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The Pokemon Race Version 6.2

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But a whole 181 in phys. atk.? That is rare. This pokemon has gone even further beyond. It's defense stat is also impressive but not so much with 59 health. However, being grass/steel is a great combo.

It should be a secret super boss in Paper Mario. It has all the moves you need too. Fury cutter, aerial ace, night slash, leaf blade, sacred sword, and swords dance. Imagine if Kartana had sharpness as an ability. Nothing would stop him. No wonder he is called UB04-SLASH.

I wonder if Slash from Guns N Roses knows of this ultra beast's existence and what he thinks of it. Also Kartana rocks the whole white, orange, and yellow combo. Amazing usage of colors in his design.

Due to how the beast balls work, catching Kartana with a beast ball is as good as using a master ball. You will never fail to catch it. This is only in Sun, not ultra sun.

The embodiment of gluttony. The devourer of worlds. Black Hole Stomach. The junkivore. Colossus of stomachs. No-manners-at-the-dinner-table. El gigante. Virus Beast 1.02. The Dregs spitter. Burp blaster. Krabby Double Deluxe. Lovecraft's monster. Double Guts Man. King of Snorlaxes. Majin Buu the Ultra Beast. Abyss drinker. Swole/Whole Eater. Consumerstein. Pac-Man's monster. Endless Hunger. Sky Eater. The Building Belcher. The Mountain Muncher. He is Guzzlord Chompington the Hutt.
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