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Event *Results* Eurovision Song Contest Event 2021!

So, I just didn't even bother listening to the pop ballads because that's boring. (I will signal boost "Birth of a New Age" though because even if it isn't my cup of tea that was written with soul, my neighbors over at Suriname deserve the rep and given the racist broccoli thing, the message and the song should probably be given more attention.)

With that I'm projecting this as my top picks (even if they probably aren't very competitive, lol)

5. Lithuania's Discoteque

I just low key dig the weird corny dance moves and clothing and theming and it was a very fun song. It definitely stuck with me after all those songs, so yeah.

4. Denmark's Øve os på hinanden - Denmark

I'm a sucker for the 80s and this felt like the singers were having fun, like, much like Discoteque this wasn't a competitive pick this was a "Let's go out there and have fun and everything else's just gravy" and I high key love this energy.

3. Italy's Zitti E Buoni

I just really like the weird metal vibes the song had. And unlike the other metal song (Finland) they actually had interesting looks and staging in the music video - they even had shots with a cockroach. Very fun song, very fun staging.

2. Ukraine's Shum

Maybe it was the dystopian beginning, the weird metallic headpiece, the hazmat folk dance, I was entranced by that music video from start to finish.

1. Germany's I Don't Feel Hate

This video was a fever dream and I freaking love it. From the middle finger costume, to the post credit scenes of everybody just covered in paint eating cake on the floor, I was living for this song. Like Shum, I'm curious to see how they'll replicate this on the Eurovision's stage (and maybe I'll be disappointed when it comes to that, but video-wise this was the one that entertained me the most).

Shum might be in my top 5 too btw!

And Germany's staging... is a little disappointing at the rehearsals so far, but I love that song too!

So top marks from our Romanian delegation go to Germany!!!

Here is your flag :)
wait what, we won one? I didn't even know xD
Must've missed eurovision in 2019.
I googled the song and was like who the heck is this guy.
*hears the song* wait wait wait, I know this song, how the heck is it from our entry?! 😂
I actually like this one. Usually don't like our countries entries xD

Back on topic, I love seeing the italy and ireland votes 👍 These for me were pretty much set in stone as numbers 1 & 2 after listening to everything.

Also I'm curious what ketchup's top five is =)

Honestly wild you did not know y'all won when you are literally hosting this year's edition, which is like the defining reason why someone hosts the contest lmao

Also yeah, Arcade really kinda blew off this year because of TikTok primarily, which is weird considering it has been 2 years since then.

Also, knowing who are the frontrunners and actually know the fan favorites of the Eurovision fandom, I'm genuinely surprised on the songs you all have in your top 5 tbh, I'm surprised little to no one has said anything about Malta, Switzerland, and France, and the only country who is currently the frontrunner is Italy, but tbh it isn't a surprise, they are always the frontrunner every year tbh
Also, knowing who are the frontrunners and actually know the fan favorites of the Eurovision fandom, I'm genuinely surprised on the songs you all have in your top 5 tbh, I'm surprised little to no one has said anything about Malta, Switzerland, and France, and the only country who is currently the frontrunner is Italy, but tbh it isn't a surprise, they are always the frontrunner every year tbh

I have Malta and Switzerland in my "final" but I very much doubt either will make the top 5.

Gjon is rising the more I listen to it, but it still just sounds like Sam Smith sings Arcade to me.

Je Me Casse is falling heavily after initially liking it, that horrible noisy bit is so off putting. Outstanding singer, poor song imo.

France... hmm. I love that type of music, so it should be right up my street, but I've not got on with it since day one. I'm not sure it will win despite being favourite - it will probably do well with the judges and fall flat in the second half of the vote, like quite a few songs have done in recent years.

Edit: Italy are favourites again!

I like so many songs this year, getting it down to 5 is gonna be a nightmare for me 😅
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Honestly wild you did not know y'all won when you are literally hosting this year's edition, which is like the defining reason why someone hosts the contest lmao

Did not know that either 😅

I tend to live under a rock I guess, since I don't really keep myself informed on anything that isn't gaming related xD
I usually don't even know when eurovision is till it's started and my parents mention it, which is why I usually only get to watch the finale 😅

I like so many songs this year, getting it down to 5 is gonna be a nightmare for me 😅

Just ask yourself which of the countries can grow the tomatoes for your ketchup =o
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It's so special to be able to experience this from my perspective. As i am from the Netherlands and i have never ever experienced our country hosting a Eurovision! This year is going to be a special one for me :D But i trust my fellow dutchman in creating something absolutely insane out of this Eurovision that will advertise The Netherlands as more than just what people think it is these days!
It's so special to be able to experience this from my perspective. As i am from the Netherlands and i have never ever experienced our country hosting a Eurovision! This year is going to be a special one for me :D But i trust my fellow dutchman in creating something absolutely insane out of this Eurovision that will advertise The Netherlands as more than just what people think it is these days!

Hello to our Croatian representative :)

Your flag:
Hello to our Croatian representative :)

Your flag:

But.. i am dutch?
For the first semifinals I'm hoping for Lithuania, Russia, Cyprus, Azerbaijan and Ukraine to qualify. I suppose I should also root for Romania out of "national" spirit.
Sorry for the double post, but this is my ranking for the contest as promised



Most of the above were close to the top 5, and a lot of them actually were in it at various points this week!

And my top 5 points go to:
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I need to point out that I got to teach my mum where North Macedonia is and tell her about the country's naming conflict so she got something positive out of watching tonight's show :P

I also love that Malta and Spain are mortal enemies this year: one is singing "I'm leaving" and the other is singing "I'm staying". Awesome coordination.
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Semi Final 1 Results Spoiler
Semi Final 1 Results Spoiler




Another spoiler
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So, I finally watched the stream for the semifinal and

Spoilers for Semi Final 1