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Project: Generation 6 for Pokémon Essentials (Pokémon sprites and PBS files)


EDIT: made this sound more concise

I just started trying to create more function codes for RPGmaker and was wondering if you would like to have me post them here for open use? Also I need someone to tell me how to include the new function codes as they do not add the desired effect when I add them to a move.

Thanks for your time, Reuben

If your effects aren't working, create a new thread about it and we'll help you there.
Oh. Goodness, I haven't checked this forum in a while
But I have updated moves.txt and pokemon.txt (lacking alternate forms) in google docs. However, there may be some discrepancies between my pokemon.txt and what should be published for Essentials in an add-on because of some other changes I've made.

Shall I PM these documents understanding that they may require a little bit of editing?
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vivillions forms depend upon the players physical location would this be possible in essentials (so if trade was possible you would need to trade with ppl all throughout the world eg japan, europe, america etc. to get each form)
Set this value into a variable. While undefined or 0, calls a method in certain points of the game that calls a url that displays lat/lon values (like https://api.hostip.info/rough.php?position=true). Define Vivillon form based on most near lat/lon positions. You can also set the form per country.
here is my gen 6 work so far
the script file contains a fix for the max species name size and 2 evolution methods (HappinessMoveType for Sylveon (value 18 for FAIRY and TypeDark for pancham and the value should be 30 as that is the level he evolves at)

the pokemon.txt in pbs needs completing (added all pokemon but the data for most of them is genesects as standin data)
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here is my gen 6 work so far
the script file contains a fix for the max species name size and 2 evolution methods (HappinessMoveType for Sylveon (value 18 for FAIRY and TypeDark for pancham and the value should be 30 as that is the level he evolves at)

the pokemon.txt in pbs needs completing (added all pokemon but the data for most of them is genesects as standin data)

HappinessMoveType have a priority over Espeon and Umbreon? Since these three are triggered by happiness, a priority (or even changing the evolutions order at PBS) is necessary.
here is my gen 6 work so far
the script file contains a fix for the max species name size and 2 evolution methods (HappinessMoveType for Sylveon (value 18 for FAIRY and TypeDark for pancham and the value should be 30 as that is the level he evolves at)

the pokemon.txt in pbs needs completing (added all pokemon but the data for most of them is genesects as standin data)
When putted it in it shows this anoying error it looks like this
Exception: RuntimeError
Message: Bad line syntax (expected syntax like XXX=YYY)
File PBS/pokemon.txt, section 653, key WildItemRare

Compiler:1672:in `pbEachFileSectionEx'
Compiler:1655:in `each_line'
Compiler:1655:in `pbEachFileSectionEx'
Compiler:1693:in `pbEachFileSection'
Compiler:2281:in `pbCompilePokemonData'
Compiler:2279:in `open'
Compiler:2279:in `pbCompilePokemonData'
Compiler:3971:in `pbCompileAllData'
It struck me as a bit odd that the actual resources (sprites, cries, etc) of Gen VI Pokémon aren't mentioned on the main post... Are these already done?
It struck me as a bit odd that the actual resources (sprites, cries, etc) of Gen VI Pokémon aren't mentioned on the main post... Are these already done?

They exist around the interenet, if you just do a search for them. They are all over deviantART as well as some in the resource section. There are no official ones, so I am assuming most agree that you should add the sprites in yourself, there are a handful of options to choose from for each sprite.
The XY Icons can be found at https://www.deviantart.com/art/RPG-Maker-XP-Pokemon-XY-Icons-423894619

There's a problem. Mega Gengar, Mega Heracross and both Mega Charizards icons width are a little bigger than 32 pixels. Since these four are specific cases this isn't a big problem since making 4 custom/edited icons isn't hard.

The real problem: All the icons are one frame! Solutions:
  1. Just put the one frame icons for the new pokémon or using the same frame twice: This will be visually uncomfortable for the player.
  2. The same as above, but making small edits like making the sprite going 1/2 pixel right/left: In my opinion the most viable, but still a little visually uncomfortable.
  3. Use custom icons: The best solution, but isn't easy to make more than 100 good icons. I haven't found any set until now.
  4. Redo Essentials way of using icons and use 1 frame icons: The best approach thinking about future generations since it's probable than the new games still use old icons.

Opinions? New ideas?
There's an updated version here.
I think the best way would just be single frames.
Any news on the status effects updates? I was able to get Electric types to become immune to paralysis on my own (since it was a matter of just copy pasta), though the grass type's immunity to powder moves and ghost's immunity to trapping is still questionable.

For the grass immunity, I'd imagine we would need new function codes, one for poison [poisonpowder], sleep [sleep powder and spore], and paralysis [stun spore], but unlike the existing lines, we need to add a check that causes the move to fail if the target's type is Grass. I'd imagine it would work by combining the effects of Leech Seed (since that already fails if the type is grass) with the respective status-inducing powders, though I wouldn't know the proper way to do it on the account that I am still inept when it comes to RGSS.
I take it this has all just halted?