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FireRed hack: Pokémon Vega (and Altair/Sirius) - English Version

  • 22
    • Seen Aug 19, 2022
    Pokemon Vega is probably the highest regarded of all foreign-language Pokemon hacks. Created by a group of Japanese hackers, it contains a new region, all sorts of new Pokemon and moves, and a significant challenge.

    We have fully translated Pokemon Vega, and it is now available as a patch for English Fire Red (v1.0), here:

    IMPORTANT: This is a sequel to Pokemon Altair and Sirius Versions. More information on those is under the spoiler below.



    • A fully new region, the Tohoak region!
    • 181 new Pokemon, plus 56 Pokemon from newer generations!
    • 70 new moves, plus 87 moves from newer generations!
    • Impressive custom music! (Full OST download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ge6slgc2i4rwrlv/Pokémon+Vega+OST.zip)
    • Rematches with almost all important trainers!
    • An extensive postgame, including a battle facility!
    • And much more!


    Original Development: Pokemon Vega Team (entirely anonymous)
    Translation: Dr. Akimbo
    Pokemon Names: Dr. Akimbo, Pokemon Vega Team, Asfia, Bevan7, Doesnt, Ganon's Error, Hawkfire, kisekisfr, LightningLord2, Lucis, Mighty Revenant, quiggles, Silphver, SilverStrangequark, Toyotasomi no Miko, Z-nogyroP
    Move Names: Dr. Akimbo, Wizards of the Coast (the TCG guys), Doesnt, Ketsuban, Mighty Revenant
    Title Screen Logo: kisekisfr
    Text Hacking: Dr. Akimbo
    Graphics Porting: Dr. Akimbo, Doesnt, Chrunch, El Diabeetus, Tailes
    Music Porting: Dr. Akimbo
    Map Porting: Dr. Akimbo, Doesnt
    Mechanics Porting: Doesnt, Tailes, Dr. Akimbo
    Compatibility Patch: Diegoisawesome

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    - How do I get through the first gym?

    - Where is the Flash HM?

    - How do I get past the Dugtrio in Seafin City?

    - Where is the Strength HM?

    - Where is the Cut HM?

    - How do I get past the scientists in Ravenplume City?

    - Where is the Waterfall HM?

    - I beat the Pokemon League. Now what?

    - How do I get through the Sphere Ruins?

    - I got through the Sphere Ruins. Now what?

    - Where can I find a certain Pokemon?
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    Super happy to see Vega finally on here! Also where can I find a Larvitar to complete the Pokedex?
    I have never complained about difficulty before in my life for a hack but fuck this games difficulty the first gym is a cheating whore no first gym leader should have berries on every pokemon aswell as use a potion on each I'm sorry thats not difficulty thats forcing the player to grind to an unnecessarily high lvl to beat a gym you should be able to win at lvl 14-15 without a huge difficulty.
    this ROM has some of the nicest fakemon design i ever seen, unlike the 10 year old doddles I see in other hacks. this is coming from someone who usually dislike fakemon hacks.

    yeah the difficulty is tough, simply because the way its designed you simply cannot grind levels to prepare for boss fights, unless you want to spend an inordinate time to do so. (super low level wild mons and normal trainers, high level gym leaders/elite trainers with competitive movesets).
    Does this game have Physical Special Split?

    Edit: aaand, it actually have it, and even the move description have it!!! Perfect!!!
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    Oh, this finally got here. I was wondering how long it would take to transfer this from the Nuzlocke Forums. I might do a run of it over there.
    Nice to see a foreign language hack like this fully translated in English! Could you also translate Spanish hacks, like Pokemon Mystical?
    This is truly one of the best hacks I've ever played. As this hack has been posted on RHM several months ago, some of us were already able to play through it then, what I did, until Apple decided to revoke GBA4iOS again, but thanks to Dropbox, I am still able to continue the post game story and catch more Pokémon.
    Also, I can only agree with what Spherical Ice said earlier: I, too, am glad to finally see this hack on PC. :)
    Solve everything in my question tnx for this rom cant wait
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