed on her chest, as she tried to calm her nerves. Alright Sachi, it's time! I can't let my nerves get the best of me now! She was the closest to the entrance since her last name was the very first letter of the alphabet, meaning she was going to the first one called. Whatever she did might reflect back on her old classmates, and she wanted to make a good impression too. She had her bag leaning on the wall nearby with Tora sitting beside the bag, watching over to make sure nobody took anything. It wasn't that she didn't trust her classmates, but she had important stuff in her bag and didn't want to risk it being taken.

As Peony was saying his speech, Sachi tightened her ponytail and checked her outfit before she was called soon. She placed a hand on her upper right arm, flinching a bit as the sudden pain that bloomed. After the events that occurred in Lake Axwell, it left a bruise on her arm due to Karasu's strength. She wrapped bandages around the area, but it would take awhile for the bruise to leave, so she'd have to deal with the pain.

When she heard Peony introduce them, she knew that it was time.

"Here we have our first challenger! Let's give it up for Number 151, Sachiko Akabane!" Sachi walked out into the spotlight, only to see the large crowd of people cheering. She didn't know if it was for her or the ceremony in general, but still lifted a hand and waved to the people with a small smile as she walked over to the white stage.


As the first contestant stepped out onto the field, Raphael watched her go. Sachiko, was that who Simon was ranting about? He never did say her name, but she met all the tidbits he'd let slip. A few girls did, but her especially. Raph turned and gazed around the waiting room, all of these people… they were the people he had stood with for two years. Yet he knew so little about all of them. He couldn't afford to know them yet.

His mind drifted slightly to the past again, memories of the day he learned about his condition, the times to follow. He had to be careful not to expend too much effort on unnecessary things, that was what the doctor had said. He sighed with a small smile, holding his arms behind his head as he looked towards the exit onto the pitch. There was something nagging at the back of his head, as he continued to stand aside and ignore the people around him, a truth he didn't want to accept.

"...if you let them get too close to you, then one day, they'll have to-"

The voice of Peony echoing once again snapped him from his small trance, lost in his thoughts once again it seemed. "Time for the next challenger, we got a man born in Kalos but raised as one of our own, ready to take on the league challenge!" This was him. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath and a different memory flooded in. The image of the league challenge ceremony years ago, the one he had first seen. The numbers, the leaders, the lights, all similar but not the same. It was his turn, despite everything, despite what the world had done to him. It was his turn. His uniform, black and blue, long tracksuit bottoms and a tight jersey, the number displayed on the back of the latter and the back of his single glove. 810. He smirked, in Johtoan, this number was a pun… for heart.

"Number 810! Raphael Allard!" In response Raphael walked out, he doesn't receive that many cheers as so few people know him, but it's applause nonetheless. His expression was serious and focused, and alongside Sachiko he stood upon the white stage.


"WOOO! GO RAPHIE! Heck yeah brother! WAAAAAY TO GO!" Valerie cheered, loudly as she could with the crowd. She was the ongoing cheerleader of the bunch, a role she embraced with full love.

"Coming up, give it up for Wedgehurst's very own, Number 100! Valerie Amity!"

"HELL YEAH! That's me!" Valerie shouted in response, waving wildly towards the cheering crowd, with Flame perched on her shoulder, waving in his own way too. Some of the loudest cheers from the crowd came from the people who watch her on her stream, as avid fans of hers.

"Awww yeahyaaaz! HOW ARE Y'ALL DOIN'! Thaaaaanks! Thanks soooo much you guys! You all spin me right round baby, right round, round like a Spinda baby! WOOO!" Even as she stood upon the stage with the rest of the trainers on the stage, she continued to shout and cheer with all her might.


Whose idea of a sick joke was it to put her right behind Valerie of all people? The crowd's going to get emotional whiplash. Melody grips her skull-charm gently against her palm as she watches the pink-clad trainer prance onto the arena to the roar of the crowd. In another few seconds she'll have to go out there too. It's funny, just a couple of minutes ago she was thinking about how much smaller this event seemed now that they were actually here, and yet the instant the music blared to life over the stadium's speaker, it suddenly felt a lot bigger than she imagined it would be. The crowd's cheers begin to die down and Melody lowers her hands back to her sides. Here we go.

"Next up, we've got a challenger that's here to put the spike in Spikemuth! Number 182, Melody Argent!"

Melody steps from the darkness of the entrance into the light of the stage slowly. She really can't blame him for the spike comment; she's decked from head to toe in spikes. Her top three helix earring backs had been replaced with tiny spikes. Her red choker was replaced with a black leather one surrounded in silver spikes. Her new leather jacket and fingerless gloves had been studded out with the metallic barbs. The only parts of the ensemble that lacked any pointed bits of silver were the women's Spikemuth T, shorts (though they did have tiny silver skulls buttons sewn onto them, and her stockings-- which also had black skulls printed against her knees. All things considered, it was probably too busy looking to be a respectable gym-challenger outfit, but the powers at be decided to give it approval.

Melody's appearance earns a very loud roar of cheers and horns being sounded from a particular section of the crowd: Men and women decked out in black and pink all wearing similarly studded collars. Former members of Team Yell who now used their energy to cheer on Spikemuth as a whole rather than obsessively follow Marnie. As Melody walks, a pair of yellow eyes peer out from the shadows behind her. Slowly, Nightshot phases out of the shadows and floats along behind his trainer. Just a few steps away from the other contestants, Melody stops her steady stride and turns to face the Spikemuth section of the crowd, raising her index and pinkie finger into the air to flash the rock on symbol. Taking another step forward she turns towards the musician's stand and briefly catches Pier's gaze, earning her a very subtle nod of approval. With that, she walks over to take her place beside Valerie and holds her hand out to the Doom Noodle, who spins in a circle to give the extended hand a high-five with his tail.


Anticipation hung in the air of the challenger's room, from both the restless and the anxious. Achille was strongly in the first category, as he waited for his name to be called with his arms crossed near the front of the room. Even from inside he could hear the crowd's excitement rise and fall with each new statement from the emcee. He was, truthfully, in a bad position for making a great impression. He would probably be unfamiliar to most of the crowd, an outsider, and coming relatively early in the event. Still, it was his first debut on stage. That alone was enough reason for his heart to race despite the likely lukewarm reception he would get.

The clapping for the last challenger before him finally died down, and the sound of Peony's voice echoed throughout the stadium again.

"... And now we have another one from Kalos, though sadly we couldn't steal this one away. Some of you may recognize him anyways. It's number 650, Achille Béringer!"

Achille ran out of the room and into the blinding stadium lights to a polite clap with a few "woo!"s coming from people that probably watched the Kalos contest circuit and recognized the last name. He almost wished he decided to go with the sunglasses instead of opting for his normal glasses as his eyes adjusted to the sudden change in lighting. He gave a few waves to the areas he heard the loudest reactions from before reaching the stage and taking a bow.

Behind him Joiuse stared intently ahead, not even glancing over at the size of the crowd. It seemed like she didn't even want to acknowledge the crowd, else she might have a breakdown at how insecure she felt the area was. Still, she acted the part perfectly as Achille reached for her hilt and swung her in a big arc to point directly at the standing champion. He caught eyes with Leon during the gesture, and the two shared a fierce look in their eyes at the implied challenge.

Without a word Achille stepped back in line with the other challengers, basking in the attention from the audience his maneuver earned him. Though he may not have been a hometown boy, the crowd does still love an aggressive challenger. The cheers from those looking for a good challenger season intermingling with the jeers from ride-or-die Galarians sounded better than music. Not exactly recognizing any of the other challengers next to him, aside from vague recollection, he just offered a polite nod as he prepared for the next name.


It didn't take a genius to work out that with a surname beginning with "C", it wouldn't be long before Catherine would have to endure the walk of shame onto the pitch. She couldn't quite decide if going earlier was better or worse, but was quick to come to the conclusion that either way she would be glad when the ordeal was over.

She glanced over the other competitors in the room, noticing that a fair few of her classmates were already gone. A handful of her fellow challengers were clustered around a mirror making last minute adjustments to their appearances for their "adoring fans." Catherine could barely see the yellow and hazy blue cloud patterning of her own uniform between them they were packed in so tightly. She didn't think she had ever felt more out of place and uncomfortable in her life. Then her name was called and it was time to walk out into the stadium, promptly relegating the previous room to second place on that tier list.

"Another Wedgehurst graduate," Peony's hammed-up yell sounded over the speakers, "From up north in Wyndon, number 861, Catherine Carlisle!"

Catherine sighed deeply one last time, walking out through the little tunnel and onto the pitch. She didn't know if she was supposed to, and didn't like giving any of her team away besides, but she kept Indra at her side. She wouldn't admit it to another soul of course, but the little Poliwag served as a security blanket against the judgement of the crowd, all so eager to see her fail for their own amusement.

She took one last look at Indra, her partner gawking at the enormous crowd with awe. She then turned her focus back to Peony's falsely-enthusiastic beaming gaze. With a second deep sigh, she kept walking to where the other challengers had gathered.

"Let's get this over and done with."


Relax. All he had to do was relax and this would all be over with in a snap. That was what Jasper kept telling himself, but every time he heard another student's name announced, every time the crowd boomed in response - whether it be cheers or boos - he tensed up just a bit more. She just had to stick her nose in where it didn't belong again, all because he opened his stupid mouth. Why did he call her? What spirit of pure idiocy possessed him and made him tell her about the changes he was thinking of making?

He let out a deep sigh of surrender and slumped his shoulders. Whatever the reason for his crippling indecision, fate had been swayed without his input and now he had to live with the consequences. No point crying about it. He came to that resolution just in time to hear those words of summon.

"Next up is another Wedgehurst student, this one already reputed to be a bit of a handful! Everyone please give a hand for Number 77: Jasper Grandiflora!" There was a bit of confused shuffling amongst the applause as the audience took in the strange surname. Hearing it said out loud for the first time definitely made Jasper squirm a bit, but there was no time for stage fright.

The young man himself stepped into the stadium proper, frankly surprised when the applause picked up instead of sputtering out at the sight of him. He couldn't resist a little blossom of pride in his chest, even if he was uncomfortable having his arms and legs mostly bare. Jasper's uniform wasn't much changed from the default. A white jersey and sport-shorts with blue trim. What set it apart were the Hoennese characters for "ruthless determination" on the front, and an emblem of a tree with many flowered branches on as the background of the gold number 77 on his back.

Faust walked beside his trainer, matching his grim determination with a glare of challenge. Surprisingly, neither of their scowls affected the crowd's warmth much. In fact, Jasper could swear they got a little louder as he stepped into his place and simply crossed his arms, waiting for the whole thing to be over.


Aeliana frowned as she watched Jasper make his way across the field. Same angry disposition, even during this big moment. The boy did get his fair share of applause, as were all of the challengers at this point. That said, the pink-haired trainer felt that he would have been more warmly received if he could have at the very least smiled.

"I guess we'll just have to give them a little extra to make up for it, right Tampa?" Aeliana questioned, glancing down at the Totodile in question.

The blue gator beamed excitedly, something that the trainer took as an agreement to her question. Unfortunately, the duo didn't have time to come up with a huge plan of entrance. The familiar voice of Peony was quick to reach the duo's ears.

"Another graduate from the academy of Wedgehurst is next! This trainer is representing Circhester, but is coming to us all the way from the Alola region! Let's give it up for number 13, Aeliana Kekoa!"

A radiant smile on her face as she jogged out, Aeliana waved to the crowd eagerly. She was dressed in a pair of white leggings with black sneakers covering her feet. The leggings were trimmed in black as well. A white and blue athletic top graced her torso, with the left arm having a short sleeve on it, while the right arm remained bare. A light blue armband that matched the blue in her top also graced her left wrist. As she stepped out onto the field, the girl began to move her hips in tandem with the music blasting overhead. All the while, her Totodile hopped back and forth from one foot to the other. The two jerked to a stop, Aeliana posing with her hand overhead, while Tampa fell back to balance on her tail, both her stubby hands waving excitedly to the crowd as the applause echoed out through the stadium.


Next in line was Arrietty, who'd spent her time in the corner of the waiting room, waiting for her name to be called. Perhaps it was lucky that Aeliana of all people came before her - she knew how to give the crowd a show, so she'd probably hold their attention even after Arrietty came out onto the field. A blessing and a curse.

Taking a deep breath, she put one foot before the other and stepped out onto the grass. Despite there being no way the crowd would go as wild for her as they would for others, they still sounded so much louder than they had from inside, and Arrietty had to resist the urge to cover her ears. Her heart pounded as the voice of Peony resounded through the coliseum.

"Put your hands together for another Wedgehurst graduate! Does this little lady's name betray her prowess, do you think?! Number 261, Arrietty Maverick!"

The crowd roared, and Arrietty smiled sheepishly, thoroughly convinced their excitement was because of Peony, not her. Even still, she waved a little as she crossed the field, and took her place beside her classmates. Mustering all her courage, she attempted a confident grin and specifically greeted the floating Rotom cameras, on the off chance someone at home would be watching.


Pia nodded in approval when she saw Arrietty enter the field. Her worries had been for nothing and that might've been for the better. She took a few steps forward towards the field, knowing it was her turn but as she saw the crowd in the distance she stopped. She had seen her classmates converse earlier, even now they were rooting for each other. Was Pia truly the only one that hadn't made a single friend?

She glanced behind her to look at her remaining classmates. They were all flocking and being friendly towards each other. No matter how friendly Pia had been, there wasn't a single one she could call "a friend". Milla noticed the saddening look on the girl's face and jumped up to her shoulders.

"Pi pi! Chu!" Milla grabbed Pia's attention, who gave the creature the most generous smile she could give.

"Yeah… Let's go." She told her partner Pokémon.

"Coming from Hammerlocke but moved to Wedgehurst to attend the Trainer school is number 18, Pia McGuire!" a rather short announcement was called out. Pia ran on the field where the outfit she had changed into the changing rooms. A turtleneck, long sleeved crop top that covered part of her hands too and sporty shorts in a mint green colour. She wasn't sure if it was just her but the applause and cheering seemed to have deafened slightly. It wasn't so intense as with the others, that was for certain. She wasn't anyone interesting yet. Would that bring her spirits down? A little. Would she show that? Heck no!

Pia threw up her remaining two Pokéballs and from them emerged Soma and Prim. With Milla on her shoulder, Prim on her arm and the Soma near her leg, she was quite a sight to look at. The cheering immediately got louder upon the sight. "That's how you do it…" She whispered to herself, although not very convincing. The girl walked over to her other already announced classmates and settled down next to Arrietty, giving the other girl a friendly wink.


Donning the classic white, red and blue uniform with Mustard's jacket on top and his net on his back, Simon hopped excitedly on the spot as he anticipated the next call. This was the moment he'd spent months dreaming about- a stadium full of people cheering for his appearance, beside some of the greatest battling legends of Galar. Sure, it wasn't for him specifically, but it sure felt like it; he imagined his dad along with half the town were watching the show at the local pub, waiting for his name.

"Representing the good folks of Ballonlea, we have 412 - Simon Pearburgh!" Peony called out, pointing at the tunnel.

Simon gave Ruben behind him a quick wink before running into the open field. A roar of cheers burst from a certain side of the stadium as Ballonlea fans heard their name, with Simon screaming and cheering along with them, throwing out a signature thumbs-up in their direction. He felt Spewpa bury herself deeper in his jacket in reaction to the noise, but before she could do so, Simon fished her out and raised her triumphantly to the sky. The bug shuddered momentarily before suddenly bristling her fur and spraying a large cloud of pink dust around the two like confetti, resulting in another round of deafening cheers from the Ballonlea side.

As he reached the stage, he chose to stand beside Sachi. He glanced over at Raph and gave a subtle thumbs-up, beaming.


Nerves of steel. Ruben had done this sort of walk plenty of times. Packed out Wedgehurst Stadium, getting booed after a four nil hammering against Hammerlocke? Done it. Facing the hostile ninety thousand capacity crowd of Wyndon Stadium? Done it. This very, Motostoke Stadium, walking out as a fourteen year old in front of no one but heavy browed scouts and foul mouthed dads living their footballing dreams vicariously through their son? Done it.

Despite it all, the football star was beside himself. This wasn't football. These weren't his football fans. He didn't have the unconditional love of singing Wedgehurst fans as long as he wore the shirt, he was a single entity that the fans could only recognise as 'the football one', 'the rich one'...'the failure'.

There were a couple of names between them, but the moment Simon's name was called, Ruben knew he didn't have long. He pulled at his shirt. The polyester muscle top felt like a gut punch as it sprung back onto his body and clung like an elastic band. The breath he was holding refused to leave.

"Fuck…" He grumbled to himself as he peered over the shoulder of the girl in front of him. Sure enough, the green and white stripes of Wedgehurst were clear to see, even from the tunnel. Fans of the club had come out in droves to show their support and the faded Wooloo pattern over the stripes had never looked so good. He looked down at the one on his own shirt…

"Already a shining beacon for Wedgehurst, you've known him as the Boltund Blitz…" Peony began, stopping, stepping back even to take in the crowd. He glanced at the Wedgehurst fans, then to the opposing end of the stadium.

"He's one of our own! He's one of our own! Ruben Sancho! He's one of our own!"

The chants drew Ruben in, urging his first steps forward. He shedded his jacket, like a Wooloo being sheared of it's coat, and took his first steps onto the field.

"Boooo!" Like a punch to the back of the neck, the jeers of the Motostoke fans crashed into the athlete. He could hear it all. The curses. The jeers. The cheers. The chants. Even the silence.

"He's dropped the name, but our number 12 still plans to take the pokemon league by storm. Give it up for Ruben Sancho!" Peony's voice barrelled its way through the warzone of clashing sounds. Ruben looked down at the pokeball in his hand, then to his PR manager, who was holding Lesca's pokeball. He looked forward to the trainers who had already made the trepidatious walk to the stage. The pokeball in his hand fell to the ground, a Tranquil emerging from the ball and doing a soaring sweep of the stadium. Those who were silent began to cheer and applaud the show, drowning out the booing Motostoke fans. Ruben watched with a raised brow as the flying type pokemon roosted gracefully in front of him. He checked back with the PR Manager, who gave a hearty nod of approval.

"Sorry Simon." He sighed, before joining his fellow gym challengers and offering a 'satisfied' fistbump to Simon.


"And now, all the way from Sunnyshore City in far off Sinnoh, give a Galar welcome to #826, Clovis Solanine!"

As his name was called, Clovis stepped forward alone. He wanted Cortex to get rest, but that left the young man a touch alone. Despite the uniform his grandfather had ordered specially for him, despite the other trainers, and the entire stadium… he felt alone. No! Stop this foolishness and stand proud. I look incredible! The stadium will behold me….

Stepping into the spotlight, Clovis could be seen donning a unique gym uniform. It had vague resemblances to a certain Psychic-type uniform. A large, fancy, black neckerchief, a long sleeved top and shorts with fine, sharp looking shoes. His socks, long, black with a single frill. However, the design of the shirt and shorts is different. Instead, swirls of purple can be seen. On each of the sleeves, a purple eye can be seen, an older design of the Psychic-type logo that his grandfather heavily insisted on. His shorts were mostly a mix of purple and black, but would have streaks of lighter purple on the outer sides, with the jersey number printed on the left leg of his shorts. The (national) pokedex number that would be his future partner. Number 826: Orbeetle. And lastly, on his right hand was a dark purple and black glove. The left, he wears a white glove.

But, like others who had little recognition, Clovis was met with a less than satisfactory response. He wasn't even a Galar-born, so almost no one here knew him. Still, he stood tall. Still, he looked down at the other competitors. Clovis bowed gracefully, before going to his position.


Rosa had spent the long wait for her name to be called psyching herself up. Her uniform was only vaguely reminiscent of her initial ideas, having made concessions with both the designer and tailor every step of the way. She'd hoped to pay homage to her childhood in the outfit's design while still being sporty enough, but it was just one thing after the other. The sleeves were too long, the kimono was too tight, the design was too complex. It'd all left her feeling defeated, especially since she'd spent so long practicing her entrance. She'd intended to perform a short, traditional Johtoan ritual dance, albeit much more sped up as she entered the stadium. But now…

Her nerves were starting to get the better of her. She'd hoped to have someone to talk to and vent, and she'd even looked for Simon as well, knowing he'd be able to comfort her. But she never found him until he was being called out to the stadium. Whether it was by name or by number, he'd have left her long ago regardless. She was stuck in her own head now, feeling uncomfortable in the revealing outfit she was now wearing. The cheers of the crowd shook the stadium, and as she came closer to her turn her anxiety skyrocketed. Her palms were sweaty, knees were weak, and she was fighting against acid reflux. But she had to be strong. This was her chance to make a good first impression on the rest of Galar.

"Hailing from Ecruteak City all the way in Johto, we introduce to you number 242; Rosa Valdéz!"

Rosa skipped out onto the field, hoping that the short hops would make her seem a little big bigger than she was. She knew what was coming, but it still hurt. Sure, there was applause, but she could hear them. The snickers, the whispers, and murmurs were all deafeningly loud. Her height had always been an issue for her, and appearing here in front of so many people, she knew that it would be worse than ever before. Thankfully nobody really knew her in this region outside of Simon and the rest of her class, so that was one less stigma to worry about. She smiled weakly, tilting her face towards the sky and doing her best to empty her head, hoping that the blinding overhead lights would take her away from this moment.

She twirled about a few times, letting the veil of her skirt flutter in the wind before tearing the velcro-ed frills off and wrapping them around her non-dominant arm. This was her debut. For better or worse, this was her new reality. "No going back now," she whispered under her breath.


Strangely, despite choosing a week ago to pick an outfit from the store and wear the standard uniform, he stood in waiting with dull lavender overalls on. There was a reverse black pattern of dots across the pocket and down towards his hips. Reprinted design of the ghost uniform, the bottoms of the overalls fade to black where the dots fade down to become the same pale lavender. The shirt beneath is long-sleeved and tight fitting, pure white with the exception of a small Goomy patch in the center. Well, off-center and slightly tilted. Elias paid a lot to get it but didn't iron the patch on well, especially on a thinner material than recommended. Excitement means paying the price somewhere. He's not too attentive to regulatory styles. There are two more patches printed on either shoulder, one to Ghost and the other to the Dragon symbols. He couldn't choose which he wanted.

There's another roar of applause as he watches Rosa head up next. He swallows back bile and takes his step forward. He's terrified. It's that simple. He wants to go on the stage but there's going to be so many people! He won't know where to look. It seems like an eternity waiting for his turn to step up and it also goes by faster than anticipated. As one foot is set on stage he hears his own calling: "Coming on down from Akala Island is number 134! Elias Wagner!"

Up he does, a small wave in response to the applause. Though for most, it's crowd mentality and not that he knows the fellow well. Head in the books kind. Never reaches out to you. There's whisperings: didn't he drop out? Elias wears Goomy as a hat instead of something more traditional, stuck to his hair and dripping ooze over his ears. His Starter waves more than he does, looking excited to be there. The introduction continues: "His ambition is to complete the Pokedex! Let's give it up one more time for one-three-four!"

A bow to the crowd, another wave, he can't get off fast enough.


Haleigh had been fidgeting all ceremony, impatiently waiting to be called up to the stage as one of the very last challengers to be called up, lamenting for the 100th time that her surname just had to begin with a "W". Adding to this was the fact that she had a lot of time to stew in her nervousness and replayed over and over again how she wanted to introduce herself on stage.

She groaned as she mumbled to herself, "C'mon Haleigh, get it together! You got this, you 'aven't come this far just to choke on stage. If Melody could do it, so can you!"

Indeed, Haleigh was among the more enthusiastic voices cheering her best friend on as she walked the stage, looking as cool as ever with her black, spiky punk attire and her devil-may-care attitude. She had also modeled her attire after a punk aesthetic, although with much less spikes and some pastel colors, looking like a cheery counterpart to Melody. It had been her dream to try out something as ambitious (at least by her means and resources) for her trainer outfit. For her top, she opted for a black jersey with a Team Yell logo on it and a pink and lavender tie-dyed denim jacket to cover it, accented with dark purple fingerless gloves, purple gym shorts and black leggings with crosses on it.

"Hitting us from Spikemuth, offering a bit of pink to the punk scene, give it up for number 41, Haleigh Windsor!"

This was it, her moment to shine! Haleigh got up to the stage, excitedly bounding her way towards the center where Peony held the mic. She decided to give part of the spotlight to her partner Pokemon Corey - and did so with gusto. The purple haired trainer held up his Pokeball over her head and tossed it right in front of her, making Corey materialize. She then balled the hand she had been holding up into a fist, pumping it upwards and jumping with her Pokemon mirroring her moves as she heard raucous applause coming from the Spikemuth section of the crowd.


The locker room was empty now save for Isla, the last remaining challenger. She was looking in the mirror at her uniform; the standard white one with the league logo in front, except that the faces of her pokemon were crudely drawn in marker alongside it. She'd struggled to figure out how to personalize her uniform before ultimately deciding on showing off her beloved partners.

Just as she ensured her work was satisfactory, her name was called.

"And last but not least, another Hammerlocke homebody! Number 210, Isla Wright!" Peony announced, and the crowd cheered like they had for all the others.

Number 210... Her mind lingered on it as she walked across the pitch. She'd texted her friend Winston earlier when she couldn't think of a number for herself. It didn't take him long to think of one, impressive as always.

"...How about 210?" He suggested. "Your two years at the trainer school and your one chance at the challenge before you give up being a trainer? If you still plan on giving it up, at least."

The roaring of the crowd shook the stadium. Tens of thousands of people here to see them all gathered today. None of them knew who she was and they probably didn't care about her as a person. But they loved pokemon battles and pokemon trainers, and she was one of them now. Something that was only beginning to sink in now despite it being a month since graduation.

She gave the audience her best attempt at a smile, trying to put on a show as is expected of Galarian trainers. It was awkward, looking more like just baring her teeth. The obligatory cheers faded into confused clapping. But Isla didn't mind, she was just glad to be here.

She really was glad. The way the stadium's abundant energy flowed through her, it stirred a warmth inside her. She didn't feel it often so she'd learned to cherish it when she did. That warmth was the entire reason she wanted to be a trainer.

And after the gym challenge was over, she'd have to give it up, just as Winston said. Her imitation smile faded into her usual, softer expression. She'd resolved to make the most of that time, but she wondered for just a moment if things could still go differently.


As the last contestant stepped onto the stage, the morning had shifted into mid-day and a massive amount of trainers stood together on the central stage. Those of the Wedgehurst trainer school were sprinkled generously amidst them, each and every one now bearing their numbers and uniform. Their very identities within this league now determined, their faces known to the public… and to the leaders they would face. With a smirk, Peony looked as if he was about to speak, but paused a moment and instead held the microphone out towards Leon.

There was a moment of silence as Leon looked upon the small device. The Champion's cape was bound around his front, covering his attire like a cloak, but a gloved hand reached out and took the mic from the offering Peony. The larger man's lips moved, as he said something only Leon could hear, before the Champion grinned wide and gave a small nod.

"People of Galar! Look upon your new challengers!" Leon cried, waving his arm towards the stage and causing the crowd to burst into an uproar of cheers. Even the gym leaders looked up upon the stage from below, confident smiles and nods of affirmation gracing most all of them. "Standing here, amidst these hopeful few, could be my successor! The one who will take the crown of the once unbeatable champion once and for all!" Standing to the side of he and Peony's platform, Leon grinned down at the candidates below him.

His yellow eyes were shining with something powerful. An overwhelming aura of excitement and strength, as if Leon was looking at an old friend that he had been waiting to face again for a long time. Gripping the microphone a little tighter, with his other hand he grabs the hem of his cape and tosses it off, letting it sail to one side. Beneath it, he was dressed in an outfit unknown to many of those within the Galar League. A red formal coat and frock, a pair of accompanying grey pants, long black leather boots and as he removed it, held in his hand was his signature cap. Newly emblazoned on the chest of his coat was the image of a red shield crossed by a blue sword, the symbol of Galar's champion.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

"The Champion I was two years ago left after he was defeated, all of you who stand here now, you should know that I've only grown stronger." He pauses with a smirk and his gaze traces through each and every challenger before him, with his gaze lingering just a second longer on each graduate from Wedgehurst Academy. "That's why I'm excited, the stronger I am the stronger you will become! Rise up and face one another in battle after battle and when all is said and done? I will eagerly await my battle with the strongest among you!" He cries and the crowd roars with approval and unrest enough to almost clamber out of the stands to face Leon themselves.

"This concludes the opening ceremony for the Galar Pokémon League and Gym Challenge! People of Galar, give an applause for your announcer, Peony, for the gym leaders gathered before us and for the challengers who stand against them! But above all else, no matter where we go, no matter what we do, remember to have…!" With a quick spin and a hand extended to the sky, Leon strikes his signature pose while holding the microphone high for the voices of all to reach. In that moment every onlooker's voice across the region are in unison and they echo across Motostoke stadium with resounding excitement.



[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The Opening Ceremony - Part 3 - Strains of a New Beginning
- A JP created by the cast of Pokémon Spear -

Raphael slowly stepped out of Motostoke stadium to a deluge of gentle sunlight. It reflected off of the river's water and the metal sections of Motostoke city and created a dazzling sight indeed. Sparkling points of light looked like embers over the city. "How fitting…" He mumbled to himself as he looked down to his hand. He had changed out of his gym uniform of course and back into his regular clothes, except for the black and blue fingerless glove adorning his hand. He stared idly at the number once again. This was what identified him now. This was what the world saw. The representation of who he was and what he wanted from life.

"Ha… to. Heart." He mumbled it aloud to himself for the umpteenth time, before shaking his head and looking back towards the horizon. He should really get going, before any of his classmates managed to catch up. It felt odd for the lazy one to be the first to go, but it was less effort to hurry away than it was to wait and speak to them.

Aeliana exited the stadium with her Totodile in tow. She was still dressed in her league uniform, partially on account of the girl still feeling a bit of excitement from the whole ceremony, while also wanting to show the ensemble off a bit. As for Tampa, the blue gator Pokémon was currently riding on her shoulders. She was seemingly all tuckered out from the hustle and bustle of the opening ceremony. The pink-haired trainer really couldn't blame Tampa. Peony was quite the charismatic man, and the roar of the crowds was enough to get anyone all riled up and ready for the league ahead of them.

"Well… almost everyone," the dancer mused, glancing over to see the retreating form of one Raphael.

She thought that even the usually quiet and lazy boy would at least have some form of smile on his face or half of a pep in his step from the event. Yet there he was, being all quiet and elusive. The boy was walking away from the stadium as if he had just lost his best friend or had just found out that Santa Claus wasn't real and his Stantler really couldn't fly. She hesitated for a moment, remembering back to how… uninterested the boy was during their brief conversation on the train from Wedgehurst, but despite that memory she found herself unable to resist.

The pink-haired trainer followed behind her fellow graduate, calling out to him as she approached. "That was a pretty exciting ceremony, wasn't it? I think even people like Clovis and Catherine are probably raring and ready to go, don't you Raph?"

"Heck yeah! That was aweeeesome!" Valerie came, shouting cheerfully. "Maaaan, all those people came to cheer for us! Our class are gonna take allll sorts of W's this year, wooooot-wot!!"

"Right?!" Simon followed behind her, equally as excited as his bugs scurried back into the pockets of his white coat. "Now imagine this, Val… all of that raving audience cheering just for you when you beat your first gym!" He threw out his arm dramatically for a visual. "An entire stadium of adoring fans… I could get used to that, couldn't you?"

"Word up, Simon Says!" Valerie beamed. "I'm ultra pumped for that! Reaaaally hyped for some epic battles too!"

Raph sighed gently and slowly turned to face the following group, his brow bore down and furrowed his gaze into something close to a glare but not quite there yet. Aeliana and Simon, the girl from the entrance too, Valerie. He remembered her now.

"You never forgot them. Any of them."

His gaze scanned each of them in turn, watching their excited faces and jovial gestures. It was only natural, he supposed, that they'd react so eagerly to the ceremony around them. It was exciting, of course it was exciting, he was excited too. At least, he wanted to be, so why? Why did he feel so uneasy? So melancholic?

He… knew exactly why. These people were exhausting, they always made him think about everything, doing that was a lot of effort.

"Clovis and Catherine?" He finally responded, once there was a lull in the excitement. Memories flooded in of an arrogant and irksome young man and an awkward weeb, but he dashed them aside without much thought. "If you say so." He shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck gently as he looks to one side, back at the distant horizon. "It was pretty tiring, the whole thing. I don't quite have the same energy you all seem to. So I'll be heading back to the inn now."

"I mean… I'm not saying you're wrong…" Aeliana replied, smiling down to the yawning Totodile riding on her shoulders. "But… You look more like something might be bothering you? You're okay, right? Maybe something you need to vent about? Peony's cologne was pretty strong, was that it?"

Raph said nothing in response. His brow was furrowed even further instead and the sigh he released was more audible. "What… are you trying to accomplish here?" He eventually asked, his voice lacking resentment, the question almost seemed genuine with the tired tone he asked it in. "I didn't really show up in school, none of you really know anything about me. Could be I just look like this by default you know?" He let those words hang in the air for a moment before speaking further. "I get it, you're a bubbly nice person and you're just showing concern. Today just tired me out, I'm not interested in going into it further." He nodded to Simon and Val, before his gaze turned back to her. "These two are a better match for you I think, they never stop being excited, so if it's all the same I'd prefer to just leave you lot to it."

Aeliana shook her head in response. "I'm not against it, but it just seems like maybe you nee-"

"Wait, you're right!" Simon suddenly exclaimed, running up to both of them. "We are all one big great team!" Jumping up slightly, the young trainer put his arms around Aeliana and Raph's shoulders, bringing them down to his height and grinning. "Yo Val, snap a selfie for the record books! The start of the Wedgehurst graduate adventures!"

Haleigh was walking excitedly around the outside of the stadium, looking for some more familiar faces to talk to and congratulate. Now that all of Galar knew that she was shining bright, she couldn't help but want to bask in the joy and spread it around.

It seemed that three of her classmates - Aeliana, Simon and Valerie - had the same idea as they were all gearing up for a picture, excitedly chattering amongst themselves. Not wanting to feel left out, she called over them, "Oi, you lot weren't about to 'ave a photo without me, were you? Lemme get in there!"

Aeliana chuckled at Haleigh's excitement. "Well a photo does sound nice, bu-"

"Hell yeah, get in here, Hales!" Simon cheered.

Valerie smiled and nodded to Haleigh, and while the next thing she would do is take a picture right there and then, she paused, merely gripping her XTransceiver. Her expression changed to a more pacifying and calm look. "I'm having fun and all, but… it won't be cool doing something you ain't comfy with," Valerie said to Raphel. "Buuut what do you say, bro? Photo to put this memory in the vault?"

"...memory in the vault?"

Something snapped, just a little.

A little too roughly, Raph shook Simon off of his shoulders. He pulled his collar up a little tighter and his furrowed brow progressed into an angry and defensive glare in full. It was the kind of look you'd see from a cornered animal and the more he thought on it, the tighter his chest started to feel.

Instinctively one hand reached up between the folds of his coat and clutched at his chest, but his posture didn't change otherwise. "Enough." He spoke in an odd tone. It was subdued, as all things Raph said were, but the emotions laced beneath it were unique, a mix of a threat and desperation. His eyes shifted from Simon, to Aeliana, to Haleigh until they settled on Val. "Don't you get it yet?" He was measured and careful, trying very hard not to raise his voice, straining it to avoid doing so.

His brow twitched a little, before he eventually closed his eyes in frustration. A moment passed, and when he opened them again, they were just tired, as they had been before. "It's not a good idea to make memories of me." The words were bitter and cold, it was kind of tragic, Raph thought, that they held the most emotion out of anything he had ever said to these people. His classmates. "Take your picture without me. Leave me alone."

"I… uh… s-sorr-..." Simon looked around frantically, unsure of what to say, looking desperately at the two older girls.

"Hey," Valerie simply said, with a more serious expression. The air was quiet, and tense for a while… until she flashed Raph her cheerful smile. "I still hope we can be pals one day."

With that said, Raph briskly turned and started to walk away. He really was tired now, very, very tired. Tired enough that the aching in his chest wouldn't stop. So he left, not stopping to address or listen to anything that those he left behind might say to him.

Haleigh looked as the gloomy trainer took his leave, stunned for a good bit from his pained words. Her happy-go-lucky expression had changed into a more morose one. She scratched the back of her head, mumbling to the others, "I erm, sorry if I was making him uncomfortable...I uh…" Haleigh put her head down, unsure of what else to say.

Aeliana watched Raph's retreating form, before turning back to the other three trainers. She certainly hadn't been expecting things to play out quite like this. In truth, she couldn't feel too surprised by Raph's outburst… at least, not at the cause.

"I guess things just came out a bit too… strong for his liking," the pink-haired trainer remarked. She gave a small smile to Haleigh. "Don't stress it too much, he'll work it out on his own."

"I can only hope so, I'm more worried for him than me though." Haleigh looked out in the direction to where he had walked off to before turning her attention back on her other three classmates. "So...you all want a do-over with that one?"


Rosa had changed out of her gym uniform and was walking slowly back towards the Budew Drop Inn. She turned in slow circles, looking out for the one person she was hoping to run in to.

"Ugh, where is he," she muttered as she gripped the plastic of the bag in her hands and wrung it anxiously. "I'd better give this to him now while it's still fresh in our minds."

She sighed, watching as the other competitors slowly spilled out of the building. She sunk back into an alley just barely out of sight. Rosa shook her head and frowned as she looked at the picture on her trainer card.

"That smile… I should have tried harder to make it look genuine."


It didn't take long to find a decent spot outside the stadium to relax. Jasper was more than glad to have seen his fellow students too preoccupied with their own business for anyone to accost him and take up any of his time. He leaned against the outer wall of the grand building and closed his eyes while Faust made the rather silly move of trying to copy his stance. He's probably got his own stuff to deal with, being a bigger part of all this than me and all. I figure he'll be a bit behind me getting out, but hopefully not too long…

These things really are exhausting. And long. And loud. And Raihan has this thing about taking seven-thousand pictures with everyone else before they can leave. Bede draws in a deep breath as he brushes his fingers through his hair. If he didn't think it was so important for the challengers to see the full scope of what they were going to have to face, he would absolutely skip the ceremonies all together. There must be better ways to spend a day than glorifying a bunch of kids-- a decent chunk of which will give up and run on home before they even make it Ballonlea.

At least this crop looks more promising than last year. There were a few contestants walking onto that arena that looked like they might have potential. Maybe. At least one of them better since he's going out of his way to do this. Hatterene seems convinced anyway. Soft footsteps make their way across the concrete with the fairy-witch floating contently behind him. "You're lucky you're easy for Hatterene to find." The gym leader scolds when he locks eyes with Jasper. "I don't have all day to track you down."

"Am I lucky, or just aware of some of your pokémon's capabilities?" Jasper asked. "I never doubted the great elite gym leader of Ballonlea would find me easy. Besides, I figure you'd rather meet in an inconspicuous spot same as me. Don't need to get mobbed by annoying fans, right? So, what exactly are we here for?"

"Hatterene had something she wanted to give you, remember?" Of course he remembers. It's not every day a trainer gets a gift from one of the elite-- even if said elite is somewhat reluctant to do this and only going along because his Pokemon seems so convinced it's a good idea. If Hatterne senses something in him, Bede can go along (begrudgingly.) The gym leader turns to the Pokemon standing behind him and holds his arms out for something to be placed in them. Turning back to Jasper, the item is revealed to be a blue and pink egg. "Hatterene's been carrying this egg around for awhile. She thinks it's waiting for the right trainer to come along before it will hatch." He casts his gaze over his shoulder with a questioning look, as if to say we're really doing this?

His gaze is met with a nod and a contented smile, so he turns to look back to Jasper and slowly hands the egg over. "She thinks that trainer is you."

"Well whatever it is she sees in me, I'm glad she does. You seem to have a great partner." Jasper admitted, as he approached Bede with ever-widening eyes. "Whoah, is that - can I really have it?" It was so different from Faust's egg - or at least it felt like it was, but at the same time it was so similar. He rubbed the egg a bit and marveled at the warmth of life he felt on his hands. No sooner had Jasper grasped the egg between his hands than did it practically jump, forcing him to grab it tighter and take it completely out of Bede's hands.

Jasper lost his composure completely and looked between the egg and Hatterene in panic. "Oh no, what did I do? It's freaking out! Did all my negative emotions hurt it?!"

Bede's eyes narrow into a dramatic squint. Whether he's annoyed by how right Hatterene seemed to be or by Jasper's confusion over what an egg looks like when it hatches, it's hard to say. "No--" Before he can scold the trainer or explain, the shell of the egg breaks away in a vibrant burst of light. Sitting in Jasper's hands is a tiny pink bundle wearing a tall hat. The little creature releases a soft squeak of a yawn before lifting her little head to gaze up at her new trainer.

"Hat...tenna?" She asks as she rises to her feet. For a few seconds she studies the tall man holding her before a brilliantly warm smile takes over her face. "Hatenna!" She cries as she leaps out of Jasper's hands and wraps her vestigial hair around his neck, happily nuzzling against his cheek.

Bede rests his hand on his hip as he watches the scene unfold. "Are you happy now?" He asks as he looks to his Hatterene, whose eyes are filled with joyful tears. Guess that's a yes. The fairy gym-leader gently touches the top of his partner's head before looking back to Jasper.

"You better take care of her. I'll make sure you've been raising her properly when you get to Ballonlea." There's a small emphasis on the word when, as if to make a point that there is no if. Jasper better not give up before he gets to battle Bede. Hatterene's put a lot of faith in him and Bede will not stand for her to be disappointed.

"Ready to go?" He asks the larger Fairy type.

"Hat~" Hatterene reaches out and gently pats the infant Pokemon on the head before slowly floating a few inches above the ground.

With a nod and a step back, Bede casts one last glance towards the new trainer. "We'll see you around." He says declaratively before proudly making his way towards the exit with his partner floating steadily behind him.

Jasper watched Bede go while his new 'friend' continued to wriggle around under his hood, tugging on his hair and patting his cheeks. "Well...I'll be damned."


Sachi walked out of the stadium in her regular outfit and hair down, with Tora standing on her shoulders. She saw some of her old classmates in small groups, talking and taking pictures. She wanted to join, but they were probably already full and didn't want to interrupt their time. The only friends she ever had was Tori and Seto, and with Simon on the list, that made three. But she barely knew Simon… and Tori and Seto probably didn't count since she saw them as older siblings.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, she slowly walked by the group, hoping that they wouldn't notice her. I wonder… would I have a friend group one day?


Hours of standing and hearing hundreds of names she didn't care to remember (but would) Melody was finally free. The punk teen hurriedly makes her way out of the arena and immediately heaves a sigh of relief as the noise of the screaming crowd fades into the distance. "And scene." She murmurs to herself as she folds her arms to rest behind her head. "If I never have to hear that stupid catch phrase again, it will be too soon." She says as she glances over her shoulder to the ghostly dragon floating behind her. Sure, it served its purpose well enough, it made the crowd lose its collective and individual shit, and that's the point of things like this. Yeah, yeah, but was that really the best thing he could come up with? What even is a champion time anyway? That word is not an adjective.

"Dre?" Nightshot asks as he gives his trainer a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"Hm? I'm fine. I just need the ringing in my ears to stop." She says before stretching her arms out. Leon aside, that wasn't… the worst few hours of her life. It got a lot of people psyched up, and the music kicked ass. It did a pretty good job of communicating just how huge this whole thing really was. Hundreds of trainers competing for the same thing. One person rising to the top by stepping over every other person in their way. Huh. It's kind of depressing when she thinks about it like that. All but one of those faces in that arena is going to be incredibly disappointed when it's all said and done.

Melody shakes her head. All right, save the despondent feelings for the Indie-rockers. "C'mon. Let's try to have some fun before it gets too dark."


Catherine exited the stadium, comfortably returned to her usual attire with Indra bouncily plodding along at her side. Outside of the stadium, the air felt just a little less stifling than it had inside, but she felt every bit as exposed and watched as she had before.

All around her, she caught sight of other contestants, many of them trying to schmooze each other like Achille had with hers. There were a lot of spectators too, many of them also trying to get into the good graces of the new celebrities while others simply gawked.

She caught sight of several of her classmates against the assembled mass, several of them seemed to be waiting on or looking for others. A small few seemed like they were preferring to avoid the crowds much as she was. She did notice a small cluster of the noisier graduates in the process of taking pictures with each other, shouting obnoxiously as they did so. The sight left an uncomfortable, knotted feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wondered what they were all trying to get out of each other.

Looking down, she caught Indra starting to make his way towards the group, apparently intending to socialise with every person or Pokemon he could. There was absolutely no way that was happening though.

"Come on Indra," she said, "Not this time."

She turned and started heading back towards the hotel, Indra following behind a little reluctantly.

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Rosa tapped her boot against the hard ground as she sighed and turned to look around the corner. "Where is he?" She shook her head, whispering to nobody but the cold winter air. She'd been waiting to meet up with Jasper for nearly an hour, but people were starting to disperse and the boy was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps… "Maybe he passed by when I wasn't looking," she mumbled.

Defeated, the girl scrunched the plastic bag and quickly hid it in her sweater. It wouldn't do to run into anyone else with the gift on her and have to answer any unnecessary questions. After all, they should all be staying in the Budew Drop Inn unless they'd prefer to rough it or just get moving on to the next town. She smiled weakly to herself as she nodded in acknowledgement. "There's always tomorrow," she whispered half-heartedly.

She made her way back to the Inn. There were trainers strewn about in various corners and even the main walkway, all likely too lively to entertain the idea of going to sleep early. Rosa shook her head as she pulled the hood of her battle jacket over her head. In the time that she'd waited for Jasper, she'd considered the reasoning behind him always wearing a hood. She hadn't landed on anything concrete for his personal reason why, but she had realized that wearing a hood helped to blend in a little bit better - so she kept that piece of her uniform on her. It was cold enough outside that she didn't have to worry about getting too hot with all the layers, and worse case scenario she just slips out of one of them; no big deal.

She'd managed to make it to the elevator uninterrupted. Whether that matter was helped by the hood or not, she still smiled to herself, thankful for having gotten through the mass of people without stopping. She covertly jabbed rapidly at the 'close door' button until it started to move. Thankfully, nobody shouted out to her to hold the door, so she was able to take her hood down and sink to the back of the box.

"Thank Arceus," she whispered, feeling the elevator begin to move.


Rosa pushed herself off the railing behind her and stepped out onto her floor. She looked down the hallways, making sure nobody was up there. She took a single step in the direction of Jasper's room and then drooped her head slowly before turning and heading in the other direction. "It'll just have to wait. I don't want to force it."

She headed through the hallway slowly, feeling the texture of the wall with her fingertips as she walked past it. She closed her eyes, remembering the cheers, the lights, and the laughter of the opening ceremony. She started to imagine herself face to face with each of the leaders she was bound to come up against in the future and shuddered. The option to challenge Kabu had been offered, but she wasn't strong enough to try that right now. Not mentally. Not emotionally.

By the time she came up to her room's door, she was so involved in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice that it was slightly ajar. Rosa turned the handle normally, and pressed the door open the rest of the way, walking in and closing it behind her without a second thought. The girl slowly started to strip, taking off the oversized sweater first as she walked into the room, then as she started to pull off the hoodie part of her uniform, she finally came to recognize the presence in her room.

In the corner behind her, she heard a loud cough which was followed by the soft sizzling of paper and tobacco as the person waiting for her to turn around took a long and audible drag on the cigar in their hand.

"I've been waiting for you, Rosa Valdés. I saw you on the tele. You looked gorgeous in your outfit."

Rosa slowly turned to face the man as realization dawned on her. "You're him. The man from…"

He nodded. "Yes, I am he. I hope you enjoyed our assistance in your little investigation last night."

"Assistance? What do you mean by that?" her eyes quickly darted around the room, searching for the bodyguards the man had been travelling with the night before.

The man chuckled lightly as he flicked the remainder of the cigar out the open window. The butt apparently landed on someone as there was a muffled cry from outside, followed quickly by a few choice expletives and someone else begging them to just move on and leave it alone.

"Don't worry, girl. The boys aren't around right now. It's just you and me at the moment. I had them go off and run some… errands, let's say. They won't be back for a while, so just be at ease. I don't mean to scare you." The man slowly rose from the chair he had made himself at home in and headed over to her freezer. "Would you care for an ice cream? They're made from real Alcreamie, not any of that fake stuff."

Rosa shook her head slowly. "Maybe later," she mumbled as her mind raced, trying its best to figure out what was going on. There was simply too much to try and piece together right now.

The man looked over at her as he pulled an ice cream from the freezer for himself. His gaze lingered for a few seconds and then he nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders as he pushed the door shut. "It seems like you've got a lot going through your head right now, so I'll do my best to help out. See, me and my people, we've been expecting you. It's been nearly two months since I was first told your name, but we just weren't given a proper date. Call it luck, or call it fate that we managed to meet last night. Otherwise, I may very well have missed my opportunity to meet with you."

"You've been… expecting me? For two months? How?"

"We have many Pokemon at our disposal. Many of those happen to be Psychic-type for one reason or another. The Pokemon that alerted us to your coming is known as Xatu. I'm told it originated in your homeland of Johto, but it's supposedly able to see both past and future simultaneously. It's probably just a legend to be honest, but using the power of Future Sight we were able to foresee your coming here. So, that being as it is-" the man chomped down on the frosty cream-sicle he'd been gnawing on from the corner of his mouth as he explained. "Cold, cold. That's cold." He exclaimed as he moved the large chunk of cream around his mouth quickly with his tongue.

"Future sight… that's crazy to think about. But… how? Or I guess, why? Why would it tell you to expect me of all people? I'm not anything special."

The man shook his head, having regained control of himself. "I'm not sure myself. I can only order around the boys, I don't make the rules. What I do know though, is that I was to expect you. And since you're here now, I went ahead and knocked out a few favors for you as a welcome to my city. I took the liberty of doing a few small things for you, in the hopes that you might return the favor."

Rosa scoffed. "So you do me a favor of breaking into my room so I don't have to find you to 'fulfill my destiny' I suppose?"

The man shrugged and frowned slightly. "I am sorry about entering your current residence without permission. However, that's not one of the favors I was mentioning. Why don't you check your bag?"

Rosa's eyes narrowed as she headed over to the table where she'd left her things earlier in the day. The egg was sitting in the same place she'd left it, and with a cursory dig through her bag she didn't find that anything was out of place. "There's nothing-"

"There's nothing missing, right? But there is something that's been altered."

Rosa's eyes widened as she quickly dug for the device. "It can't be…" she whispered, pulling the styler from its hiding place. "I can't believe it." She flipped the device around, checking that all of the bumps, knicks, and scratches she'd seen on it earlier were still in place.

"While you were at the ceremony, our family found a place to fix that up for you. The exterior is mostly all the same, but we wiped the data from it and put on a new screen. All it needs now is your trainer card, and it'll be synced and ready for you to use. Pretty nice, eh?"

Rosa pulled her ATC from her pocket and held it up to the device without a second thought. A few lights turned on, and the capture disc lit up and spun rapidly in each direction a few times as it recalibrated itself. The device dinged and then turned itself off before a robotic but feminine voice chimed in. "Welcome, Trainer, Rosa Valdés. Operational functionality: one-hundred percent. Beginning emotional synchronization. Approximate wait time: one hour."

The man coughed, interrupting Rosa's admiration for his work. "I'm sure you already know how the device works, so I won't bore you with any of the instructions I was given about setup and all that." He flicked his wrist, quickly stealing a glance at his gold and silver watch. "You've got more time than I do anyways, so I'm sure you can figure it out. That being said, that's only one of the favors I've given to you."

Rosa raised her eyebrows, wondering what other items could have been tampered with. "Did you… did you give me money?" If he'd known to expect her, he also might know that she was broke. At this point, she'd probably do most anything for a few thousand poke.

The man chortled wholeheartedly and slapped his knee. "Nah, nah. As is, you're not part of the family. I don't think it's necessary for our relationship to be like that. No, I helped you and your little friend out with your investigation. Remember? Tell you what, I'll give you a few minutes to see if you can unravel the mystery yourself."

Rosa narrowed her eyes, wondering what he meant. She thought back on the investigation and conceded that there were certain parts of it that seemed too easy - almost like it was handed to them. "But then, if you helped out with that… then that would mean-"

"We've got eyes all over Motostoke, Ms. Valdés. We're a family here, and the family watches out for each other. If someone tries to steal from the family, it's up to us to make sure it's set right. No matter the consequences."

"So you- It was- I don't-" She rubbed at her temples, trying to figure out just what part that he played in the whole situation. 'The family? Eyes all over? Is that literal, or figurative? Jasper did say that the camera footage had been tampered with, did that mean that-'

"It's no use worrying over it now. That young trainer is free now, as she should be. She may not have been in the family, but good deeds do not go unrewarded, wouldn't you agree?"

Rosa's eyes widened. He was leading her. Everything since she'd gotten into Motostoke had been a big setup, all for this moment. She realized it now that the conversation had gone on a bit more, but there was nothing she could do about it. "I- I suppose."

The man smiled wide as he rose from his seat. "There, see? All good deeds must be aptly rewarded. You help out a struggling trainer, you receive an egg. But I helped out a hero, someone who managed to solve a case of theft all by themself with no prior experience. So, what does that get me?"

Rosa shook her head. "But I didn't do it myself. Jasper also-"

"Is that what today's papers say?" The man interjected, picking up a stack of papers that had been lying next to him. "I could have swore there was only one name in that headline. See here? Challenger hopeful, Rosa Valdés thwarts would be thief and protects innocent trainer. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Even the Police and overseeing detective reported that you found all the evidence yourself."

"But that's- None of that's true! He was right there-" her eyes scanned the headline and then fell to a candid picture of her interaction with the owner of the Budew Drop Inn just after Jasper had left. She slowly scanned down the page, looking for the detective's testimony. "Only the girl stood up for the other trainer. While the police forcefully restrained her, Rosa rushed into harm's way and pushed one of the officers over, exhibiting some kind of hidden strength that kicked in to help her chase her idea of justice." She slapped the paper away with tears in her eyes. "That's Mudsdale shit!" She spat, wiping at her mouth with the sleeve of her dress. "I couldn't have done that myself! If Jasper wasn't there, then… that girl would have surely…"

The man smiled and shrugged. "It's no use now. The day's already over, and they're not going to reprint the papers now. What's done is done. You're a hero to this city, Rosa. It's best if you just accept it for what it is now."

"What it is? Those cops were on your payroll, and then you even got the detective in on it? What it is is-"

"It's best not to inquire too deeply." His smile had become less than inviting as it slowly turned into a frown, and eventually, a scowl. "We need you healthy and present. As long as you repay the favor, there's no need for anything else to come of these matters. Just do your part. Remember, like you said, good deeds don't go unrewarded."

Rosa planted her face in her hands. All of this had been fake. A setup, a fraud. She was a fraud. Just like her father. "What do you want me to do?" She whimpered, her whole body shaking as she fought back the tears that were seeping through the gaps around the palms of her hands.

"Nothing too difficult. It's just a bit of an escort mission. We've got two packages we need delivered. One goes to Turrfield, the other to Hullbury. The packages are already here, but don't go trying to find them until you're ready to check out. We'll leave a note on your door when it's time to move. These things have already been planned out since your arrival. If you dawdle, or if you're late to the meeting in either town, know that there will be consequences. Remember, we have eyes all over. That isn't just limited to Motostoke. If you try to open those packages for yourself, I'm afraid there'll be no going back for you."

Rosa lifted her head. Her eyes were bloodshot, but the tears had stopped coming. Her mouth was agape as she already knew the meaning behind his words. "I… I don't-"

"You don't have a choice. If you refuse, it's the same as failing. And failing to repay a favor to the family is a quick and easy way to get on their bad side." The man tossed the popsicle stick into the bin and placed his hand on Rosa's shoulder as he headed towards the door before leaning in to her ear, placing his lips just inches from her face. "Let me tell you from experience, you don't want to be on the family's bad side," he whispered softly.

Rosa slowly turned to face him, being met by his smile before the man quickly rose back upright and stepped slowly over to the table where Rosa's bag and egg were. "You know, you really should use that stone by the way."

"The stone?"

The man nodded. "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. In the meantime," he looked around the room and then looked at his watch before tilting his head back. "Ah, of course." He walked quickly to the other side of the room and opened the window fully. "Well, until we meet again. I do hope you enjoy your stay in Motostoke. I'll be sure that the rest of the family knows to keep a lookout for you… just in case you happen to get into any trouble." The man smiled as he stepped up onto the window sill and walked out into the darkness. He hovered just outside the window for a few seconds before a wall of black came over him.

Rosa rushed to the window and looked out, watching as the painted Metagross hovered off into the dark of the night. She pulled the window shut and clasped the lock before slumping down against the wall next to it. "Arceus, what have I gotten myself into." she glanced over to the table where the styler lay. It was the second day in a row that she'd come to the end mentally exhausted. "Everything's just… too much." She whispered as she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Everything was so much easier before she…" she winced and bit her lip, trying to stop herself. "Mom... You-" she cut herself off, shaking her head before plopping it down into her knees. "Fuck you."

Rosa's Party

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Rosa's Journal

Simon Dansen
My childhood friend. Absolute idiot. Can't ever get a read on him anymore. Buttface. Always there when I need him. Always there when I least expect him. JERK. Showed me up in battle and evolved his Pokemon before me.​

An ex-classmate. He took my bait and threw me for a loop when we were fighting a group of Munchlax together. Not as bad a guy as I thought. Because of him, I have to re-evaluate my notes on everyone else just in case. I'm interested in trying a different approach with him when next we meet.

Helped out a wrongfully arrested girl. Really smart. Observant. Kind, but doesn't like to show it. Isn't a terrible cook.​

Charles the Biker
An eccentric, but strong man. Indulges in bad puns. Love for bikes. We left on good terms.​

Nat the Ranger
A doting older brother to several sisters. A strong trainer who follows their duty. Only spent a day with them. Not sure if I want to meet again or not since I stole a broken styler from his scene of investigation. We left on good terms, I think? Unless he notices that something's missing.​

Budew Girl
Never got her name. Apparently she's a challenger like the rest of my classmates. Comes from a family of Budew fanatics. They breed Budew in their hometown and journey around with all three forms of it. She seems endearing. It might be interesting to meet her again in the future. As long as she's not being accused of theft, that is.​

Achille Béringer
Rich kid. Pays his debts. Is keen on rich kid things. Doesn't seem much different from how he was in school, but still need to reevaluate.​

Melody Argent
Cute and kind. She keeps to herself kind of like I do. Loves music. Feels similar to Simon. Still need to reevaluate because of interactions with Jasper.​


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Raphael Allard
> Motostoke Stadium
> Mood: Confident

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Raphael stood with his hands in his pockets. It was the morning after the opening ceremony and Vito was rolling along by his side. The gym challenge had now officially begun, there was no more formality, no more questions about it. He was an officially endorsed challenger with the potential to fulfil his goals. Two years of training, physically, academically and mentally for this. He stood at the entrance to the Motostoke Stadium once more. Kabu had put out the decree that he was accepting challengers immediately, that nobody would be turned away now that the challenge had begun.

Though he had warned that new trainers didn't tend to challenge him first for a reason.

Raph however, was confident. Kabu's ace pokémon was a Centiskorch, all research pointed to that outcome. Vito had already proven himself to be more than capable of facing pokémon that were already evolved and beyond his level. With his partners tenacity and Raph's planning, coupled with their type advantage, things were already looking positive. This was the first step to their journey, by being the first here and beating Kabu not only would he secure his first badge, but he'd get the league's attention. The first challenger to defeat a gym leader, Hoenn born ever burning man of fire Kabu, no less. When he won this fight, he'd have taken his first major step.

The time was now, no more hesitation.

Above the door a green light flickered on and the automatic door slid open. The gym was open, challengers were welcome. It was time to take the plunge. "Ready, Vito?" Raph said, his voice oozing cool and confidence to which his partner pokémon responded positively. Vito bounced up and down excitedly, the infectious confidence causing the small pokémon to give his trainer an eager grin.

Both parties affirmed and ready, stepped together passed the door.

"Number 810, Mr. Allard correct? Thank you for registering, your challenge will begin shortly, as the first one here it shouldn't take very long, Leader Kabu will be informed of your arrival." The female attendant gave a small smile and Raph nodded gently in response, rubbing the back of his neck a little. His eyes glanced over the young woman, she was dressed in league colours, white, red and blue… the gym challenge logo emblazoned on her chest. She was young, younger than Raph, with blond hair that formed two elaborate twintails that draped the side of her head. They spiralled like drills, Raph furrowed his brow in response to that, how the hell did people pull that shit off. As she finished speaking over the intercom she turned back to the challenger, flushing a little as she noticed him staring. "Ah… um, they're still preparing the wild pokémon for the gym challenge, I apologize but you may have to wait a little longer. You should still be first on the list though!" She gave a warm smile, cheeks still red, though Raph had no idea why.

"Well, that's no problem then, I don't mind taking some time to work over strategy." He pauses, his eyes descending down the girl again until he sees her name tag. "Amélie…" He mumbles, causing the attendant to jump a little to attention. "Ah, um, yes? Mr. Allard?" His lazy gaze travels back upwards to meet hers. Why was she so on edge all of a sudden? This girl was seriously tiring him out. He needed to conserve the energy. With that in mind he decided to get right to the point.

"That's a Kalosian name, right? Sorry I don't get to meet many other people from my home in Galar, so I took notice." He shrugs and her eyes widen a little as she responds. "Ah, yes! I should have noticed from your surname. You're right, I'm originally from Dendemille town. It's nice to meet someone else from the homeland, what city are you from?" Amélie was smiling and seemed a bit more at ease now, even still he hadn't expected her to carry the conversation like this. This was eating into his planning time. Still, if anything was going to end the conversation it was his answer to her question. "I was born in Shalour city."

Those wide eyes stayed, but Amélie's joy turned to shock and a twang of bitter regret.

During the events leading up to the Z incident, 15 years ago, Shalour city was all but annihilated by a battle between two legendary pokémon. A corrupted Mewtwo and a Lugia infused with primal energy. The city itself had never been the same and even to this day talking about it was a difficult topic. Even after a decade and a half of rebuilding it hadn't returned to its previous majesty and many irreplaceable landmarks like the tower of mastery had been lost forever. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"This brochure describes the gym mission, right?" Raph looked bored as he pulled a small booklet from the desk, scanning the opening page and cutting the girl off entirely. "Oh, y-yes! That describes Leader Kabu's challenge in its entirety from the mission to the battle format rules for this year's league." Her words were a little shaky and she still had a sorry expression, but she seemed grateful for the subject to change.

"Sorry to leave you then, but I should really go over this thoroughly yeah? Thanks for the help, Amélie." With a small smile to Vito who was rubbing against his leg, Raph turned to walk towards a seating area where he could read in peace, but a quiet voice interrupted him one last time.

"Wait, um, Raphael right..?" Amélie seemed nervous even talking to him now, but he looked over his shoulder to see her addressing him with still red cheeks. "Hm?" Was the only response he gave, but it was enough for her. "Good luck, with the challenge I mean, I'll be rooting for you!" Her eyes closed and she gave a soft smile, even someone as oblivious as Raph was caught off guard and he turned away again quickly, giving a small over the shoulder wave.

"Thanks, we'll see what happens." With a small sigh he walks away from the counter and proceeds to where he was heading initially, his lazy gaze accompanied by a furrowed brow.

"...what a weird girl."

Raph stepped into a side room to the gym, with cameras set up all around. The brochure had said that this footage was being broadcasted to the pitch outside, people got to see the pre-show it seemed, the gym mission in full. The room was red in colour, with flaming motifs and a skylight that reflected the light from the morning sky down into the room below. In the middle of it all was a terrarium of sorts, trees, shrubbery and a small artificial river, as well as what appeared to be small steam baths built around the location to benefit the fire types that were present.

At the entrance Raphael stood, dressed head to toe in his gym uniform. A black jersey and long tracksuit pants with cobalt blue accents. A single black, leather, fingerless glove. Emblazoned on both the back of his jersey and glove, in that same colour, was the number 810.

The challenge itself was simple, enter this enclosure and capture a pokémon using one of the park balls provided. If you successfully captured one, you even got to keep it, if you so chose. The catch was that gym trainers were awaiting within that forest as well and as soon as a capture was attempted one would appear to try and impede your progress. A tie between trainer battle and wild encounter, balancing these two things was paramount to success in this mission.

"Gym challenger 810!" A voice boomed over the intercom, it was feminine and familiar as well. Amélie, the girl who registered him, was speaking to him once more. "Are you ready to begin? You will have 30 minutes to complete the mission!" Wordlessly, Raph responded by turning towards one of the cameras and giving a quick nod.

"Then… begin!"

Even from inside this chamber, Raph could hear the cheers of the audience outside. Seems they were watching. He'd give them a show if they wanted one, sure, but he didn't plan on it being a long one. "Vito!" He released his partner from his pokéball and the small pokémon landed happily alongside him. As Raph started to jog into the terrarium, Vito tucked his tail into his body and quickly rolled after him.

Together the pair of trainer and pokémon dart into between wooded paths, leaping swiftly over fallen tree trunks and running towards areas where the steam baths were most prominent. A few gym trainers were spotted along the way, but no wild pokémon. The minutes were slipping away, one, then two, three, four and five. Damn it, he didn't have the time to be dawdling, where were these pokémon hiding? Wild mon couldn't get enough of him in the wild area so what was the difference here?


Raphael swivels in place, his eyes catching on a small lavender hued pokémon. No, it was white, but a purple flame floating above its head tinted its body slightly as it sat beneath the bough of a low hanging tree.

"There!" Raph called out, pointing towards the discovered Litwick to get Vito's attention, but the round pokémon wasn't the only one alerted. "Salandit stop them! Use beat up!" A small black and red pokémon scuttled out of the woodwork and struck Vito in the side, launching him to the side a little and causing Litwick to jump in alarm. Raph turned his gaze towards the attacking trainer.

Young-ish man, mid 20's, short brown hair, brown eyes. He was dressed in the Motostoke gym uniform. Someone like that wasn't allowed to get in his way. "Vito, turn on your side and use water gun while spinning!" Almost immediately the gym trainers confidence turned to confusion, but it didn't take long for Raph's strategy to become clear.

By beginning to charge a rollout, Vito began to roll quickly in place, revving up speed. Rather than take off however, the pokémon spiralled onto his side. He spun rapidly now in a clockwise direction and as he did so, opened his snout and unleashed a torrent of water. Raph quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid the splashing liquid. Like a high powered sprinkler, Vito launched water gun in all directions, forming a swirling vortex from his point of origin.

With a panicked expression, the gym trainer ducked down behind a rocky steam vent, but neglected to give his pokémon an order in the interim. Just as Raph had expected. The water spun wildly and crashed into Salandit, drenching it and knocking it back with the super effective blow, the Litwick as well suffered the exact same effect, taking severe damage.

Enough damage at its level.

"N-no way… Salandit! Stop hi-"

"Vito focus fire on the trainers' Pokémon, use your momentum for rollout!" Before the gym trainer even finished his command, Vito redirected himself, stopping the water gun and spinning up right. As his rapidly rotating form touched the ground at this angle, he burst off in a rush of speed. With incredible agility he rushed across the ground, bouncing slightly as he went. With a loud crash, he struck the Salandit hard, another super effective blow and one of Vito's signature momentum fueled rollouts didn't quite knock Salandit out, but instead sent it flying far enough away to not be a problem.

Litwick turned and tried to waddle away but it was too late. In the confusion Raph took a few bounding steps forward. "W-wait a second, you can't just-" The gym trainer said, but once again he was too slow to be a problem. Holding his breath to focus his aim, Raph grabs his park ball and pulls back before launching it forward across the small clearing.

With a satisfying squelch it smacks against the Litwick's waxy body, cracking open it pulls the ghost and fire type inside, its body transferred to energy which is swiftly contained. The gym trainer, having finally retrieved his injured Salandit, watched with a baffled expression, still in disbelief at how thoroughly he had been duped.

One shake.

Two shakes.

Three shakes.


The crowd cheered uproariously from the stands in the stadium just beyond, with a small sigh of relief and a smirk of contentment Raph stepped forward and retrieved the now full park ball, with Vito happily rolling over to his side. With a lazy gaze, Raph turned his gaze to the gym trainer who stood looking dejected and shrugged. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could the intercom blared to life once again.

"Incredible! Number 810, Raphael Allard has completed the Gym Mission in an astoundingly quick 7 minutes and 34 seconds! A tough record to beat right out the gate! Congratulations Raphael, the Leader awaits you now on the pitch beyond!" The silence that followed was overlaid with the muffled conversation and excitement of the crowd beyond those enclosed walls.

Raph smirked a little and rubbed the back of his neck as he attached Litwick's pokéball to his belt. Ignoring the dejected gym trainer entirely now, he begins to walk towards the entrance to the pitch. His first gym battle now awaited him. Just beyond those doors was Kabu. The first step towards his endgame goals was finally within his reach.

> Litwick
> Male
> "W-Wick..."

- Astonish
- Smog
- Ember
- Minimize
- Confuse Ray

Flash Fire:
This pokémon can absorb flames, powering up its Fire-type moves if it's hit by one.

Nature & Characteristic:
Timid nature, thoroughly cunning.

Raphael Allard
> Motostoke Stadium - Pitch
> Mood: Nervous

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

The crowd was already cheering, as for the second day in a row, Raphael stood in the dressing room at Motostoke stadium. Kabu… he was waiting at the other side of the pitch in a room of his own. They were to meet in the middle, take opposite sides of the pitch and battle. Raph's heart was beating intensely. It was almost too much to bear. This was it, his first trial, his first battle, well his first REAL battle.

The flame badge, if he could obtain that as his first badge, as the first badge obtained in the league by anyone? Then he'd be well on his way, he'd catch people's attention, then came the income, then when he had enough he could finally…

He'd be able to-

"The match between number 810 Mr. Raphael Allard and Motostoke's own Gym Leader Kabu is set to begin!" The crowd burst into an uproar of applause and cheers, completely cutting off Raph's train of thought. His heart was fit to burst but… no, he couldn't hesitate now. This was it. This was his moment. This was where everything about his life was finally going to change.

In response to uproarious cheers, Raph stepped onto the pitch.

As his feet hit the well maintained AstroTurf, he stepped forward to see his opponent approaching. Kabu was a well toned, well trained man in his mid to late forties, he was Hoenn born and raised, said to have come from Lavaridge town originally. He was known for his firm but fair attitude and his penchant for stomping out newbies to the gym challenge and league. He was an intimidating first opponent, that was for certain.

The cheers only grew louder as Raph with his determined walk and Kabu with his short jog reached the center of the playing field. Standing so close to a gym leader now, face to face, everything was becoming so much more real.

It terrified him, just a little, but he had to swallow that.

"Young Raphael, you impress me." The voice of Kabu had a heavy Hoenn accent and his voice was deeper than Raphael had expected. "The speed at which you overcame my challenge is unprecedented for a challenger so early in the competition." He smiles widely for a moment, but it fades as he sees the expression in Raphael's eyes. "Yet… you look like your inspiration for success is cold, not the fire I was expecting."

Raphael bristled at those words, shared only between them, in the small dome of conversation surrounded by screaming fans. "I'm just doing what I have to do, Leader Kabu." He responds. "Nothing more, nothing less." Kabu's gaze narrowed and his expression became more serious, as if he was making a decision. "Then I will be the wall to break the icy wave of your resolve. Come young Raphael, it is time." Kabu turned away and started to jog slowly towards his position on the field, without letting himself give in to hesitation, Raphael did the same.

The walk felt eternal, but after a few moments, Raph arrived and turned to face Kabu who stood at the other end of the field. The screens around the arena zoomed into Kabu's face, familiar music started to blast throughout the arena and below Kabu's confident expression on screen, text designed with a flame motif appeared.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Spear [M] [IC]

"Centiskorch!" Kabu cried tossing his red pokéball outwards, the crowd cheered in adoration as bursting from the ball was a red bug and fire type pokémon. The x shaped adornment of flame burst into life and its gaze furrowed much like its masters as it turned to face Raphael.

"This is it…" Raphael spoke to the pokéball clenched in his hand before throwing it outwards. "Vito!"

In a burst of light, the confident looking Spheal appeared, his usual excited and joyful expression was absent. He could sense the nerves in Raph's heart and in turn took this situation more seriously than any other prior. His snout was pursed into a small frown and his eyes were focussed on his opponent and naught else. Raph immediately sensed the raw determination echoing off of his partner, he couldn't say why, but he could feel Vito's energy like a palpable mist. He was surprised and a little endeared by the pokémons pure desire to help him. "Vito…"

"Young Raphael! Be ready!" The voice of Kabu snapped Raph to attention. "Centiskorch! Use Fire Lash!" The larger pokémon rushed forward, scuttling in serpentine across the ground with great speed. The long flaming appendages on its face fused together into a long flaming whip which lashed out towards Vito.

"Vito! Use Water gun to dampen the attack and start rolling away!" Without missing a beat, Vito spiralled quickly to the side while shooting a blast of water from his snout. The liquid crashed hard against the fire lash, shortening its reach and taking a lot of power out of the attack. With its now limited reach, the attack just barely missed Vito who quickly spiralled out of the way and started to build up speed.

This was good, this was exactly what Raph needed. "Vito! Keep it up! Pepper Centiskorch with water!" Raphael called, but Kabu quickly responded. "Centiskorch use Sunny Day!"

Turning its face upwards, Centiskorch unleashed an orb of flame skywards. It grew larger and larger until it hung above the stadium as an artificial sun. The light of the weather effect was blinding and the sudden increase in temperature left Raph sweating where he stood. Though that wasn't the most surprising and concerning effect of the move. Raph watched as Vito started to slow slightly, the heat making it difficult to keep going. The water guns the small pokémon unleashed were crippled and Raph, evaporating as they went across the sunny field and easily being dodged by the shifting form of Centiskorch.

"Vito! Drop water gun and focus everything you have on rolling!" To which Vito responded in kind, pausing his water based attacks and instead rolling faster and faster, building up momentum properly now despite the sun.

Kabu was… silent. He simply watched the scene unfold as Centiskorch sat in position in the center of the arena. Unmoving, simply watching alongside its master. Raph's head began to spin with possibilities, why was it doing that? What was Kabu planning? Were they charging something up? He started to sweat more under the artificial sun. He shook his head gently and tried to focus. Rollout was a four times effective move against Centiskorch, he had a severe type advantage with this move, he just had to hit it, even a grazing blow would cripple Kabu's pokémon. That was it, that was what he had to do.

"Vito! Now, use rollout!" Throwing dirt up with a sharp turn towards Centiskorch, Vito as a blur, blurred ball rushed across the arena, ploughing a path straight towards Centiskorch. He bounces off the ground as he grows closer, ready to collide-

"Centiskorch! Ring formation!" Nigh instantly, before Kabu even finished his command, Centiskorch flexed its body quickly, looping around, head to tail, it formed a ring out of its own body that Vito sailed right through, missing the attack entirely.

"Urk!" Raphael froze in surprise as the crowd cheered wildly, Vito hit the ground hard, losing all momentum as the attack missed entirely. The small Spheal's form was readily visible as it was forced to a stand still, sitting dizzily and dazed on the floor. "Now Centiskorch! Thunder Fang!"

"What?!" Raph cried out, an electric type move? It knew an electric type move? The water type protected Vito from super effective fire type attacks, but it left an opening for a move just like this one. How did Centiskorch even know this move? As Raph floundered in surprise, Centiskorch moved in, opening its maw wide, fangs formed of electrical energy appeared and clamped down hard on Vito. The spheal cried out in serious pain as it was grappled by the bite and then roughly tossed aside like a chew toy.

At his current level, just that single attack had left Vito in a seriously vulnerable state. The small pokémon lay injured and barely conscious between Raph and Centiskorch. They had to move, if another hit like that landed then…!

"Vito, quickly start Rollout again! We have to be more careful this time!" With a return to its determined gaze, Vito shifted and tried to move, but quickly cringed instead, stumbling forward as small sparks of electricity buzzed around its body. The attack had paralyzed, what was this luck? Raph nearly reached to grab and pull at his hair in frustration and shock. Vito had to move, if he didn't-

"It's time to finish this, Cenitskorch! Use Solarbeam!"

Once more, Kabu's voice cut across Raph's train of thought. Solarbeam? That grass type move was unbelievably powerful. Not to mention, in sunny weather it-

Sunny weather!

Raph looked quickly up at the artificial sun, then down to Centiskorch. Energy from that previous move was trickling back into Centiskorch, who was absorbing it and natural sunlight incredibly quickly. The flaming X that made up its face grew larger and began to shimmer a bright white like sunlight. The sight of the flames seeped into Raphael and he felt his eye twitch as it brought up memories of a time long ago and best forgotten.

The solarbeam was charged nearly instantly and Centiskorch looked ready to fire. As Raph's stunned expression turned back to his own pokémon, he saw Vito staring back at him, pleading and terrified.

"That's ENOUGH!"

Raph screamed out quickly, Centiskorch froze in place in confusion, Kabu's eyes widened in shock and even the crowd who had been cheering loudly the whole time, slowly drew to a quiet close.

Raph briskly began to walk onto the pitch, before breaking into a steady run as he continued to look at Vito. The spheal watched his trainer running towards him and small droplets started to well in the pokémons eyes. Wordlessly, Raph scooped up Vito in his arms, holding him close to his chest, desperately wrapping around him to keep him safe from any incoming attacks… even though Centiskorch had allowed the energy of Solarbeam to fade already.

"I forfeit." The words rang across the silent stadium and echoed outwards. Kabu's expression turned from shock, to one of understanding and sympathy. Though it also carried pangs of disappointment.

The crowd were less understanding.

Boos and jeers rang out across the stadium, burying Raph under the negativity, as he still clutched Vito, as if now trying to protect the pokémon from the crowds mocking and irate cries. Raph's heart began to beat faster and faster with every word sent his way.

Had he… really just given up? Just like that? Wasn't this his dream? Wasn't this the only way he could…

But, it wasn't worth Vito getting hurt like that. Not in that way, they had already lost and Vito? He had only known the small pokémon a short while but…

Vito was… Raphael's only friend.

He turns slowly, still clutching his pokémon desperately and begins to walk away from the pitch. The cries and jeers only got louder with every step he took and Raph felt his body getting heavier with each one. He couldn't just hear their negativity, he could feel it. Their disappointment, irritation, in some cases hatred, all because he had failed. It tore away at his very sense of self and made it harder and harder to keep walking.

"Stop! All of you!"

It was Kabu's voice that barrelled over the cries, causing Raph to freeze as he walked away. The young trainer looked up, he hadn't noticed the tears forming in his own eyes until now, he stood at the exit to the pitch. A mere few steps from leaving, from running away to somewhere they could help Vito get better.

"This young man deserves no hatred for caring about his pokémon." The words cut through him like a knife, even if Kabu was trying to help. This hurt, he wanted to be left alone, to run away, but his legs wouldn't move him anymore.

"Young Raphael." Hearing his own name hurt at this point. "The cold in you is holding you back. I'm sorry, but…" The tone shifted to one that was more accusatory, like a bullet through his back. "...without a flame burning in your heart, you will never defeat me."

His heart.

Why was it always… about his heart?

Certain those words would haunt him, Raphael pushed himself one last time, stepping out of the stadium and away from the prying eyes of the people. The last thing he heard was the uncertain voice of Amélie over the speakers.

"Um… that is… It seems that contestant 810, Raphael Allard, has forfeited the match. The winner is, Gym Leader Kabu!"
