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The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

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Started the challenge earlier, I might do updates every day or so
Hatched eggs for scyther (now scizor), lickitung, wynaut (now wobbuffet) and hippopotas
Beat cheren
The team will be in my signature
Name:Melody Mu
Game: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
NFEs: (Yes/No)Be evolved pls :3
Restrictions: Any pokemon from first 3 generations are okay.
Would love to have at least one ice type or part ice type pokemon.
No legendary's.
Name:Melody Mu
Game: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
NFEs: (Yes/No)Be evolved pls :3
Restrictions: Any pokemon from first 3 generations are okay.
Would love to have at least one ice type or part ice type pokemon.
No legendary's.

Here's the team:

Yeah my friend deleted my save file so Ill have to cancel my challenge. I might try again in the future
Here's the team:

Yeah my friend deleted my save file so Ill have to cancel my challenge. I might try again in the future

Confirming my team of Glalie, Girafarig, Salamence, Bellossom, Whiscash, and Breloom! Do I post updates? Thanks for the team Victreebel! Im gonna enjoy this since i have never used any of these pokemon except for whiscash.
Random Pokemon Challenge: Platinum Version

I made the long trek from Hearthome City to Veilstone City, in surprisingly quick time. I challenged Maylene right away, and given that my team is, for the first time ever in Sinnoh, not underleveled, it wasn't an overly challenging fight.

The rest of my team will be coming very soon. In fact, I can get them all before my next Gym I believe. Which means my next update will be a while, since I'll probably have to do some grinding. Oh, and Jingle won't friggin evolve the piece of ****.

I totally forgot to post updates :D

Progress so far:

And Team so far:

EDIT: So, I just complete this challenge.... It was fun, maybe, I will start another one :)


And Final Team:
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

So I finally got round to starting! I chose Piplup as my starter after rescuing Barry from some tiny birds and headed on over to meet the professor who gave me it to keep, before learning how to catch Pokémon with Dawn. I then instantly went to catch a cute little Bidoof and doom myself to having to use it the whole time; yay. I trained him for an insanely long time until he seemed strong enough to tackle some real foes, so I took him out to face some of the first trainers (he was around 4 levels above them) and he died easily. I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy this challenge! I don't have a clue where to catch half the other Pokémon on my team but I'm pretty sure Rotom is post-league and Meditite is in Snowpoint's areas, so I may have a look at transferring some eggs in. I went through the story and made it to Roark in the mine (after retreating from hundreds of Onix and Machop) but my derpy little beaver's no match for his Cranidos at the moment, so back to training I go. At least he'll evolve next level and learn Water Gun - I might stand slightly more of a chance then.

Current Team
  • [PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
    Sooty - Level 14
The person above me cancelled and he gave a team to the next person up so i don't need to :3

Name: Pave Low
Game: Platinum
Number of Pokemon: 5
NFEs: (Yes/No) No
Restrictions: No legendaries
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Pave Low, your random Pokémon areeeeeeeeeee:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

Good luck!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

I managed to evolve Bidoof against some wild Pokémon and he learned Water Gun which let me take down Roark after two tries. I carried on through the story and headed up to Eterna but he just keeps dying, this is ridiculous haha. I'll attempt to trade in an egg tonight so I'll add a Gligar to my team since I can't get him legally anyway - may as well trade him in now haha. If I choose to continue the challenge of course - it's not the most fun so far with this stupid beaver paha.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

Current Team
  • [PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
    Sooty - Level 19
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Name: monsterdude279
Game: Ruby
Number of Pokemon: 6
NFEs: (Yes/No) No
Restrictions: No legendaries

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

Seeing as no one replied to my last one after being given a team with NFE's I will ask for another.

Game: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Restrictions: do not include any of the following: Gorebyss, Camerupt, Chimecho, Weezing, Machamp, Magneton, Charizard, Lapras, Golem, Golduck
Is this one ok?

[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

Name: Janp
Game: Diamond Platinum
Number of Pokemon: 6
NFEs: Never again :)
Restrictions: 2 Fire-type and 1 Poison-type on team, please :) (So, you can roll 3 random, then 2 fire and then 1 poison)
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Janp, your team is:







Ok, confirming... Thanks :) I think I will start tomorrow :)

EDIT: Ok, so because I can't get Porygon, Eevee, Magmar and Electabuzz in Diamond before E4 (and Magmar and Electabuzz even after that) I decided to change game to Platinum...
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Name: Koopafan29
Game: Blaze Black
Number of Pokémon: 6
Restrictions: No NFEs
Dex: Generation 5 national
Can i use blaze black to make some pokemon obtainable?
[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)[PokeCommunity.com] The Random Pokemon Challenge (Revived)

Hope this one is good for you...


koopafan, your team:







Edit: I would actually like one new pokemon from someone because of Sneasel. (I do not feel like waiting for a 1% chance)
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