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The Dúlra Region [UR]

Name: Sorley
Trainer Class: Eccentric
Pokémon: Golurk & Sableye
First Pokémon (Partner): Golurk - has been their guardian since they were born.
Additional Information: Sorley's a weirdo, man. They're like, bold and constantly talking and have next to no filter. They're super chummy and see everyone as a friend, even if the other person has never met Sorley. Champion Durahan? Nah, it's Duzza to Sorley. General Tiomáint? Teddy, for sure. One person they have actually encountered is Viesna (Vez), who gets randomly dropped in on once in a while, caught up in a bit of a whirlwind, and left completely overwhelmed when Sorley gets bored and has Golurk blast them out of town with its rocket feet.

Sorley is also agender, preferring they/them pronouns. And they like neat hats.
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Name: Bidiya
Trainer Class: (Gym Leader)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

First Pokémon (Partner): Bidoof
Additional Information: Bidiya was never really the brightest crayon in the box, but he is very persistent. He's always wanted to be a gym leader, and often is seen following gym leaders around, calling them mentor and pleading for them to train him. He loiters around gyms as a hobby.

For the most part, his pokemon resemble him. All of his pokemon (with the exception of Nuzleaf) are extremely derpy and somewhat unintelligent. Nuzleaf (nicknamed Naruto) on the other hand, is considered a genius pokemon. She is an expert in battle strategies and is often carries the team in battles. Even though Naruto's trainer is a derp, she and the rest of Bidiya' team are loyal and care for him just as much as Bidaya cares for them.
All of you lovely people have been accepted.~ Welcome to Dúlra!

- - -


Due to the correct questions being asked, the option "Send Theo after Durahan." Has been chosen for Chronicles. The plot may now progress.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Theo sat upon the back of his mega Garchomp as it charged across the ground and incredible speeds, it was running but Garchomp's designation as a master of the land meant that it was able to move in such a way so that it was almost floating, especially in its Mega Form where it was even more powerful than before.

He worried after the Champion, he had felt an insurmountable surge of aura mere moments before he had set off into the night, he had almost passed it off as his imagination, but his fellow aura guardians had felt it as well... Durahan was nowhere to be found in the temple either, fairly unusual for such a late hour. In a fit of worry, Theo had entered into his superiors office without permission and looked over the letter which he had been told about earlier during he and Durahans meeting. As he feared, it was a direct challenge... and Durahan had gone alone. Flying in the air directly above him was Durahans Beedrill, whom had left about the same time as Theo and Garchomp. Durahan's beedrill was Aura enchanced and had almost certainly sensed the massive surge in auric energy.

The desert was in sight now, the entrance was there as he remembered... or at least parts of it were. A huge crater now stood where none had before. A huge hole that seemed to descend into an untold darkness. Was such a massive open space really underneath the desert ground? Theo had no idea and he didn't care. Could it be that Durahan was down there?! Had the Champion wandered into a trap?! Damn it, he didn't know. What if he was hurt!?

Theo hopped from Garchomp and wandered to the edge of the drop, he called out into the darkness. He cried Durahan's name, but there was no response. How did he even know that Durahan was in there? He could just as easily been gone elsewhere... or worse... dead. However, Beedrill took charge, he circled over the darkness... hesitant to go in but he buzzed above it incessantly, as if begging it be investigated further.

Could this pokémon sense its partners presence? Theo still could not be certain. In anger he kicked worthlessly at the sand. He kept trying to think of other possibilities... but in the end he too knew that Durahan was down there. Something in his heart screamed that to him. But what could Theo do? Was he going to lose yet another friend? His BEST friend?!

"Kicking at sand won't solve any problems, Tíomaint."

Theo turned around to see that another person stood behind him. He recognized this woman, he had known her for many years and even know her beauty was as radiant as the authority that rang in her voice.

Her long red hair flowed casually behind her and her dark armor, she had a golden blade clutched in her hand... swords were customarily carried by the Elite four and other high ranking members of Dúlran society. Theo preferred his bare hands, honestly, but he knew that this woman was no exception to the rule. Known as the strongest female swordswoman in Dúlra and featuring in the dreams of many men and women for her elegance, strength and beauty. This lade was no joke and Theo knew it. As she spent so much time around the home of her favourite type, the general couldn't say he was surprised to see her here.

"Lady Talia Cruinne... ground type elite four of Dúlra. I should have known that if the desert was concerned you'd show your face." Theo said with slight dejection at her condescending tone.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Her face bore an ever serious expression that the twenty-five year old was known for in her position as elite four. She didn't take any nonsense from anyone, not even her superiors... Theo apparently included. She spoke with an extremely dignified and forward tone, a voice that was always ready to question, to pursue and to doubt until the truth was revealed and her way was gotten. With a brow furrowed just enough to show severe understanding, but not so far that t displayed arrogance, the young woman responded.

"Someone has to take responsibility for what happened here. The Champion almost took out an entire ecosystem with he and that newcomers shenanigans."

Theo's eyes widened and he almost shouted a reply.

"You saw the Champion?! Is he alright?! What happened?!"

Talia winced gently and held up a gauntlet covered hand in order to shush Tíomaint. Her eyes narrowed again and she began to retell to Theo the events of Durahan and Shinnen's fight, which she had viewed from a safe distance behind a sand dune . Everything was told from the conversation they had to the strike that sent out the ripple of aura and collapsed the ground. Theo took a few moments to process the information before holding his forehead in frustration and shouting back at Talia, asking her why she didn't intervene and why she didn't help the Champion in his time of need. Talia simply shrugged and frowned in annoyance at the man whom, Theo could tell, she found loud and obnoxious.

"That man, Shinnen, he had auric power enough to rival that of the Champion... my pokémon were too far away to assist me... I would have been nothing but a hindrance to Durahan."

Theo took a deep breath and turned to the hole. So Durahan and this Shinnen guy were both down there? Damn it all... what if Durahan was hurt or injured or... or something worse. He wouldn't leave his friend down there with some terrorist claiming to be from an ancient, dead region!

"How are we getting down there?! Tíomain asked the question plainly and Talia could do nothing but raise an eyebrow in slight surprise.

"How are we-... you want to go down there? There are places under this desert that have been left undisturbed for a reason."

Theo nodded gently and showed a resolve in his eyes. He wasn't about to lose Durahan so soon after he had lost someone else.

"I'm going at least. I won't expect you to come if you don't want to."

Talia just smiled and stood beside Theo, glancing into the darkness below. There was something unnerving about it, something that just oozed a sort of negativity... as if it was somewhere that they as humans, were never meant to go.

"The Pidgeot's are already on their way."


Meanwhile... deep within the newly created chasm two men found themselves surrounded by an all but impenetrable darkness. Driving a massive sword into the ground, one of them found the strength to pull themselves upright, to regain a conscious state and to try to make sense of their situation. That man was Shinnen.

Shinnen grabbed his head and groaned loudly, feeling an unbelievable striking pain. Despite the fact that there was supposedly a hole to the surface above them. The area around Shinnen, to the sides and up above, was nothing but a blackness so dense that he could barely make sense of it. He was unable to see even two feet ahead of himself... but at least he could see. His spirit was all but drained... but he could stand, see and breathe. That had always and would always be enough, for him. He tried to flare his aura to make a light source... but his battle with Durahan had left him well and truly depleted. Speaking of Durahan... wasn't he in their somewhere as well? Shinnen wasn't exactly a genius, but he was more than smart enough to make the presumption that that Champion was in no way dead. For all he knew, Durahan was already out.

Speaking of out... how was he going to find his way to it? The ground around his feet was cracked, beige sandstone, with grains of the non compressed namesake forming many piles and layers in Shinnens immediate vicinity. There was no sound at all but his own pulse and breath and yet... wait, there was something else, a light humming in and out... was that breathing?

Suddenly a bright pink light flashes from out in the distance, it illuminated the chasm that Shinnen now inhabited and spread out visibility which was more than a little necessary at that point. The light seemed to be coming from what looked to be some sort of Entrance on the far side of the cave, an ancient dorrway, it was covered with the letters of the unknown. Some sort of ancient temple, could it lead to an exit? Was this light a guiding beacon to safety? Shinnen didn't know, but at that point he didn't really have any choice. His pokémon were more than a little out of reach and strong as he and his aura were, he unfortunately could not fly.

Begrudgingly, he took a step towards the light when he stopped, that breathing sound... he could hear it again. Turning around his eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. A small distance away from where he had been standing... was Durahan. It looked like he was injured from the fall... and a large piece of rubble was crushing his leg, holding him in position. He was bleeding, injured... if left alone he would probably die.

Excellent then, that saved Shinnen the trouble right? Good riddance to bad rubbish, with Durahan out of the picture, Shinnen could continue with his plans to-

"I wouldn't have suspected a noble of the Kasai region to harm innocents."

The words that Durahan had greeted him with rung clear in his head. An honourable duel was one thing, defeating an enemy in single combat was a fair practice... but leaving someone to die? Alone... cold... at the bottom of some cave in the desert... what did that say about him? About his character?

Defeating Durahan was a key part of taking Dúlra down... but as the Champion of Kasai... was this really the right think to do? Was killing a man for his ideals and people... really worth it if it went against so many of his own beliefs?

Shinnen paused before the pink light and looked back to Durahan once more.

He knew what he had to do.

Decision time, get ready to vote:

What should Shinnen do?

- Rescue Durahan and try to bring him to safety.
- Leave Durahan to die and focus on escaping by himself.

You can ask the following NPC's questions at this point in time:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Durahan, Champion of Dúlra


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Shinnen, Champion of Kasai


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Tíomaint, Head General of Dúlra


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Talia, Dúlra's Ground Type Elite Four


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Allia, Secretary to the Champion

Rescue Durahan and try to bring him to safety.

I can't let the champion die! He needs to be my mentor! D:
Name: Luther
Trainer Class: Ace Trainer
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

First Pokémon (Partner): Froakie
Additional Information: I'll add this later
Rescue Durahan and try to bring him to safety.

This is a chance for Shinnen to bring a bit of honor to the situation.
Pretty sure "justice" in that form is not the best way to deal with this, so I say that Shinnen should rescue Durahan and try to bring him to safety.
In this case, no fun leaving someone to die. Rescue it is.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Durahan stood looking out of his window. The clone pokémon force that had been sent to Dúlra had been unorganized and not a problem for the Dúlran military... however Durahan knew better. That wasn't an attack, it was a taunt. The strange presence from before... that which had corrupted Entei and put his home in danger. It had gained the power to create abominations, creatures born from nothing. Their aura was pitifully weak, barely even there even though it was slowly growing.

Clenched in his fist was a letter from a region he had had very little interaction with, Yoko. The strange presence had a name, as the letter informed him, Mewtwo. The legends had always spoken of a mythical pokémon known as Mew, but never a second. Durahan could only assume that like the flawed copies that had been sent to his doorstep, that this Mewtwo creature was a clone as well. Durahan harbored no animosity towards them for their birth right, but this Mewtwo had overstepped a boundary. It had attacked his home not once, but twice. It created creatures as if it were a God and it waged war as if it deserved to rule... as if it deserved some sick retribution for its own creation.

It did not.

Mewtwo threatened not only the balance of Dúlra, but the balance of the World. With the clone pokémon force that attacked Dúlra now retreating, the letter was a cry for help. Durahan knew where Mewtwo was, he knew that Mewtwo was harming innocents... he knew that Mewtwo was an enemy.

There was no question as to what he had to do.

Entering into a secret chamber, deep within the grand temple at Gaol, Durahan would seek aid from some of his most Legendary allies... and Dúlra would finally strike back against the creature known as Mewtwo.

But first he needed to trusted allies to stand at his side. Two people whom he knew he could rely on... perhaps it was best that his council decide.

After that? He needed soldiers on the front lines. Warriors to fight and protect the honour of Dúlra and Yoko both. The call would go out and those brave enough would sign up.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Durahan needs two trusted allies of incredible strength of will to accompany him as the leading assault on Mewtwo's forces. However, he cannot decide alone on whom is best suited to the job... creating a list of candidates he needs your help to decide whom will fight alongside him. The list is comprised of most current characters in Chronicles as well as one whom is not yet entered into the story. Vote for your two favourites and the victors will feature heavily in the main assault!


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Shinnen, Champion of Kasai


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Tíomaint, Head General of Dúlra


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Talia, Dúlra's Ground Type Elite Four


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Jonetsu, Dúlra's Flying Type Elite Four

The members are chosen! Shinnen and Jonetsu will be on the Strike Team!

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VOTE; Shinnen & Talia.
i want to see them in action. B) more action!

Jay knows how to pump up my motivation for this.
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"Sorley definitely wants to rescue Duzza! And Teddy and Tally should go fight, because they'll win! Yeah! Sorley will help, too! Yōko must be saved from the scary Pokémon! Sorley's Golurk is good at taking out many enemies at once! Let's go!"
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Leaving a man to die alone and cold, at the bottom of a pit never to be found... to hell with what his mission was, Shinnen wasn't the kind of guy who was gonna do something like that willingly. Thrusting his sword into the ground, Shinnen used both hands and grabbed the large piece of rubble crushing Durahan's legs. He growled lowly as he put all of his strength into lifting the object and pushing it forward, but it wouldn't budge no matter what he did. His strength alone wasn't enough to move it. Damn... what the hell was this thing made out of?!

Shinnen took a step back and panted lightly, he was tired... broken... and had little to no strength left in him. Yet...

He looked back at the pained and injured man who lay on the ground before him. How would he ever be able to return home with pride... knowing that this was how it all turned out? There was no honour in this. Shinnen grunted and took a step forward once more. He cried out in anguish as he pried the rock with everything he had, his muscles bulged and the veins along his arms and forehead pulsed. Sweat dripped down his brow and his teeth grit to the point where you could almost hear the grinding.

"Come... on.... DAMN IT! MOVE!"

Despite the horrible strain, he kept going, he pushed himself further and further until red sparks began to fly. The last reserves of his aura that he had used fighting Durahan began to surface as the stone finally began to lift, slowly, from the ground.


Shakily, the massive, crumbling boulder began to heave as Shinnen mustered all of the strength he could to lift it. His aura began to flare gently, illuminating his arms and casting a gentle red glow that merged with the pink light still shining brightly behind him.


With one more massive blast of energy Shinnen flipped the massive rock over, it crumbled and fell down into a heaping pile to the right of Durahan, but off of his bloodied leg... freeing the Dúlran champion from his prison and untold demise. Shinnen fell to one knee and clutched his chest. His heart was going a mile a minute... beating so fast it almost felt like he was having an attack, his forehead was dripping with sweat and he lowered his headband down to his neck to give himself more cold air against his skin. his long fringe fell down and he brushed it out of his eyes. It wasn't over yet, he still had to get to that light after all... he still had to get them both out of there, otherwise what was the point?

"C'mon asshole... no time like the present. Don't get me wrong, I'm killing you later."

Forcing himself to stand again, Shinnen put his arms underneath Durahan and hoisted the man, sword, armor and all, onto his shoulder. He was heavier than he looked for a skinny guy... but manageable for certain, definitely easier to lift than that damned rock anyway. Holding Durahan in place with one hand and wrenching his sword from the ground with the other, Shinnen started taking slow but meaningful steps towards that ancient doorway and the pink light glowing within. He winced occasionally every few steps and his teeth were still firmly clamped together in a snarl.

He was more hurt than he let on... but that didn't matter. He could walk, Durahan couldn't, so he'd be the one doing the moving. It only made sense, only showed that he was stronger... he could stand, see and breathe... that was enough.

As he reached the ancient doorway the light only got brighter. Walking inside it was clear that they were in some sort of temple. Dúlrans were always so meticulous about their worship... so why was something like this buried beneath the sand? They were standing in a wide and open room and it didn't look like there were any other exits. Damn it... so was this supposed exit not an exit at all?! Suddenly there was a crashing sound heard behind them and Shinnen turned to see a large slab of rock had fallen and was now blocking any and all ways out. That was... not good.

Shinnen turned towards the source of the light, out of options he focused on it to try and make out exactly what it was. It was floating above a small column in the in the center of the large and ancient room. The entire building seemed to be carved from sandstone... the walls were lined with carvings of unknown spelling out words like "light" and "mind". The light source, upon further investigation, was what looked to be a tablet... it was pink as was its glow, and it was covered in etchings of the unknown spelling out similar words to those written on the temple walls. What seriously surprised Shinnen however, was the massive fluctuation of aura that seemed to bleed off of the thing... it had more auric energy stored in it than anything he had ever seen or sensed before in his life. He sensed that it was... beckoning him? Calling him forward? The Hell?

Taking another few steps closer the intense auric energy grew even more apparent, the pink light plastered itself across his skin and the rest of the room... it almost seemed to grow "eager" as he drew nearer. The light it emitted felt warm and friendly, as if it was offering to help him... but Shinnen couldn't shake an eerie feeling about the object either. It seemed to be expecting something more of him... did it want him to reach out? To make contact...?

Hmm, yeah, he could do that.

Decision time, get ready to vote:

What should Shinnen do?

- Reach out and touch the tablet with his hand.
- Slice violently at this hunk of rock with his sword.

You can ask the following NPC's questions at this point in time:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Durahan, Champion of Dúlra


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Shinnen, Champion of Kasai


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Tíomaint, Head General of Dúlra


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Talia, Dúlra's Ground Type Elite Four


[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Allia, Secretary to the Champion

I chose Tiomaint and Jonetsu

Also, sign me up! Bidiya needs some war experience if he's ever going to become a great gym leader!!

since "ignore the stone" isn't an option.. Slice violently at this hunk of rock with his sword

"Shinnen should totally see what's up with that weird tablet! Pink isn't usually a bad color, so it's probably okay! And it's a temple to something good, right? Check it out!"
"I choose 'Slice violently at this hunk of rock with his sword.'

I find myself mistrusting this suspicious object, they usually do not give anything good. But then again... what if something happens if he slices that object? Violently at that... It's risky either way."

Oof. Since I probably don't have time to ask any questions anymore... Touch the rock, touch the rock!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]
"I could never condone destruction of ancient temples such as this, and you don't have the energy to spare either. Try to reach out and touch the tablet with your hand, for now. It absorbed your aura earlier, so perhaps it recognized you as an aura wielder, so you could open it..."

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

[PokeCommunity.com] The Dúlra Region [UR]

Shrugging gently before proceeding with slight hesitation, Shinnen touched the tablet and felt his entire body freeze solid... it was like he was rendered as a statue, stoney in his feeling and rigid in his joints. The World seemed to take on a grey complexion... There was no light, no colour but that sickly pink that shone from the tablet, it felt like an eternity but he managed to pull his hand away slowly before freezing completely. On his shoulder, Durahan's breathing had stopped dead... his own breathing had stopped dead. Yet he felt no need to breathe... as if his entire perception of reality existed only in a dream.

The tablet began to spin and crack, the light from within was rushing uncontrollably out of the breaking stone, until it exploded outwards from the pressure and traveled through the ground above, below... and in all directions besides. Shinnen was blinded as he felt himself lose the last of his physical form, of his feeling... there was no longer the weight of Durahan on his shoulders... there was no longer Durahan. The man he had been holding had disintegrated into the nothingness of the light, Shinnen tried to move, to flare his aura and fight back... but he couldn't, all he could do was watch as he too faded into nothing.

Above the ground Talie and Theo had frozen as well... as had a large surrounding area of where they were. Only there eyes slowly became able to move, moving to slowly meet each others before they too were rendered incapable of movement. Below them the ground began to split, small shafts of light seeped out before overwhelming them completely... as they too faded into nothing.

And then the light, the chasm... and even the glass formed from Shinnen's burnt sand... it all vanished. The World had returned to how it had always been, peacefully calm.



The four minds awoke once more to the sensation of sight, before them there was an unfamiliar place... an ancient tower that looked to have stood in a time long since gone past. It burned, flames fell down from it and scorched the ground as it slowly began to fall apart. Screams echoed from within, people and pokémon dying, these were no ordinary flames, they seemed to flicker like static between the various colours of the rainbow... and though they had no bodies they could still feel its heat.

A single voice spoke... it had an incredible authority... yet it was still so soft. Like a doting father or a caring mentor, it was a voice that one was inspired to listen to, to follow.

...to obey?

This... is the past.

They had no mouth to answer.

However it is also... a future, not perhaps, the future. But truly, perhaps, the most likely of candidates.

The image shifted to show the massive tower in a more glorified state. It was before a structure of solid black rock, lodged in the ground... but in its perfected and undamaged form it was so very different. It hovered above the clouds and it was formed of what could only be described as a translucent, golden and heavenly light.

This is my home. It is also my greatest weapon.

The image of sight changed for them once more, the tower was crashing towards the ground, towards a tear shaped island. The golden form quickly became blackened and turned to the solid rock it had been seen as. Various floating tablets circles the structure and it began to burn with flames of the spectrum. As it hit the ground it made a massive impact, it destroyed many towns around the area and killed many people and pokémon in a single blow. As it became lodged in the ground, the flames began to spread from its walls... they traveled along the ground, over the sea, they wiped out all they touched until there was nothing. Nothing but a blank slate, an empty canvas.

This is my balance. This World must always be balanced... but humans and pokémon, they never understand... they disrupt my balance. My peace.

They are flawed... like my first failure. Like the Renegade... he protects them, but he cannot stop me forever.

The vision changed once again to show the charred remains of all life, to watch it all fade away into nothing... only for a single seed to be planted. For a single plant to grow, a single life to be born.

I have restarted... time and time again. Over and over. I have no age... I will do this again and again. You will die, everything you care for will join you.

The sight they had faded into nothingness only for their own world to re-appear... the happy faces of the common folks flashed back into view. The smiles of so many innocents and the carefree cheer of the people and pokémon of the World. It was all there before them again, as if it had never been destroyed in the visions prior.

But that is only A future. There are many more.

The voice fell silent for many moments.

I have tried so many times. I am tired of restarting, again and again. There are only so many times I can play through this game.

The voice took another moment, to re-assure itself.

My plates... one has been destroyed for you in it being found. The others will not be so easy. Travel the World, break my connection... break them all.

One for each type, one for every classification of pokémon. Once they are destroyed... you will have a chance.

The voice sighed gently. As if a great sadness was taking over it, as if its very existence was causing it great sorrow. It spoke again with a more somber tone than before.

Failure... will lead to a bad ending. Do you all understand? There will be no coming back, no more decisions or games.

Do you understand? This is more than the game you thought it was. This is more than us all.

This... is more than the one who forms these words.

The voice goes silent once more, leaving a longer and more meaningful gap before speaking again.

Only one here shall remember this meeting. One of the four that have been guided to this place. They will be the greatest hope for the World.

Human chosen with the greatest of wills... step forward and claim the weight of the World.

The voice chuckles gently and if sound could convey a warm smile then surely it now would.

Then it is you... but can you really call this your choice? I wonder...

From hence forth... the World rests with you.

Decision time, get ready to vote:

Who has stepped forward?

- Durahan.

- Talia.

- Tíomaint.

- Shinnen.

You can ask the following NPC's questions at this point in time:
