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[Event] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]


Courtney 🧡
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 6,604

    Proof of Affinity
    Valentine's Day Challenge - 2022

    General Rules:
    - This is an Event Challenge! It will run from Monday, February 14th to Monday, March 14th 2022.
    - This Challenge can be completed on any main series Pokémon game. Additionally, any ROM hack or fan game completed through 8 gym badges and an Elite Four counts as well. Each gym (plus the League) marks the end point of a Segment and the start of a new one.
    - Since Alola doesn't have Gyms, the following events are used to determine the end of a segment and the beginning of another: every Grand Trial, plus four specific Trials, being the Trial of Verdant Cavern, the Trial of Wela Volcano Park, the Trial of the Abandoned Supermarket, and the Trial of Vast Poni Canyon.
    - The Challenge is completed once you beat the region's Elite Four and the credits fully roll, including battling AZ or catching Tapu Koko. This should account for 9 Segments in total.
    - All of your Pokémon must be obtained legitimately inside your game of choice: trades are allowed only in order to evolve a Pokémon you already own, not to add new ones into your save file. Similarly, all of your items need to be obtained legitimately.
    - Any question? Please feel free to message us, Eleanor and Janp, either on forums on Discord~

    This challenge comes with its own thread on PokéCommunity's Discord! Look for it inside the #pokemon-gaming channel and meet us there! The thread doesn't work as a proper replacement for official challenge updates, which are best kept in this forum thread.

    Challenge Rules:
    Picture this... you wake up late, scramble to the Professor's lab, are given a Pokémon and a few essentials, and finally get to begin your official journey as a Pokémon trainer, out of that absurdly tiny and uninteresting town you called home and into the unknown!
    At the same time, in another small town of a different region, someone else is going through the same exact steps as you just when you do, sharing the same feelings as you, maybe even picking a similar Pokémon partner! Wouldn't it be lovely if you could be pen pals and share your adventures together? Or if you could talk strategies and team building, finding out what each of you likes in each Pokémon you catch? Wouldn't it be amazing if you could catch one of those same Pidove that every time would dispatch your letters, evolve them, and fly over on its back to meet your best friend? What if they were also coming over and you met at mid way, in the air? So romantic... right?​
    Finally, in such a long time, a Valentine's Day Challenge that revolves around actual pairs! Yes, this challenge is played in pairs, and you'll need to work together to the best of your abilities because of it! More information on how to sign up as a pair are in the section below, as for what to do once that's settled...

    - Each player in a pair must play a game set in a different region than their partner's.
    - Dupes Clause is in effect: throughout your run, you may only catch one Pokémon per evolution family. You may not Release a Pokémon in order to replace it with a different one of the same evolution family either. Choose wisely!

    Trainers are not the only thing that will be paired, though...

    Pokémon Pairs:
    - At the end of each segment (so, during a Gym Leader battle, Champion Battle, specific Trial - see General Rules - or Grand Trial) the Pokémon in each player's team will be able to be paired if they have certain traits in common. This is not allowed for Pokémon that are in the box when this happens! These traits are 9, and are as follows:
    💞 Pokémon with the same Gender
    (Genderless Pokémon can always be paired with other Genderless Pokémon, of course)
    💞 Pokémon with a Nature that boosts the same Stat,
    (an example is Brave and Adamant natures, as they both favor Attack! Neutral Natures are a separate group and can be paired to each other instead.)
    💞 Pokémon with the same height,
    💞 Pokémon with the same types,
    (if dual-type, both types need to match but their order doesn't matter: so, Noivern and Dragonite can be paired this way, but not Noivern and Hydreigon)
    💞 Pokémon with the same color,
    💞 Pokémon with the same ability,
    💞 Pokémon who share their highest and lowest Base stat,
    (in case of ties, you can choose what works best: for example, a pair could be Whimsicott (highest: Speed at 116, lowest: HP at 65) with Flygon (highest: Speed at 100, lowest: HP at 80). Yes, Flygon has the same Attack and Speed, and then every other stat is the same, but it's ok regardless.)
    💞 Pokémon who share at least 2 moves (or just 1, if both of them know 3 moves or less),
    💞 Pokémon who were obtained at the same level.

    Additional Pairing Rules:
    Now, to make things a bit more complicated and shuffle things up...
    - You may not pair the same two Pokémon more than once, even if it's for different reasons.
    - If a Pokémon is involved in a pair because of a certain trait, then it can no longer be paired with any other Pokémon because of that same trait.

    Here's an example: let's say Player A is playing Emerald, and has just beat Flannery with a Marshtomp in their team. Their partner, Player B, is playing Platinum and has just beat Maylene with a Barboach in their team. They're both at the same segment, since this is the fourth badge for both games. In this case, they can pair Marshtomp and Barboach, because both are Water/Ground types. Keep in mind who's been paired, and why.

    As they progress, they reach their respective fifth gym, Norman and Crasher Wake: Player A still has Marshtomp in their team, whereas Player B has now a Whiscash and a Quagsire.
    - The first rule says that Marshtomp cannot be paired with Whiscash anymore, even if there's another trait they share from the list above. So even if their color is also the same (it is!) they cannot be paired.
    - The second rule says that Marshtomp and Quagsire cannot be paired because they both share the Water/Ground type. Marshtomp has already been in a pair with Player B's Whiscash for this reason the segment before! These two Pokémon still have the potential to form a pair now, but the trait by which this happens has to be a different one - in this case, it could be their gender, or the moves they share, or better yet... their color! Turns out all of those three Pokémon are Blue, hehe...

    Challenge Goals and Prizes:
    This should explain all you need to know about these pairs. Of course, with all this talk about them, they must be important, right? Well...
    - Each trainer couple's goal is to create the highest number of Pokémon Pairs inside their games of choice! Please state these Pokémon pairs and the traits they share in your forum updates as you progress~
    - Completing the challenge earns you a participation gift! If you head over to the VPP "Obtain your Pokémon" thread, and make a post there with a link to your final update (in this thread here), you can receive a Virtual Pokémon Pet of Pidove, Tranquill or Unfezant (your choice) for free! It won't be tradeable, though, as it's meant to be proof of your accomplishment. The winning pair gets their Pokémon to be guaranteed ✨ shiny ✨, too!
    - Starting from this year, completing Event Challenges such as this one also counts towards a certain Forum Badge... more info about that in the future!

    A note for older games:
    Now... note that a few traits mentioned above, in particular Gender, Nature and Abilities, refer to features that were only added in Generation 3 games. If you're playing an older game, though, you may randomize these traits and assign them to the Pokémon you're utilizing.
    - Gender can be randomized according to the species' Gender Ratio, available on most online Pokédex websites. By the way, Rookidee is clearly your favorite regional bird Pokémon, no arguing!
    - Nature can be randomized by rolling any number between 0 and 24 and assigning said number to a Nature, according to the table available here on Bulbapedia.
    - Abilities can be determined once again with the help of online Pokédex websites. If a Pokémon has two Standard Abilities, a coin toss can determine which one the Pokémon will "have" - Dream World abilities shouldn't be considered in this case.
    Sign Ups:
    The challenge has started! You can still sign-up, however, if you have already contacted a partner. In that case, each of you will still need to make a separate sign-up and mention each other for confirmation, but when that's done, you can start playing!

    🕊️ Forum name:
    🕊️ In-game name, if different:
    🕊️ Game of choice:
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: (the answer is somewhere above this section...)
    🕊️ Trainer Partner:
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?:

    Back-up trainers and Sign-up Procedures:
    To explain what that last field means...
    - sadly, unexpected issues can happen, and people may not be able to complete the challenge on time. If that's the case, we'd love to give people another chance, and let them either restart a new run with a different partner or continue back from the last savefile, if available for both games. This is where Backup trainers come in - of course, this can all be explained and arranged better through this thread or the one over on Discord.
    guess this is why it took us this long to create a challenge you complete in pairs or teams...
    - to clarify how points will work in case of back-up trainers being involved... points are specific for each pair of save files, and anyone who's been working on the winning pair of save files will be the winning trainer. There's no such thing as the best and worst member of each trainer pair... aren't you supposed to love and appreciate each other? ;)

    - Pikaboo (Sword) + Kostucha (White 2) - Champions! - 53
    - Eleanor (Platinum) + Cubeth (Leaf Green) - 30
    - Arcaneum (Emerald) + Alisaie (Y)
    - Devalue (Sword) + StanTheSnoms (Heart Gold) - Champions! - 54
    - _confused_piplup_ (Platinum) + Ettenmoor (Heart Gold)
    - Janp (Fire Red) + Finneari (Ultra Moon)

    Pidove art by きなこもち on Pixiv - Challenge by Eleanor and Janp - CSS by Eleanor
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    🕊️ Forum name: Pikaboo
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Pikaboo
    🕊️ Game of choice: Sword
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Talonflame Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Kostucha
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Sure, I guess
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    🕊️ Forum name: Devalue
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Deva
    🕊️ Game of choice: Sword
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: StanTheSnoms
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yes
    Last edited:
    🕊️ Forum name: Janp
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: I'm actually not sure yet, will edit when I start the game
    🕊️ Game of choice: Fire Red
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: That's a secret ;)
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Sure
    🕊️ Forum name: Cubeth
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Haley
    🕊️ Game of choice: Leaf Green
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner:
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Sure
    Forum Name: StanTheSnoms
    In-Game Name: Snoomy
    Game of Choice: Heart Gold (the most romantic of games)
    Favourite Regional Bird Pokemon: Definitely Rookidee, 100% Rookidee and not Swellow
    Trainer Partner: Devalue
    Willingness to be a Back-Up Trainer: Yes
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    🕊️ Forum name: Arcaneum
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: April
    🕊️ Game of choice: Pokémon Emerald
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Swellow (and also supposedly Rookidee)
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Alisaie
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yes if that doesn't somehow mess up existing duo
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    🕊️ Forum name: Kostucha
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Kost
    🕊️ Game of choice: White 2
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Pikaboo
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Sure
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    🕊️ Forum name: Kostucha
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Kost
    🕊️ Game of choice: White 2
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Pikaboo
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Sure

    Confirming the pairing. Also edited my sign-up to match.
    🕊️ Forum name: Eleanor
    🕊️ Game of choice: Platinum
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Cubeth
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yeah, but my choice of games will be a bit limited atm :(

    Waiting on a confirmation :wavereep:
    🕊️ Forum name: Eleanor
    🕊️ Game of choice: Platinum
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Cubeth
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yeah, but my choice of games will be a bit limited atm :(

    Waiting on a confirmation :wavereep:

    I confirm :pleaplup:
    🕊️ Forum name: alisaie
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Alianne
    🕊️ Game of choice: Y
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee
    🕊️ Trainer Partner: Arcaneum
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: No thanks.
    🕊️ Forum name: _confused_piplup_
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Angie
    🕊️ Game of choice: Pokémon Platinum
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: starly rokidee (i actually like it tbh)
    🕊️ Trainer Partner:
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: I m sorry, but nope : (
    I'm on a quest to be the worst possible romantic partner. I will be specifically picking out ugly Pokemon.

    🕊️ Forum name: Ettenmoor
    🕊️ In-game name, if different: Neckbeard
    🕊️ Game of choice: Sapphire (I changed my mind, played too much Johto last month lol)
    🕊️ Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Galarian Zapdos (don't be silly Rookidee isn't a regional pokemon)
    🕊️ Trainer Partner:
    🕊️ Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: I think I'm gonna be too busy to do that, sorry
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    Today is February 14th! Happy Valentine's day... and happy beginning of the challenge! You can start playing~

    Pairs have been agreed on via Discord thread: Devalue will be paired with StantheSnoms, and _confused_piplup_ with Ettenmoor. That leaves Janp without an official pair though, and that is where Back-up trainers can come in.
    Further sign-ups are still open, provided that the pairs are arranged beforehand!

    With that said, good luck and have fun ♡
    Adheres to the following rules, on top of the challenge's rules:
    - Soft level cap. Uses this as a guide to avoid overleveling. Prefers not to jeopardize pairs with a hard cap. Permits exceeding this cap for Max Raids and grinding.
    Milo: 20
    Nessa: 24
    Kabu: 27
    Bea: 36
    Opal: 38
    Gordie: 42
    Piers: 46
    Raihan: 48
    Leon: 65

    - Three items per battle. Cannot use Revives or X-items in battle.
    - One Leftovers total.
    - Set mode.
    - No Dynamaxing outside of Max Raids.

    Connects people with their Pokemon often; Ash and Pikachu, Whitney and Miltank, Cynthia and Garchomp, Giovanni and Mewtwo, and so on. What about connecting Pokemon with each other, however? Links two people indirectly, by way of their Pokemon. Forges those links in times of trial and strife. What if those links were created at every possible opportunity? Would that be mathematically rigorous enough? Presents these logs as proof of affinity by exhaustion.

    Section 1: Milo

    Pulled a random number for trainer gender: 6, a male trainer. Was a bit surprised. Broke the streak of ~4 playthroughs as the female trainer.

    Begins with a statistical anomoly. Chose Scorbunny from the young, disoriented Champion. Named it Degree. Launched into a battle immediately to prove its worth. Landed a critical on its first Tackle, only to be criticaled back by Wooloo. Dispatched the Wooloo after that. Suffered another critical from Grookey. Retaliated with a finishing Ember critical. In short, a six attack battle with four critical hits and a 100% critical rate for Hop's Pokemon.

    How rare is that, in a vacuum? Scores a critical with a 1 in 24 chance.

    Chance of zero criticals: choose(6, 0) * ((23/24)^6) * ((1/24)^0) * 100 = 77.464%
    Chance of only one critical: choose(6, 1) * ((23/24)^5) * ((1/24)^1) * 100 = 20.208%
    Chance of only two criticals: choose(6, 2) * ((23/24)^4) * ((1/24)^2) * 100 = 2.197%
    Chance of only three criticals: choose(6, 3) * ((23/24)^3) * ((1/24)^3) * 100 = 0.001%

    Calculate 100 - the sum of the four outcomes above. Equals a 0.13% chance to see 4+ criticals in 6 attacks.

    Expects unlikely events like this over the course of a long playthrough. Feels quite striking as the very first thing, however.

    Continued on. Chased a Wooloo into the forest. Criticaled the first Pokemon there. Means business.

    Fast-forward to the first catch: Wooloo. Spent time hunting for a Brilliant Aura Wooloo with Stomp and Fluffy. Put down 20 Wooloos before realizing the mistake. Sees far fewer Brilliant Auras than expected. Settled for Diameter the Wooloo with Fluffy and Counter.

    Wants to give Wooloo a spin. Sees potential between Cotton Guard, Body Press, and Fluffy. Lacks two of those and a lot of damage for the time being, however.

    Broke out into the Wild Area. Offered a dizzying number of directions: new Pokemon, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra. Gained the ability to Fly, first. Donned the number 54 next, as the target number. Decided on a visit to Crown Tundra first.

    Posts this as a warning to future travelers: beware angry people.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]
    Pounded the team into the freshly fallen snow. Healed them back up, probably to hurt them again. Skedaddled to a cave before that happened.

    Helped out a research team in the cave. Enlisted the aid of one of their level 65 Bouffalants. Defeated a gigantic Munchlax, Mr. Mime, and Lampent. Caught none of them, for clarity. Met a nasty beast at the end: Suicune. Locked it in a wicked paralysis with Body Slam. Wasted its first two turns. Slowly whittled with down with Orbeetle, Cradily, and (Imposter) Ditto. Felled the beast with a tick of poison damage. Became acquainted with Mean the level 70 Suicune in this way.

    Named it "Mean" for one clear reason: bloodthirst. Tore apart versus Dynamaxed Pokemon in the blink of an eye. Harnassed this power to fill out the team. Includes these two supporting Pokemon for the run:
    - Bias the Pidove. Carries Super Luck. Enables it to find more wild hold items. Happened to be Modest. Really wants to be a Special Attacker.
    - Quotient the Ralts. Brings the power of Trace to the team. Identifies specific abilities easier.

    Assisted in finding the star of the show, as well: Oddish. Sought an Oddish with Strength Sap. Meant finding a Brilliant Aura Oddish. Mowed down 50 Oddishes for the increased chance. (Prevented the team from overleveling by using Mean.) Found glory on the fourth Brilliant Aura Oddish. Named it Root, after having rooted out all the weaklings. Bears a title too: Root the Radiant. Will know its name soon enough.

    Performed one more stop in the journey: the Cram-o-matic. Stuffed its beak with ore, a Star Piece, and some berries. Yielded a Macho Brace, Eviolite, and...an Assault Vest? (Might have held off on the last one.) Handed Outlier the Karrablast the Eviolite.

    Encounter some Bede person in the mines. Would have one-shot everything with Outlier, if not for two Fury Cutter misses. Bleh.

    Heard a little about StanTheSnom's exploits. Felt inspired to bring similar Pokemon. Formed the following pairs:
    1. Root (Oddish) and Lima (Bellsprout) on Grass/Poison typing
    2. Outlier (Karrablast) and Baku (Cyndaquil) on 0.5 m height
    3. Degree (Raboot) and Paris (Mareep) on 0.6 m height
    4. Sofia (Gastly) and Parabola (Yamper) on Level met
    5. Belfast (Geodude) and Quotient (Ralts) on the Nature
    6. Amsterdam (Hoothoot) and Bias (Pidove) on the typing.

    Herded Diameter and a bunch of other Wooloo into the corral. Faced Milo with Outlier at the forefront.

    Turn 1: Karrablast: Fury Cutter (70%) / Gossifleur: Rapid Spin (44/50, +1 Speed)
    Turn 2: Karrablast: Fury Cutter (the rest)
    (Dynamaxed Eldegoss)
    Turn 3: Karrablast: Fury Cutter (85%) / Eldegoss: Max Strike (22/50, -1 Speed)
    Turn 4: Karrablast: Switch to Raboot / Eldegoss: Max Overgrowth (34/61, Grassy Terrain active)
    (Grassy Terrain heal to 37/61)
    Turn 5: Raboot: Flame Charge (the rest)
    (Level up.)

    Avoids losing Pokemon, despite no penalties for it. (Usually tracks a few stats, including that. Declined to this time.) Bet against Milo being stupid. Could have finished it with Outlier, barring a miss.

    Concludes this update. Set up a spreadsheet to track everything. Look for it here.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]

    Spoiler: Short Version of Team

    Degree the Raboot
    Level: 21
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Bold
    Moves: Double Kick, Growl, Flame Charge, and Quick Attack

    Root the Oddish
    Level: 20
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Mild
    Moves: Acid, Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, and Strength Sap

    Parabola the Yamper
    Level: 20
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Naive
    Moves: Tackle, Spark, Nuzzle, and Bite

    Quotient the Ralts
    Level: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Quiet
    Moves: Disarming Voice, Confusion, Psybeam, and Draining Kiss

    Bias the Pidove
    Level: 21
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Modest
    Moves: Air Cutter, Quick Attack, Gust, and Swagger

    Outlier the Karrablast
    Level: 21
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Quirky
    Moves: Leer, Fury Cutter, Acid Spray, and Headbutt

    Mean the Suicune
    Level: 70
    Gender: None
    Nature: Sassy
    Moves: Liquidation, Extrasensory, Extreme Speed, and Calm Mind

    Diameter the Wooloo
    Level: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Timid
    Moves: Tackle, Payback, Defense Curl, and Double Kick

    Fraction the Galarian Slowpoke
    Level: 19
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Bashful
    Moves: Water Pulse, Acid, Yawn, and Confusion
    Forum name: Finneari
    In-game name, if different: Riley
    Game of choice: Ultra Moon
    Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee!
    Trainer Partner: Janp
    Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yes!
    Forum name: Finneari
    In-game name, if different: Riley
    Game of choice: Ultra Moon
    Favorite Regional Bird Pokémon: Rookidee!
    Trainer Partner: Janp
    Willingness to become a Backup trainer?: Yes!
    Just to be sure - confirming.
    Proof of Affinity Challenge
    Chapter 1: Come Fly With Me

    Section 1: New Beginnings

    So I'm stuck in Johto now? Alright, let's get going then

    We start our journey in New Bark City on a nice, sunny morning. It's the start of a new adventure, officially beginning as I pick up Baku the Cyndaquil. Immediately, we're forced to pick up a parcel for the old professor. Unfortunately, I'm not getting payed for it. At least it gives me a chance to explore and survey the area, passing through Cherrygrove along the way. After picking up this mysterious parcel, I'm then roped into a crime because I can't seem to catch a break. Whatever, we beat up the criminal trying to run back to the scene of the crime.

    At the scene of the crime, the professor decided to assign me a journey across the region of Johto because. . . I honestly don't know. At least he was kind enough to gift me some Pokeballs so I went catching. Immediately, I captured Amsterdam the Hoothoot. He had this sort of endurance I found interesting whilst exploring the first ever route. Taipei the Spinarak soon followed when I entered the next route, along with Lima the Bellsprout and Wellington the Caterpie. Finally, Belfast the Geodude and Bucharest the Zubat were founded together in this damp, dark cave.

    Section 2: Violet City

    We entered Violet City and, the moment I entered the Pokemon center, this strange man caught my attention. I don't know how but I said the right things to him and he handed me an egg, thus Canberra the Wooper joined us on the journey. Exploring around the perimiter of the town further, Paris the Mareep and Honolulu the Hoppip jumped out at me and I swiftly caught them.

    Finally, this strange tower that loomed over the whole city caught my attention and I began to ascend it, collecting Sofia the Gastly along my ascent. The whole thing was filled to the brim with these trainers that were suprisingly fascinated with Bellsprout. I mean they're teams were just filled with them. The moment I reached the top, I recognised one of the trainers there. The criminal that I encountered earlier on. For now on, I'll be calling him by the name I found on his card (Dave). Before I could stop him, Dave made a quick escape and I was left to beat the final trainer of the tower, who I breezed through with Baku and Paris. All that was left for me was the gym leader of this town.

    Section 3: Falkner

    So I heard about this Devalue person who's also on a journey but in a completely different region. After sending some letters back and forth with our trusty Pidove, we found that the Pokemon we brought formed into these pairs, which we found adorable. For this gym battle, we formed the following pairs:

    Root the Oddish and Lima the Bellsprout based on their similar typing
    Outlier the Karrablast and Baku the Cyndaquil based on their height
    Degree the Raboot and Paris the Mareep also based on their height
    Parabola the Yamper and Sofia the Gastly based on their level that we met them at (5)
    Quotient the Ralts and Belfast the Geodude based on their boosting nature
    Bias the Pidove and Amsterdam the Hoothoot based on their typing

    With the whole team formed, we both entered our respective gyms. Falkner initially started smoothly with a quick 2 hit KO on his Pidgey thanks to a Thunder Shock from Paris. However, his Pidgeotto was a bit too strong so I swapped in Baku to try and whittle it down. This didn't work and the Pidgeotto took him down easily. However, with the Pidgeotto's health down enough, Paris was able to come in and finish him off, giving me the first badge of the region.

    Welp, that's one badge done with, 7 more to go!
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    Section 2: Nessa
    Walked east, fresh off a victory. Flaunted the team's power against some reporters. Set off a chain of events to catapult Root the Oddish into the stratosphere. Evolved into a Gloom from the battle. Touched it with a Sun Stone from near the Isle of Armor dojo to become a Bellossom. Reworked its moveset at the Move Relearner: Giga Drain, Moonblast, Quiver Dance, and Strength Sap. Not bad for level 21.

    Continued to the bridge. Beat up some hooligans for a bike. Hammered Hop's team with Root solo. Skipped everyone else due to leveling out of control with the Exp Charm from the Isle of Armor. Reached Hulbury in four trainer battles total.

    Canvassed the Isle of Armor for Digletts with the new bike. Added Alolan versions of Meowth, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Raichu, and Marowak to the rolls, plus Squirtle from the dojo storyline. (Tossed the Kanto Slowpoke into Box 2.) Might use Rigor the Alolan Marowak sometime. Found its Thick Club on the ground. Steps in at level 30, however. Perhaps later.

    Strolled around Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra for mints. Alters a Pokemon's nature. Serves as a helpful tool.

    Back to the journey. Met Rose in Hulbury.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]
    Maintains this to be underwear. Implies pockets on it. Does not care. (Also, are those Wooloo on it?)

    Heard more about Snoomy's adventures in Johto. Strengthened the links between the Pokemon.

    1. Root (Bellossom) and Canberra (Wooper) on Height (0.4 m)
    2. Diameter (Wooloo) and Belfast (Geodude) on Moves (Tackle and Defense Curl)
    3. Degree (Raboot) and Buchaest (Zubat) on Base Stats (Best: Speed. Worst: Special Attack)
    4. Quotient (Kirlia) and Baku (Quilava) on Base Stats (Best: Special Attack. Worst: Defense)
    5. Fraction (Galarian Slowpoke) and Sofia (Gastly) on Nature (Neutral)
    6. Parabola (Yamper) and Brasilia (Sandshrew) on Color (Yellow)

    Bumped this team up to 24. Held off on Diameter's evolution for now. Rolled up to Nessa, full of confidence. Viewed these as food for Root.

    Turn 1: Goldeen: Horn Attack (68/77) / Bellossom: Quiver Dance
    (Leftovers heal to 72/77)
    Turn 2: Bellossom: Quiver Dance / Goldeen: Horn Attack (63/77)
    (Leftovers heal to 67/77)
    Turn 3: Bellossom: Quiver Dance / Goldeen: Horn Attack (58/77)
    (Leftovers heal to 62/77)
    Turn 4: Bellossom: Quiver Dance / Goldeen: Horn Attack (54/77)
    (Leftovers heal to 58/77)
    Turn 5: Bellossom: Quiver Dance / Goldeen: Agility
    (Leftovers heal to 62/77)
    Turn 6: Bellossom: Quiver Dance / Goldeen: Agility
    (Leftovers heal to 66/77)
    Turn 7: Bellossom: Giga Drain (100%, heal to full)
    Turn 8: Bellossom: Giga Drain (100%) / Arrokuda: Fainted
    (Gigantamaxed Drednaw)
    Turn 9: Bellossom: Giga Drain (100%) / Drednaw: Fainted
    (Level up.)

    Om nom nom.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Proof of Affinity - Valentine's Day Challenge 2022 [time to play!]

    Heads to a very difficult gym next: Kabu's Fire gym. Takes off the kid gloves for this with three fully evolved Pokemon.

    Spoiler: Short Version of Team

    Root the Bellossom
    Level: 25
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Mild
    Moves: Moonblast, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance, and Strength Sap

    Degree the Raboot
    Level: 24
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Bold
    Moves: Double Kick, Growl, Flame Charge, and Quick Attack

    Parabola the Yamper
    Level: 24
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Naive
    Moves: Tackle, Spark, Nuzzle, and Bite

    Quotient the Ralts
    Level: 24
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Quiet
    Moves: Disarming Voice, Confusion, Psybeam, and Draining Kiss

    Diameter the Wooloo
    Level: 24
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Timid
    Moves: Tackle, Payback, Defense Curl, and Double Kick

    Fraction the Galarian Slowpoke
    Level: 24
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Bashful
    Moves: Headbutt, Acid, Yawn, and Zen Headbutt

    Radical the Toxel
    Bias the Tranquil
    Outlier the Karrablast
    Sine the Alolan Sandshrew
    Derivative the Alolan Vulpix
    Exponent the Alolan Meowth
    Rigor the Alolan Marowak
    Rational the Alolan Raichu
    Scalene the Squirtle
    Mean the Suicune
    Irrational the Azelf
    Imaginary the Tapu Lele
    Correlation the Tapu Koko