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Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

A Question to CheesePeow; can we change our banners before the deadline?
Im definitly redoing mine if we can ;~;
to this:
[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
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ok since we can add a render i started a new one. please forget about the other crappy one.

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
I added a rule yesterday saying once you put your banner in, it's final.
If you want to discuss it, please do it in the discussion thread. But i'll give exceptions for now.
No changing again ;d.
thanks for leting me change. ill try not to do it again.
Im trying to post mine but it say i cant cuz i need 15 post
There are some pretty good graphics here. *___* Good job, everyone.
I was just bored and decided to make something simple. Probably won't win with this, but oh well. :x

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
Here's mine:
[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
So, I'm totally NOT going to win, but this is my 2nd banner ever soooo.... I did it for the practice!!!

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

I guess I'll enter, though I don't think this'll win it for me.
[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
more cool graphis ;p.
Everyone thinks there not going to win.
;o, no one will win! xD.

I'll update the first page when I have time.
Heres my entry

Edit: Sorry I Forgot The SOTW part

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]
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Since it got taken out of my sig I might as well post it here.

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

D: monotone.
well.. um.. here's somethin' I just made.. I don't like, so I don't see why anyone else should XD
[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

Question: Are contestants allowed to vote?
[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

just a http please and thats my image.i dont have 15 posts yet:P
its in my sig aswell
Wow, i havent made a banner in years (it seems like it xD)

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

Heres my entry, try to give it a ocean feel, but still keep it simple, hope you like it, and just because everybody is putting themselves down. IM GOING TO WIN AND KICK ALL YOUR SORRY BUTTS!!!!
Well cheese said any skill level canparticipate.... So I'm in! >D

[PokeCommunity.com] Signature of the Week [SOTW #1]

Well a ton of you say how you all will lose okay then....
Checkmate ;D lol (also, there are Pokemon in this competition, why not a moose.) ;D
Everything has been updated.
Also, this thread will just be an entry thread. All entries can be found Here.

Sorry for the double post.
But it's time for [SOTW #2]

Considering we cant have a winner straight away, i'm unfortunately going to choose again ;P.
But this time it might be a bit easier?

This weeks SOTW theme is:



New entries start from here on.
I used this point as a sought of breaker "P.

Good luck everyone!
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