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[PKMN FULL] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (signups and discussion)

If everyone's ready to go, I can set up the IC thread--the adventure begins in Oscurala.
As much as I'm eager to start, I still have no idea about how we should call Alex's Eevee...

Is there a map of the world posted anywhere? Because I don't have a clue what any of these places are.
I believe it's with Sky. I mean, I could post the location names myself since Sky had already spilled it to me beforehand, but I still need their permission for that one...
Just something important I should mention... I have a lot of different things going on in my life at once right now, a lot of which are tied to the PC and people on it. So I'm going to be slower to post than probably everyone else, and that's just the way it is sadly. I still don't have a good name for my Eevee character yet that I feel fits him. I would have called him 'Alex', but with my forum name also being that, it would get too confusing for me lol, so I have to think of something else. I also need to work on his backstory a little bit more, but thankfully he's quite young, so it's not really able to be a grand novel of lore and such. Just a bit more work is all. And my secondary character is (well, she would have been done, were it not for me wiping the backstory I typed out for her by accident......>_> so that's probably going to be slowly re-added as the story goes on and I actually feel like typing it all out again, until then though, just ask me if you've got a question about her) pretty much done now. So I just need a chance to work on my main Eevee boy.
@Fact Checking Gardevoir

That works for me--the next populated point it would make sense for would be the city of Colorida.
I am ok with that!
@Alex_Among_Foxes @Fact Checking Gardevoir

Random question: Will there be any chance of Blacky accidentally (?) witnessing Zorra and her crew messing with Captain Moonblast (and by extension, the whole party)?
I see no reason Blacky could not witness (accidentally or not) or be part of that event!
Who would say no to a free Lemonade offer ? ^^
Regardless of why a traveler comes to walk the route, it is tradition for them to receive a Traveler's Writ from Queen Sagita--which they can stamp at major stops on the route, and the traveler can keep as a souvenir of their journey.
Just to make sure, will we actually play out the party's meeting with Queen Sagita IC?
I see no reason Blacky could not witness (accidentally or not) or be part of that event!
Who would say no to a free Lemonade offer ? ^^
Actually, Blacky is more of a coffee guy (dude got that side of him from his late master with his Eevee tactician/barista friend from back then enabling it), but even he doesn't mind lemonade once awhile.

I had intended for that to happen offscreen, but if you want to show it in a character intro or a flashback, you can.
In that case, Blacky acquiring his Traveler's Writ would definitely happen offscreen (mainly because he's not traveling with Aine's party this time), but Clover... well...

Maybe the invitation at the guild has a "PS: get your Traveler's Writ first" written in fine print (i.e. super smol writing) or something?
Fine print would definitely make sense--if you don't want to go all the way to Meseta (fantasy Mezagoza), guilds have them, or you can ask via the Royal Sabian Mail.
And where would Meseta be in this universe? Like, between where and where?
Meseta is still where its modern day counterpart is in modern day Paldea--the twin academies are named Academia Escarlata, and Academia Violeta.
Do either academies happen to be a mage's one or are they general academies with many elective courses available or what?
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