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[PKMN FULL] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (signups and discussion)

First, one obligatory tag for @gimmepie because the tags on Sky's first post didn't seem to work.

Second, I'm finally done with my Eevee boy.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (signups and discussion) CLOVER [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: The Way of the Stormsong (signups and discussion)
Base CSS by Aquacorde

  • Personal Info

    Name: Clover
    Species: Eevee (will evolve into Jolteon later on)
    Pronouns: He/him
    Class: Battlemage (starts off as a red mage, eventually focusing on thunder magic)
    Appearance: Imagine an Eevee dressed in this (hat is optional):

    In Clover's case, his outfit is adorned with a four-leaf clover brooch as a good luck charm.

    Initial Inventory: 1500 soles (500 soles already in Clover's pocket, 1000 soles from Queen Sagita), Estoc (his rapier), red cloak, a journal, writing utensils, some novels, a bag of gummis, 3 Sitrus berries, 3 Lava Cookies
  • Backstory

    Born to a couple of Absol illusionist and Vaporeon paladin, Clover had been trained on the basics of both arts since early age. On the magical side, he learned a little bit of everything because he just couldn't decide what to specialize on at first. And he also had tried every melee weapons available on his lance-wielding mother's insistence, eventually settling on a rapier as his go-to weapon. The young Eevee then went on to join the adventurers' guild at Oscurala where he took on random jobs posted in said guild.

    One day, an invitation to join Menta in her journey on the Way of the Storm made its way to the guild. Curiosity ensued on Clover's part -- and it didn't go unnoticed by the guildmaster, Lunick the Umbreon. Believe it or not, Lunick's encouragement was the final push Clover needed to actually take the invitation on, though little did they know that Clover and Menta would get more company...
  • Moveset and Spells

    Aside from Eevee's learnset (and Jolteon's later on):
    • Ember
    • Thunder Shock
    • Powder Snow
    • Heal Pulse (starts off weak, will get stronger over time)
    • Water Gun
    • Absorb
    • Mud-Slap
    • Gust
    • Fairy Wind
    • Vacuum Wave
  • Inventory

    Money: 1390 soles

    • Estoc
    • Red cloak

    Other Equipments: None at the moment

    • 3 Sitrus berries
    • 3 Lava Cookies
    • ??? gummis

    Other Items:
    • A journal
    • A set of ink and quill
    • ??? novels
    • Traveler's Writ
  • Others

    Random fun facts about Clover:
    • Clover graduated from Academia Violeta where he majored in elemental studies with a fencing minor.
    • Aine's past journey with Blacky happened during Clover's final year in the academy. The latter then joined Oscurala guild throughout the several years time skip between that and this RP.
    • Favorite treat: gummis. Clover especially loves the white and yellow ones, but he doesn't mind other colors.
    • Favorite drink: Tapu Cocoa. He'll eventually appreciate lemonades too thanks to Captain Moonblast.

Will adjust the images next time I get on my laptop. Nevermind, figured it out myself.
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@Fact Checking Gardevoir

That would be interesting and fun, depending on how you want it to work.
Depending on where the RP starts (and I am eager to get started! ^^), it could be (if in a city) as my character could offer to pay the party a drink in a tavern (to celebrate the beginning of their journey ?

Also, I am curious, which Pokémon species does Queen Sagita belong to ?
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I think there's a character we are waiting on...
Are you talking about @Alex_Among_Foxes's Eevee or my secondary character? If it's the latter, I've finished his quick bio already.
Spoiler: Blacky

As you can see in the spoiler tag above, Blacky's backstory is tied with Aine's just like how Zorra Vixen's is tied with Captain Moonblast's. And for the record, Clover had already heard about Aine's and Blacky's past journey via Oscurala guild's grapevine but won't expect to meet them at all.

(Edit: Forgot to say that Sky goes by WavePearl and I go by SAF in the linked RP)

Also, if y'all cool with it, I'll be the one running combats and dungeon in this RP (already got Sky's blessing on this one). So if anyone has plans for a dungeon and/or combat scene, please run it by me too so I can set it up for you. 😉
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Species: Umbreon (and he's so shiny!)
Careful, if he is too shiny, Moonblast might be tempted to add him to her inventory! ^^

Also, if y'all cool with it, I'll be the one running combats and dungeon in this RP (already got Sky's blessing on this one). So if anyone has plans for a dungeon and/or combat scene, please run it by me too so I can set it up for you. 😉

I was thinking of a combat scene that would start Moonblast's companion quest, involving Zorra and her crew, depending on where we start (in a city's tavern ?), as I suggested above!
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Careful, if he is too shiny, Moonblast might be tempted to add him to her inventory! ^^
Same goes for Aine, actually. She's so shiny too. 😏

As for this one:
Depending on where the RP starts (and I am eager to get started! ^^), it could be (if in a city) as my character could offer to pay the party a drink in a tavern (to celebrate the beginning of their journey ?
I was thinking of a combat scene that would start Moonblast's companion quest, involving Zorra and her crew, depending on where we start (in a city's tavern ?), as I suggested above!
@EmeraldSky Your verdict?