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Completed Event Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Update time!
Eleanor: You play with the computer for a while, you can see some old logs, but can't really make sense of them. Nothing seems to happen otherwise.
TwilightBlade: You are so engrossed in the investigating the computer, that you forget to move. Luckily, someone or something else moved you to Past 7 in the meantime.
Cubeth: You take a step and starts spinning all around the room. It feels like eternity before you stumble and fall out of the loop. You quickly get out of the room.
Jbsundown: You can read a following message in the wooden sign: "Activate all time machines to get more points and win this Get-Together!" Weird sign. So weird that you don't even make a move. That's not good. You never know, when your past catches up with you.
Arcaneum: You can pretty much say that this is a Celebi statue. But it's pretty old and don't have any hidden switches. You should probably finally move on.

But now for real, some of you forgot to include where they want to move next...

Past 7: You can see 4 tiles with different colour on the floor. The yellow one is glowing.
Future 8: You're in the kitchen. Can you cook something for me? I'm getting hungry from all those updates.
Future 12: You can see fuses on the wall. Nothing else.

The Running out of time in Pokémon Sapphire

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge


Okay, time for me to also post an update. I should note that this all happened before the Global rule was rolled, so I only played with my Cavegirl rule.

Well, since I had to get a Ground-type, I decided to pick Mudkip as my starter. I had one special nicknaming theme, so I kept restarting until I got female Mudkip. Now, my nicknaming theme are names for my feminine part. So, welcome Karin, the bold Mudkip.

Since it would be boring to only use Karin to solo the whole segment, I also caught Harper, the adamant Slakoth. Karin evolved while searching for her.

And so the first Gym was pretty straightforward. I mean I have certified Roxanne killer on my team. I tried to use Harper a little bit, but she's a little slower and needs more time to truly shine.

Now, I'll move to Future 6.


[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Karin, Bold Female Marshtomp
lvl 18, Torrent
- Water Gun
- Bide
- Mud Shot
- Growl

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Harper, Adamant Female Slakoth
lvl 13, Truant
- Scratch
- Yawn
- Encore
- Slack Off​
Segment 4 completed, defeated Flannery with Marshtomp and Lombre. 100 Challenge Points GET.
Action: I'll move to Future 14.

Trainer: TwilightBlade
Game: Pokemon Heart Gold
Badges: 2
--- Segment 2 Update ---

Global Rule: Prehistoric age - You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment.
Trainer Rule: In the name of progress - You can only use the best version of each available item.
Trainer Rule: Fast catches - You may only catch the most common Pokémon you can run into in each area.
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

I caught the most common Pokemon in Dark Cave, a level 4 Geodude. I nicknamed her Acasta, based on the oldest known rocks on Earth, the Acasta Gneiss. After what felt like an eternity of grinding against Wild Pokemon and Trainer Pokemon, I faced Bugsy primarily with a level 17 Geodude. I set up Defense Curl 6 times so that Geodude coulf stomach Scyther's U-Turn. Metapod and Kakuna were wimps to Tackle (I had to use one Antidote, though). Geodude and Scyther were both in the red when Geodude fainted. Luckily, it was just enough for Bayleef to finish off Scyther (after Bayleef almost fainted to one crit U-Turn).

Past 7 Action : I found myself in a new room. As I am easily distracted by glowing things, I want to step on the yellow tile.

I beat brawly in 3 turns with grovyle.. I didnt realize how good leafblade is

Fast thinking - You must complete your battle's final segment in a maximum of 5 turns per enemy Pokémon you will have to fight. If you don't manage to do this you can try again as many times as you want.
Back to square one - You can only use Pokémon available on the first Route of your game, or their evolutions.
Global Rule for 2nd Segment:
The Prehistoric age - You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment.

Move: Future 8
Name: wolf
Trainer Class: Gen 5 Winona
Your favourite time traveller: Laventon
Game of choice: Emerald
Where you want to start on the map (you can only choose areas that are already lit up): Past 10
Part 3 Complete!

APRICRN found that one to be very difficult given the new moves only rule. Thankfully, she caught a Pineco which was able to get rid of that Miltank that wiped her team about 6 times. In her celebration she forgot to take a screenshot of the defeat, so instead she has one talking to Whitney afterwards.
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Hopefully things will return to normality slightly for the next segment.

This time, I won't forget to move on the map though! I'd like to check out Past 9 please!
User Cubeth's Time Traveling Adventures

Game: Pocket Monster Fire Red Version (2004) for the Gameboy Advance


Global Rules:

Part 3:

First thing I did after beating Misty was box Cranberry and bring back Miranda and Dinosaur because of the rule and for absolutely no reason respectively. I used the trainers before Bill's house to level up both of them a bit, but Miranda was so underleveled she died in most battles.

After succesfully de-brundleflying Bill and getting the S.S. Anne ticket, I went to Vermilion City, mostly to get the vs. Seeker and grind a bit with trainers I already battled beforehand, I also caught myself a Diglett and then battled like 3 "Gamers", which is arguably the funniest Trainer Class in the entire franchise. This is also the moment I realized I forgot naming Diglett, so for the purpose of this segment I will call her Sponge.

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

I went to the S.S. Anne and battled everyone there. Sponge evolved after a series of battles in which she landed at least 3 Magnitude 10s, so I guess everyone in the ship just... kinda died.

But oh god, oh gee! Wouldn't you guess who's here? It's none other than Mr. Rival Poop hims- and he's gone. That battle was a bit of a letdown considering I did have some trouble with the previous one, but I'm also overleveled lmao.

Anyways. I got the Cut HM and sorta got kicked out of the ship for almost making it sink. After that, I went to Vermilion's Gym, where I messed up the puzzle twice and then battled Gym Leader Lieutenant Surge from The Unova Region, except before Unova was even a thing so right now he's just from the United States. He's a strong and fierce battler who also ZAPPED his enemies during war and-- o-oh.

He got soloed by Sponge. Not even just Surge, the whole Gym got slaughtered by the angry bald heads. It's not really the smartest thing to do to put your ELECTRIC TYPE GYM by Diglett's Cave, is it?

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

I'm typing this at 19:40 my time, which means I should start making myself a sandwich or something. It's just for me though, sorry user Janp from the Challenges Moderation Team of The PokéCommunity Forums. I'll go back to Future 5 after eating, it's the only place I can go to I think.
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I've beaten Cheren and obtained my first badge! Dinner's soon so I'm going to post a more descriptive update later.

I'll investigate the panels, then head east to Future 6.
1. The future is now, old man! - All of your Pokémon must learn all new moves via level-up (or HMs if strictly needed to progress).

Global Rule:
The Prehistoric age - You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment.

Not too bad yet. Already planned to pick Bulbasaur to smash Brock and Misty for speed (and generally not picking it). Simplified that decision.

Named the character "Gaspar", after the Guru of Time in Chrono Trigger. Named the rival "Lavos", after the antagonist who sent Gaspar to the End of Time.

Chose Bulbasaur, as mentioned. Named it "Chyrsosaur" :t001:, after one of the dinosaur monsters. Technically uses electricity and fire. Liked it for the name. Recalls no grass monsters (that would not be more suitable for other things, like a mushroom for Paras).

Lost to Lavos. Makes sense, story-wise. Winds up lost in time because of Lavos in the game.

Checked out Chyrsosaur :t001:. Calm nature and slightly above average IVs. Good enough. Accepts a poor showing with physical moves.

Caught a Pidgey, just as a backup for the bugs. Named it "Bellbird" :t016:. Actually has pretty bad IVs. Should have caught more. Might swap it out for another later.

Cleared the forest. Stepped up to Brock.

Turn 1: :t001: Vine Whip (100%) / :t074: Fainted
(Level up.)
Turn 2: :t095: Bind (35/38) / :t001: Vine Whip (100%)
(Level up.)

Spoiler: Proof

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Zero surprise, other than being outsped by Onix. (Always forgets how quick it is.)

Wants to check out the yellow computer. Moves to Past 6.
Blaze Black 2 Redux
GT 2023 - Ruin Maniac Horatio
Segment 1 (Aspertia City -> Aspertia Gym)

Now that I've eaten dinner, I have time for a more descriptive update. I started off Blaze Black 2 by catching a full team in Route 19 and 20, though I was delayed by a question about whether I could change my clock (appropriate for the challenge, funnily enough) to catch a Pokemon I wanted on my team. I ended up with a team of Snivy, Hoppip, Starly, Bidoof, Sewaddle, and Shroomish. (I had a couple more normal types while waiting for mod answers, but they never saw a trainer battle.)

I won all the battles so far on my first try. My rival, who I named Tybalt, had a team of Taillow, Tepig, and Pansage, and my Bidoof soloed him, mostly with Rollout. There was also an optional battle against Roxanne, who had her RS team of a Geodude and a Nosepass, and I won that easily because of my type advantage. Cheren was harder than expected, though. His Minccino took down both my Snivy and Sewaddle, and nearly beat my Shroomish, too. Then, after my Shroomish fainted it, he KOed her with Pidove after I failed to put it to sleep with Shroomish's Grass Whistle. Bidoof beat Pidove with Rollout, then Cheren sent out a Lillipup, which beat the weakened Bidoof after he missed his next Rollout. I sent out Hoppip to beat Lillipup, and then paralyzed his Munchlax and switched to Starly. Cheren's Munchlax only knew Work Up and Flail, so I spent six turns minimizing its accuracy before attacking, and then used Quick Attack a few times to faint it before it could land a blow.

I'm not sure if the Prehistoric Era condition is something that applies just to this segment, or to all of them until we can shut it off, but either way I'm fine with keeping a mostly-Grass team. If not for my own personal rule preventing stone evolutions, I would've ditched Starly and Bidoof and made an all-grass team with Lotad and Seedot.

To repeat my actions from the quick post from before dinner, I'll investigate the panels, then head east to Future 6.

EDIT: Next segment's rules are:

The Medieval age - You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next segment, or in alternative, only Normal-types.
Slower than usual - Your Pokémon cannot evolve by any other method other than level up / friendship. In that case, they can only evolve once their level is equal to their normal evolution level (or the level at which they obtained max friendship) + 5.
Genwunners - You can only use Pokémon introduced in generations outside of Generation 5.


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Rei's Journey part 1: Captain Ilima
Base CSS by Aquacorde

    [tab=root1]STORY[/tab] ‧ [tab=root1-mon]POKEMON[/tab] ‧ [tab=root1-rules]RULES[/tab] ‧ [tab=root1-logs]CHECKPOINTS[/tab]

In the white light, a hand reaches through
A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two
Waking dreams fade away,
Embrace the brand-new day

Sing with me a song of birthrights and love
The light scatters to the sky above
Dawn breaks through the gloom, white as a bone
Lost in thoughts all alone

I started my game as a prince named Rei. Had to do it a bit early because of the prologue chapter where Rei had a weird dream of friends and foes claiming to be his siblings...

Wait, no, wrong game. This is Pokemon Sun, not FE Fates: Birthright. 😅

Actually, yeah, Rei is my MC here. I had to start the game before even getting my rules because SuMo's prologue takes too long for my liking. I mean, Ultra's prologue ain't as tedious as it is here, but still...

Anywho, I needed a grass-type, so my starter choice should be a no-brainer here: Orin the Rowlet. This guy quickly proved himself upon facing Hau and his Popplio for the first time. And with that out of the way, it's time for a catching spree~

Spoiler: Rei caught
  • Rouna the Pikipek
  • Riliane the Yungoos
  • Alexiel the Alolan Rattata
  • Tristan the Smeargle
  • Narcissa the Drifloon (I thank Orin's presence for this one)
One story fluff later, I finally get to this segment's big boss: Totem Raticate Gumshoos. Surprisingly easy considering my previous runs with Moon's Totem Raticate and Ultra Sun's Totem Gumshoos.

Spoiler: Normal totem battle log
Turn 1
  • Rouna: Brick Break
  • Totem Gumshoos: Scary Face

Turn 2 (ally Yungoos summoned)
  • Totem Gumshoos: Leer
  • Ally Yungoos: Tackle
  • Rouna: Brick Break on Gumshoos (Gumshoos down)

Turn 3
  • Ally Yungoos: Tackle
  • Rouna: Brick Break on Yungoos (Yungoos down)

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

With that out of the way and Rouna evolving after the fight, I'm gonna check the yellow computer out before moving to Past 5 (if possible, that is -- prioritize the computer otherwise).

Spoiler: Proof of journey
[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge

Rei's Pokemon

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge







Current Rules

Personal Rules:
  • Team Laventon!: As long as you have a Grass-type Pokémon on your team, all Sinnoh Pokémon are unaffected by Global Rules.

Global Rules:
  • The Prehistoric age: You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next (current?) segment.


  1. Verdant Cavern (ongoing)
  2. Melemele grand trial
  3. Wela Volcano Park
  4. Akala grand trial
  5. Abandoned Supermarket
  6. Ula'ula grand trial
  7. Poni grand trial (this ain't USUM, people!)
  8. Vast Poni Canyon
  9. Final trial (?)

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Global rule: grass and normal types only
Personal rule: black and white colour pokemon only

…I guess I'm gonna have to beat Milo with a Wooloo and a Galarian Zigzagoon 😅 I boxed my starter Grookey as soon as I caught my Wooloo.

Lemme tell you, grinding up a level 3 Wooloo is UGH. Getting xp candy from dynamax battles was a huge help. I rolled up to Turffield with my Wooloo and Zigzagoon but then found an npc trade in the gym so I caught a Galarian Meowth and traded it for a regular one. (Meowth is white… right?)

In any case, I didn't end up using Meowth in the gym. It basically came down to my Zigzagoon and the TM move pin missile hitting enough times. I… I used a max revive on a Zigzagoon 😭 But I won the battle so wheeee

Current team: Wooloo lv.20, G. Zigzagoon lv. 19, Meowth lv.18

I will examine the mysterious machine in Future 1 if it's not been examined already
Name: X_K.V.Jin_X
Trainer Class: Street Thug(Rocket Admin from Gen III if former is not available)
Your favourite time traveller: Grand Oak
Game of choice: Red/Blue (Jp Blue/Coro Coro Edition patch, basically has a few in game trade changes)
Where you want to start on the map: Future 01
Chapter 2 - Shocking Revelations

Global Rules - None
Personal Rule 1 - You may only use Pokémon which were not introduced in the Generation your game is in (Generation 2).
Personal Rule 2 - You must use at least one Electric type Pokémon in your party this segment.

So after a very tiresome effort to get our first badge... we could finally use Pokémon again! It was time to bring out some of our benched mates and see what else we could catch, it felt stifling not been able to see what wonders the random encounters would bring me! Thankfully, it did not take me long to find my first Electric Pokémon, Smog being Haunter (Steel/Electric in this randomiser).

First thing's first, we needed to hatch that Egg from Professor Elm. A few thousand steps later and it hatched into BONGUS the Exeggutor, lovely stuff.

I did however decide to pick up some more friends on the way, just in case. Going back to Dark Cave got me Riketsu the Shellder (Poison/Dragon), whilst coming back along the route to Violet City got me Egg the Bronzor (Bug/Electric). We sped around the grass to train these new additions up a little bit, however it was proving quite tough as the Wingull in this route were packing quite a punch... so I gave up after levelling BONGUS to about level 12 and decided to move on.

Even on the way to Azalea Town we had difficulties. The wild Pokémon were troublesome to fight and I had forgotten about one of the Fishermen, who had a really high level Pokémon... super tough! Thankfully, Union Cave proved to be quite the treasure trove in more ways than one. Lots of Delibird, Vaporeon and Glaceon meant I was getting EXP here there and everywhere AND I got some nice Pokémon of my own. I caught Jakarta the Vaporeon (Flying/Rock) and Froid the Glaceon (Flying). Very chuffed with these additions! At this point I decided to Box Egg, as they just were not getting on at all.

After getting everyone to around level 11 (that wasn't already), I decided to hit the Slowpoke Well and see what's up.

After seeing that Linoone were here and very easy for Riketsu to kill, I couldn't help but grind a little more, getting a couple more levels. Sweeping Team Rocket was, as expected, a breeze. I decided to chance my arm at the Gym and see if I could just clear it now...

...Which I managed to quite easily! So with Bugsy defeated, that was another badge collected, now I have to go back and train some more, otherwise that surprise Rival Battle might clear me...

Badges: 2 (Zephyr/Hive)

I would like to move to Location 2 in Past please and presuming I can also interact with something, can I interact with the yellow terminal please.


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Session 3:
Didn't really do anything except catch a Diglett. Any Pokémon knowing Explosion or Self-Destruct were not catchable at this point in time. Beat Surge though.

Ivysaur Lv30
Pidgeotto Lv28
Rattata Lv3
Diglett Lv20
Spearow Lv6
Paras Lv10

EDIT: Move to Future 12.
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I updated the first posts, map and everything... it took 2 hours and I'm not even completely done with this... anyways:
Most of you guys interacted with items that did nothing, but... Devalue managed to wake up that yellow computer and cause some kind of temporal anomaly, adding a new Global Rule for everyone's next segment.
Some other players have teleported around, given that the machine in Future 1 and the yellow tile in Past 7 act as temporal warps! Welcome to the past and to the future respectively, tenthcompanion and TwilightBlade! You managed to not cause any more disruptions but, thanks to these little time travels, you got to discover some new places.

Future 16 - the tiles no longer seem to work, but this big room has... enormous dragon fangs? In the future? Might wanna see what that's about and what material they're made of.
Past 13 - nothing here but the warp you came from.
Past 9 - a strange, glittering stone in the middle of the room looks back at you...

I can confirm that the css we need to use to move you around on the map is incredibly wonky. Sorry for the inconvenience :(
Segment 2 completed!

Current rules:
- Your Pokémon cannot evolve during this segment.
- If you used Water-type Pokémon in any of the previous segments, you can only use Pokémon caught during this segment. Otherwise, you can't use TMs for the rest of the game.
- You can only use Grass and Normal-types for the next segment (global rule).

I didn't need to worry at all, it seems. Even without Magnemite or the other strong Pokémon in Virbank Complex (which I kinda got tired of using anyways), Herdier and Pidove brute-forced their way through Roxie's two Pokémon quite easily - especially the former, thanks to Take Down and Intimidate. Unfortunately, I cannot use TMs for the rest of the game because I have not used a single Water-type Pokémon so far (despite them being so common). Oh, and the next global rule I need to follow is using Fighting-type Pokémon against Burgh. Grrrr...

Current team:
- Sewaddle, lv. 15
- Pidove, lv. 19
- Herdier, lv. 18

I shall just go to Past 3 :)
Update 2: Misty​
1. The future is now, old man! - All of your Pokémon must learn all new moves via level-up (or HMs if strictly needed to progress).
2. The 12 Monkeys - You have to put at least one Rock-type Pokémon on your team for this segment.

Global Rule:
The Medieval age - You can only use Fighting and Fairy-types for the next segment. If you can't, you can only use Normal-types.

Kind of wanted Golem anyways, so sure, one Rock-type (when able).

No fairies, so only Fighting Pokemon. Gets...Mankey. Nothing else. For Misty. Oh boy.

Step 1: Return to Route 22 for Mankeys :t056:.
  • First Mankey: Adamant. Nice. Mostly good IVs too (2, 8, 25, 29, 27, 29). Named it "Kino".
  • Second Mankey: Impish. Mostly weak on the other IVs. Eh.
  • Third Mankey. -Attack nature.
  • Fourth Mankey. Neutral nature. 3 IVs in Attack. Also bad Special Defense.
  • Fifth Mankey. Neutral nature. Actually pretty good (including a Perfect in Speed). Kinda wanted a female one for the name, so...
  • Sixth Mankey. Timid. No.
  • Seventh Mankey. Rash. Iffy IVs.
  • Eighth Mankey. Careful nature. 30, 25, 26, 6, 31, 31 IVs. What a champion. Named it "Ayla".

Might catch more Mankeys later (at a higher wild level). Works with these two for now.

Beat up some rats and bugs. Sufficed to bring both up to a decent level to start challenging the new trainers. Ran into trouble with a double Pidgey trainer while at a 2ish level disadvantage. Hit for 50% health. Managed thanks to Sand Attack spam, rather than Gust.

Leveled up more. Caught Rubble the Geodude :t074: to fulfill the 12 Monkeys rule. Cannot really use it currently. Exists, though. Also grabbed a 1% Clefairy for the heck of it (and boxed it).

Scratched Zubats up to level 12 in Mt. Moon. Went back to clean up the Route 3 trainers and oh no a level 14 Spearow. Went down to 9/31 hitpoints on a single hit. Survived, somehow.

Saw...four Clefairies during entirety of Mt. Moon. Not bad. Grabbed the Helix Fossil, having using Kabutops before.

Found Lavos north of Cerulean City. Entered with Kino :t056: at 18 and Ayla :t056: at 17.
Spoiler: Nugget Bridge Lavos

Turn 1: Ayla :t056:: Karate Chop (45%) / Pidgeotto :t017:: Sand Attack
Turn 2: Ayla :t056:: Karate Chop (45%) / Pidgeotto :t017:: Gust (23/46)
Turn 3: Ayla :t056:: Karate Chop (miss) / Pidgeotto :t017:: Gust (1/46)
Turn 4: Pidgeotto :t017:: Quick Attack (0/46)
Turn 5: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (the rest)
Turn 6: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (80%) / Abra :t063:: Teleport (failed)
Turn 7: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (the rest)
Turn 8: Rattata :t019:: Quick Attack (32/43) / Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (100%)
(Level up.)
Turn 9: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (55%) / Charmander :t004:: Ember (21/45)
Turn 10: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (critical, the rest)

Please no more even(ish) level bird battles.

Told Bill to go into the Teleporter. ...Bad vibes there. Did not result in a time portal to another era, though.

Rolled up to Misty with both Mankeys at Starmie's level (21). Figured why not?

Spoiler: Misty

Turn 1: Kino :t056:: Focus Energy / Staryu :t120:: Harden
Turn 2: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (60%) / Staryu :t120:: Harden
Turn 3: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (the rest)
Turn 4: Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (22/49) / Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (10%)
Turn 5: Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (the rest)
Turn 6: Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (28/54) / Ayla :t056:: Scratch (15%)
Turn 7: Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (2/54, confused) / Ayla :t056:: Scratch (15%)
Turn 8: Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (the rest)

Yeah, no. Lopped off 50% of Ayla's health with a +Special Defense nature and a perfect IV. Grumbles at Focus Energy Karate Chop not critting once, also.

Okay, how to solve this? Lives too short for Leer to take effect. Evolves at level 28, worst case. Cannot learn moves outside of level-ups, so not that. Picks up Seismic Toss at 27. Not terrible. Or...catch a lot more Mankeys and keep Leering.

Accesses Vermillion for better grinding via the VS Seeker. Thank goodness. Opted to level on the Pidgeotto trainer and Raticate trainer just outside. Went to level 26 and learned Seismic Toss on both. Take two of Misty.

Spoiler: Misty Round 2

Turn 1: Kino :t056:: Karate Chop (100%) / Staryu :t120:: Fainted
Turn 2: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (45%) / Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (32/58)
Turn 3: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (45%) / Starmie :t121:: Recover (heal to 55%)
Turn 4: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (45%) / Starmie :t121:: Recover (heal to 60%)
Turn 5: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (45%) / Starmie :t121:: Recover (heal to 65%)
Turn 6: Kino :t056:: Scratch (10%) / Starmie :t121:: Recover (heal to 90%)
Turn 7: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (45%) / Starmie :t121:: Water Pulse (8/58)
Turn 8: Kino :t056:: Seismic Toss (the rest)
(Level up.)

There. One Mankey. And stay down, Recover spammer.

Spoiler: Trainer card

[PokeCommunity.com] Running out of time - GT 2023 Pokémon Challenge


Stated nothing to interact with. (Will do so, if able. Wants to hex everyone. Missed the boat on theming it after that, but oh well.) Moves to Past 11 after that.