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News: Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon leaked in trademark filing

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    Are those logos official ones made by Game Freak/Nintendo/The Pokemon Company or? Like where'd you get the image?
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    Please be true please be true please be true

    Gen VII announcement tomorrow would be so, SO much better than Pokemon Z. I really hope these get confirmation and aren't just elaborate hoaxes. Honestly, the naming sense makes me think that they are, but who knows? But Nintendo have always been good at keeping stuff under wraps, so this is a little suspicious...if not for the Direct scheduled for tomorrow which will almost certainly be a major announcement.

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    Mega Solrock and Mega Lunatone as mascots confirmed.

    Kidding aside, I am perfectly hyped for this announcement tomorrow. Really really hyped and excited.
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    Thank you people, thank you! I know this is my moment!

    Okay, okay, stop glaring at me like that. Just kidding. :P Seriously I'm not buying the authenticity of this so called leaks, though I'd love to see it. :D A Fire/Psychic and a Dark/Fairy as our legendary mascots would be cool, tbh. (:
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    As cool as this sounds, it's probably fake. Just look at how close this has come up to the upcoming pokemon Direct. Pretty sure they will announce a new game this Friday, but Nintendo are good at keeping their plans under wraps until the last moment.
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    Considering these were registered in Europe first, I really hope if these are legit that we get them first. It'd make a lovely change, considering we had to wait an entire additional week for ORAS (plus three months for Super Mystery Dungeon) for no adequately explored reason.
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    Considering these were registered in Europe first, I really hope if these are legit that we get them first. It'd make a lovely change, considering we had to wait an entire additional week for ORAS (plus three months for Super Mystery Dungeon) for no adequately explored reason.

    For one thing Europe has gotten a lot better overall with game releases. I remember waiting for the first Animal Crossing to come here back in the day...

    Secondly if it's the first 7th gen games then I would want it to be a simultaneous worldwide release. I don't care about getting it before anyone else. I feel like those days should stay in the past if possible.

    Lastly I know I shouldn't have spoiled myself if this is true but I couldn't help myself. It's not like I won't still be uber hyped if we get a trailer and starter reveals anyway. I mean let's face it, a bunch of logos can only do so much.
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    For one thing Europe has gotten a lot better overall with game releases. I remember waiting for the first Animal Crossing to come here back in the day...

    Secondly if it's the first 7th gen games then I would want it to be a simultaneous worldwide release. I don't care about getting it before anyone else. I feel like those days should stay in the past if possible.
    Europe is still pretty screwed up with release dates overall, actually. It's very, VERY rare for us to get something ahead of the US by anything longer than a week. It has happened with some titles, but then we usually wind up waiting months longer for others, so...yeah. I remember waiting up to half a year or more too, but that doesn't excuse the waiting times now. Just because it could be worse doesn't mean it shouldn't be better.

    I'd love for simultaneous release dates to be a thing with Nintendo, but the truth is that they rarely are. If it comes down to it, I don't want to wait. Hopefully it won't, but I won't hold my breath.
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    pokemon moon? where did they get this from, dragon ball Z? maybe great ape gohan becomes a pokemon after all

    it has to be fake
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    Nintendo of America just made this official, guys. Out on 3DS later this year.

    *waits patiently for the new sub-forum to magically appear*
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    Truth actually. Bait posts aren't really my thing.


    *hums innocently*
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    Did some digging, the names/logos were registered BY Nintendo using their representative. Same way all their trademarks have been.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon leaked in trademark filing
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    This time tomorrow some of us are going to look really silly for falling for or not believing this [delete as appropriate] I guess.

    At the moment, I'm on the fence. I WANT to believe they'd do this over Pokemon Z, but I just can't believe that naming sense, or the convenient timing of the leak. How covenient is too convenient? This is almost as bad as Square Enix with their FFVII Remake bait-and-switch-and-bait-and-switch. But look at how THAT turned out...

    ...I'm done until tomorrow. I'll reserve my excitement and/or indignation for after the direct.
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    I am so excited and really hope these are legit. Mega Lunatone and Solrock possibly!!!
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    Let's keep the hype going!

    Would you guys prefer this to a Z game or are you still hoping for Kalos to be explored further?

    I really liked Kalos and would like to see more of it but I can't lie, a new game is more exciting. I always love seeing new starters revealed, new box legends, etc. :3
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