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[Spoilers] Pokemon Sun & Moon anime announced in CoroCoro

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    So, the new issue of CoroCoro has just leaked, and it appears that we have gotten our first look at the upcoming Pokemon Sun & Moon anime series due to arrive later this year. NINJA EDIT: Read the Daily article here!


    Ash's new outfit for the Alola region is exactly the same as that of the male protagonist of the games with the only difference being Ash's hat which is red instead of black. One thing you'll also notice is that Serena isn't appearing in this promo, which pretty much confirms that she will be leaving at the end of Kalos (R.I.P. AmourShipping), but we also don't get any hint as to who the new companions will be either.

    So, what do you think of Ash's new outfit? Are you liking that his new companions seem to be secret right now? And also how do you feel about the end of AmourShipping?
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    After traveled in 7 regions (included Orange Islands), Ash finally decided that he needs to be an adult soon, and thus he went to school... XD His face looks weird in this scan though, it seems different.

    I'm more curious about Bewear was with Team Rocket in the upper right corner...... Jessie will have Bewear? "Bewear for trouble! And Bewear for double!" Holy sh*t~

    From looks of the leak these characters might have those pokemons:
    Mallow has Bounsweet
    Lillie has Alolan Vulpix (yay for her appearance in anime!!!)
    Sophocles (not sure the spelling) has Taurus and Togedemaru (colour me surprised)
    Samson Oak has Alolan Exeggutor
    Kukui has Rockruff (pretty much confirmed)
    Lana has Popplio
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    After traveled in 7 regions (included Orange Islands), Ash finally decided that he needs to be an adult soon, and thus he went to school... XD His face looks weird in this scan though, it seems different.

    I'm more curious about Bewear was with Team Rocket in the upper right corner...... Jessie will have Bewear? "Bewear for trouble! And Bewear for double!" Holy sh*t~

    From looks of the leak these characters might have those pokemons:
    Mallow has Bounsweet
    Lillie has Alolan Vulpix (yay for her appearance in anime!!!)
    Sophocles (not sure the spelling) has Taurus and Togedemaru (colour me surprised)
    Samson Oak has Alolan Exeggutor
    Kukui has Rockruff (pretty much confirmed)
    Lana has Popplio
    I think he will always get a starter, well at least one.
    Ash going to school is definitely going to be weird indeed. But I also think this means they will completely reset him to noob level like what happened in Unova.

    I also don't get how XY was unable to give Ash access to Mega Evolution but with SM they're giving him Z-Moves? Seems like logic that won't make sense, and of course will be how I'd imagine Famon's reaction to this.
    AmourShippers are not going to be happy with this. But you couldn't expect much. since every girl has left at the end of their series (with the exception of Misty, since they didn't really have a female option when the GSC games came out and they were thinking of stopping the anime after Johto anyway).

    It's really weird seeing this. The current Flare Arc has more mature themes than anything we've seen the anime so far (aside controversial episodes). To see them revert to something that is by far more childish that what we currently have is not at all what I expected.

    Ultimately, I don't think this anime is going to be as big as a hit as the XY anime because it's changing who Ash is as a person. I guess it makes sense, considering the layout of SM games, but I don't recognize the Ash that I grew to know over 20 years. That extends beyond his facial expression.

    EDIT: I'm going to call it now, in the spirit of trends in Pokemon Anime, I expect to Ash to fail his final exams, then up and go to the next region without finishing.
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    Now as one would know about me, I hated the BW series due to Iris and her remarks about calling Ash a kid. Now it appears Ash really is nothing but a kid who has to go through what every normal kid does. I also did hear people on Serebii complaining about the school-based "quest" and the supposed child-friendly animation and dumbing down of Ash's character.

    I may watch one episode, but if it doesn't satisfy me I'll easily say that I will be the first anime series that I will never watch because I hate the changes.
    AmourShippers are not going to be happy with this. But you couldn't expect much. since every girl has left at the end of their series (with the exception of Misty, since they didn't really have a female option when the GSC games came out and they were thinking of stopping the anime after Johto anyway).

    It's really weird seeing this. The current Flare Arc has more mature themes than anything we've seen the anime so far (aside controversial episodes). To see them revert to something that is by far more childish that what we currently have is not at all what I expected.

    Ultimately, I don't think this anime is going to be as big as a hit as the XY anime because it's changing who Ash is as a person. I guess it makes sense, considering the layout of SM games, but I don't recognize the Ash that I grew to know over 20 years. That extends beyond his facial expression.

    EDIT: I'm going to call it now, in the spirit of trends in Pokemon Anime, I expect to Ash to fail his final exams, then up and go to the next region without finishing.

    I can totally see Ash being a rookie again..
    And the best part of the anime was the traveling companions and it seems like the writers decided to throw it out of the window?? It's just a re-boot which is worse than BW's one.
    Also, like you said, XY's (and especially XYZ's ) Ash was so mature and so is the plot. So now we have to go from THIS kind of Ash to a complete childish one. I understand that Ash is indeed a child. but the show has been going for 20 years now and if changes r needed to be made then it need to go to the opposite side- Making it a more mature show. Seriously, I feel like they should have brought a new character instead of Ash, they r just abusing him by making him look so silly after all he's done during the past series lol. Such a disappointment.
    I just cant look at Ash's face. It's an embarrassment
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    To quote Lando Calrissian from The Empire Strikes Back: "This deal's getting worse by the minute."

    We're about to get into the 20th Anniversary of the Anime, a major milestone in the entire series, not to mention a major landmark in Ash's career, and this... THIS is the best they could come up with?! An Emperor's New School ripoff?! Not having Ash play a vital role in building a league for Alola, but basically going to school as if he even needed it (didn't he already demonstrate back in Kanto that he didn't even NEED to go to school anyway when he beat Giselle, anyway?)?

    All I can say is... they had better bring Misty back to make up for the extremely bad things that are currently coming up (not to mention all the bad things that have already occurred, Kalos League results I'm looking at you), or else, I'm making darn sure the show ends, whether Misty returns or not. And I thought Unova was going to be a bad show...
    Lol, SM looks worse than BW already imo. Why does Ash even need to go to school when even at his worst, his knowledge of Pokemon is pretty decent? This feels like a soft reboot, and even BW failed hard at making that a success years ago. It's like the writers want the show's ratings to flop worse than before. :/
    I think JaneJane is right, Sun & Moon is going to be a total reboot that Best Wishes didn't quite achieve.

    Nah, not a total reboot. A total reboot would require that Ash be axed from the show completely, at best only making brief cameos at best. But it is definitely something that is just as bad.

    Lol, SM looks worse than BW already imo. Why does Ash even need to go to school when even at his worst, his knowledge of Pokemon is pretty decent? This feels like a soft reboot, and even BW failed hard at making that a success years ago. It's like the writers want the show's ratings to flop worse than before. :/

    Yeah, even Unova, which was the series which infamously had Ash mistaking Iris, a human, for an Axew despite their looking completely different even from a very brief glance, never had Ash be so bad he needed to go to school. This is... ugh, I can't bring myself to mention it. I think this is going to be for the Pokémon Anime, what Adventures in Super Mario World was for the DiC Mario cartoons (ie, such a massive flop that they killed the Pokémon Anime).

    That also reminds me, with that premise, unless they do advancement in grades, the upcoming anime's probably going to last a year at best even if it DOES get stellar ratings because that's how long a school year will take.

    Honestly, they screwed over Ash's chance at a victory in Kalos for THIS?! Honestly, it's bad enough that he most likely wasn't going to challenge a league in Alola anyways, but now they're forcing Ash to go back to School like some bad Kuzco ripoff? They should have just had Ash win the bleeping Pokémon League if that's what it is going to be (and why extend the Team Flare arc for five episodes? Team Magma/Aqua and Team Galactic resolved their plotlines in three or less).
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    Looking at what you said, it makes me feel SM would be much better off with a new protagonist. Maybe when the series starts we'll see if we can get more understanding on what this "reboot" will shape as.

    I guess the feeling why I'm hating these changes might be because I'm just a purist.
    Don't know what to say about this. I'll give it a go but I'm getting Yo-kai watch vibes off of Ash's design.

    Also I'm hoping Ash's personality remains in tact with a bit more comedy.

    However I am keeping an open mind since I have seen other franchises change their format of their cartoons to slice of life type before. Usually it feels very different but I end up liking it as it's own thing.

    Though I will admit I'm having trouble looking at Ash, the same way I had trouble looking at Boom Knuckles for the first time (funny enough became a favourite character in boom over time.lol) I'll get use to it and may even like it eventually but it's so weird to look at currently.o_O
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    Looking at what you said, it makes me feel SM would be much better off with a new protagonist. Maybe when the series starts we'll see if we can get more understanding on what this "reboot" will shape as.

    I guess the feeling why I'm hating these changes might be because I'm just a purist.

    Ash traveled through 7 regions ( including Orange Islands), saved the world SEVERAL times, interected with most of the legenderies that exist (the ones revealed so far..), was offered to serve as a battle frontier and almost won the Kalos league.
    I cant find ONE good explanation for why he needs to go to school? I'm sorry but it's just aweful in my opinion lol
    Because he needs to realize that Cut and Aerial Ace aren't competitive moves ;)

    Thinking more about it, any school would want to have him, given his accomplishments.

    It would also be interesting seeing him have a larger cast of characters to work with and develop alongside if he is reset as opposed to 2-3 companions and a forgettable character of the day - pretty much the routine of almost every Pokémon episode bar the league/villain arcs.
    Also, I would love to see greninja again but I don't think so...
    I wonder... is that Charizard Ash's? or it's just one simple charizard carrying his trainer?
    This also looks like it may confirm the leak a while back. Nothing completely debunks it. I think Ash's face looks weird because he is using the moves in which he isn't used to.

    I still don't think it is a reset like Unova. I mean just look at the games. We are basically going to school as the main character. I think he is just taking on the trials which is basically like school.

    I wonder if this group may be the largest we have seen? 5 people seems nice honestly as long as the can develop all of them in time. I think they did a good job with it in XY, even though Serena starter really late.

    Maybe Ash travels with 3 of the Trial Captains and Lillie? I like the electric trial captain a lot more in the anime, as well as the other 2.

    I don't see why people are a bit aggravated or whatever about the phrase 'going to school'. The games use trials. In my opinion, that is basically the same thing as school. I said that he would probably go to Alola to train. Even though he is strong, there is still a lot he can learn.

    Even if it is a reboot of Ash, I think it will be a lot better than Unova. I am almost positive that this saga will be better than all other sagas. I told you guys from the start that he might be a bit noobish because everything is so different in Sun and Moon. Even we are going to be somewhat a noob.
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    Can you guys not shit on the new series before it even begins please.

    So, he's going to "school" does that mean he's gonna reverse in age or something lol. Also, if you pay attention in the corner, there's a Mega Sharpedo in the corner over there...megas confirmed? wonder how this series will turn out, so far, it sounds weird...
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