Spelling and Grammar: 8/10
Characterization, Plot, and Description: 7/10
Relevance to Prompt 7/10
Total: 22
A Fearrow detective is perhaps one of the most interesting takes on this prompt. It's a nice insight into how Kalas does his investigations and his interactions with his Spearrow student is cute. I liked the beginning and endings of this where there was some action between Kalas and the Pignite and then the statekout wrapping things up.
While I like the premise, I feel the execution didn't tie in with the mystery aspect well enough. Kalas seems to watch and observed more than questioning and interviewing there, and the two scenes after the Kalas and Pignite fight have Kalas in some shenanigans than actively finding out clues and such. In your summary, you have the female Honchkrow be interested in Kalas's investigations, but in the narrative, there are only mentions of what she was singing instead of interacting with him there. Overall this feels more kinda slice of life instead of a hardboiled mystery.
As for grammar and such, I noticed some instances of awkward and run-on sentences that could be polished. One example I'll pull out:
Interested in the new development, the bravest among the Murkrows took wing and neared the building, looking for places where they could land and idle about looking innocent until they could chase after the Spearow who was at a corner still dragging the crystal discs.
I feel this sentence has a lot going on and probably could benefit with a slight rewrite.
Spelling and Grammar: 7
Characterisation, Plot and Description: 8
Relevance to Prompt: 8
Total: 23/30
The characters shone the most here, and like with CId's story it did feel like part of a larger universe or world, and if anything part of a larger story. That in itself is commendable. I quite enjoyed reading about them, including how the Murkrow interacted in the opening scene, and the presistent Spearow working for its Fearow teacher.
That said, the story felt... unfinished to me. I was getting drawn into the mystery with what the Fearow was investigating, but then the tale ended with no obvious conclusion. That is my main critiscm with the tale. Description was fairly solid throughout.
There were some run-on sentences showing up here and there, and that'd be the main thing to fix beyond the odd typo. Also note that canonically it is one Pokemon, two Pokemon; so Murkrow, not Murkrows.
Spelling and Grammar: 7
Characterisation, Plot and Description: 8
Relevance to Prompt: 6
Total: 21/30
First off, I want to say that I actually really liked the story and this concept of a Pokemon society living in mirror or tandem to the humans around them is a really cool idea.
Your spelling and grammar throughout the story was by-and-large fine. I didn't notice any spelling mistakes, and grammar errors were largely confined to the odd missed comma. There was also a few places where you seemed to have used the wrong word, but it wasn't a common problem.
I think that you did a really nice job of characterising Kalas and the young Spearow, and I like that you did this mainly through their actions and interactions than with exposition. Some of the other minor characters like the Kadabra policemon and the Zangoose "informant" also had pretty distinct personalities. You hinted a bit at the lady Honchkrow but I would have liked to see a bit more of her. The descriptive language you used was good for the most part, painting a really clear picture of the setting and society within it, although it sometimes became a little unclear during the earlier action sequence. The plot of your story was engaging, but it lacked direction. While it was cool to explore Kalas' world, the story itself never really went anywhere and I didn't get much of a sense of a strong complication or resolution to the story after all the effort you went to in building the world and its characters. I'd be interested in seeing more of Kalas's story in relation to the ring.
I think the biggest weakness of your entry, as far as the competition goes, is that whilst it clearly takes inspiration from the prompt and mysteries are involved to an extent, the mysteries in the story primarily take a back seat to a more slice-of-life story based around Kalas' day-to-day. Naturally, "mystery" being the prompt doesn't require you to right the mystery genre, but I would have liked for the mysteries to be more prominent in your narrative.