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News: What we learn from the Mid-Stage Starter Evolutions

Good to see some in-depth stuff here. The link to the leaked final stages are definitely proving to be real as we all seem to notice.
I <3 Torracat! I hope that the final for Litten is fire-dark with good fighting moves. be good competitively that way
I LOVED Rowlet when it was first announced - it was the cutest thing I had ever seen! This Dartrix thing looks like it has potential for a nice stage two evolution, but I don't personally like this stage... I'll be giving my Rowlet an everstone, haha.

Popplio is another one that I really liked, but I Brionne looks terrible... Definitely the worst of of this three stage-one evolutions.

Torracat is the best looking out of the bunch! I didn't like Litten much, but Torracat is hyping me up for the next stage! :)
I like Torracat the most. It looks elegant and fierce, and can be cute too. Let's hope it evolves into a badass Fire/Dark type!

Dartrix also looks pretty nice. I love how it can do funny things with its eyebrows.

I'm not as positive about Brionne, though. Before, only the ears were weird, but now the whole Pokemon looks weird. I hope the final evo will look better, but even so, I'm not picking this thing.
Torrocat is awesome, definitely a good follow up to Litten.
Dartrix is a good improvement from Rowlet. Pretty cool looking.
Brionne is turrible. I know which starter I definitely won't choose.
Still putting my money on branched evolutions due to them sharing a secret with Rockruff. I also don't think Dartrix could become an archer, but I could be wrong there.

-> Dartrix -> Magician/Ringleader/Dapper Owl
-> Archer Owl -> Leaked Evolution

-> Torracat -> Leaked Evolution
-> Fire Cat -> Fire Tiger

-> Brionne -> Leaked Evolution
-> Clown Seal -> Clown Seal
Dewott's scalchops evolve into Samurott's helmet, so there's really no reason why Torracat's bell can't evolve into Litten3's belt. The designs are as good a confirmation as any.

It has a strong punch, which can bend iron bars and knock out large men with a single blow!
There's also this piece of information.
Dewott's scalchops evolve into Samurott's helmet, so there's really no reason why Torracat's bell can't evolve into Litten3's belt. The designs are as good a confirmation as any.

There's also this piece of information.

If we have another Fire/Fighting Starter I'm done with Pokemon :))
3 Fire/Fight , 1 Fire/Psy , now is Dark's turn to shine.

Rowlet and his family will keep the Grass/Fly type , no only the design can surprise us.

Andd.. I'm pretty sure Popplio's family will get a Fairy Type.

The thing I'm most afraid is the only Fairy Triangle Possible
Popplio -> Water/Fairy
Litten -> Fire/Fighting
Rowlet -> Flying/Steel , maybe if he is an archer, arrows are made of steel , iron and things.
Now that Caeethil mentions it, I do think it's very interesting how the starters' "secret" hasn't been revealed yet. It's still up in the air as to whether or not they'll actually receive split evolutions like Rockruff does.

I agree, it is weird how we know Rockruff's secret, but not the starters like it was previously mentioned. I did hear there was a translation error that led people to believe Rockruff and the starters shared a secret, and I do feel that branched final evolutions for starters is going to be weird because of starters usually following a traditional straightforward evolution path.

There are also features each of the middle evolutions here shares with the leaked final evolutions:

  • Dartrix has triangle-like markings on its wings similar to the leaked final evo, while its tail feathers went from one on Rowlet, to two on Dartrix. The leaked final evo has three tail feathers.
  • Torracat has the flame sac on its neck that would essentially become the belt on its leaked evo, along with Torracat's front legs becoming more buff which fits with the buffed arms on the leaked final evo.
  • Brionne has its frills in the middle of its body, while Popplio has its frill on its neck. The final evo has the frill now further down, and the "pearls" in its hair resemble Brionne's ears. Popplio's line also has the frill act as a type of clothing - Popplio's is a collar, Brionne's is a dress, and the leaked fina; evo's frills are at the top and bottom of its "mermaid" tail.
With these new mid staged evolutions revealed, I am totally torn between choosing Rowlet and Popplio.

I'm still leaning more towards Rowlet like I was before, mainly because of the Grass/Flying type it has which has a lot of potential competitively as well as it has a lot of promise towards an impressive move pool. Rowlet has a lot of potential to it, and I'm really excited to see what it can become.

Popplio interested me originally only for one reason. It's a solid Water type. I love solid Water pokemon, it's my number one favorite type. However I personally did not like Popplio's design, it just seemed goofy and wonky looking to me, it reminded me of a clown, and i really dislike clowns. However, with the reveal of Brionne... it's beautiful and elegant looking, which is a complete 180 from Popplio's design, and on top of that, it's still a solid Water type. So I feel torn between it and Rowlet.

I think I'm going to stick to my original choice of Rowlet, but there's still some time before I know for sure.
I have updated the article to speculate briefly on those leaks (while stressing they still aren't fully confirmed). I've also earlier updated that we still don't know about that secret CoroCoro told us about.
It seems that, from most of the replies from people who are still on the fence between starters, that we'll have to wait until final evolutions are officialy revealed for people to really make up their minds. o.o

While it's pretty much believed the leaked final evolutions art is legit, I am still going 50-50 in case if they don't turn out real or have an alternate form. But we know the final evolution is usually always the deciding factor in the starter choice, even if we usually have to wait until game release to know for sure.
It seems that, from most of the replies from people who are still on the fence between starters, that we'll have to wait until final evolutions are officialy revealed for people to really make up their minds. o.o

It makes the most sense though... they're going to be in their final stages the longest. Not the middle evolution, so the finals are arguably the most important.
I always knew I'd be choosing Rowlet when I got S/M but at least these reveals have reinforced that. Dartrix looks posh af. Don't mind Torracat's design, but I'm not loving the name. And Brionne? Nah. Bleugh.