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2nd Gen What happened to Pokémon Crystal’s eShop release?


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    What happened to Pok?mon Crystal?s eShop release?

    [PokeCommunity.com] What happened to Pokémon Crystal’s eShop release?

    Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver got a Virtual Console release, but not Crystal. Why is that? Our very own Jake is also wondering as well!

    Click to read more!
    My hope is that Pok?mon Crystal's delay is just due to the extra features, to avoid cannibalizing the potential sales of Pok?mon Gold/Silver. For the Mobile System thing, I'd rather have an incomplete Japanese rerelease of Crystal (removing Mobile System if need be) than no rerelease worldwide at all (and I don't think it would be too unfair, since technically the original English release of Crystal was incomplete anyway due to lacking the Mobile System (it appears as a result of the technology being infeasible at the time in non-Japan countries), yet Crystal still released internationally in that "incomplete" form), mostly because I think that preserving/experiencing Generation 2 Johto is important for videogaming as a whole, as opposed to retaining and being exposed to nothing of Johto at all.

    The ideal scenario, in my opinion, would be Crystal's eventual worldwide release with Mobile System intact in all territories, and I would be mightily impressed if that happened. But Mobile System isn't too necessary - if one wants global wireless battling and trading, well, that's what Pok?mon Sun/Moon & Pok?mon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are for.. XD (in the meantime, at least).
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    I'm sure Crystal will be soon. I doubt they'd leave it out for those extra sales from Nostalgia. With all the stuff happening right now, like US/UM's and Pokken's announcments, they're racing around and people are digging for information from the hype. They might do the same thing for Emerald if the 3rd gen gets a release there.
    Would've loved to see Crystal get a re-release for the VC, as I've been interested in playing that one for a while (played Gold/Silver back in the day, but never got the chance for Crystal). But perhaps it'll come along eventually.

    Though it hardly matters, as I don't have the space for it on my 3DS, and I doubt I'll be buying extra 3DS storage space either.
    I hadn't thought about the mobile thing. Perhaps that Japanese feature is an issue, though I suspect they can either work around it (by introducing wifi for everyone, though that could be a reason for a delay, or by cutting it out). Plenty of titles on the virtual console have cut out functionality compared with their original releases (like the lack of wifi in Animal Crossing: Wild World, or several other similar changes), and it wouldn't surprise me if the feature were to get cut.

    I just hope they release it eventually. It's a guaranteed money-maker, so it wouldn't surprise me to see it out someday. Maybe they want to spread out the releases to increase profits, or to help advertise another game in the future.

    Aside from the mobile thing, one concern I have is that Crystal features Kris, who wasn't in HGSS. It's been long enough that I doubt GF would care, but since they replaced Kris with Lyra in HGSS, would they be reluctant to return to Kris? That being said, FRLG didn't remake Yellow, and if anything, Yellow was even less relevant today than Crystal would be (tying in with anime plot lines from years gone by), so references to older elements/features probably isn't a concern. Plus, HGSS did include a number of Crystal references/plot elements, so hopefully Crystal's features are still considered relevant enough to be worth re-releasing.
    In addition to the Mobile System issues, I also suspect that they had issues getting the 3DS to emulate Crystal well. Remember that Crystal is the only one of the Gen 1/2 games that's GBC-exclusive, so it's internally different (and more advanced) than RBY and GS. From what I recall, Stadium 2 had issues emulating Crystal (ie. making the game monochrome when you used Dodrio mode with it), so it wouldn't be unheard of.

    Either way, not having Crystal on the VC still sucks. Hate seeing my favorite main series game get shafted like this. :(
    In addition to the Mobile System issues, I also suspect that they had issues getting the 3DS to emulate Crystal well. Remember that Crystal is the only one of the Gen 1/2 games that's GBC-exclusive, so it's internally different (and more advanced) than RBY and GS.
    While I understand that the long-obsolete Mobile System may be a factor in why we aren't seeing a Crystal re-release; I don't think emulation capability of a GBC-exclusive game would be much of an issue as other "Only for Game Boy Color" marked games have seen Virtual Console re-releases, including Super Mario Bros. Deluxe and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.
    They'd better not leave out Crystal version, tons of my friends and I back at school grew up with it, and it would be so sad to not see Crystal return.
    While I understand that the long-obsolete Mobile System may be a factor in why we aren't seeing a Crystal re-release; I don't think emulation capability of a GBC-exclusive game would be much of an issue as other "Only for Game Boy Color" marked games have seen Virtual Console re-releases, including Super Mario Bros. Deluxe and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

    I'm only theorizing, just like everyone else. Some GBC games may be easier to for the 3DS to emulate than others, and browsing through the list of GBC games that were re-released on the VC, I'm still finding that most of them were "black cartridge" games (aka. GB games enhanced for the GBC) rather than true GBC games. I hope I'm wrong and that we won't have to wait until the Switch VC to get Crystal.
    Great article. Really hoping Crystal will be released, even at a later date! Until then, I'll be buying both games.
    Maybe they'll release it at a later date, to make people buy Crystal as well as Gold/Silver, perhaps to make more money (?):P
    Though it hardly matters, as I don't have the space for it on my 3DS, and I doubt I'll be buying extra 3DS storage space either.
    Er, wait. Supposedly Red/Blue/Yellow on the VC were less than 100 blocks (someone please confirm/deny) so if that's the case I would certainly have enough space on my 3DS for a Crystal download.

    so nintendo plz do a crystal re-release, i want =(
    Seeing as I've only ever played Crystal from Gen 2, it'll be good to try out Gold or Silver. But still, please just give it a VC release <3
    I've emailed someone at TPCi about this in the form of General Feedback, yesterday:

    I've seen the Pok?mon Direct today, and while I'm amazed that Pok?mon Gold and Pok?mon Silver have been announced for the 3DS Virtual Console, I'm concerned that Pok?mon Crystal hasn't been announced for the 3DS Virtual Console. Will Crystal also be released for the 3DS Virtual Console on the same day as Gold and Silver, or are you going to save Crystal for a later release?

    Not long after, I got an answer...

    While we do not publish the Pok?mon games for 3DS, we do take your concerns seriously and have forwarded them to the appropriate parties. Please note, you will not receive a reply directly.

    I do hope Crystal gets released for the 3DS Virtual Console.
    The Mobile System is technically really outdated, dial-up connections aren't used anymore so they would need to update it to support modern broadband connections if they want to include it in the re-release version.
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    From a marketing perspective it makes sense now. They wanted to release Gold & Silver first as they wouldn't have sold anywhere near as many copies if they were put up alongside Crystal. Now though, if they do choose to release Crystal at a later date say this holiday season or early next year, people would still probably buy it even if they'd previously bought Gold or Silver.
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    better option would have been to make both gold and silver $10 and cyrstal $20... if thats what they are caring about just the money.
    <p>Aaaaand apparently Mobile System GB may get patched out.</p><p><a href="https://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?PHPSESSID=pp943hc0ndna4hjaeh1obm20hgt5641s&topic=8086.msg206918#msg206918">https://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php?PHPSESSID=pp943hc0ndna4hjaeh1obm20hgt5641s&topic=8086.msg206918#msg206918</a><br></p>
    I was figuring that maybe the Mobile System would have to be disabled altogether for a Virtual Console re-release to Japan. Should that be the case, though, I think a Japanese re-release version of Crystal will end up being nearly identical in features and functionality to the versions the rest of the world got (since the Mobile System GB never was released outside of Japan).

    As for re-releasing Crystal separately at a later date: If Crystal does eventually get re-released, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens sometime next summer at the very earliest (since, although the release span between G/S and Crystal was over a year apart in Japan, North America got those released about nine months apart).
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    I've got this strange feeling we will get Crystal announced on Christmas. It's not really fair to deprive people from it when the urge will be there after playing G/S :/

    Sorry I know this post might make you guys think there's an update sorry haha.