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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team of Amidala [PG 14]


The next voice that came wasn't of Lula's, it was someone elses. Yaibe lookede to see a Flareon standing by them. Was she a friend or a foe? "Hello, I am Yuri. I am a member of Team Flare. I have already met Lula, and have heard about Yaibe the Oshawott. However, I believe a formal meeting is needed." She knew Lula's name. That was good. Maybe Yuri was around when Celebi went to tell Team Crystal. He shyly waved a paw at the Flareon, timid to meet a new Pokemon. But, what did she mean by formal meeting?

"A formal meeting you say? Well I'd certainly love to meet your team! I mean, Yaibe did save my life. I'd like to get to know the team that he works with, as well as introduce myself properly! It's the least I can do!" Snype was the next to speak. He guessed it would be okay for him to meet his team. "Ah but where are my manners? Lula, Yuri, call me Snype. Just Snype." Yaibe would be embarressed if he praised him for saving his life. "I'll explain everything once we get back. Frankly I'm kind of sick of this cave at the moment... Yaibe I'll give you your payment once we get out. Last thing I need is for you all to ditch me and steal my money ya know? Kehehe. Gotta always be a step ahead and be prepared for all possibilities!" Er, right. Moving on.

Yaibe didn't say anything for a while. What was this formal meeting, & what will happen when the Regi's arise again? Right now, he just wanted out of the dungeon. "Take me home..." He said again, mostly to Lula. She was still running around Yuri. He just wanted to go home now. "Take us home Lula." He said again to Lula, this time sounding irritated.
Lula Winterbreeze

Lula stopped running around Yuri, she then padded back next to Yaibe. Lula felt like being with Celebi, maybe when she got back she should rest? but it would be to hard to sleep now. After what she heard, atleast she knew Yaibe was safe. Then the Sabley started to speak. "A formal meeting you say? Well I'd certainly love to meet your team! I mean, Yaibe did save my life. I'd like to get to know the team that he works with, as well as introduce myself properly! It's the least I can do!" Well... that sounded nice, i guess. He then continued, "Ah but where are my manners? Lula, Yuri, call me Snype. Just Snype." The Sabley bowed down to both Lula and Yuri, that was a little awkward.

Lula gave a big smile to Snype, she then heard Yaibe's voice. "Take me home..." She turned to look at the Oshawott,"Take us home Lula." He said again but in a more irritated voice. Lula nodded, "Okay." She said. Right now, Lula wanted to go back to base too and have a snack. The day was very tiring, but why did Yaibe need help from Lula to get back? Did his badge break? Lula grabbed Yuri and Snype then pulled them more to her, she made sure Snype was touching Yaibe so that he would teleport with them. Without further notice, Lula teleported the three back to base in a flash.

What a day, before any one could say anything Lula ran off over to her room. She wanted to know more about the Regies.... and have something to eat.
With little warning, Lula pulled Snype and everyone else toward her and teleported them back to their home base. Snype grabbed onto Yaibe so that he would come along as well. Within a flash, they were finally back home. Snype was so relieved. His feet were absolutely killing him. He just fell back and sat down on the ground.

"Phew... geez... thanks for that Lula... way to save us the extra trip!" Snype complemented. He suddenly realized that Lula had run off. He thought that he might have scared her or something. He was getting alot of weird looks back there anyways. So much for getting to know the team. He reached into his messanger bag and pulled out 800 Poke'. handing it to Yaibe.

"Here you go. As promised, 800 Poke'. Thanks a ton for saving my hide out there." Snype said with a smile. "I'll probobly head off in a bit... if you don't mind, could I relax a bit here? It's kind of a long walk back and my feet are aching." Snype asked.


Finally, they were heading home. Everyone was grouped up & Lula warped them home. Back at base, Lula took off to her room. Well, at least it was over. Then Snype handed something to Yaibe as the Pokemon sat on the ground. "Here you go. As promised, 800 Poke'. Thanks a ton for saving my hide out there." Yaibe smiled. He got something out of this mission, one step closer to paying the medication. "I'll probobly head off in a bit... if you don't mind, could I relax a bit here? It's kind of a long walk back and my feet are aching." Er, he did have a rough time in the dungeon...

"Sure. Take your time." Yaibe answered. He followed Lula to tell her something. Actually, just his badge. "Say, uh Lula. C-Could you & Sally take me back to get my badge fixed? It sorta broke." He showed Lula his broken badge, it still had his fake name, Shell...which reminded him. "Also, I would like the name to be changed to...Yaibe."

Everything felt like it went so fast. On a mission, learning about the regis, meeting Celebi, obtaining a necklace. Everything went from paying for the medication to stopping the regis. For now, he didn't wanna talk much. Would Lula notice the necklace on his scarf? He'll tell Lula later about what they should when 'that' time comes.
OOC: Remember what we talked about, Mega. In VMs?

Yurisa Hayabusa

Yuri did a small smile and wave in Snype introduced himself. Then Lula took them all back to Team Crystal's base. Good thing, too Yuri thought. She still had a lot of talking to do with Lula. She noticed a small necklace around Yaibe's neck. Maybe she would ask about it later that day. But Yuri just followed Lula up to the Mudkip's room. Still so much to talk about.

Yuri then realized she still had some food in her backpack. She took out some food and placed it in front of Lula. Then Yuri got some for herself. She felt someone else's presence coming, but when she looked around, nobody was with them. So she took off the wing covers, spread out her wings,and said to Lula "I am not sure when we must tell our team leaders, but I just realized something. I do not think there is a guardian legendary for anyone in Team Waterfall. Maybe if you fall asleep again, you can ask Celebi to give one of the regular Waterfall members a legendary guardian."
Yeesh... so much for getting to know the team. Everybody practicly rushed of to Lula's room as soon as they got back, not even giving Snype that much regard. That was nice of them. Well if he was going to get to know the team, he figured he may as well be nosy about it. If he was spotted, he could always make the claim he was looking for a bathroom, or forgot to ask the team members something. That might have been understandable.

Snype left his bag behind and started to follow wherever the three Pokemon wandered off to. Creeping around a little, he caught a glimpse of Yuri entering one of the rooms. That must have been it... he waited a little before approaching any further. Some pokemon had better senses then others after all...

Just as Snype took a quick peek through the door, he instantly caught the site of Yuri spreading out what seemed like fiery wings... was Snype seeing things? A Flareon with wings? That's just crazy... then again, alot of crazy stuff has happened to Snype lately... anything was possible at this rate... He decided to stick around a little more, peeking through the small creek in the door. There was a mudkip shaped hole in it for whatever reason so he made sure to keep away from that. If he was spotted then he'd have a few good ideas on what to do...
Lula Winterbreeze

Lula padded over to her shelf, there was all sort of stuff and food on it. Lula took off the leaf she used to cover her injury and threw it away. Lula's scratch was better now, it wasn't bleeding or stinging either. Next Lula took a Pecha, Oran, Nanab and Sitrus berries and put them down on the counter. She was going to make a little snack that she could share with Yaibe or anyone else that was hungry. Lula then put her head down, her little blade thing ontop of her head sliced the Pecha berry in half. Lula kept moving up and down, slicing each berry into tiny pieces. Lula could smell all sort's off Berries, it was a nice smell that sometime's those fancy rich pokemon use as perfume or deodorant.

She put her head back up and smiled as she saw her berries all nice and sliced up. Lula took a small bowl made of leaves and put all the berry in it. Then Yaibe came into the room, Say, uh Lula. C-Could you & Sally take me back to get my badge fixed? It sorta broke." It broke already? Probably cause of something that happened in the dungeon. Mike should make stronger badges. Yaibe showed Lula his badge, then continued. "Also, I would like the name to be changed to...Yaibe." Well obviously. Lula too the broken badge and nodded. "Okay." Then Yuri came in.

Yuri looked around, she didn't seem to notice Yaibe. Then, the took of her cover's for her wings which made Lula's eye's open wide. "I am not sure when we must tell our team leaders, but I just realized something. I do not think there is a guardian legendary for anyone in Team Waterfall. Maybe if you fall asleep again, you can ask Celebi to give one of the regular Waterfall members a legendary guardian." She said, yea that was a good idea but what about Yaibe! He must have saw that! Lula quickly took her cover and put it over Yuri's wings, then nervously laughed and wen't over to Yuri. "What are you doing?" She began in a more serious tone.

"Yaibe's here and he saw you'r wings, but don't worry i have a idea." Lula wen't away from Yuri and walked behind Yaibe, and when he wasn't looking Lula grabbed a pot and slammed it on Yaibe's head. Unluckily, it didn't make him faint/ Lula was going to pretend it was a dream but it FAILED. "Sorry Yaibe! It slipped!" Lula nervously smiled and walked beside Yuri, then waited to see Yaibe's reaction.

Samantha Locket

Sam had just taken a nice, long nap. She got up and stretched the gave a huge yawn, "Id better go check on the Nutty Squirrel," She quietly said. Sam finished stretching and walked over to the prison cell. The nutty Squirrel was sleeping soundly in his hay bed, but seriously why did Vera wen't them to capture him if he was a Patchirisu? Well she probably didn't know so yea it made sense. Sam sighed and padded over to the entrance of the place, she walked outside and headed into the forest.

There was a slight breeze, and the Alpine tree's leave's waved around a little. All the pokemon hid because they were scared of Sam. Not caring, she kept walking along till she made it to a path way. She knew if she followed the path it would lead to a Rescue Team base. Sam knew this cause when she was young she found it. Sam padded to the north, after ten minuet's she got there, it was the Team base of Crystal.

Sam walked over to it and headed inside, and began to sneak around.

(OOC: Mega, don't make Snype see Sam ok? Well do what we discussed in VM's. And no-one will spot Sam either.)
(OoC: xD junie! You just exposed Yuri's wings to Yaibe without even knowing! Lol!)


"Okay!" Lula answered yes. Then Yuri came in. What smelled good? Anyway, Yaibe didn't know the Flareon that much, but she seemed to know Lula. Wonder what she wants anyway? Yuri was looking around for a minute. Guess she didn't notice Yaibe there. Then, bam! There were wings on her. Yaibe's mouth grew wide. Where did those wings come from? Yuri was telling something to Lula, but Yaibe was too distracted to hear. He was more freaked out by the fact that Yuri has wings. No ordinary Flareon has wings at all!

Why does she have wings? What was she? Why is she here? Then, bam again! Yaibe was hit with a pot on the head. Hasn't he had enough pain for one day? He turned around to see Lula with a pot. What the heck! "Sorry Yaibe! It slipped!" Yeah, right. He turned back to Yuri, still a bit freaked out. "W-W-Why d-do you h-have w-w-w-w-wingss?!" He asked stuttering. Why does Yuri have wings? Why doesn't this day end?
Now Snype felt he had just heard everything... Legendary Guardians? Regi's? Flareon with wings? Yaibe somehow mustering enough power to beat a Steelix? Snype should have just did him in while he was there... but now that he thought about it, those legendary guardian folk would have done him in more then likely. It was a pretty weird thing to think about. Snype really wasn't into the history of the world so he wasn't really aware of just what the Regi's really were. nonetheless, it was valuable information. He was sure someone would love to hear about this... for a price of course. That was Snype's line of work after all.

Snype continued to listen in though. He could learn alot from these Pokemon... and the more he knew, the bigger the profit he would gain. He had to get that 800 Poke back somehow after all... his team would certainly like the information but its been awhile since he's heard from them... who else would believe him? Snype figured he'd get some real weird looks if someone told them that a Flareon had wings.

"Yeah... why do you have wings?" Snype thought silently to himself, still spying on the group.

Sally walked back in the base, she had just gone to town to get a package for Mike. She walked inside and padded over to the badge room. Sally opened the door and padded inside, "Hi Mike. Here's the package you wanted." She kindly offered. Mike was busy making a new badge that he didn't hear, but that didn't matter. She walked back out the room and spotted a Sabley, Sally decided to go and talk to him.

She walked behind him then stopped and said, "Hi there. Can I help you?"
Snype flinched when he heard a voice behind him but was able to keep himself from making a noise. Blast it there goes his cover... who was this? Was she from the same team was as well? Darn it what if he was caught spying on the rest of the members? May as well play casual... he'd find out about the wings one way or another.

"Um... hiya! Name's Snype!" He said, backing away from the door casually. "I uh... I was just wandering around... erm... hey! Do you know where the bathroom here is? I was actually looking for that..." Snype said.
"Um... hiya! Name's Snype!" The Sabley replied. He backed away from a door, and then carried on.

"I uh... I was just wandering around... erm... hey! Do you know where the bathroom here is? I was actually looking for that..." Snype said.

Sally flicked her tail, that wouldn't fool Sally. But just encase. "The bathroom is to you'r left, right next to you." Sally replied looking unconvinced.

Something was fishy, Sally had to say something. "But why are you really here? a mission?"
Snype scratched his head and looked to his left. Well what do ya know... it was right there. Well... he did have to go... nevermind that though. He may as well start by being honest.

"Actually the mission is already done. That Yaibe fellow actually helped me go through a cave to find a couple of Gems. He managed to help me out quite a bit along the way so I thought I may as well pass on to good word! Your team is something else! Ask him yourself! I'm just relaxing a bit here before I head off. It's been a long night..." Snype said. It wasn't a lie so he could surely get away with that.

"I was mostly hoping to get to know the team! But I guess they're having some kind of meeting because they rushed off to do something almost immediately after coming back..." Snype added.

"So um... yeah... bathroom! If you don't mind..." Snype said as he casually started to enter the bathroom door with a nervous grin. If she was going to be persistent then he had another plan to get her off his back.
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"Actually the mission is already done. That Yaibe fellow actually helped me go through a cave to find a couple of Gems. He managed to help me out quite a bit along the way so I thought I may as well pass on to good word! Your team is something else! Ask him yourself! I'm just relaxing a bit here before I head off. It's been a long night..." Snype replied.

"Okay..." Sally's tail stayed where it was.

"I was mostly hoping to get to know the team! But I guess they're having some kind of meeting because they rushed off to do something almost immediately after coming back..." Snype added.

"So um... yeah... bathroom! If you don't mind..."

Sally smiled and turned around, then walked away. She'b better not disturb the meeting thing.
Snype gave off a sigh of relief once the Eevee girl went away. Never even introduced herself... heh. Well he dodged a bullet at least. Nobody on his tail now as far as he knew... but he doubted he would get much information sitting in a bathroom... nobody else was inside of it... it was on of those smaller varietys that were meant for one person so it was just Snype by himself. If that Eevee ended up catching him again in the same spot then he'd go off as being pretty darn suspicious... well... may as well be convincing about the whole bathroom thing... Pokemon using bathrooms... well everyone needed their privacy he supposed. He could barely hear the meeting going on in the other room from here he was but he was bound to be a lot safer if he stayed put.

He just needed to hear how the Yuri got those wings and then he'd be on his way back to the base...
Yurisa Hayabusa

Before everything happened, Yuri got a mind message from her guardian. Moltres told her "Yaibe the Oshawott is going to have a legendary guardian soon, like you and Lula." Yuri smiled. When Lula forced her covers back on, Yuri just shook them off again, then did a small hiss at Lula. She didn't try to scare her. Yuri then said to Yaibe "My wings are a gift from Moltres. They look like her wings, unless you have noticed already."


Moltres chuckled and smiled. "Besides all of that, I do not think we have chosen a pokemon from Team Waterfall to have a guardian. The guardian does not have to be small. It could even be Kyogre or Suicune." She sent the mind message to Yuri, then looked at the others for suggestions of guardians for someone from Team Waterfall.
Legendary Guardians... Moltres? Wow this was big... but Snype figured that he had heard enough. Best not to get too greedy after all... Snype quietly exited to the small bathroom door and walked back to the main lobby. His bag was still there, filled to the brim with Gems... this was going to last him a looonnnggg time. It brought a bright smile to Snype's face. Still... he was curious about the whole Legendary Guardian business. Somebody out there would pay big for info like that! If anyone would believe him that is...

Snype walked out of the door. He planned to teleport back to the base when he got far away enough... he was unaware of the unwelcome guest sneaking around the base...
Lula Winterbreeze

"W-W-Why d-do you h-have w-w-w-w-wingss?!" Uh-oh, Yaibe just found out about Yuri's wings! Hopefully he wouldn't tell anyone. Lula hesitated then tried to put the cover back over Yuri, but Yuri shook them off and hissed at Lula, which made her back up a little but with a whimper. Why did the Flareon do that? Lula stood next to Yaibe, a little worried that he would freak out and tell Sally. Lula would have done that, but she knew that Moltress was a guardian too, from someone in Team Flare. Cause Celebi told her once, long ago. So she wasn't that frightened when she saw her wings.

"My wings are a gift from Moltres. They look like her wings, unless you have noticed already." Yuri then said, how could anyone not notice? Except maybe people that never seen Moltress's picture's before. "Wait!" Lula called out. She jumped infront of Yaibe, "Before any-one say's anything else. Yaibe, you NEED to tell me what Celebi told you. Now."


"Besides all of that, I do not think we have chosen a pokemon from Team Waterfall to have a guardian. The guardian does not have to be small. It could even be Kyogre or Suicune." Moltress had a point, they really should get a guardian for someone in Waterfall. "I could do it!" Victini stepped forward. "I realllly wanna have a guardian! Whee!" Victini looked exited, "Well Victini would be good choice... I guess." Celebi replied. Victini looked at Celebi and smiled at her, "Yay!!!!!!" It was kinda annoying how Victini and Shaymin were always so active and less polite, but that was ok.

"It's settled then, Victini can be one of Waterfall's guardian. I;ll be right back." Celebi had to go watch what was happening in real. She headed through a portal and saw Lula and Yaibe, with Yuri and her wings. Celebi kept watching.

Samantha Locket

Sam spotted a Sabley, she his and watched him sneak around too. Who was he? Then a Eevee came, she must be the Team Leader, Sally. Sam ease dropped on the two, she heard the Sabley say something about a bathroom......... Oh well that didn't matter, maybe she should follow this Sabley? She then watched as Sally left and the Sabley entered the bathroom, and soon he came out quietly. "What's he up to?" Sam knew it was none of her business, but to her everyone's business is her's.

She quietly waited for the Sabley to go outside, she then follow him.
Snype wandered a small distance away from the base. Last thing he needed was for somebody to spot him using his badge and teleporting from the base. To them he was just a traveler. That was all. And hopefully after all of that, Snype had convinced them that he was just that. Before he decided to head back to the base, Snype decided to take a quick snack break and munch on one of the Gem's he got from the mission. There's would sell for alot... Snype figured he'd sell a few of them and for the rest, just use them as lunch.

"Kehe... Legendary guardians... sounds silly but so believable." Snype said to himself. His badge was buried under all of the Gems so he would have to dig through it a bit to find it. At least it was well hidden...
(Ooc: Does no one wait for me to post?)

Still very freaky. No ordinary Flareon has wings like that. "My wings are a gift from Moltres. They look like her wings, unless you have noticed already." Mol...tres? Wasn't that the legendary fire bird? Where did she get the wings from Moltres though... Was she her-

"Wait!" Yaibe's thoughts were interrupted by Lula's shout. What was that all about? "Before any-one say's anything else. Yaibe, you NEED to tell me what Celebi told you. Now." Oh, he almost forgot to tell Lula. Er, should he tell her in front of Yuri? He already knows about her wings, so this would even it out.

"W-Well... She showed me the future. In the mountains, their were 4 big Pokemon fighting each other with no rest, the Regis. Their was a group of Pokemon standing together, & one Pokemon was lying dead on the ground." He wished he had never seen that. "I-It was b-b-blue." Was it...him or Lula...? He didn't know. He held on to his necklace around his neck Celebi gave him for comfort. "The guardians are suppose to stop them, but..." Yaibe has poor memory. He couldn't remember what else Celebi told him. "I can't remember what else..." He was done. There was nothing more to say, he thinks.

Yaibe was still concerned about Yuri's wings & Moltres. He's just gonna go ahead & say it! "Is...Moltres your...g-guardian?" There. He said it. Now, hopefully this whole thing wouldn't go wrong on him.