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What are some of your Pokemon pet peeves?

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 2,640
    What are some of the minor annoyances you find yourself experiencing (or things you find annoying when others do) when playing Pokemon? I'll start with a few of mine.

    Encountering wild Pokemon on the last tile of grass - Just when you think you're home free, you find out you actually aren't.
    Enemy Pokemon barely surviving hits - Especially when they belong to gym leaders or other NPCs that love to liberally spam healing items if their Pokemon are low on HP, double annoying when your Pokemon can't easily get back into a position to attack again.
    Confusion - Nuff said
    Going out of your way for an item only for it to be worthless - You put yourself in harms way, possibly encountering multiple wild Pokemon on the way to an item, only for it to be like a full heal.
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    • Fighting multiple Pokemon with Sturdy. Tends to be the same Pokemon to boot.
    • Getting stopped by encounters every three steps.
    • Fissure (and other one-hit knockout moves). Played a randomizer with a Mewtwo in Generation 1. Randomized its stat distribution. Had massive Special, but Snorlax-level Speed (and terrible moves). Fainted to a few things with Horn Drill and Fissure before Mt Moon.
    • Get in the ball. Engaged with your mechanic of weakening the Pokemon. Now get in.
    • Firing up a Tera Raid (solo) and seeing no useful teammates.
    The AI haxing pretty much. Like for example if I try to use Sing I'll almost always miss. My opponent uses Sing and will almost always land it.
    • Sturdy, Arena Trap, Shadow Tag abilities
    • Detect and Protect moves
    • Pokémon sizes are awkward. Groudon, for example, should be bigger than 3.5m - far bigger!
    • Bad shiny color choices in modern games. It was more understandable for early gen games due to them having more limitations, but not anymore. Ceruledge and Armarouge come to mind.
    • Missing a 95% accuracy move
    • Trying to avoid a trainer that keeps turning around and they turn just as I try to pass them (happens more in GSC and RSE lol)
    I'm probably forgetting soo many more. @_@;;
    Excess of worthless and redundant items. Seriously, who cares about things like Freeze Heal? There are too many items that are either redundant or rendered obsolete by others doing the same and more. Filling the overworld, and filling your bag, with pointless items that only makes it more tedious to scroll for the actually useful items. The item list is unnecessarily large and needs some cleaning up.

    Also item-related: wasting time checking an area for items, only for them to be pointless stuff I already have like dozens of and could buy in marts for dirt cheap anytime.

    90%-95% accuracy moves missing... sometimes even twice in a row.

    Late game bosses like the Elite Four holding back, having sub-optimal movesets and forgetting held items exist. Screw rematches, those who are supposed to be the strongest trainers in the region should battle at full strength right away and stop playing dumb.
    The last tile of grass thing, especially happens a ton in Platinum.
    Mons escaping after the third shake.
    The move Retaliate.
    When you hit once and it brings the opponent to yellow, then the second hit severely low rolls and leaves them barely alive.
    Needing to backtrack through a gym when you're almost done with the puzzle to go to a Pokemon Center, then come back and do the whole thing again (looking at you BW1 Drayden)
    (Nuzlocke only) Wobbufett.
    Some of the breeding compatibilities. Skitty and Wailord? Come on Game Freak...
    It annoys me when an opposing Pokemon could KO me with one more attack but doesn't - using a useless status move instead - and I then proceed to KO them with my next attack. It makes the victory feel hollow because I feel like I didn't earn it.

    More generally, I consider it bad AI programming when a Pokemon that is 1 hit away from being KOed uses a status move that is rendered completely useless under that circumstance, like Swords Dance.
    Excess of worthless and redundant items. Seriously, who cares about things like Freeze Heal? There are too many items that are either redundant or rendered obsolete by others doing the same and more. Filling the overworld, and filling your bag, with pointless items that only makes it more tedious to scroll for the actually useful items. The item list is unnecessarily large and needs some cleaning up.
    Surprised I didn't think of this but you're right - this is especially bad in Scarlet and Violet. There are way too many items on the ground and a lot of them are not really useful, or just way too plentiful. Does not help that many things respawn after you pick them up. People like me who wanted to clear out the area of all scattered items were quite stressed by items always being there in SV even after pickup. Impossible to clear out the map haha. :s
    Everything wanting to inflict status. This felt especially annoying in Generation 3.

    Hoenn Route 110. Walk into tall grass and get paralyzed from wild Electrikes and Plusle or Minun, or poisoned by Gulpin. Tedious to heal status after every single battle.