Explorer of Time
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Secret Delibird
Winter Wonderland Event - 2024
Winter Wonderland Event - 2024
General Rules
🎄 Sign-ups opened on December 9th, 2024, and closed on December 11th, 2024, at 8:00 PM Pacific Time.🎄 The Event Challenge itself started on December 12th, 2024, and will end on January 18th, 2025, 8:00 PM Pacific Time, or when the last player finishes their game if completed earlier.
🎄 This Challenge can be played on any Pokémon game or fangame, as long as it's completed by defeating at least 8 gyms and the following League. Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and all Alola games are also permitted, even though they do not have gyms. (EDIT: Removed redundant rules related to these games, since nobody played one.)
🎄 In all challenged games, the Challenge is considered completed once you get the credits to roll! For Violet, DragonEye must defeat Professor Turo at Area Zero, since the credits do not roll after beating the League.
🎄 If you have any questions, feel free to message us Challenge Mods, Explorer of Time, Eleanor, and Janp.
Challenge Rules
Like last year's Valentine's Day event, we're playing a special Scramble Challenge! Typically, a Scramble challenge player will ask other people to name a team of six Pokémon for them to use, and will not be allowed to battle with any other Pokémon during their run. Here, you will have both of these roles: Player and Scrambler. Players and Scramblers will have to work together and trust each other to make it out!Setting up:
🎄 Once sign-ups are closed, people will be randomly paired up twice: this way everyone will be both a Player, and a Scrambler for someone else. For players, the identity of the assigned Scrambler will be secret, but more on that below.🎄 For Players: of course you may only use Pokémon that your paired Scrambler has listed, or that are below them in their evolutionary family. If they aren't immediately available, you can either hack them in (as long as it's something you agreed to do) or play normally until you're able to catch an eligible Pokémon.
🎄 You can use Pokemon not in your team for things like HMs or breeding, but don't use them in battle! If you are forced into sending one out via a move like Roar, you need to switch out as soon as possible, or let it faint if blocked from doing so.
For Scramblers: please be considerate with your choice of Pokémon! Unless your player is fine with hacking in multiple Pokémon, please make sure you have at least one Pokemon available before the first gym, and try to have three Pokemon available before the third gym.
Here's the list of Regional Dexes if you need to check.
Detailed Rules:
🎄 Scramblers will give a complete list of six Pokémon from the very beginning of the challenge. With the six Pokémon families revealed, a Player may start their run. Unless the Player cannot evolve their Pokemon before the end of the game, such as not having trade evolution access, all Pokemon picked by the Scrambler should be fully-evolved.🎄 The team selected by a Scrambler may not contain Legendaries with a base stat total of 600 or higher, unless you are playing a romhack or fangame where opponent trainers also use Legendaries.
🎄 When a player beats a gym, we recommend writing an update about it. Your scrambler can send anonymous challenge advice to me if you're confused or having trouble with your team, and I'll forward it to you after anonymizing it.
Winning the challenge:
🎄 In their last update, Players will need to give a score to each of the Pokémon that they have brought to the Hall of Fame, from 0 to 10 points. The score should depend on how good your Pokémon fared in game and how much fun you had using it! Please be considerate and truthful with the scores, and write at least one line explaining why a certain score was given for each Pokemon.🎄 Players will also guess their Scrambler. A Player who guesses correctly, and their Scrambler, will both get an additional 12 Points, which does not stack if someone both gets their own Scrambler right and is correctly guessed by their player. Try and make the teams you send distinctive, so your player will have an easier time guessing who made their team!
- As I'm the one randomly assigning scramblers, and already know everyone's pairs, I cannot make a guess. The only way for me to score the 12 point bonus is if I am guessed by my own Player.
🎄 A Player who has made it to the Hall of Fame will receive a Delibird VPP. Just post in the Obtain a Pokémon thread and link back to your final update. If you completed your own run as Player and also have the highest-rated team as a Scrambler, your Delibird will be shiny!
Sign Ups and Secret Pairs
How to keep pairs secret?🎄 When sign ups are closed, I will randomize Player and Scrambler pairs and reach out to you via Forum Private Message to let you know who you're giving Pokémon to. Do not say who your Scrambler or Player is until the end of the challenge.
🎄 Once I have PMed you your player and their game and rules, you as a Scrambler have up to 48 Hours to PM me with a team for your Player.
🎄 Please do not say who your team member is, even if you and your partner have already completed your runs. Part of this challenge is guessing scramblers, and telling other people before everyones' guesses are in makes it easier for everyone else to guess.
Now, the sign-up form:
🎁 Your name
🎁 Game: Your game of choice. You may also allow your Scrambler to choose your game, from a list of games available to you.
🎁 Trading or Hacking: Your trading and hacking preference. This can be:
🎁 Playstyle: A description of how you like to play Pokemon, such as the types of teams you like to build, whether you like a more offensive or defensive playstyle, etc. You may not, however, request any specific Pokemon for your team, or make requests that only fit one fully-evolved Pokemon available to you. (e.g. don't ask for a Ghost or Dragon-type in a Gen 1 game). Please keep playstyle descriptions to a few sentences; don't write a whole essay about how you like to play.
🎁 Other Notes:Anything about you that your partner may want to know!
🎁 Game: Your game of choice. You may also allow your Scrambler to choose your game, from a list of games available to you.
🎁 Trading or Hacking: Your trading and hacking preference. This can be:
- No trading/hacking in Pokémon,
- Trading/hacking in just your starter (through the universal Pokémon randomizer, for example)
- Trading/hacking in any Pokémon in your team
🎁 Playstyle: A description of how you like to play Pokemon, such as the types of teams you like to build, whether you like a more offensive or defensive playstyle, etc. You may not, however, request any specific Pokemon for your team, or make requests that only fit one fully-evolved Pokemon available to you. (e.g. don't ask for a Ghost or Dragon-type in a Gen 1 game). Please keep playstyle descriptions to a few sentences; don't write a whole essay about how you like to play.
🎁 Other Notes:Anything about you that your partner may want to know!
DragonEye - Violet [0/8 Badges] ()Celèste1 - Platinum [4/8 Badges] ()
Cyddeon - Emerald Seaglass ()Scrambler: ??? (53 Points)
Guess: Reginald Cosmic
MachoPony - Platinum ()
Scrambler: ??? (44 Points)
Guess: Janp
Devalue - FireRed ()
Scrambler: ??? (45.5 Points)
Guess: Celèste1
Kyatra - Emerald ()
Scrambler: ??? (48 Points)
Guess: Explorer of Time
Eleanor - Platinum ()
Scrambler: ??? (45 Points)
Guess: Celèste1
Arcaneum - Black 2 ()
Scrambler: ??? (45 Points)
Guess: Eleanor
Reginald Cosmic - Emerald ()
Scrambler: ??? (46 Points)
Guess: Arcaneum
Janp - Sapphire ()
Scrambler: ??? (43 Points)
Guess: DragonEye
saniachan - Y ()
Scrambler: ??? (51 Points)
Guess: Cyddeon
Explorer of Time - Black 1 ()
Scrambler: ??? (47 Points)
Guess: Would've guessed Eleanor if I wasn't the Event Organizer
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