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Film What was the last movie you watched?

[PokeCommunity.com] What was the last movie you watched?

Samurai Rebellion. I don't even have words for this film. Lady Ichi is such a great character and played expressively by Tsukasa. The relationship between father and son is beautiful in this film. It was also great to see Toshiro Mifune and Tatsuya Nakadai acting opposite eachother, these two men are some of my all time favorite legends of cinema.
[PokeCommunity.com] What was the last movie you watched?

Samurai Rebellion. I don't even have words for this film. Lady Ichi is such a great character and played expressively by Tsukasa. The relationship between father and son is beautiful in this film. It was also great to see Toshiro Mifune and Tatsuya Nakadai acting opposite eachother, these two men are some of my all time favorite legends of cinema.

Who else on this forum probably knows who Mifune is as well? Haha, your movie tastes only intrigue me as well. Never heard of this one.
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Man I don't even know, it's been awhile since I watched a movie. I think it was Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I barely remember anything about it though, so it probably wasn't that great.
Samurai Rebellion.

I think I recall seeing this movie as a child... I can't be sure, because the memory is so vague, and I wouldn't have understood it back then. It just seems so familiar...

The last movie I watched was Black Panther. With all the hype going around, I couldn't ignore it, even if superhero films tend to bore me. I'm glad to say that this movie was the exception; I had a lot of fun watching it, and that's what really counts.

The main cast were both strappingly handsome and disarmingly beautiful, too!
Red Cliff. A trifle overrated. The general cast is fine from Kaneshiro to Leung, but the love interest Lin-Chi Ling was nothing but eye candy. I did not believe her determination for a second.

The production values are lofty and ambitious with location shots, pyrotechnics, well-constructed sets and costumes, but sometimes the texture was just not there a picture that doesn't look old, or people come straight from the battlefield without any dirt on them. Overtime this can make the movie feel fake.

While the explosions and chase sequences are all technically sound, its not done in a suspenseful way. I texted through most of the movie without looking up--you know how it is going to turn out, there was not one surprise. Problems are solved way too easily. It was a war where nobody you knew got hurt. Your enemies will fall for anything in this movie.

This wasn't a bad movie exactly, I just thought it was weak after seeing what I thought was a great film not long before it--The Warlords which also starred Takeshi Kaneshiro. The Warlords had it all, everyone acted great, the battle sequences were much more dynamic and gruelling, the score was intense and there were no cliche characters. The story was dramatic and went to some unexpectedly dark places, I was riveted from start to finish. I especially liked Andy Lau.

The first film felt like real war to me, the second one felt more like fairytale war. Obviously the second one with the happy ending was the one that made all the money, but the first one was the good movie :P
A Quiet Place. I absolutely loved it. So well done. Definitely would recommend!
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Yeah I saw it. An entertaining movie. But over-hyped like Infinity War. But that's just something that is inevitably annoying about movies, the hype.
Thor: Ragnarok

It was like... my seventh time I've watched it again. It is fun and great at the same time.

Unlike the previous two Thor films, which are Thor (2011) and Thor: The Dark World (2013), Thor: Ragnarok has a very different (and weird) feel like the movie isn't just a very serious mood but the movie is somewhat entirely comedy and colorful. Although, there are a lot of ends and death words mentioned, but the film doesn't want use to focus on the risk that Asgard cannot be saved.

Loki has a great character development here since The Avengers (2012)... from a genocide trickster into a guy who loves watching theaters. He have journeyed during his status as a dead or missing character, and from those invasions and tricks he have caused, he seemed learned the value of leadership (of at least worse to better). In the end, he decided to help evacuate Asgard citizens away from Hela and become a good person for Thor.

The film really ended in a honorable happy-ending way... but everything screwed up in Infinity War.
Just re-watched Spider-Man 2. It still is one of the best superhero films of all time. Certainly holds up even now and is better than a lot of other overrated superhero movies like Nolan's Batman films. Has a lot of heart and isn't a gritty, bleak superhero movie nor a comedic, flashy CGI infested superhero blockbuster. It's a movie that stands out a lot with its fantastic cast, narrative and action sequences that also hold up very well.
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I watched Before I Fall a week ago. I've watched it so many times now, it's such a wonderful movie. An even better book.

It's the type of movie I could watch 100 times over. I highly recommend it.
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Me and my friends went to see Winchester the other day and we had the entire cinema to ourselves. Despite the poor reviews, it was actually a decent movie with a few jumpscares.
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Saw Infinity War a while back. It was ok o:
[PokeCommunity.com] What was the last movie you watched?

Onibaba. This is the craziest movie, and I mean that in a good way. Its a creepy film, a drama/thriller about a desperate family living through war who rob and kill strangers who cross their paths for literally the clothes and goods on their backa. This movie probably couldn't have even been made in the west at that time, there's sex, murder, cannibalism. Its such a surreal and nightmarish situation that soon the line between stark reality and horror get blurred, and there may be a real demon among them...its spooky. You should see it. Its worth 5 stars.

[PokeCommunity.com] What was the last movie you watched?
I just watched Deadpool 2 I liked it a lot. Very self-aware and just casually broke the 4th wall. I was hoping to see more of Shatterstar though. (I have the biggest crush on Lewis Tan like *screams*).
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