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FireRed hack: Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

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It's a meeee, itman!
  • 1,032
    Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    Hack of: Pokemon Fire Red
    Creator: itman1234

    Note: Sorry if the thread layout bothers you or whatever, as it appears to be the new thing to worry about now, but I really don't care, so yea.

    Heyyyy, I'm itman1234. Some of you MAY (very unlikely) remember my last hack, Pokemon NeoRocket Thieves. If you do, than I'll tell you what happened: My grades sucked and I had to get them up, and by then it was like 2 months with no updates, so I decided to make a new hack. I waited awhile, improved a lot, and here's my new hack, yayayayay. I have been working on this for about a month now, I'm not too far though due to having to restart it, and changing many things, but yea, it's cool now :)

    Ok, well, there are acutally many plots that occur, but not one flat out story line. Just picture is at you are surrounded by many plot lines (hence the name, Shrouded Chaos, makes sense not, doesn't it?). Well, here are the biggest ones that happen:

    1. I don't want to spoil this one too much, but Mewtwo is trying to kill you (the reason is evident and makes sense, but I don't want to say it now, it will spoil some things). He locates you and tries to catch you. The only way to stop him is with the sleep modules that the Prof. used before on Mewtwo (not saying how he got him, what he was doing with him, you'll find out very very very soon into the game).

    2. Very short and sweet: there is this man who is following you, you catch him at it once or twice, but he always get's away. But you don't know why he's following you, and there is a reason...

    3. After an encounter with this man and a battle, you find he has a weird and strange acting Pokemon. Later you find out that he is extracting Pokemon DNA and putting them into others, ending up in a deformed or mixed up Pokemon. One Pokemon I will give away is he has a Totodile, and inserted Abra DNA into it, making it able to learn Psychic attacks along with water. He must be stopped, as not only are Pokemon being killed when he fails an experiment, or when the DNA doesn't mix, and he's after a legendary Pokemon, one that will be perfect for his tests...it is not going to be said now, but use your imagination ;)

    Screenshots of terror (terror cause I think taking screens is the most boring thing in the world).
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    1. Lots and lots of scripting, as that is my number 1 strong point.
    2. I'm putting in a bunch of Fakemon, I think in small amounts they are fun to have, so yea. Many of them probably won't end up being catchable, but I'll allow 2-3 maybe, I think it's more fun to be against them than actually having them...I could be wrong though ;) (all credited respectively).
    3. The adorable TEDDIURSA is your starter, I edited its stats, attacks and everything else, so its even more awesome :) You will probably from this point on hear me refer to it as Teddy, cause that's what it is.
    4. Some new tiles and stuff, I started out with a ROM base, but later inserted some tiles from other people (all credited respectively).

    Help Wanted
    1. A second mapper (I find mapping boring, and it's not my strongest aspect in hacking). If you want to apply for the job, just ask with proof of a map you made (could be anything).
    2. Someone to edit the world map for me, it's a big job, but I've tried numerous amounts of times, I just can't do it :(

    -Megiddo for coming up with the name of the hack, and for all the help in general.
    -Alistar for some tiles.
    -Zeikku for the main tree tile.
    -Mistersmeargle for the fakemon (Mechshark) (He made me it longggg time ago, and I found it, and was like, heyy, i'll put it in).
    -X-buster and Forgotten Memory for the ROM base (which I replaced with other tiles, but some of it is still remaining, so yea, still got to give credit ;))
    -Jackster, Mr. C, and redblueyellow for the ripped Mystery Dungeon sprites.
    -thethethethe for answering all my questions on scripting.

    Known glitches/oddities
    1. Don't die before you get to Altitude City, otherwise the text is kinda weird.
    2. Grass animation not fixed yet.
    3. Hero is still the same, will be changed later.
    4. Title screen/intro is still the same, will be changed later.
    5. After you get the bike, it will reappear if you reset the map, I will fix that soon, just ignore it for now.
    6. In the Skarmory event, for some reason before the battle the Ranger looks down, I don't know why, I'll try my best to fix that.
    7. You will receive the badges in a different order, and you receive the 6th badge without even battling a gym (needed to give you it so Rock Smash can be used later).
    8. The Pokemon Center at the moment is the gray building, I will insert new tiles soon.

    Please report any other glitches you find.

    I decided there was no point of posting this hack without some sort of alpha atleast, so here is an alpha, which has not been tested. It ends at the end of the SkyWay.

    Hope you like this hack :) All suggestions will be welcome.
    Last edited:
    Your Alpha is great, but there are some Places that doesn't have music.

    Scriping is really good, but the spriting part needs some work.

    Suggestion: Maybe make Skarmory able to catch once Adam isn't able to catch it.
    wow, keep up the good work. i love your mechshark.
    i'll keep my eye on this.
    it was great. too bad I'm stressed out 'cause of school. :\
    I'll play it when I can have some 'time'. :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    I think you need to learn about how to use \p, \l and \v\h01. :\

    Still the hack is great.
    good luck with this hack project~
    I wondered where you were gone XD
    This hack definitely looks more interesting than your previous hack (yes, I do remember it) I can see that the spriting is looking really good. But the Mewtwo OW needs some light shading work. The story sounds very spooky and interesting. Good luck.
    In general this one well, the only thing that I don´t like is the mewtwo, and the palettes of the trees meet too clear, changes tiles.
    Love the game played it, cant wait till its finished. and i dunno if its a bug but in the green cave place you can go all the way left to a different place were you get attacked by lv 15 starlys and you can go against gary again whom is using a lv 15 piplup
    OMG Itman made a hack?

    About that thing with giving a badge...

    #org @RockSmashScript
    special 0x187
    compare LASTRESULT 0x2
    if 0x1 goto 0x81A7AE0
    checkattack 0xF9
    compare LASTRESULT 0x6
    if 0x1 goto 0x81BE091
    setanimation 0x0 LASTRESULT
    bufferpokemon2 0x0 LASTRESULT
    bufferattack 0x1 0xF9
    msgbox 0x81BE09D '"This rock appears to be breakable.\..."
    callstd 0x5
    compare LASTRESULT 0x0
    if 0x1 goto 0x81BE09A
    msgbox 0x81BDFD7 '"[buffer1] used [buffer2]!"
    callstd 0x4
    doanimation 0x25
    goto 0x81BE06F

    This script will make you be able to use Rock Smash without any Badges... If you fx want it to be useable after first badge then inset
    checkflag 0x820
    if 0x0 goto 0x81BE091

    All offset are taking from the Orginal script so No need to change them!

    Am Also Programing you tool but Don't tell any body about it;)

    About the first bug, I don't understand But go check the Map Script out in Altitude City, which vars are there? Go remove them and hope the bug still happen, when you find the one that fix the bug, then Go put in in a script ealier...

    If it's when You'll need to go to the PokeCenter then inset "
    Sethealing place xx ' xx = Number Of center
    Number of center can be checked in the centers map script...
    LOLZ this time I used Qoute.... Am I funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway good luck...
    You know you allways can ask for my help...
    All the scripting stuff I wrote in this post is for XSE, If you want them for Pokescript tell me..
    Last edited:
    Ooh, itmans hack is here.
    well, the story seems very... strange and straightforward to me.
    it sounds like there are very few sidequests.
    the idea of a teddy bear as a starter is awesome.
    but don't you think that if mewtwo wanted to kill you, he would've done it already?
    he is extremely fast and strong, and i think humans aren't faster than it.
    now, could i be a mapper?
    I'm pretty sure you know how my maps look, but i'll PM you them to make sure.
    Well, best of luck Itman1234!
    Your Alpha is great, but there are some Places that doesn't have music.

    Scriping is really good, but the spriting part needs some work.

    Suggestion: Maybe make Skarmory able to catch once Adam isn't able to catch it.
    Thanks, I know some places don't have music, I'll eventually fix that...
    Yes, spriting needs some big time work, that's pretty much my weakpoint. And as for Skarmory being catchable, I'd have to say no, because Skarmory is a beast compared to Teddy and Unown, and It'll make the game too easy at the beginning...maybe some other time though, I never said you won't go back to the SkyWay...why do you think the ranger asked for your name???

    wow, keep up the good work. i love your mechshark.
    i'll keep my eye on this.
    Thanks, yea, Mechshark is coolzzzzzz ;)

    it was great. too bad I'm stressed out 'cause of school. :\
    I'll play it when I can have some 'time'. :)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos

    I think you need to learn about how to use \p, \l and \v\h01. :\

    Still the hack is great.
    good luck with this hack project~
    Haha, play when I have some time!
    Actually I was thinking of changing some of that to make it more readable, but as for the \v\h01, I figured eventually people would catch on to the whole 'you talk in dark green' thing, but if it's confusing, I can change it ;)

    this is awsome but why didnt you use pokemon centres oh well its really good *goodluck*
    Reason: The tiles got all screwed up and I didn't insert new ones yet, so I figured I'll use that for now.

    I wondered where you were gone XD
    This hack definitely looks more interesting than your previous hack (yes, I do remember it) I can see that the spriting is looking really good. But the Mewtwo OW needs some light shading work. The story sounds very spooky and interesting. Good luck.
    Spooky...yea, that's a cool way to describe it ;)
    Yes, Mewtwo OW needs some shading, that's a definite, I accidentally made it all white when I was inserting it, I may fix it later or ask someone to help, cause once again, spriting is not my strongpoint in any way.

    In general this one well, the only thing that I don´t like is the mewtwo, and the palettes of the trees meet too clear, changes tiles.
    Will change the palletes soon, I'm going to make them a bit brighter probably.

    Love the game played it, cant wait till its finished. and i dunno if its a bug but in the green cave place you can go all the way left to a different place were you get attacked by lv 15 starlys and you can go against gary again whom is using a lv 15 piplup
    That's impossible?!?! Starly and Piplup aren't even in the game?!?!

    OMG Itman made a hack?

    About that thing with giving a badge...

    #org @RockSmashScript
    special 0x187
    compare LASTRESULT 0x2
    if 0x1 goto 0x81A7AE0
    checkattack 0xF9
    compare LASTRESULT 0x6
    if 0x1 goto 0x81BE091
    setanimation 0x0 LASTRESULT
    bufferpokemon2 0x0 LASTRESULT
    bufferattack 0x1 0xF9
    msgbox 0x81BE09D '"This rock appears to be breakable.\..."
    callstd 0x5
    compare LASTRESULT 0x0
    if 0x1 goto 0x81BE09A
    msgbox 0x81BDFD7 '"[buffer1] used [buffer2]!"
    callstd 0x4
    doanimation 0x25
    goto 0x81BE06F

    This script will make you be able to use Rock Smash without any Badges... If you fx want it to be useable after first badge then inset
    checkflag 0x820
    if 0x0 goto 0x81BE091

    All offset are taking from the Orginal script so No need to change them!

    Am Also Programing you tool but Don't tell any body about it;)

    About the first bug, I don't understand But go check the Map Script out in Altitude City, which vars are there? Go remove them and hope the bug still happen, when you find the one that fix the bug, then Go put in in a script ealier...

    If it's when You'll need to go to the PokeCenter then inset ""
    Number of center can be checked in the centers map script...
    LOLZ this time I used Qoute.... Am I funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway good luck...
    You know you allways can ask for my help...
    All the scripting stuff I wrote in this post is for XSE, If you want them for Pokescript tell me..
    Whoa, thanks so much Sebbe! I do use Pokescript though, I'm not going to switch to XSE, so I'll talk to you on MSN about that, as that would be really helpful!
    Wow, pretty colors :P

    Ooh, itmans hack is here.
    well, the story seems very... strange and straightforward to me.
    it sounds like there are very few sidequests.
    the idea of a teddy bear as a starter is awesome.
    but don't you think that if mewtwo wanted to kill you, he would've done it already?
    he is extremely fast and strong, and i think humans aren't faster than it.
    now, could i be a mapper?
    I'm pretty sure you know how my maps look, but i'll PM you them to make sure.
    Well, best of luck Itman1234!
    There are actually going to be a couple of long sidequests, but not many short ones. I may add some more, but I already have 2 planned. Yes, Teddy is awesome, :)
    No, Mewtwo doesn't know where you are yet, you have to play the game to know kinda, but when I get to the part you will see why he can't. I do see where you are coming from though!
    As for maps, PM me or talk to me on MSN, my name is [email protected] (PM works better though, easier for me to see the maps on).
    No new screens yet, I'm just mapping the next town and planning some events that will occur. As for me, I have lots of time to hack this week, considering I have the house to myself for 3 days.

    Ok, I'm glad everyone liked (hopefully) the Alpha, and I'm glad with the comments. Yayzzzz. Now, if anyone has some kind of Fakemon or something that they won't mind me putting in, just send it to me :) I love them :)

    Another thing is that there will most likely be no D/P pokemon in this game, maybe some, but only the cool ones that I know (I have never played D/P before, so I know of very few).

    Lastly, just for the record, don't ask to be a beta tester or whatever, I already have people in mind for when that day comes.
    Haha, play when I have some time!
    Actually I was thinking of changing some of that to make it more readable, but as for the \v\h01, I figured eventually people would catch on to the whole 'you talk in dark green' thing, but if it's confusing, I can change it ;)

    I know we can tell where our player's speech is, but, it's a bit un-game-a-listic, in my case, that is. :\

    still it's a nice project, though some places are purely quiet, and needs some crickets to complete the silence. :P

    anyways, good luck with this project~

    btw, Mechshark was strong. -___-
    I'm gonna have a rematch with that dude soon. :badsmile:
    XD, he was?
    I beta mechashark with Teddiursa's Swift.
    It took, at least 5 swifts, and Teddiursa was still at level 5! XD
    hey i can map for you i dont really have any proof but if you teell me what map to edit on the hack ill do it
    the OW sprites for the pokemon are those from MD i noticed

    I know we can tell where our player's speech is, but, it's a bit un-game-a-listic, in my case, that is. :\

    still it's a nice project, though some places are purely quiet, and needs some crickets to complete the silence. :P

    anyways, good luck with this project~

    btw, Mechshark was strong. -___-
    I'm gonna have a rematch with that dude soon. :badsmile:
    Thanks, and I'll put in some crickets ;)
    Mechshark is a bit strong i guess...maybe...

    XD, he was?
    I beta mechashark with Teddiursa's Swift.
    It took, at least 5 swifts, and Teddiursa was still at level 5! XD
    Yea, I changed Teddy's base Exp so he will gain levels regulary

    hey i can map for you i dont really have any proof but if you teell me what map to edit on the hack ill do it
    Just send me a map so i can see how it is, one you made before or something...
    How do you guys like this map?
    Suggestions, comments, whatever!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Shrouded Chaos
    I'm Lex's clone just with better english, and like Lex said" Don't Post full maps." It will make the hack not fun.

    The Pokecenters don't look good, because it does not look like the way it does.

    Other than that, the hack's awsome.
    Great job! It looks very good! I haven't the time to play the alpha right now, and you know why(at least I hope you do XD), but I will play it eventually. BOL!
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