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The Pokemon Race Version 6.3

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Or Barraskewda.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Pokemon Race Version 6.3


The coverage is crazy. Has Ice fang, brick break (how?), poison jab, drill run, and throat chop. Even has psychic fangs.

Why and how can Barraskewda learn close combat? Does it have hands and feet that we do not know of? Great move option but that is questionable.

That is true, but when I see smol creatura that is electric type i think pikaclone. Interestingly this is considered a baby pokemon, and I dislike baby pokemon.

Toxel has rattled as an ability, and once again it isnt practical because toxel isn't weak to any of the types that activate rattled.

Toxel's lower half is a different color from its upper body and legs. Is it wearing a diaper? Why is that part of its body a different color then? That so weird.
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